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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I'm honestly surprised that the PS5 will be a thing. Lol You know, what with the Cloud Gaming future looming over the horizon.


I'll be honest I have not followed any of the news for consoles ever since I had my PS4 stolen on my B-day 3 years ago lol.

Considering PS4 has cloud gaming already and as of 3 years ago it never really took off, I cannot imagine it will with PS5. I point towards backwards compatibility for the PS5 already having been announced a few days ago as evidence for this claim.

Then again I've been in the dark regarding consoles for 3 years so I'm probably wrong.

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I'll be honest I have not followed any of the news for consoles ever since I had my PS4 stolen on my B-day 3 years ago lol.

Considering PS4 has cloud gaming already and as of 3 years ago it never really took off, I cannot imagine it will with PS5.

Then again I've been in the dark regarding consoles for 3 years so I'm probably wrong.


I think the largest obstacles behind cloud gaming are the lack of Internet infrastructure, Internet caps, no exclusive deals, no correct business model as of yet (I'm looking at you, Stadia)... Yeah, come to think of it, I don't see cloud gaming taking over for a couple decades.


Welp, I'm about to start a No Crafting Challenge in A17.4. Wish me luck. :p

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That is an original idea, interesting very interesting.... *strokes beard while thinking*


The title says it all. No crafting whatsoever. (Minus vehicles, if you can find the appropriate parts, since otherwise it would be a No Vehicle Challenge as well; plus, you're not exactly crafting the vehicles, just assembling them.)

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Yes, mine could be the 1%, but it can happen. What we really need is comprehensive analytics hooked up to the game, so we can track everyone's experiences and not be guessing.


Animals are fine for sp. There are enough of them out there so if we kill them we can eat. What's the problem with that?


We see an animal, get off our bike, make sure zombies are not going to be an issue, kill animal, harvest and move on.


People have too much meat? Dont kill every animal you come across, I dont.


The alternative is to have to go looking for animals. That's not fun, like at all. Biking through the woods looking for animals to kill is boring af. Maybe you enjoy it? I dunno but from my point of view it's about the least interesting thing I could be doing.


Now you could argue, then just farm for your food, right? Yea I could do that, until the food police want farming nerfed next. We have too much corn, farming, pls nerf.

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The problem is imo that people don't think to use just an basic bandage to remove max damage bar so they can then heal.

Have seen this on many youtubers videos and commented say use the basic bandage then eat or pills.

Once you know it is obvious, also max health damage could do with being a different colour as it is often hard to notice.

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Yeh they aren't cost effective imo; shotty turrets at least stun cops from puking.


I imagine the discrepancy is that when we shoot, we get headshots, but when turrets shoot, they just go for it... So because the difference between a headshot and not headshot is so great it's better to hand shoot.


Glad you're gonna take a look at them.


I have used both turrets alot. The auto turret simply uses too much brass, like WAY too much.


The shotgun turret is awesome though, headshots or not. I love them.

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A sample size of one (your experience) does not mean much. In my current game (also sample size one) I did not see a single animal from around day 4 to 8. I had zero food and was staving. Finally after wandering in the forest for a while I saw a deer and managed to kill it after having to chase it with my gimped stamina.


Randomness makes a huge difference in how people experience the game.


I notice that after a while there are fewer zeds and no animals, I have to exit the game to menu, and then reload my save. This seems to reset things and animals and zeds spawn again

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Nobody uses the auto turret. No one. If you have a game mechanic that no one is using, don't you think that's an issue?


Careful hommie do not speak for me and the other 99.99999999% percent of players. I do use Auto turrets, speak for yourself and not others.


- - - Updated - - -


Really, the only thing you nee to do is have the players MaxHealth slightly replenish overtime.


