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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. There's "weather" that dictates storms forming. And "wind noise", so maybe not "physical wind pushing things around" but if the conditions/sounds that indicate wind occurs, bam, roll for chance to trigger door/hatch open event(s) within x radius of player. then set a cooldown for a bit. or something like that There is sort of a way to get fog "rolling in" at night/day...well, it doesn't "roll" but it gets foggier. An example mod: https://7daystodiemods.com/night-fog/ The fog settings can be triggered on day/night. In the"per biome" it can be triggered differently and is kinda a different effect.
  2. Yeah, I agree with this. This would be very satisfying and also kinda add another “certain type of player” to the game who wants to feel like chuck norris. I also feel TFP would not like it because it “complicates” the game and this would frustrate new/casual players BUT I could see a way to pull this off: make default combat with the mouse “as it is today” and if you wanted to do all the special attacks, you have to use special keyboard commmands. Meaning: the casual/new player will never know they can do these things. I feel it would add a level of challenge to the veteran players, and would also probably branch off new game styles (like PvP fight club/arena, fight opponents and then zeds are released. Last person standing, etc). As mentioned above, given the ragdoll physics already in play, being able to kick and or “shoulder” or elbow or uppercut... anything extra, would just be loads of fun, IMHO, especially when you just have “ a few zeds to fight” and don’t want to do the same ol same ol with the club
  3. Or, as some old video game called “parasite eve?” I played long long ago claimed.... it’s the mitochondria that are still alive and controlling the body. On purpose and by design as their plan all along. Those pesky little powerhouses of the cells!
  4. When I first got the game on PS4, I joined a friends game and they were on day 5 or something. I knew almost nothing. I spawned in a nice area all covered in snow and it started raining. zeds quickly began attacking me. I died within minutes. Everyone laughed. it may have been the same game, but at some point I respawned in a place with all bricks. Yay , I thought, not that terrible snowy place. I died within a few minutes. recent modded game: I was in a house and looting a kitchen. Zeds were outside banging on the walls. No big deal, I’ve got time and I don’t hear them getting closer. Loot cabinet, take all, loot cabinet , take all. I turned and there taking up my entire view was just the face of Grace. I panicked and got off a shot with my shotgun, and ran (very slowly as I was encumbered) knowing I was done for but maybe I could use a nearby table for protection. Well, it wasn’t the real grace, because it died in 1 shot. apparently it was completely silent and did not attack immediately. Back on ps4s playing with player damage off. We were having fun shooting each other and taking no damage. I pulled out a rocket launcher and immediately Killed my friend, as apparently explosive damage wasn’t protected or something. ps4: back in the day if you dipped your mini bike in any water it just stopped working. I was in the desert. Mini bike slips a little into the water. My big brain says “I can put blocks under it, wall off the water, take the water out. and drive it out! I spend days in game trying to do this as my mini bike keeps dropping lower and lower. I was determined and basically was like “I’m damming off the entire river, and will prevail!”. Dammed off the river, slowly and handily drove the bike out. Proudly told my ps4 friend of my achievement. He said “so, why didn’t you just pick the bike up?”. I did not know you could do this. pa4, mini bike again: somehow I crashed the minibike and died. I was far from home. Ran, risking life and limb, back to get the bike because I didn’t really have any weapons or anything at the base. Made it to the bike! It had some smoke coming out of it, which was a cool effect. Got on bike. Instant death. Made another trip all the way back to get the bike/backpack. Figured out that I guess a fully damaged bike has some sort of huge damage effect. Sigh. a few times: ate the glass I mentioned in another post about falling and popping up at max height but not knowing it l, and it was all white and pretty, Then I realized I was falling and then I died. probably a lot more if I think about it, but the early ones are most memorable.
  5. I feel the LCB would be “more fun and less exploitable” if it had just 1 hp. The goal being it would be easy to craft, but only literally useful as a land claim to do what it does today, and of course to be able to “claim” workstations and pick them up. It’s mentioned before but I also feel that if you want a long term claim, you should have to protect the claim block by surrounding it with other blocks/traps, and this would be “it’s hit points” to get to it to destroy it. ive played in PvP and the claim block doesn’t do squiggly when I’m afk for hours and someone finds my base. High powered Players just mow my base and destroy everything, unless the server admin makes “land claims” indestructible, which they all seem to do now anyway. Of course, if they’re going to set/mod that, they can also set/mod the hit points to be “whatever” so that’s likely why it’s a moot point, but I do feel the vanilla settings would play better if the LCB were cut from a stone, fast to craft, but fragile as glass. actually, it would be kinda neat if the LCB could be powered, and the more power you applied (to a limit) the more “block protection” you get. This would require a constant expenditure of electric, and at night there’s no solar so you lose power unless you go on generator.... which makes noise. Might make PvP more fun at night, and zeds too if they were drawn to the generator noise. Unless it’s serious PvP where I don’t think anyone uses LCB unless it offers complete land claim immunity.
