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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

    • A18 Stable is Out!
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Awesome. It feels good to have the train back on the rails.


The 88% Approval rating ("Very Positive") for recent reviews is an additional feather in your hat. Now, just work on the 12% when there is time and who knows where 7D2D will be on the charts then! :D

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Na, people need to pay attention. Warning pop up boxes are annoying and in a game like this where there is no pause in menus it can get you killed. We could make stuff with mods unscrappable, that sounds like the best solution. Who would want to scrap a mod, let alone a gun with a mod in it.


pretty sure this is the case already, is it not?

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Before the days of traders and when guns were pretty rare we used to craft them to get started.


Might've been a mod back in A16.4, but at one point we were running around with nothing but blunderbusses because we could one-shot just about anything at close range, and god help you if you missed. That was great fun.


That said - and this will make one of my friends pretty annoyed - you should either remove it or remove double-barrels. Pump gun with 5-8 rounds for your Tier 2 is logical, but when there are semi-auto mag-fed shotguns in the world, not to mention the AA-12 is actually a thing that exists (full-automatic shottie), the fact that the best shotgun in the game is one so common it's in every cop car and a solid third of the homes in the US is a bit absurd.

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Na, people need to pay attention. Warning pop up boxes are annoying and in a game like this where there is no pause in menus it can get you killed. We could make stuff with mods unscrappable, that sounds like the best solution. Who would want to scrap a mod, let alone a gun with a mod in it.




...using the same method that not being able to upgrade because of missing materials uses... Weird noise and an icon.

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Wait what? Theres a section that shows only modifier stats? I've always looked at the what stats changed after adding each mod...😂


no, there is a part in your character panel that shows your "damage". It's the number modified by any bonuses you have, like from perks. AFAIk the gun damage actually doesn't account for those bonuses.


- - - Updated - - -


Lol, turn off creative then tell me the brush doesn't use paint...


oooh, that explains it. we usually play with creative on just because. It's an alpha we use it to help deal with things like bugs causing item loss

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I accidentally scrapped my fully modded blue junk turret today, during a loot run. When I figured out what I did, I wanted to puke. There really should be a warning that asks if you want to junk high value items.


and that is why we play with the creative menu on. you shouldn't be able to scrap a modded weapon

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Oh I see.

How do you communicate that to players though? It's easy to say you can't scrap something if it has mods, it's even easy to say if you scrap something with mods, you will lose them.

It is not easy to say, if you scrap something you will not lose your mods, but you will lose dyes in the cosmetics slot... but not other cosmetics, so need to worry about those.


I knew it!!!!! Therefore Illuminati!!!!!! 😂😂

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The other issue with the STR build is more global : he has absolutely no ranged specialization. Every other character has both melee and range power, the strength guy is a close quarter dude with no survivability. The more I think about it the more I think machine guns should be a STR specialization while shotguns should be for the tanky FORT build.


I like this idea



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@ MM / Robert


It only took me 3 years to get another release out :p. Alpha 18 compatible version of The Walking Dead Prison. Being able to create stuff like this is what will keep me coming back even after the game goes gold. Hope you guys enjoy. :)




Damn, you remade it ! That's awesome :first:

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@ MM / Robert


It only took me 3 years to get another release out :p. Alpha 18 compatible version of The Walking Dead Prison. Being able to create stuff like this is what will keep me coming back even after the game goes gold. Hope you guys enjoy. :)





Its ♥♥♥♥ting pants time

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Madmole, you said we should report cheap deaths, so:


I made a fresh world in newest EXP build and spawned near one of those barn POIs with the grain silo (that has haybales in the bottom). After taking some rough hits, I got my way over to the loot area and started grabbing the cobblestone/cement out the bags around. I then hopped to the hanging platform thingy outside the "window", harvested one of the bags and the whole thing collapsed, causing me to take near-death damage, which a wolf was waiting right where I fell down. It bit me instantly and I died. I want a refund now. Jk. Love you. Plz fix.

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Na, people need to pay attention. Warning pop up boxes are annoying and in a game like this where there is no pause in menus it can get you killed. We could make stuff with mods unscrappable, that sounds like the best solution. Who would want to scrap a mod, let alone a gun with a mod in it.


stuff with mods IS unscrappable atm.

if it has a mod in it the scrap option is greyed out. you have to fully remove the mods for it to be available again.


as soon as i find a decent item i plug some random mod in it from one of my other items just so i wont be able to accidentally scrap it. works great.

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