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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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After catching up my biggest takeaway is that we can no longer use “DP” because we won’t be able to tell if someone is talking about “death penalty” or “death punishment”.




Does it matter???


Also it could stand for dumb pun. ;)

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Maybe A19 we can make some other beds besides bedrolls work and possible benefits to being near them, like recovery perk or heal faster.


I was thinking about that last night with the books. Instead of reading right there, right when you find the book (who can do that lacking the luxuries of sitting down, relaxed?) take it home, read it at night where you might be able to get a higher XP because you're more comfortable in your palace.

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It's coming to A18 yet. He's one of those 75 MF's.


Cool! Hang on...so, if something that was already in content lock is being redesigned, can that mean the other 70 odd bugs are also redesigns like 'redesign water for boats', 'redesign food for spoilage', 'rejig the world for 16k'? Lol

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Was just talking today about making a book bound in human flesh you open and a nasty horde comes, if you survive it, you get Ash's Legendary chainsaw and shotgun.


Please do this. I don't care what the objections might be, that right there is pure fun.

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Please do this. I don't care what the objections might be, that right there is pure fun.


Things like this cause an uptick in viewership across various media platforms. Just think of the titles and thumbnails on youtube. It also draws more attention from non owners of the game. Getting more virgin eyeballs to see their product. Easter eggs are a good marketing tactic.

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Yes, China is our 2nd biggest market.


Sales or number of players?


Software piracy was a cultural norm in China that is just beginning to be changed. China's leaders are seeing the negative impact corruption has on the economy and have been trying for years to stomp it out.

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Sales or number of players?


Software piracy was a cultural norm in China that is just beginning to be changed. China's leaders are seeing the negative impact corruption has on the economy and have been trying for years to stomp it out.


One copy, two million players lol.

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Oh yeah lets make a bunch of craftable model entities that animate and cause 1000000m draw calls so you guys can break your game and complain about it.


EDIT: Sorry if that sounded sarcastic but we need to protect you guys from poor FPS. Animated models are expensive and cause draw calls.


I wasn't really suggesting to make it animated (like drawbridges), I had another thing in mind, blinds being 2 blocks high, like when you press "E" to "use" them, the bottom part would disappear in order to simulate that I rolled them up and only the top part remains and when use them again, the bottom part appears again.


At least make some craftable window blinds, since you already got a blind model in the game and make it be pickable just like wood frames, so I can take them or put them whenever I want, wherever I want.


I got nothing against it, it was a simple question. If that is what you think it's best, then so be it, go for it. I'm not going to be butthurt or mad like a lot of people here on this forum, but at least think about my suggestion, it was my fault that I wasn't too specific about how they work. You don't even have to do it for A18 either...it can be A18.1, A19 maybe...

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Insert obligatory "When's a18 going to come out, I want to start a new game!" post...


Kidding, of course. My peeps and I are ankle deep into a sorcery mod game, but I do want to make this prediction:


Streamers will have it 8/16.


Before school starts for sure. After school starts, I think parents would resist any game buying until their kids show good grades. :)

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"New Demolisher zombie.Rigged with explosives he will plow through spike traps and explode when he reaches your walls. Shoot him in the flashing sweet spot to detonate him before he gets too close."


Ohh great we already have zombies that eat concrete walls as if they were made of cheese, Zombie underground homing torpedoes and now we are going to have Zombie suicide jockeys with explosive vests?


Walls are practically useless as it is already. Just go watch how many youtubers are all about cheesing the zombie AI nowadays. :jaded:


Why do we bother with any kind of a building system! :crushed:


I don't even care what the DEMO zombie does, but the second I take over a day to fix my normal base, its back to cheesing the system again.

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I don't even care what the DEMO zombie does, but the second I take over a day to fix my normal base, its back to cheesing the system again.


I don't mind if it takes longer to get the base ready for battle again. In A16 it always took me a whole day to repair the base and prepare it for the next horde. It takes a while to place 700-900 wooden spikes. :)


But what would bother me about this zombie would be if he exploded no matter what you do. You can kill the cop before he explodes and thus prevent the explosion or you can get to safety in time. Something like that would also be desirable for the demolition zombie.

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There are pockets craftable on day 1 for clothing that remove 1. Ones that remove 2 are available via book, as well as the standard armor pockets 17 had.


You read books immediately when you find them, you don't carry them around unless you are desperate for money. I take the XP, 100 dukes isn't worth it.


Your lucky if you find 3 in one day IMO, there just isn't any book cases anywhere to be found and most the time I get paper. I buy mine from traders most the time. I'm 40 hours into this game and I don't have hardly any books unlocked. I am not going to knee jerk over a bad game though. They aren't needed and some people will find 15 in one day if they get the right book POI, I have one tiny crack a book in my world so far.


We also removed a whole row of encumbrance, so I get by with my pockets and 1-2 ranks of pack mule just fine. Once I find more triple pockets I should be fully un encumbered.


I don't want to be the guy criticizing something he hasn't even tested yet but doesn't that seem a bit low ? 40 hours into a single playthrough is quite some time, if you have hardly any books by that time do you consider buffing their loot % or the number of book cases in the world ?


All in all it's amazing to know that finding a crack-a-book will be that "YAY !" moment again like it used to be.

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I don't want to be the guy criticizing something he hasn't even tested yet but doesn't that seem a bit low ? 40 hours into a single playthrough is quite some time, if you have hardly any books by that time do you consider buffing their loot % or the number of book cases in the world ?


All in all it's amazing to know that finding a crack-a-book will be that "YAY !" moment again like it used to be.


I think madmole distinguishes between the books that give benefits and the schematics you know from A16. In A18 there seems to be both. You can either make an auger if you have the corresponding perk or if you find and learn the schematic.

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I don't mind if it takes longer to get the base ready for battle again. In A16 it always took me a whole day to repair the base and prepare it for the next horde. It takes a while to place 700-900 wooden spikes. :)


But what would bother me about this zombie would be if he exploded no matter what you do. You can kill the cop before he explodes and thus prevent the explosion or you can get to safety in time. Something like that would also be desirable for the demolition zombie.


To kill the Demo Zombie, you need to shoot him... in the flashing... sweet spot...


Now if some Las Vegas jackpot sounds happen when you do... I just couldn't play again.

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To kill the Demo Zombie, you need to shoot him... in the flashing... sweet spot...


Now if some Las Vegas jackpot sounds happen when you do... I just couldn't play again.


What if it yelled out, "Yatzee!" or "You sank my Battleship!" ? :party:


Seriously though; what if, on the occasions you successfully 'disarm' the bomb, there was a decent chance of C4 dropping as loot?

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To kill the Demo Zombie, you need to shoot him... in the flashing... sweet spot...


But according to the description, he only explodes prematurely if you do this. It does not prevent him from exploding.

And I don't want the area around the base to become a crater landscape.

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