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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Its not bad, we just want to polish everything. I trimmed up the tutorial so your not doing so many redundant things.


Ooh, goody, I have strong opinions on this. :D I'll limit it to three thoughts, though.


  • The bedroll shouldn't be first. Respawning in the same spot isn't good for much until you've been there long enough to do something: to have created something worth coming back to. Telling the player to put it down before they've 'started a base' discourages them from trying a different, potentially more suitable spawn point if the first one led to death.
  • Making clothes should be last. You have a buff against temperature extremes until you level up, and by then you'd expect to be done with the tutorial. Pragmatically, getting killed by a zombie is the most immediate threat, so the player should make weapons, then sedentary stuff, and worry about the elements last.
  • Lastly, I don't think players learn as much as they could from the tutorial, because they don't bother reading the journal. For ComSenMod, it's a little hacky but I changed the names of the quests to e.g. "Craft a Stone Axe (Press O for help)". I believe a little change like this, where instructions for how to get more help stay on screen during the tutorial, will help new players a lot.

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Source of said tout? I said memory usage was way down, which is a true statement. That doesn't mean performance though.


If memory usage doesn't bring performance down, then practically that has no up selling to community. Yes for new customer it is, but for nerds here, it makes no difference.. And Though I agree with most comment on FPS been down, For me on my Potato laptop it came from early 30 FPS to 18 FPS at A17 launch, but raise to 25 FPS for 17.4 .. But I didn't really notice it been slow for me. I had 16 Zed on horde night goes pretty well for my game style.


Though I can love to have better graphics someday, when performance improves.

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I have no problem with games having hard areas or get hard late game, but difficulty learning and if your spending 80% of your time scrounging for oxygen/life support when your advanced enough to have flying ships and can craft laser mining guns... then surely basics of survival wouldn't be such a chore. I mean make the game hard where it matters. Its like they wanted to hide their shallow worlds by making you scrounge for oxygen constantly. I'd rather explore and kill enemies then kill plants.


I got that reference...


That game is also hard to get into initially.

But it's not really a survival game. It more a building game.

7days is a building game aswell, in my opinion, but its heavier on survival and definitely FPS where 7days wins hands down...

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Kage had a video showing how to set them up and keep them repaired. Mine lasted all night on horde night 56 without any problem with only a couple repairs.


Electric fence only takes damage on the last fence. So if you out the last fence in a place to be repaired you can repair it easy. Just have a relay on the outside running a separate wire to each fence, then that fence to the second fence near you, so you can repair it. Works great.


Also that baton sounds useless 😉

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Fall apart in 5 seconds on horde night?




I'll be flat honest I haven't used electricity in A17. I think I got one light up and running and quit. I'll give electricity a balance pass at some point.


What I meant was it will play the shock graphics and do some kind of stun to most zeds I'm sure.

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Meaningful mechanics that are connected and gives the player a goal yes!

But I would be careful with introducing thing like "lore" ore a detailed backstory in a sandbox game.

It can easily overdefine the world, and replaces the free imagination each player personally has about what might have happened in this universe.


So I would not tell a specific reason of why the player-avatar is there, and what was the cause of the apocalypse. (there could be some diffuse hints, but not a long detailed narrative about characters and events that nobody cares about).


It should be up to the imagination of everyone what the story and the world is.

I'm going to flat out disagree here, Fallout 4 is full of interesting npcs with a back story, and the lack thereof is why Fallout 76 sucks.


I don't care for pre defined player characters as much though. They can be ok, but kind of remove ability to role play as much which reduces replay value.

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I read an article about how people should try to reinvent themselves every 6 months. So the Ouch we knew 6 months ago is not the same as the Ouch we know today. To me that's a bit extreme, I did tend to shift careers every 10 years outside of gaming. Gaming has so many interesting problems there is never full mastery of it, so it never gets boring like other fields did.


Not me....i had the best job in the world...i loved going to work..every day was something different and every day was an adventure. Sure my health has been affected in a not so pleasant way from several of those days.. but i would do it all over again given the oppurtunity.

9-11-01 all gave some , some gave all

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The baton seems like it would be more useful as a mod. With a dot effect like the fire mod for melee weapons, but electricity instead.

Otherwise I feel like it will be forgotten/unused like the blunderbuss.


You’re operating on the assumption that A18 perk system will be like A17 which it won’t. Madmole said that the taser will be the Intellect build melee weapon so it will be useful for those who specialize into intellect.


As has been mentioned all weapons and the ability to craft them at higher quality and possibly even to craft the ammo for them will be different than it now is. Some will be unlocked by perking into Strength, others into Perception, others into Agility, etc. No longer will crafting be completely controlled by Intellect.


I just hope it is a powerful melee weapon that is a lot of fun to use, very rare to find, and only unlocked deeply enough into intellect that the player actually does have to choose to specialize in order to get it.

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Will it be necessary to change batteries in this weapon, or is the charge everlasting?


Still need to discuss all the smaller details. It might just have everlasting power otherwise if it ran out of ammo you would be totally defenseless and the idea is melee.

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I'm going to flat out disagree here, Fallout 4 is full of interesting npcs with a back story, and the lack thereof is why Fallout 76 sucks.


I don't care for pre defined player characters as much though. They can be ok, but kind of remove ability to role play as much which reduces replay value.


Its just to bad FO4 had content the size of an ocean with the depth of a mud puddle. Interesting NPCs but a boring story. 76 was a tragety, instead of just working on giving us starfield faster they gave us that pile of poop. Now if you guys could implement having a settlement like in FO4 that would be neat.

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I got that reference...


That game is also hard to get into initially.

But it's not really a survival game. It more a building game.

7days is a building game aswell, in my opinion, but its heavier on survival and definitely FPS where 7days wins hands down...


So far I haven't found any reason to build other than the quest told me to. There are no dangerous beings threatening me yet. I like how 7 days even with no story has sufficient game mechanics to keep players engaged a long time.

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Electric fence only takes damage on the last fence. So if you out the last fence in a place to be repaired you can repair it easy. Just have a relay on the outside running a separate wire to each fence, then that fence to the second fence near you, so you can repair it. Works great.


Also that baton sounds useless 😉


I'm sure it won't be, but the goal is to have melee and ranged weapons governed by every attribute so players can finally specialize. Not every melee under STR and every ranged under Per.

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I'll be flat honest I haven't used electricity in A17. I think I got one light up and running and quit. I'll give electricity a balance pass at some point.


What I meant was it will play the shock graphics and do some kind of stun to most zeds I'm sure.


What would be sick is if you guys added ideas from satifactory where you can have an assembly line of machines creating stuff

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The baton seems like it would be more useful as a mod. With a dot effect like the fire mod for melee weapons, but electricity instead.

Otherwise I feel like it will be forgotten/unused like the blunderbuss.


Its the INT guys weapon. It takes little strength or agility to be effective. I'm sure he'll have a perk that increases stun time/damage etc.

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Not me....i had the best job in the world...i loved going to work..every day was something different and every day was an adventure. Sure my health has been affected in a not so pleasant way from several of those days.. but i would do it all over again given the oppurtunity.

9-11-01 all gave some , some gave all


Were you a firefighter IRL in NYC?

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What would be sick is if you guys added ideas from satifactory where you can have an assembly line of machines creating stuff


Doing this in minecraft could be quite heavy for older computers. And due to the nature of the game, you could build an infinitely large factory which would evenutally crash your hardware.


IMO this is something we will only see through modding, cause it doesn't fit with the "upgrading performance" motto.


But i am first to download when it happens.

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