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Feedback for The Fun Pimps on Alpha 17


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Overall, the game zombies don't even feel like zombies anymore.




- They magically navigate and aim for the weakest blocks now instead of just going forward the shortest path to player, regardless of terrain/traps/whatever, scratch on the first wall/door you are behind, as you would have expect from a brainless zombie.


- Their block damage is so ridiculous now, that, as many players have noted, it is pointless to even try and play base defense game, as they melt concrete and vault doors like butter. Ways overtuned.


- They jump like crazy now, scale ladders, aimbot dig for the player who is mining 40-50 blocks below ground, and so on.




The original design was having zombies bang on your walls in 360 defense, with you pouring hammer and fire on their heads, which felt natural and was fun - now they all magically gangrape one block and jump over fences.


With the exclusion of base defense game now, 7 Days to Die has turned into a very bad zombie shooter, since there are much better games out for just that - e.g. Left 4 Dead, Resident Evil and Dying Light series, all having better graphics, better character tuning, even crafting and weapons modding, full voiceovers, complete storylines and quests.




I hope the developers will realize what they are doing wrong, and revert to the original concept of the game, which was primarily tower defense base building, or as many have simply stated, "adult Minecraft with zombies".


I understand that the developers did not like some players to go to bedrock just to stop being detected at all, but in reality - who ♥♥♥♥ing cares? If the person wants to play carebear style and minimize the risks of contact with zombies (as you would have expect from any sentient human in this situation, really) - let them have their peace and enjoy their mining game with occasional looting trips outside for some adrenaline.


I don't understand the developers vision of "play our way or ♥♥♥♥ off" as implemented in latest Alphas, and find it quite dumb and shortsighted.




With the core base defense/building part of the game being gone and irrelevant, there is nothing attractive about this game, compared to mentioned competition, at all at the moment.

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-Not enough Brass to fuel a working Ammo economy. Most ammo is bought from trader, some is found from looting, but never crafted. Brass is too limited and any brass you do find, has very little yield.




About brass xs, I have the opposite problem with lead. Well, in the new version there is an opportunity to make sleeves of steel. Yes, repair kits will have to be done more often, but in the end the cartridges will be


About servers and resources. Here you just need to find a server with a production update in 3 days. Then all the stones and cars will be restored.


Or if there are server contacts, then discuss it with him

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Overall, the game zombies don't even feel like zombies anymore.


Already many write about it) Including I wrote about it. But for some reason there is no feedback.


The house is a choice of two materials now, it is concrete and stone, until you get a level on concrete.


Zombies are not balanced like that. I play on medium difficulty. As a result, a full pumped up club vanshotaet ordinary zombies. But to kill radioactive, you need to spend 20 cartridge from the machine. Also in full kit. Many illogical problems with perks, and the like

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For underground, not moving is usually not a good idea. But there are two underground Easy peasy's:


1) Exploitive.

With a tunnel at bedrock around a trader. Walk-run around the trader all night, little to no damage to surface.




2) Semi-Exploitive.

Long straight tunnel at bedrock, with an overhead tunnel with 2-3 block gaps. Player uses frames to cross. Player just walks the upper tunnel if end is reached turn around and repeat. Some damage to surface.


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Quests rarely give you a reset PoI which offers a car.

Lowering the loot reset setting, does not respawn cars.


If we have to use a mod to fix the PROBLEM, then it IS a PROBLEM.


Yes, you mentioned that it is a problem. What I asked is for a solution that you think should be employed.

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Almost 6k hours. TFP; if you read only one comment read this next week.


First, I've put in nearly 5,800 (rounded up to 6k) hours into this game since A7 in July of '14.


A17 level progression is just grinding and killing zombies.


There is a difference between prolonging level gains and good game play. Slow progression doesn't equal good game balance. Yes, it should take awhile to level up so you can't just jump from server to server and play god with mortals, but as it stands it is out of the question to change from server to server or even from single player to multiplayer because the level progression system is so slow.


A17 is amazing. It's beautiful. The time it took to develop really shows, but let us have more freedom. Let US; THE PLAYER, decide what to specialize in. That is what 7DTD does that no other game does. Let the player chose their course. If they want to just build and craft their way into a new civilization; let them. If they want to kill every player and raid every base into submission? By all means. But please, let the player chose.