  6. Thought this would be a cool mechanic, especially during the night/storms. essentially: any non powered, unlocked doors or hatches (except heavy vault ones) would have a chance to be “blown open” by the wind. This would be within x radius of a player. unless you’re in PvP I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone need to lock a door, but a lot of people close them for easy protection. who This would give some reason to lock them, and might add a creepy mechanic, as well as allow some zeds to possibly sneak inside of you don’t lock all your doors.
  7. Brain powering up... glowing brighter... burning with great computational power.... ooh! How about a dunce cap ....made out of crap. A “dunce crap” to replace the old crap icon.
  8. Yeah, I agree with the animations. It would really make the game pop if more default stuff were moving around. I’m kinda surprised I didn’t realize how nice a “real window” you can open feels like vs a hatch “window”. for compopack, I can’t speak for the maintainers, but I bet it has something to do with having more dependencies and/or what do they do if a block author drastically changes a version of their mod (so you can’t just load the latest one) or something in the mod is broken by the vanilla game (maybe mod author is no longer available). But still, it would make that poi pack shine if they could find a good way to handle it.
  9. At first I was was like “yeah, those are some nicely done blocks” and then the shades were drawn... that was very cool... and then... ahhhh! very nice blocks! edit: it would be really nice if there was a way to have extra decoration mods like this somehow integrated into the compopack (or a special one) so community created POIs could have all of this type of stuff included.
  10. Just an observation: it seems like players don’t like demolishes because their gamestyle is “build a base” Like, an impenetrable fortress or just a well designed killing base. And those who don’t mind demolishes are more of “run around and shoot and take refuge when you need to”. I’m betting part of the frustration when you grind a lot to get materials to make a great base, it’s annoying to have to keep grinding just to rebuild. and some people probably just hate dying by by them. Like, it’s hard to judge the distance to be safe, etc. I feel that TFP either made demolishes specifically to make you not be able to easily build inpenatrible bases, or to lengthen the end game because you could never truly be “safe” until you mastered how to build out all the traps, etc. and had enough power to easily grind to get more materials to rebuild. Basically: demolishes are to punish you for not having super well done defenses, and enough of them to hold off demolishers. another theory could be they are just testing them out in their current form. I play a lot of single player, and I have to use multiple POIs as bases so the demolishers are fun (for me) because whatever they blow up is just more danger, and I never rebuild whatever they blew up. I don’t have to grind to replace material. But If I get one at my “base I keep my stuff at” and I lose a lot of stuff due to a demolisher, then I simply rage quit but it was probably time to quit that run through anyway as I was having it too easy, being able to build up all that stuff. ao yeah, I can see why they are not for everyone, but for some of us who like going from “0 to random hell raining from the sky” it’s a ...... blast
  11. I’ve had this happen to me, sort of. The “solution” was to run along the edges of the building to keep them running and/or taking down subsections of the building. BasicLly “move around a lot”. The other partial answer to this is finding a building with enough square footage/area to be able to do this.
  12. For "Make a MOD?", yep this is the way to go. I believe there are a few ways to do it, but look around for other "language addition" mods and see how they work. I think you can make just a mod with Localization.txt in it, and your personal language (Hungarian) in it so you don't have to mash it in with the vanilla Localization.txt with all the other 8? languages. There are caveats to doing this (the game is not completed yet, so things may change, you're adding a language so you may have to do something special in your mod to handle it as I believe you can't just "add another language" to the list and it work.), so look around the forums to see if its something you really want to create and maintain. Here's a post I found about doing it for a mod itself, but there are likely actual mods you can find that might help figure it out. Also: if you do create a mod, post it somewhere it can easily be found! I would suggest using github, gitlab, or nexusmods for storing the actual mod files, and then posting your mod in the "mods" section of these forums when its done. e
  13. I guess what I was trying to say (but not too cleanly) was that explosives are likely the way they are today because of PvP and (I didn’t actually say this part) balance..... but if one did not like the current explosives, I suggest modding them more dangerous rather than a lot harder to craft/obtain, but in doing that you’re going to have to have it on your own private server as it’s not going to work well if anyone but you and actual friends play on it (and no one wants to die). If taken too far (danger wise) you will likely run a real risk of really bad lag. and I agree with the dynamite: the vanilla version is very dangerous and damaging in game, which feels nice (to me) vs just being another explosive to throw and not damage blocks very much like the others.
