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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. Just going to say it again. Roland is a teacher and he likes to explain things to help others understand....but sometimes short and sweet is the best answer.
  2. Yes, but we were told that paper loot was going down, so there is that negative. I mean, how else are you going to keep your sanity at night on a character that never sleeps if you can't just build paper airplanes all night long?
  3. I refused to do that 😠 I can't even get myself to run around in safe zones in any game that requires that to level up your stamina or athletics or whatever skill that is tied to.
  4. Well, it added a new attack item for zombies in your items.xml file that is for sure. The area that is trying to find this item would be in the entityclasses file that is referencing it as a weapon From vanilla code for zombie template: <property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandZombie01"/> You will be looking for something that references <property name="HandItem" value="meleeHandZombieStrong2"/> So the easiest thing is to look at mods that added or modified zombie types. When the error pops up, that is when the game is trying to spawn in the enemy type. This could either be a POI spawn, a random spawn in the world, a wandering horde spawn, or a bloodmoon spawn.
  5. Post your logfile (via pastebin) and someone can assist you with troubleshooting the issue. I was able to help some recently that was playing the game in Alpha 18 only not to realize they were using a save game file from Alpha 20. There's plenty of brain cells floating around these forums that two will eventually join and might be able to point you in the right direction 😉
  6. I got in around A16 so I don't have the previous experience that you all have.
  7. Line 39 - Last version played 20.6 Line 100 - savegame contains unknown option 'ZombieFeralSense' Line 101 - savegame contains unknown option 'Region' I only run one copy at a time so I never had the need to setup custom save game location arguments. I know others do it all the time so hopefully someone will chime in with the correct argument to add to the game launcher. I will see what I can find, but someone doing it is more likely to give you the correct directions.
  8. The log for your 18.4 saved game specifically states that it is looking for Feral Sense and Regions. Those were added after Alpha18. It thinks those were earlier features from an earlier version so the game is trying to ignore them. I can't copy the actual lines in the log as I am at work and they don't allow me to access the pastebin site on my work computer. At some point, your saved game was ran under version Alpha 20. Yes you can run multiple versions of 7D2D at the same time, but it would be best to have different locations for the saves and generated worlds to ensure that you don't accidently use either the worlds or saves on the wrong version. This may not be the reason you are seeing the issues when you are playing horde nights, but it makes it very difficult to root cause the issue since this might be causing conflicts in your game.
  9. Your saved game is Alpha 20 but trying to play on Alpha 18. You can’t start on the latest Alpha then roll back to a previous alpha
  10. Question - Does the localization file in vanilla works fine? You mentioned that typing those characters in game works fine, but wondering if vanilla descriptions pulled from the localization file are showing those characters. That would help to narrow down the issue between a vanilla game issue or if it is related to the mod's localization file itself. Right now I am at work and can't look at the mod's localization file until I download it at home tonight.
  11. They were trying to release them in A21, but got pushed back to A22. The video you saw and depending on when it was created, the content creator might have been going off old information or what information was known at the time. Hopefully the incorrect information was not intentional.
  12. Player also stood up as the horde was running past their position, so they were not stealth at all at that moment of time. At that point, you notice them start attacking the tree. So early level, probably no points in stealth perks, standing up while the horde is running past their position.....
  13. Not to be a smartass, but more people = more food consumption Oh what the heck, of course I am being a smartass 😉 Remember the game is setup to be a Co-Op game not a single player, so food and gear is balanced around multiple players rather than one. The loot abundance slider addresses part of it if you slide it downwards to reduce loot for SP, though it has its issues and doesn't affect things like meat harvests. As the game approaches gold status, they talked about additional sliders to adjust the game more so hopefully some of them can adjust to make the SP experience harder. Otherwise, we just have to introduce mods ourselves to reduce items in the world if you find there is too much and want a struggle.
  14. There is also Oakraven's hydroponic farming mod, it adds additional plants
  15. That also falls under Generation X. Wasn't the first computer game for Boomers the Etch A Sketch? 😉
  16. So you don't want to know if you can turn off the danger meter? 😄 Anything is possible, we just won't know until A21 releases if that is an option you can turn off, something you can disable via xml, or if it requires c# coding to do so.
  17. I guess you didn't do your research. TFP sold the gaming rights to TellTale Games who farmed out the game to Iron Galaxy to port it over to the consoles. TFP had nothing to do with the console game. Unfortunately, when TellTale Games when bankrupt, all development / updates on the console game was stopped and the version you have today is the final version for the console until the PC game goes Gold.
  18. Well problem solved since the console game doesn't have the pipe machine gun or Alpha 20 to be exact....
  19. If you don't find any enjoyment from the game anymore, then just simply walk away. Nobody is forcing anyone to play the game or keep playing it after 100s / 1000s of hours into it. It is a personal choice. Just on the way out, there is no need to attack community members that still like to play the game, or the moderators trying to keep the forum cordial, or the developers because they decided to go a different direction than what you wanted with their game that they are developing and moving towards release. When we purchased the game, it came with a disclaimer that game mechanics and features can change prior to the final release. Guess what, they were not lying. It has changed. We were warned that it might, you can't blame the developers because they did so (if you are upset that features and changes you wanted are not there anymore, maybe re-evaluate whether or not you should buy a game that is in early Access / Development). Whether or not you believe that was for the better is a personal opinion, and not surprisingly, there are people on both sides of that opinion. If you don't like where the game is going, that is your opinion and your are more than welcome to have it. However, being toxic to the developers or other community members because of that direction change is not necessary or needed. If you find yourself cussing out game developers because they are not creating the game exactly how you want it to be created / developed, maybe the issue is not with with developers themselves..... I tried Ark myself. Didn't like it at all really. Guess what I did? I just simply stopped playing the game and moved on. Other games I shelved while they are keep going through development with the promise to return back to them later to see if they are still enjoyable or if they changed and it is time for me to move on.
  20. A fun prank would be in A21, they introduce a new mechanic where if you fail a quest, it moves it to the bottom of the list....just to troll people with OCD so they can't remove it. I do that all the time to a coworker in my department. Every now and then, I will install a safety label at a weird angle and see how long it takes until it bothers him. Don't worry, he gets me back all the time. 😁
  21. Yeah I prefer feral sense really. I made the mistake of having it on all the time and a base in the wastelands. My nights were never boring after that.
  22. Word of advice though, best to use excel to modify it as a csv file rather than your xml editor (I use Notepad++). Excel will keep everything in neat columns
  23. Hence I said requested, not required 😉 Changing the loot quantity doesn't change the odds of finding higher level loot. In order to do that, you have to change the probabilities of finding higher quality loot. I modded my game to do just that (changed all Q3 to 0.45, Q4 to 0.35, Q5 to 0.25, and Q6 to 0.15). By day 126, the number of Q6 gear I found in loot was less than how many fingers I have. And you don't have to have equipment degrade, just make it so you can't repair it. Lose the trader rewards, only have Q6 gear at inflated prices, and you will find a constant struggle of keeping yourself maintain while trying to gather dukes to even buy stuff from them. Even go as far as make the mods a one time use only (can't remove) and you will find yourself bouncing between gathering materials to make new weapons after yours all broke during horde night to upkeeping your base.
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