If nothing else. If NOTHING else. Remove the player level requirement.

That way players can chose which skills/perks to invest in and it will make multiplayer more fun because there will be a division of labor instead of everyone being required to commit to zombie-killing perks exclusively.

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If nothing else. If NOTHING else. Remove the player level requirement.


I don't know if TFP is going to remove the player level requirement for skills in 17.2 (personally, I'm not a fan of them either), but it is also very easy to mod them out if you're so inclined. No doubt, you'd find an xpath modlet for it in the Mod sections pretty quickly too (which would save the removal being overwritten by 17.2).

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I don't know if TFP is going to remove the player level requirement for skills in 17.2 (personally, I'm not a fan of them either), but it is also very easy to mod them out if you're so inclined. No doubt, you'd find an xpath modlet for it in the Mod sections pretty quickly too (which would save the removal being overwritten by 17.2).


I really wish "Mod it" would stop being a staple answer...its like there is no other mentality anyone else here has.


Reason why I say that is you can't just mod out things for multiplayer, (This is why most of us that play MP mostly play with default or increased difficulty so we are able to play on almost any server) which is a feature many of us enjoy far more than single player, in its current form mod it can be a solution for single player, but not for those of us that play online with others unless you host your own server, which costs money and time to maintain which reduces the "fun factor"

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Agree with OP. Though I'd like to see the core stats go away (keep for grouping, fine) and no longer gate on Int, Str, Perception, etc.


It bugs me to no end that I'm having to put 15 levels worth of skill points into Int to get roughly where I want to be crafting.


15 may not seem like much. But when you kind of are required to put 20+ levels into Stamina management (especially including base stats like Str), all of these "We'll, I want this, but I have to have that..." Make everything even more challenging.

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I dont think that leveling is slow in any way.

More the oppsite.


My opinion is more that the Difference between min and max is too large.

You simply need the perks.


A simple explanation

Why should i grind for 10 Hours Stuff i want to sell and then sell it with only 1 or 2 Points in Barter skill

I mean 200 Coins for a engine with no Skill and over 500 with a skill of 3 (hope my memory is correct)

Means i cant sell at all before i have at least perklevel 3, except i really really need the money


Understand me right. Its not so that it is too hard, its simply so that there is no really fluent gameplay


Have luck and find a decent auger from level 1-100 or start Mining at Level 100 direct with the best tool you will ever have

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I dont think that leveling is slow in any way.

More the oppsite.


My opinion is more that the Difference between min and max is too large.

You simply need the perks.


A simple explanation

Why should i grind for 10 Hours Stuff i want to sell and then sell it with only 1 or 2 Points in Barter skill

I mean 200 Coins for a engine with no Skill and over 500 with a skill of 3 (hope my memory is correct)

Means i cant sell at all before i have at least perklevel 3, except i really really need the money


Understand me right. Its not so that it is too hard, its simply so that there is no really fluent gameplay


Have luck and find a decent auger from level 1-100 or start Mining at Level 100 direct with the best tool you will ever have



A17 makes me miss RNG.

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I guess I am in the opposing camp on this subject. I think progression is too fast.


In my opinion the first experimental of alpha 17 was the best. I play with 2 others in my server and we end up resetting the server every 14 to 21 days because we are bored. I have started playing with mods to allow us more things to craft and more zeds to kill on horde night but by day 14 we are still just waiting around for horde night.

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I guess I am in the opposing camp on this subject. I think progression is too fast.


In my opinion the first experimental of alpha 17 was the best. I play with 2 others in my server and we end up resetting the server every 14 to 21 days because we are bored. I have started playing with mods to allow us more things to craft and more zeds to kill on horde night but by day 14 we are still just waiting around for horde night.


It starts off grindingly slow, then bursts exponentially and slows down towards the hardcap level.

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I really wish "Mod it" would stop being a staple answer...its like there is no other mentality anyone else here has.


