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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. It doesn't make any actual changes other than the displayed Quality level when crafting. I set it up to be able to craft a Q8 pump shotgun which was shown in the crafting window. However, when I put it in my inventory, it was just a Q6 pump shotgun.
  2. Are you running any mods? Edit: The reason I asked is because I saw this happened in a world of mine after I uploaded a new mod into the game that I was playing. The mod had nothing to do with POIs, but it did turn one of the POIs into something similar in your picture. Not saying that this is your issue, but it was something that struck out at me this morning when I read the post and saw your pictures.
  3. thing should have been think on my part, I was being sarcastic. Basically getting offended that you thought I might be offended 😉
  4. A logfile would be better as it would give information that a screenshot lacks.
  5. That might be a minor issue. Did you happen to code up to craft a higher quality level item (7+) and see if you can make it in game? I recall an issue I had in my mod where you could craft a higher tier weapon than Q6 based on some changes I mad to the progression file. I can't recall if I tried to craft it since that wasn't my desire outcome so I reworked my progression changes. When I saw it in the crating menu, it was listed as Q7 but with Q6 coloring. I also didn't make any changes in the item file to increase the max level from 6 to 7. I might whip up some code in the next day or so to see if I can craft a higher quality weapon.
  6. Most likely bdubyah put them in as an option if a person only wants specific ones. If you use the Bdubs pack, then delete all the individual ones. If you only wanted the buggy one, you would probably should delete the pack and all of the other individual vehicles. Probably instructions on what you should be doing is in that readme file at the bottom.
  7. @hron84 We have seen instances where mods were installed that actually looked like this: .....\7 Days to Die\Mods\SMX(modletname)\SMX(modletname)\ModInfo.xml This might be the issue since you said you extracted the files which has a tendency to create another layer of file structure when installing the mods. As Sirillion noted above, the game will be looking in Mods\ModName\ModInfo.xml for loading purposes. Of course, posting the log files would also help in troubleshooting the issue as Siriliion would be able to confirm that the mods are loading in fine. If not, that would show up quickly in the log files.
  8. From the blocks.xml file <!-- Block limit: There can be 32k blocks in the game. 0-255 are reserved for air/terrain blocks. IDs are generated internally on loading the game/blocks/items (1 byte for terrain, 2 for the rest). Note that CreativeMode=Test means that they only show in the creative menu in Unity and with the "Dev Blocks" button on. -->
  9. Or maybe Rekt is one of those survivalists who keeps it around so he knows when Russia invades, what their tanks look like? And would this really be an issue if Russia had not invaded Ukraine? Not as if TFP are supporting Russia by putting a picture of a Russian tank in a poster in the game....... Also, if he was formerly a tanker in the army, they would want to know what tanks the enemies they are fighting against so they know their strengths and weaknesses, so it would make sense to have pictures of them so you can quickly recognize them in battle......
  10. It also looks like you are running mods, might be a mod issue
  11. Your mod structure should also look like this The second picture is one of the mod files expanded further. So when I load up my game, the three mods load up each time as they are structured correctly (ignore the Temp folder, that is the folder I dump test mods into when I create something for someone and I am done testing it / don't want it to load into my normal game)
  12. You provided very little info other than mod doesn’t work; yet want people to tell you what is wrong with it. With zero helpful information, the answer is “something is broken”
  13. Rick and Joel have already stated many times that Learn by Doing (LBD) is not coming back, so I wouldn't get your hopes of seeing that in the vanilla game.
  14. In summary, take elements from other games out there and bring them into 7D2D. PZ, Tarkov were the two I noticed; though I recognized some other elements but can't match them to the games. Rick and Joel have already stated that Learn by Doing is not coming back, so if you want that type of system, you will need to look for a mod.
  15. Maybe with the chunk reset option now, the loot respawn timer becomes moot?
  16. For those of us that thought water was nothing more than a trivial exercise, the changes are welcomed. So yes, some of us were wanting changes to the water system to make it more aligned with survival aspects.
  17. A grinder would be a workstation and would follow all the rules, so you would create a recipe that generates those parts after you "craft" it. so to further your example into actual code <recipe name="RadioScrapBundle" count="1" craft_area="workbench" tags="workbenchCrafting"> <ingredient name="radio" count="1"/> </recipe> <item name="RadioScrapBundle"> <property name="Extends" value="noteTestersDelightAdmin"/> <property name="CreativeMode" value="Player"/> <property name="CustomIcon" value="bundleSolarBank"/> <property name="CustomIconTint" value="FFFFFF"/> <property name="ItemTypeIcon" value="bundle"/> <property name="DescriptionKey" value="questRewardElectricalPowerBundleDesc"/> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Create_item" value="microchips,smallBatteries,resistors,copperWire"/> <property name="Create_item_count" value="2-3,1-2,3,10"/> </property> </item> If a mod has a grinder workstation in it, my assumption is that it behaves like a workstation so it has recipes tied to it that creates items when you place them inside of it and interact with it.
  18. They shouldn't, the rates should stay the same regardless of pre-made or RWG maps. The thing that will reduce the chances of getting one is having less of the loot containers that might have it as one of the loot groups. The item itself is a low chance, but it is in a subgroup that competes with many other subgroups when you come across it. So first you have to get clothes as an loot group, then the hats subgroup, then that specific mod. Interesting, it has the same chance of spawning as any other of the armor cosmetic mods. Your best bet is to look into containers that you would expect to find clothes in - laundry, nightstands, lockers, etc. If you are not hitting POIs that have those types of containers, you are less likely to find it (so if you avoid or minimize going into residential POIs, you are going to have fewer opportunities).
  19. You can also just block the pocket mods if you want to, just need to create a new tag for the blocked mods variable (say noPockets) and then add that to the padded armor tags in the items. Then you can use the other mods, but not the pocket ones. That's something I really like about this game, the ability to fine tune things to how you want to play it. I tend to go with bigger changes first, then scale them back if they are not working like I thought they would.
  20. You can mod the game if you want to. I don't mod that aspect (like Roland, I like the slow progression), but I do on occasion build the bigger bases or build one from scratch. However, until I am ready to do the mining necessary to support such a large project, I have a temporary base I setup until I am ready.
  21. I will check my screenshots folders to see if I have any of my past builds. I tend to just build and forget to take any pictures of them.
  22. I don't think you can set it up directly to do it (simply recycling it in your inventory), but you can setup a work around. You can make a recipe that would take the item and create the subitems for it. Using your example: Setup a radio recipe so that in the workbench, it takes one radio and outputs the various items. If you have multiple items, you can set it up to output a bundle to have all those components (so Radio recipe used in workbench creates a radio parts bundle, where in the items file once you open it up, you get chips, batteries, copper wires, diodes, etc).
  23. I did that in my modded game, removed the ability to mod any lower tier equipment (so no mods on pipe weapons, stone weapons, padded or scrap armor). It does push you towards the second tier equipment rather than hanging onto the lower tier gear until you find the final tiers. I also modded out the ability to get the lower tier gear above Q2.
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