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Everything posted by Gouki

  1. I finished watching the A20 stream on Wednesday, but I didn't see any relevant changes, everything they want to introduce as new already exists with the mods.
  2. Hi aY227 I don't think you can, apart from subquake I configure it like this to give it a new Ui touch, unless subquake edits it or tells you how to do it. The new style that he put in looks good, but it could have left him hp block in number. Regards
  3. Hi CriptycGirl Nitrogen has its prefablist.txt with the pois of the CompoPack and vanilla mixed in. I think it also has another prefablist.txt where it only has the vanilla pois, check it in its resources folder. You can still copy the list that EB64 gives you. Regards
  4. The mod works fine for me with A19.2 stable, only some yellow warnings, but no errors. But if you get to update the mod, it is better. Regards
  5. If that's weird, I have the nail mod and it works fine for me, I made some changes, to make frames it asks for nails and also for other items. I also added a hinge to be able to make the wooden storage boxes, doors and hatches. Regards
  6. Ahhh I already know what you're talking about, I haven't used the Nexus launcher for a while, that's why I didn't know about this new one. Well it could be that it causes you some error, you could try to install the mod manually and see if it works correctly. Regards
  7. Hi Makurth Version 2.2.09 has not released it yet, so the version you downloaded continues to show 2.2.08. Regards P.D. At least not for this forum, I downloaded it again and it was still in v2.2.08.
  8. Hi XRedx-xDragonX In items.xml, there is questitem_toc_citizencard_name and in recipes there is, the recipe where it asks you for questitem_toc_citizencard_name, I don't know why you get an error, what version of the mod do you have? I am using the latest version (White River - Tools of Citizenship A19.2_1.0b) and it has not given me any problem. Regards
  9. Hi gpcstargate It takes me about 20 minutes to load the game and then I can play, it's a tedium. To get water you must mark 1 of 2,4 of 6, etc, then you must press E and collect it with the bottles. Regards
  10. Hi JaxTeller718 First of all, thanks for this new version for A19.2 stable and to the whole mod development team. The mod shows me an error when generating a random world, in the part where the cities are being generated, it opened the console and shows that the POIS are not found and the error is continuous. Either I'm doing something wrong or you have to add the prefabs to the rwg mixer.xml yourself or I don't want you to add that file to the mod.
  11. Hi Subquake Any possibility that you add to the Undead legacy mod, the compatibility to be able to compile with DMT the Sphereii-Core mod and Legacy distain terrain, those mods have been very helpful in terms of performance, now the game is lagging a bit, or you could add them. Regards
  12. Gouki


    Thank you very much Sphereii and Xyth, for this great modification for the game, I would play it but my pc does not meet the requirements, in low it would do it but it would not be the same because the new textures are lost, just have to watch videos of some youtuber playing it, Thank you very much for your hard work.
  13. You beat me to saying it, Subquake. At the moment I am testing it, thank you very much for the hard work.
  14. There is no problem my friend. I already corrected it, it was just adding 4 more lines and deleting text that does not appear. I'm doing the translation slowly but surely, when I have free time. In my new game I already have Jason's machete, bunnyan ax, mug ax, and the dundee crocodile knife. By the way, Dundee's knife marks 0% stealth damage, I don't know if it's intentional or needs to be fixed, it doesn't bother me because I can correct it, but it works for people who don't know much. Regards
  15. Thank you ShoudenKalferas Do you have to delete and reinstall the mod? Or you just have to go through everything and it gets updated, because the Bear Gryll Claws quest already translated it and I don't know how much has changed. Regards
  16. Gouki


    Thanks n2n1 I will test it when I have some free time, great job you've done.
  17. Hi Sphereii Everything works fine (Sphereii-core and legacy distain terrain for A19.2 stable), there is no need to change anything. Thank you so much for this great job that dramatically improves performance. Regards
  18. Gouki

    More Vanilla Food

    OK thank you very much.
  19. Gouki

    More Vanilla Food

    Thank you very much doughtphunghus. I have it installed and so far no problem. Just one doubt, when downloading it sends you to Github and there are 2 folders, the one for food and the other one is for medicine, I guess the medicine mod doesn't work because I check the files and they are all the same as the food ones or I'm wrong . Regards
  20. Gouki


    Thanks n2n1, I'll take a look when it releases and play something more than just vanilla. Regards
  21. Thanks FranticDan, this overhaul sounds promising, I'll take a look. Regards
  22. Gouki

    More Vanilla Food

    Very good idea doughtpunghus, I think the only one that has it functional or I'll be wrong is Ravenhearts, I'll wait for that update. Regards
  23. Thanks Sphereii, I'll take a look to see if everything works fine. Regards
  24. Thanks ShoudenKalferas The translation will be done only in Spanish, it will not take any other language, I hope it will serve well. Regards
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