Reason why I say that is you can't just mod out things for multiplayer, (This is why most of us that play MP mostly play with default or increased difficulty so we are able to play on almost any server) which is a feature many of us enjoy far more than single player, in its current form mod it can be a solution for single player, but not for those of us that play online with others unless you host your own server, which costs money and time to maintain which reduces the "fun factor"


As this very thread shows, some people think progression is too fast, some think it too slow - it's simply not possible for TFP to please everyone so, the answer "mod it in" has to be the legitimate answer when TFP's vision for the game differs from your own.


I myself don't like player level requirements on perks, and I've registered my dislike of them, and if enough people do, maybe TFP will reconsider, but until they do / if they do (I have no inside information on that), then "mod it in" is absolutely the right answer.

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The game has lots of room for late game options they are just not in the game yet. There are no tier 4 or tier 5 schematics among other things that are in the game that can't be crafted.


The fist day or two in a fresh game is the best as you "need" stealth. Once you find a good ammo supply and some OK weapons it becomes a thing of the past and you start leveling quick. Toss a pair of nerdy glasses in the mix and you are making some really good stuff before the first 7 day horde comes along.


17.2 is if I am correct going to allow us to vary the horde night? Now that could be fun! I just wish the devs would give us a progress report.

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For underground, not moving is usually not a good idea. But there are two underground Easy peasy's:


1) Exploitive.

With a tunnel at bedrock around a trader. Walk-run around the trader all night, little to no damage to surface.




2) Semi-Exploitive.

Long straight tunnel at bedrock, with an overhead tunnel with 2-3 block gaps. Player uses frames to cross. Player just walks the upper tunnel if end is reached turn around and repeat. Some damage to surface.


This is a dead-end and cycling problem, really.

Why player is doing that?

He doesn't want insane damage to his fort.

He doesn't want to spend 1 full game week just farming mats for repairs back-to-back with just another Blood Moon in repetitive cycle.

He does want to keep his carebear activities, exploring, looting, farming, mining, dealing with occasional wandering horde/screamer and in general having whatever fun he was having in the first place before the BM horde trashed his precious base to rubble.


So, as TFP keeps cranking up zombie block damage and super-intelligent base pathing/trashing AI, it only makes the problem more profound.


Maybe it's time to pull the head out of the sand, think about cause and effect, and actually balance out the situation so the wolves are fed and the sheep are relatively undamaged and more or less happy?


At the very least, take a deep look into current difficulty levels, and tie zombie intellect and sexual prowess to them directly in layers.

E.g. on Nomad, which is supposed to be the "default normal" setting, a zombie is not supposed to outdamage Auger-wielding player on a stone block, and is not supposed to act like a homing missile into weakest block of the entire structure.


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i honestly think that there are too many options for settings and too many play styles and not enough of people using their noodle.


i got caned good and proper, was suffering and grumping until i found the game settings i like. i am a causal single player. no mods. sounds like a tinder application!


for me max int is always goal #1. then i can pick up the level capped perks cheaply later on as they unlock. then again i play smart - get it? int = smart? nevermind...


ask yourself if you have tweaked all of the settings or not. i feel that there is enough lee way in the current options to tailor the game to most peoples liking - without mods. i would bet that once the new options become available in 17.2 we are going to have proportionally more complaints about balance.


remember also there will not only be more settings, ill bet more balancing has taken place to change some of the flavours as well.


excuse me, im going to get another vodka

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I guess I am in the opposing camp on this subject. I think progression is too fast.


In my opinion the first experimental of alpha 17 was the best. I play with 2 others in my server and we end up resetting the server every 14 to 21 days because we are bored. I have started playing with mods to allow us more things to craft and more zeds to kill on horde night but by day 14 we are still just waiting around for horde night.


Have to agree with this. I double the xp needed to level and we zoom though the levels on our server. And to the post above mod it works quite easy even on a multi player server.


And I agree 17.0 was much better then 17.1 even from a bug standpoint. They put to much focus on the Trader and we don't even use them on our server.

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Or not.


My friends and I just started a new A17 game, this time playing in Navaz because RWG misses out on so many of the new POIs. We're on day 12, we're almost level 50 (motorcycles YAY!) The level gating is NOT a problem. Nor have we felt the need to "grind" in any way. Besides the fact that if you really want to grind up levels all you need to do is mine. You don't need to just "grind and kill zombies."

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