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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I'm curious @madmole, what would you say is your single most favorite addition/feature/change of A18? Personally I'm going to have to say the reworked perk system, but I haven't even tried it yet.


And while we're at it, MF report?


Schematics. Giving me the freedom to grind and find vs buying stuff in a perk menu is awesome. Its so rewarding waiting and finding what you wanted, and frustrating when you can't find it.


Books are a runner up, always a treasure trove to find a new one.


100 hours in I have 7/7 on one 6/7 on a few, and 5/7 on the rest. So its a deep looting game now which is great.


Perks not having level gates is great too, characters strong when you specialize, adequate with a little perks spent feels great to me.

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Altho you make alot of sense and this is probably a good simplification. My gut tells me people will miss the downgrading block aspect as it gives a sense of fear that the zombies are about to get in. 😅


With proper downgrade models/decals it would be great.

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Until you harvested everything. I'm kind of thinking of making dukes smelt so all that late game money = brass.


It makes sense to me. Late game you would only be using them to buy bullets anyway. It kinda kills two birds with one stone actually because it keeps the Dukes relevant even when there is very little left you need to buy.

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


in all honesty... it needs an equal amount of both. Some of the people who were innovators were also very bad people who abused the working class in order to make that money.


Nazi's were bad guys, but if you teach only the benefits they made to medicine, they could come out looking like good guys.


People need lessons on both what to do as well as what NOT to do. else we end up with worse money grubbing abusers than we do now. which would lead to worse social disorder.

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I was hoping you would stick with this build another horde night or two to see later game balance.. we used to always see shortages of brass for ammo, and not enough time between horde nights to repair, collect materials, and produce ammo, let alone explore and loot. After say 120 or so it was no longer sustainable, and I used scrap buildings for horde nights insteads of the base.


Thats going to be a GREAT improvement, well worth the a18 delay for!


It wouldn't mind continuing, but it would be doing an injustice to perception and intellect builds which AFAIK are amazing or suck balls. Probably the latter since I have zero hands on. I've improve the fort build as I went, when something is lacking that really want I just stop playing, add it, and resume.

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hi madmole, is it possible that glass could be used for offensive or defensive purposes in the future? something we talked with Roland, if im not wrong, is the possibility of making explosive traps with glass shards or something like that, or reinforcing walls with glass shards.

wire traps could be good as well, per example the typical traps that impale the enemies when the wire is cut.


also, i dont know if its just me, but, are the mines bugged? cause i already tried to blow up some zeds using them, but it didnt make any effect , was on a multiplayer server.


i hope you answer :D


Mines have been recoded afaik. Glass bombs just feel like more of the same, so probably not. I have to tons of scrap iron, why mess with glass?

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One thing I would definitely cover about the holocaust was the Nazi's burning of books... the same with the Catholic Church during the Dark Ages. If you can eliminate the sources of knowledge, it keeps people stupid and easily controlled. If you destroy a civilization's history, you can rewrite it in your favor. Yes, this post doubles as an argument for the importance of history and the importance of education.


And then spawned the era of "fake news". Maybe that has been going on since the beginning.

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It makes sense to me. Late game you would only be using them to buy bullets anyway. It kinda kills two birds with one stone actually because it keeps the Dukes relevant even when there is very little left you need to buy.


Yeah although 100 hours in I only have 5k sitting around. There is always another book and I buy every 762, lead, brass etc that comes my way.

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Yeah although 100 hours in I only have 5k sitting around. There is always another book and I buy every 762, lead, brass etc that comes my way.


Oh I'm sure... but, having this in mind, you might have made a bigger farm, set extra things to craft in the bench, or perhaps you may have put more focus on keeping a steady flow of concrete production to sell for more dukes. As long as you had the bullets and enough for the next book, you were set.

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Yes grade school is useful, I must have forgotten to say HIGH SCHOOL HISTORY.


Of course civilizations are build on the shoulders of previous work. None of that has to do with high school history classes, which teach nothing useful. I at least learned some useful skills in high school and took mechanics, welding etc once I got that bs out of the way.


I'm saying finance, speaking classes, computer basics, relationship with peers and romance would be 1000x more useful than knowing who was the 34ths president, who invented electricity (who gives a crap, turning on a light switch is all you need to know and was lbd by every 2 year old on the planet alredy). Wars over tea... who cares? How is that preparing me for my first job interview or helping me decide what to do with my life?


All it takes is one good teacher. Yes, 90% of teachers in high school is crap. It's Sturgeon's Law: 90% of _everything_ is crap. But you make places where if there's someone exceptional, exceptional things can happen. Teachers on fire don't render everything mechanical, they're better than that. But there just aren't that many of them. There can't be. But you're arguing "I never got the good stuff so let's burn it all down so nobody else ever does" here.

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Well instead of learning about the holocaust, I'd cover it, but spend more time teaching about famous inspirational speakers, inventors, how someone started a business and created 1000's of jobs and transformed a poverty stricken area into a robust community, etc. Inspirational positive history, not tragedy and "what not to do".


Well, I definitely agree, History shouldn't simply be a study of everything we've screwed up in the past, we'd raise a generation of suicidal depressives if we did that - hehe. And I also agree, school should definitely teach more "functional" subjects that actually prepare kids for the big bad wide world out there, that expects and requires (well, mostly) that you make your own way through it, off the fruits of your own labour. But even when History has to touch on the darker side of human nature, it can still point out the good as well as the bad (there was at least one German solider in one of the camps imprisoned for refusing to participate in what was going on for example, and a few others who actively tried to help).


I also think school should teach civics too, get kids to understand the privileges of a democracy, but also the duties people ought to have to it, cause a big fraction of the world has to live under much less savoury types of government.

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I like Skyrims, but we didn't have time for a fancy GUI. What we have works, I don't like locking players out of better locks. We'll probably need to polish it during 18, its kind of a stub right now.


Yeah, you got a good point; locking players (pun not intended) out of a feature and forcing them to spend points in a particular perk is what A18 is trying to move away from in the first place. Lol


But I would guess that faster/quieter lockpicking (maybe a small chance for the lockpick to not break/not be consumed) would be beneficial enough. (:

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MM - I see the thought of wanting to make glass traps of some sort. That being, giving it more of a reason to be saved/scavenged. I accidentally get broken glass in my inventory, it is immediately tossed out. It is only usefully for making cute windows...literally. Even an empty can is saved to make oil. Not so much with glass. Do we need an alternative use for glass? No, but it might give it more worth/value in the game. Glass spikes, spread glass shards to trigger if something is walking outside (hear the glass crunch), glass knife, or some other alternative reason to have it.


It's just an idea, but maybe give you something to ponder and decide if it is worth adding to the game. I can live without it for sure. There has to be a balance within the game and simplicity is great in most areas, but giving us more to do helps feed the OCD...

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