  14. I agree about the “danger” of using them. I made a few mods to change up how (some) explosives feel/work with plans to make them all more dangerous, but I didn’t end up doing them all (maybe someday I’ll upload more of them) Reasoning: I feel the game explosives are almost too easy to use. They easily hurt/kill zeds but generally they lose no danger “to you” unless you make a mistake and step on a mine or throw a grenade too close to yourself. I also feel explosives should be a “higher skill weapon” or “tool” vs standard weapons. Like, if you’re going to craft and make explosives, you need to be really careful and can’t toss them around like water balloons. anyway, I found that upping explosive block damage (a lot) and radius (a bit) and the “how far you can throw/launch” them (big booms = harder to throw far and/or launch) while also increasing “entity damage radius” to be a few more blocks than block damage made them feel really dangerous to use, and even though I could craft a ton of them if I wanted, suddenly the increased danger of using them made me want to only have a few on hand, and only used in very special situations, because if you were sloppy with them, you died. additionally, the (very much) increased block damage meant if you wants to use them for horde nights (or just clearing POIs) you ran a real danger of destroying your base or the poi (and maybe your traps/kill corridors/generators/etc) and all the ground around it (big holes). anyway, I played around with every explosive in the game and felt that actually making them more powerful (and scaling up ingredients as much as made sense) seemed to work better than nerfing them by making them harder to craft but leaving the default explosion damage alone. it was very pleasant to take out a big chunk of a POi with a rocket launcher, or by shooting barrels from far away... and to be really careful to not accidentally shoot one however, since people are jerks/trolls I have heard that stuff like this will only work on non public servers, due to the massive block damage, which is why I believe TFP makes them not do much block damage by default, and probably PvP/multiplayer is why they work the way they do with damage, etc. and also “so everyone can use them” as mentioned above. also: really high block damage and radius usually results in severe game lag. I maintain a “holy hand grenade” mod that had like 30+ block radius and leaves a hole so large you can see it like a star shaped crack in the earth if you fly over it. But I had to tone it down as people were legit complaining about the lag. I think it’s 20-23? Blocks radius now, which has some lag still but is somewhat useable.
  15. Are there any plans for a20/21 to be able to make the “fog” color of a biome (or the world) modifiable in the xml (either in biomes.xml or weather.xml). Currently You can change the fog color/density via the console, but you can only mod the fog density in the xml. it would be nice to be able to mod biomes to have green/yellow/orange/red/black fogs. Right now xml moddable fog is “realistic” white/grey.
  16. Adding one I did a long time ago by accident just to play around: turn up the player the zed block destruction really high. You can no longer easily hide in a base or POi, and early game this really kicks up being careful and moving around and choosing where to hang out much. It also makes random hordes very dangerous. I remember when I did this long ago I was thinking “blocks are just a little too OP” and then like on day 2 when I chose to hide on the first floor in a big apartment complex I had not cleared yet, the zeds just started shredding the basement walls and were jumping into the building so fast I realized the horrible mistake I had made as I clutched my level 1 club and crouched behind a door. but it was fun i think I saw someone make a “run!” Series that might have been similar, where they had to always keep moving, but I think they changed more settings than just block damage
  17. I have this issue pop up fairly often in my machine, but I always play with mods/overhauls and I don’t know how to replicate it other than “it’s happening!” . I will say that yeah, it does seem to always appear in the “chunk you didn’t spawn in” and I’ve had great luck recently getting the “POIs” command to clear it up. I will also say my system is underpowered, both cpu and gpu. I typically play at whatever gets me 30-50 FPS, in windowed mode with lowered resolution, on custom “low” graphics settings. if there were a good / agreed upon method to “try to replicate this” that would be acceptable (like what map to load, what to do/how far to go/visit a certain POi to visit either manually or using debug menu commands) I’d be willing to try it out a bunch to see if I can replicate it. I know it sounds weird but usually when it happens I haven’t seen a pattern to “what I’ve been doing In game” and it occurring. currently I have a game running the Gnamod mod (and a few of my own) that’s having this issue periodically as I play. I will say in this game that the semi faraway POIs (maybe 3-4 POIs away) are also “shimmery/glittery” a lot, and the “pois” command clears that up too. so maybe I can replicate it (somehow) with this mod loaded, if anyone was intrerested in game logs/debug command output/etc, when it does happen, even if a mod was loaded.
