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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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I don't care about which attribute governs what.. I just want to see a darn video!


We haven't had a single one yet for A18, right?


Well I caught a post from MM above saying it's pretty much ready for experimental, with that in mind I rather have my mitts on that instead. 😁

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Soooooo, I'd like to ask what happened to "no more 1 year wait for next alpha release" thing?

Because working on A17 for 10 months and then releasing A18 2 months later is still 1 year wait in my book.


I'm completely confused as to what and when to expect?

More A17 versions? A18? How many more months? What happened to the claim it won't take a year again?

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I feel from enough posts that we are confident that each perk has been balanced from a combat perspective across each ability. I believe what people are worried about is that they are not balanced for other game mechanics. Harvesting is a core game function and should be balanced in the same way. STR = more block damage, AGI = faster hitting, INT = more resources, ect. What I would love to see is also tier 1, 2, and 3 of each crafting station be tied to a perk, so that if you only spend a point, you can craft a campfire, but if you max that ability you can craft smokers and later an oven to cook better food with. STR 3 = wood fired forge, STR 5 = gas powered blast furnace, ect. Really speciallizing each attribute. I can put 3 points into everything to do everything just ok, but if i want the best mats i need to specialize.


I really like the idea of crafting stations tiers. And if it would be tied more into building specialized rooms that would be EPIC. Like for example chemistry - starting with campfire, then chemistry station and than for the best recipes you would need to create laboratory, that would be totally enclosed, have ventilation and specialized heat requirements (you cannot have forges nearby). These incentives to build specialized rooms would be nice. Higher end recipes would require you to increase the size of your base and would need more fortifications.


Or kitchen, where high end crafting station would be stove. Each kitchen block (fridge, cupboards, sink, ) neaby would then increase the crafting speed or nutrition of the produced item.

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Well I caught a post from MM above saying it's pretty much ready for experimental, with that in mind I rather have my mitts on that instead. ��


ah but... you are hearing about some things that work... :) and again... he is expressing his opinion and did not state that it is 100% ready or you would be playing (i mean testing it) right now. :) right? :)


still some needed balancing IMHO happening. we want those "oh" "ah" moments and not those damn "this isnt right" i quit...


hang in there... we are sure a lot of people will give it a try and actually like it.

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Soooooo, I'd like to ask what happened to "no more 1 year wait for next alpha release" thing?

Because working on A17 for 10 months and then releasing A18 2 months later is still 1 year wait in my book.


I'm completely confused as to what and when to expect?

More A17 versions? A18? How many more months? What happened to the claim it won't take a year again?


They said no more 1 year wait when they started this post. Capturamm.jpg.c02c1a4ecfd8a5658336d7b664e6749f.jpg

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Speaking of car mods, will dye work eventually work on vehicles too? there is this dance we always have to do in front of the base to figure out which one is ours. assuming the vehicles wouldnt be able to go faster due to loading/performance issues?


Possibly, I'm not to keen on wholesale tinting so I'd like to make the tech to mask out various bits of it so the rust/dirt/dash/seat/engine doesn't turn bright pink.

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More questions for Madmole/TFP/GOD itself :


1- Is food spoilage on the radar or is it scraped for good? It would be VERY very nice to have it and to be able to build fridges and stuff late game for preserving stuff forever. I know that putting a timer on stuff strains the bigger stuff, but stuffing stuff in the good stuff shouldn't make the whole stuff worse, but better stuff overall.


2- Torches. Unending torches are simple and work, but they feel unaesthetic and lame along the way for those of us who hate generators. Here's the suggestion:


High tech LED torch that lasts forever without input energy and is made out of a bulb light, electrical parts, iron bar,plastic and a battery? Quite difficult to obtain those ingredients but I would LOVE the luxury of having a fitting eternal lightsource, for a price.


Whadcha think?


Food and light management mini games do not excite me. 1, Balance, 2, They produce some heat map so there is incentive to get rid of them. There is a mining book you find that lets you craft lanterns.

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Guest Rassilon


There is a mining book you find that lets you craft lanterns.


I love you Mr. Beard.

can we please please please see some screenshots of said lanterns?

