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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I've done 3 iterations of building: Take over a POI and reinforce it for hordes Take over a ruined POI and build up a base on it (lot more involved compared to the first option, but less than the third option) Build a base from scratch Not incentivized to do any of the 3, it is just what I want to do in that playthrough. We don't need a carrot to push people to build a specific way, it is up to them and what they want to do. This is, for all purposes, a sandbox game; and it is up to the player on how they want to play this game. If all they care about is min/max play, then that is how they will play. If you want to put yourself in different (and not always the easy way) situations, then that is up to the player. I prefer making my horde base my main base. Keeping my benches / supplies safe from the horde makes it dull and sloppy. Having to design a base to both house you and defend yourself makes it more challenging and fun (and I don't mind making a mistake that costs me resources / workstations, gives me an opportunity to see if I can recover).
  2. Take a look at your quest_RedKeyPart. The Quest reward type says quest_WholeKeyPart but the next quest in your list is <quest id="quest_WholeKey">. I am assuming that once you complete the quest RedKeyPart, you want to start the quest WholeKey as the next one.
  3. Take a look at your quest_RedKeyPart. The Quest reward type says quest_WholeKeyPart but the next quest in your list is <quest id="quest_WholeKey">. I am assuming that once you complete the quest RedKeyPart, you want to start the quest WholeKey as the next one.
  4. You might have too many phases. Try breaking the quests with 12 phases into two parts
  5. Ah, so you want to force your friends to play the way you want to play, not the way they want to play..... If that is the case, why don't you mod the game not to place any trader POIs in the game
  6. One thing to note: Khaine replaces the entire file, he doesn't simply append his items onto it (he did talked about one point of changing his code to make it more friendly to other mods, but not sure if he did it yet or decided not to go that route). He changed the loot groups in the container which is why you are not seeing the rings being added. So even changing the order, this mod is adding the rings group to groupSmallSafeLoot, but DF is pointing to groupSafeLoot which is a new group created by Khaine. vanilla <lootcontainer id="6" name="smallSafes" size="8,5" sound_open="UseActions/open_safe" sound_close="UseActions/close_safe" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="qualPlus1Template"> <item group="groupSmallSafeLoot"/> </lootcontainer> DF <lootcontainer name="smallSafes" count="1,3" size="8,5" sound_open="UseActions/open_safe" sound_close="UseActions/close_safe" open_time="1" loot_quality_template="qualPlus1Template" buff="buffScavengingServerHack,buffScavengingSkillXPTick"> <item group="groupSafeLoot"/> <item name="oldCash" count="100,500"/> </lootcontainer> Note: This is an older version of DF I am referencing to (at work) so there might be changes since then, but this should help you to make a patch to work with DF.
  7. Isn't that the whole point of the wasteland biome? To be more difficult than the other biomes?
  8. Was this a change in one of the 20.x patches? Because in my A20 test runs, I had to manually remove some of the extra spawn points if I wanted to spawn in the same location every time.
  9. Darkness Falls added more than 5 mod slots so Khaine's mod has examples of modifying the UI to account for more than 5.
  10. It's an issue with objectives AnimalKill/ZombieKill and entity classes. Khaine has the animal kills setup as AnimalKill (target is 5) which doesn't work for snakes and vultures (you have to use ZombieKill for them - same as ZombieDogs). With animalKill, it works for any bear, even Zombie bears. Kind of wonkie since all of those entity classes have the animal tags in them. So the quest is: 5 zombie kills - can be satisfied by Zombie Dogs, vultures, and snakes (also any zombie entity really) 5 animal kills - all other animals (not sure on his custom ones that he added, but I assume they count in this category).
  11. I'm neither and I am fine with it. Regardless if there is or is not a streamer weekend, the experimental branch gets released for the mass public on a Monday.
  12. Don't always believe unofficial sites. Both of the store pages for the console version do not state that you can cross-play with the other console.
  13. Never said it would be easy to remove, I was just responding to your comment that there was no way to disable digging zombies.
  14. If you want to play without any zeds, you need to mod the quests files <!-- Tier 4 --> <quest id="tier4_clear"/> <!-- <quest id="tier4_fetch"/> --> <quest id="tier4_restore_power" /> <quest id="tier4_fetch_clear"/> <!-- Tier 5 --> <quest id="tier5_clear"/> <!-- <quest id="tier5_fetch"/> --> <quest id="tier5_fetch_clear"/> There are T4 and T5 fetch quests, but they are commented out so they won't appear in the trader's list of quests. If you uncomment them, it should work at T4 and T5 levels.
  15. I don't think that is true. You can't xml edit out digging zombies, but with some knowledge you can remove digging zombies out when you start using c# code.
  16. Eh With streamer weekend, the experimental releases on Monday. Without streamer weekend, the experimental releases on Monday. Not sure what the difference is (and yes, I understand the desire is to mass release it the same Friday as streamer weekend). As someone that provides a lot of technical support, you never want to mass release a new project on a Friday if you want your people to have a weekend with their families after putting forth all the effort prior to the release. And really, does 2 days wait really affect us that much?
  17. Based on their trader file descriptions right now (A20): Jen - specializes in medicine Hugh - Guns and ammo Rekt - Food and farming supplies Bob - Tools and vehicle parts Joel - Armor It will be interesting to see how the specializations roll out for A21, but I think it is a bit early of talking changes since we haven't seen the A21 release yet.
  18. DF is an overhaul mod, which means a lot of mods won’t work with it. You would have to create a patch in order for this mod to work with DF
  19. Not seeing any issues in the logfile, but I could be missing something. Assuming this was from the client, do you have the one from the server also?
  20. You can post it via pastebin.com. We try to get people to do it that way in the General Support area.
  21. Nobody can help you because you didn't post a logfile. That error can be anything...... Edit: Fixed link, copied and paste the wrong one
  22. Once A21 drops, you will be able to tie your custom recipes to the crafting tiers now. The ones you know at the beginning shouldn't require any changes, but we will know more once the new alpha is released.
  23. Item schematics are now tied into the crafting magazines (with the exceptions of mods). As for changes to xml, it depends on what parts of the game that your mod changes specifically.
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