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  1. This is exactly what I was looking for. Many thanks @HB_H4wk !!
  2. Thanks for taking the time to show this @HB_H4wk. Is there a block to keep it going horizontal on top (like I tried to demonstrate in my 2nd image)? (or should I use a rotated version of the bottom block for that?) Yes, that's a good question! Can't remember a POI that actually uses these... will keep looking
  3. Thanks for the quick replies both! @theFlu Hmmm, I tried figuring out what you meant, but the whole structure is symmetrical as far as I can see. @8_Hussars I tried your solution (see first image below, arch at the back) and it works (although the blocks don't seem to match up perfectly if you look closely where my crosshair is, but I'll take it I think I might not have phrased my question very well. What I aimed to do is to continue it going horizontal (see second image below where I continued it with regular blocks in blue, just to show what I want) before finishing the arch on the other side, but no block seems to fit for this... any ideas? Also weird that there seems to be 2 different ways to continue the arch: my first one and and the one 8_Hussars suggested.
  4. Hey builders, I really like these arch blocks. Trying to make it continue in the horizontal (flat) direction, but I can't figure out how which block fits next.... I think I tried at least every block with the word 'arch' in it, but nothing seems to fit.... does anyone know? (I colored each block differently, so you can see the different block more easily) (The blocks in red are the ones I used)
  5. @Riamus : Oh, I like that idea, will try it out tomorrow (no free time today), thanks! I'm kinda hesitant to delete the meshes though, as it will probably also deleted my base that is close to it? @Jugginator I will try to put some blocks at or close to the ghost tower as you said, but it will be hard to pinpoint the exact location (as it disappears when I get close). I did already post a log in my earlier reply, here it is again: https://pastebin.com/pB5vJEEw , in case you have time to have a look Lastly, I have a gut-feeling this only happens when visiting a undiscovered part of the map for the first time and build something. If I find the time, I will try to replicate it.
  6. I tried the first 2 methods, but to no avail: 1. Increasing mesh distance up to 2000, and max region loads to 3: no difference (even the min distance at which the blocks appear / disappear) 2. Turned dynamic mesh off, load (note: pillar was gone), turned back on: pillar was visible again I might try your 'nuclear' option, but perhaps this should be filed as a bug? It happened to me a couple of times in A21 as well. Besides, I can imagine 'remembering' all these removed blocks can be quite a performance waster.
  7. Hi @Jugginator , thanks for looking into this. Platform: Windows, Single-player Version: v1.0 (b336) Output log link: https://pastebin.com/pB5vJEEw My dynamic mesh settings are as follows: Screenshot of me walking just far enough to see it and just close enough for it to disappear:
  8. Apologies, please close this topic in that case. I will try to submit it using the instructions above.
  9. Dear FunPimps, Today, I encountered a bug that does not seem to be in the known bug list. I once made a long pillar for my self to nerd-pull up and get a good view of my surroundings. Afterwards I removed all blocks (by picking them up). Every time I travel to location, I can see the old pillar from a distance and only disappears when I get close to it (~20 blocks distance). I really hope this can be fixed, as it currently ruins the esthetics of my base that is build close to it
  10. Oh, some very nice suggestions! First of all, @doughphunghus : that's very creative. I would never thought of that solution. I think this might even work without mods right. Only downside is that it will not work at night. I will still check it out though @Riamus : that is kind of the same setup as my initial solution. It works really well, even without the player present (if you put a trapped boar behind it) But @theFlu's one: that's sooo simple, but it works flawlessly 😀 (I just tried it out)! You can even time it precisely the way you want. I simply forgot that you can set delays and duration on these trip wire things... many thanks!! Even better: it keeps working after a restart/reload of the game. Any other things that trigger tripwires (other than player, zombies, animals and vehicles)? I tried closing (garage) doors and hatches, but they don't seem to work.
  11. Thanks for the quick reply Stample! I want this setup to trigger endlessly forever. Hence, I cannot use zombies, as they will either 1) destroy the setup and 2) will probably also despawn upon restarting/reloading the game, just like my, otherwise, flawlessly working motion camera (delay/duration) --> door --> trapped (docile) boar setup Another almost-working solution is a bike on top of a closed garage door. Opening the door will drop the bike, which passes through a trigger wire, that recloses the door. Trouble is, is doesn't bring the bike back up
  12. Hey all, Just quickly for the devs: thanks so much for 1.0! Now for my weird question: I want to generate a electrical signal that turns itself on and off periodically endlessly in a loop (for example a light that goes on and off in a loop). I have some wicked base builds in mind that needs this in 1.0. The closest setup I got working, is a motion camera (set with a particular delay and duration) that opens a powered door. Behind the door is a trapped boar that will be seen by the camera. Works really well actually (door keeps looping from opened to closed, yay!), but the problem is: animals (and zombies for that matter) disappear when reloading/reopening the game. *sad face* Can anyone tell me a working setup? (I've been trying for hours lol )
  13. Looking forward to the dev streams! Will some 7dtd-youtubers get early access as well?
  14. Thanks! Any bases you want to share as well? Seems like we don't have that much time to say goodbye though:
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