FYI there is a perk for that, its the first perk I invest in ;)

EDIT: nevermind misread Maxhealth. Simple bandages fix max health, is it really that hard to craft them? (laughing)

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I finally received my 7D2D mug. Looking gorgeous! :D


Mine is arriving today :)417.gif




@ZombieSurvivor Don't enter the military bases early on in the No Crafting Challenge... I just got a day 1 feral wight. XD


That sounds like a bug. I often turn the military base in to my base early game. I've never had that spawn in for me.....I might be thinking of the wrong zombie though.

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@ZombieSurvivor Don't enter the military bases early on in the No Crafting Challenge... I just got a day 1 feral wight. XD


Man, no crafting challenges aren't any fun for me. My wife and I have been doing that on our 7D2D Friday streams and not having bandages and proper food is rough. We got by food-wise with vending machines, but our search for medical supplies doesn't yield much. You start bleeding, it's not as simple as busting up a couch or tearing apart a shirt to get some bandages going.


Also, crafting stuff is almost muscle-memory for me at this point. I'm looking forwards more A18 to drop so we can drop that challenge and get back to exploring all the shiny new stuff A18 has to offer. Having made a fair number of them myself lately, I'm curious what new POI's the team has cooked up for us.

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Random question for the devs:


Is there any consideration for a spectator mode, or has the invisibility feature been worked on at all during A18 to include AI exclusion?


On some videos we've done, we setup a "camera man" character on my son's account to get a 3rd party view of the action for some nice cinematic shots. Problem is, on horde night the zombies keep going after him. We place the camera, detach, and move his body to a hidden location in god-mode. However, if it's in the ground some zombies dig for him and ignore us, if he's high up in the sky they bust down things trying to climb up.


Anyway, since a lot of features have had some touch-ups along the way during A18 development, I have been hoping "invisibility" might be one of them since it seemed broken. (Ideally, it would also exclude said character in game stage calculations for POIs and horde nights, but that's more of a wish-list thing)

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So I've read the first couple of pages and the last couple of pages, but not the hundreds in the middle...so I apologize in advance if that has already been asked, but...


Will the workbench ever be made to combine items again? That was the only real thing I liked about A16 and was sad when it was removed.


- - - Updated - - -


Also, is there going to be better control for server admins? It would be fantastic to have an official server manager like Ark has.

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Random question for the devs:


Is there any consideration for a spectator mode, or has the invisibility feature been worked on at all during A18 to include AI exclusion?


On some videos we've done, we setup a "camera man" character on my son's account to get a 3rd party view of the action for some nice cinematic shots. Problem is, on horde night the zombies keep going after him. We place the camera, detach, and move his body to a hidden location in god-mode. However, if it's in the ground some zombies dig for him and ignore us, if he's high up in the sky they bust down things trying to climb up.


Anyway, since a lot of features have had some touch-ups along the way during A18 development, I have been hoping "invisibility" might be one of them since it seemed broken. (Ideally, it would also exclude said character in game stage calculations for POIs and horde nights, but that's more of a wish-list thing)


I noticed this on neebs gaming video that Adhop (cameraman) was counted for plane drops and on your hoard night at the top of character Poi build. Hopefully it will get fixed.

Love Not a Gamer gaming channel you guys are funny and instructive.

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I have used both turrets alot. The auto turret simply uses too much brass, like WAY too much.


The shotgun turret is awesome though, headshots or not. I love them.


I agree.. but a18 has more plentiful brass, so hopefully that it is balanced now. I recall quitting a17 (I think) on guppy's server because around day 120 or so I couldn't keep up with ammo production because of the lack of brass, and repairs to the base just too most of the following week.


I spent the last horde night in a disposable rubble skyscraper because I didn't want to repair the base yet again.


...and it felt stupid to have built a base and not be able to actually use it.

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Really? Everybody is just going to ignore the two Smiley situation??? o_o

Allright... but don't come to me if you get swept away by the hypewave!


With 90 MF yesterday, I'm not thinking we'll see it drop until 2nd week Sept. Thats 3 weeks away, and nothing to get hyped about now.

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