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hey madmole.

i cant recall if smell was coming back in a18?


also just faced my first 17.4 horde and they came at me from 3 sides. thats a first for me - was so used to one and a bit fronts that they nearly got in!


ive mentioned it before a long time ago, but with the new framework and all, any possibility of getting a hand held air horn / loud hailer so we can stand in the middle of those big derelict city blocks and call the zds out to play


No smell. There are means to get zombies to come, tnt, torches, campfires, etc all raise the heat map and get a screamer to come spawn a horde.

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Madmole any improvements regarding Z density/difficulty in larger cities? Still feel it shouldn't be a walk in the park day 1.


Very excited for all the rest, specifically the urge to loot through all the new stuff, the gun crafting system and the new perk tree!


Why would people think we are desperate to slow the game down further to give 2000 hour guys a challenge? Our goal with A18 is a smooth landing with potato's rejoicing, not the fps is still in the ♥♥♥♥ter.

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Speaking of car mods, will dye work eventually work on vehicles too? there is this dance we always have to do in front of the base to figure out which one is ours. assuming the vehicles wouldnt be able to go faster due to loading/performance issues?


In the meantime I recommend to build a parking lot with signs with the owner's name on them.

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Maybe because the torch is in one hand and the gun in the other hand is very logical? )))


Ok, so how do you reload or use a two handed weapon then? Shall we light you on fire when the torch clips through your arm? No means no for many obvious reasons, its a great design giving you incentive to find a better light, if you can use a torch on day 1 like a head or gun light source, you have end game functionality and no incentive to loot and upgrade.


You are asking for a boatload of work and it would take away more than it adds.

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You could achieve both by being unable to use iron sights and swing slower while holding torch. You also cannot use two handed items, so helmet light is still a HUGE upgrade.


Ok lets spend three months engineering all of that, changing every one handed animation to show the off hand torch, and then why can't I change weapons bugs coming in, and ugly reloads with a torch clipping. No thanks, it works as intended, you guys ask for stuff that would ruin the experience. We give people problems and tools to deal with it, use the tools and stop asking for features that make the game even easier and keep us from getting bandits, story and optimizations in.

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I wouldn't call it a sense of accomplishment. More a sense of relief. Walking along in the dark and I can't take a drink without extinguishing and unequipping my light source? It's a gameplay basic and a glaring omission IMO. Also, you can do it in Skyrim :p


Since you said a while back it was possible, you might as well go ahead and implement it...'cause you're never going to hear the end of it. Especially after gold and new people start picking up the game.


Skyrim avoids the issue as well, you instantly consume food in skyrim at the press of a hotkey, it doesn't change items.


Anything is possible, but this isn't something good for the game. Off hand torches are now officially off topic, we're not doing them so stop talking about it.

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One major problem is that TFP, in their infinite wisdom, decided to go with the second mouse button for a power attack instead of a long press of the first button. Shields were on the table until this was introduced, there was concept art for them.


Unless the mechanics are fundamentally changed the secondary weapon will be unusable, whether that be a torch, club, or rubber chicken.


Yes we do have infinite wisdom. You guys think game design is easy? Take a wild guess what happens when you press and hold the mouse button for power attack? You lose the ability to mine unless you want to tap tap tap tap tap tap... its getting old already. Tap, tap, tap... no thanks. People want to press and hold to mine, and not be forced into a power attack and be out of stamina when mining. There would also be a pause between each hit if you had to click it for each tap of the pickaxe unless you had perfect timing. It would take something that is enjoyable and relaxing and turn it into a ♥♥♥♥ show.

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You just ignored the bulk of my post and focused on "mods" for vehicles, which is confusing because it's the physical size of the 4x4 that causes it to not fit through the GARAGE door. Also how does that change how they like to destroy ramp pieces like those on a bridge when driving over them, or how they stall out on the standard ramp? And I don't really care about "fort pieces" as my big issue here is the fact that we can't build anything larger than a small hut or zombies spawn inside our bases as was the point of noting the size of the base I was building. Also I tried to standardize the size of my base around the land claim block size at max, as I figured it would block the inner area, which is why the inner wall is 54x54. How is building within the confines of a LAND CLAIM BLOCK too large? Why can't it force zombies to spawn outside of it? I'd really appreciate it if you'd acknowledge the issues with spawning as it seems counter to what the game leads you to believe is possible, alongside what you seem to be suggesting with your "multiple outer walls" comment.


I generally don't talk about stuff I don't know enough to talk about, so when people get ignored its because I don't have the correct answer.

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