  18. I’ve seen: ”punching only” “No crafting” and I guess another mode might be to add “no base building”, meaning you can use a PoI and add traps/etc, reinforce walls, but cannot “build” a base nor super reinforce the base (like build a wall around the base) alternate challenges ive seen are “premadeath” where if you die you stop and delete your save, or “semipermanent” where you have to load some mods where you lose all your skill points, and cannot use bedrolls, etc. For modding, I’d you want to go there, there are several “overhaul mods” that make the game so different it’s a challenge. I won’t list them all here but they are in the forums and the mod launcher. also: there are a few “custom map challenges” I’ve seen: The dishong tower challenge the spencer mansion challenge a few “escape room” POIs people have made. an “escape maze”
  19. I’m not 100% sure of this, since I’m on my phone, but I believe you repair them with a repair kit(s). I’m not sure this applies to all vehicles though. I think I repaired a plain van with one.
  20. I am really disappointed with this. I was really hoping for a link to a nice backstory explaining the longstanding feud between the farmer and the talking goat. I guess I’ll throw this together. old Macdonald had a farm eieio and in that farm he fought his goat eiei-ouch And he fought the goat here, and he fought the goat there, and he fought the goat everywhere
  21. I’ve wanted this too. A possible “workaround” I’ve been toying with is to make all my mods (that are already without any major resources forcing client side installs, like extra blocks) have a second mod go with it with “-ClientIcons” appended to the mod name. This would contain all the icons and the xml to override the server side chosen icons/tinting in the original mod. the benefit would be when single player, you can load both mods and have the cool icons or choose not to load them (most likely you would choose to load them though). In multiplayer/server aide, If the server admin wants to include it (and the clients too) then you get cool icons but if not then the core/base mod(s) default to using default recolored vanilla icons. a pain, yes, but it would accomplish 2 things “while we wait” - xml only mod makers could always code mods as server side only first, choosing appropriate vanilla icons/colors, then build the icon pack later (or not at all). It might help speed up some development, even if a lot of mods would look janky without the nice icons. - by separating out the icons today, possibly several mods will be playable server side (as they could rip out the icons and make the second pack) - if TFP ever allows icons to be transferred, everyone who had an icon pack can quickly merge the new icons in.
  22. I’ve moved away from fullscteen to “windowed mode” (try it, you may like it after awhile) with decreased resolution and lowered graphics settings to “low”, then customized (raise some, lower some) to try to hit > 40 FPS at all times. I hated it when I first did it, but now I don’t notice it (as much) and enjoy the game. I’m sure if I upgraded my PC/graphics I would immediately be blown away by how awesome it looks. I might consider this a gift to myself someday when the game goes gold also: I had another system that was an old windows asus laptop that would literally crash the game immediately when the player loaded in (get 1 FPS, a few sounds, the crash). After a Fresh reinstall of windows with a new SSD drive and it actually runs it almost fine. Using only the integrated graphics card and is not a gaming laptop by any means. Many settings turned down though to get decent FPS. Just saying, where there’s a will, there’s likely a way I’m really looking forward for any optimizations I’ve been hearing about a20 and possibly backports for a19.
  23. i too like them but feel the oh @%$#z drops could use a tiny bit of change: I found out once, by accident in a18? That if you had a debuff that ragdolled you and the ragdoll effect lasted a few seconds and you fell off a building you could survive as if you had taken an oh @%$#z drop in a19. At the time I felt that this was kinda a cheese tactic, but also kinda cool. I feel today an oh @%$#z drop should be similar ( you take it and instantly ragdoll) and when you hit the ground you should stay there for a bit... like 10 seconds as a punishment and to allow zeds chasing you to fall and recover. This would make the “real life drug effect” be like you knocked yourself out (maybe you did it because you were cornered and wanted to be unconscious when being eaten) so you ragdolled on the edge of a building but survived because you were not all tense on impact. I feel that you should suffer a broken leg or arm but not death/health loss. I also feel the “turd” item in the game could come back at only this point and be ejected onto the ground when you fall, but that’s just me.
  24. They took the turd out of the game, it just took a bit to remove it from the forums. Your turd record is now forged in forum history and should be engraved on something as it now appears to be immutable. I do with the turd would come back in game though. On a related note about a cookie icon: maybe the forum reaction icons could all be switched to be using the same icons as in the game
  25. Since darkness falls was mentioned, I’m also going to throw in trying Gnamod. I’ve been enjoying it as it changes up quite a lot on how the game is played, and just has a different “look” than most of the overhauls. additionally: I’ve seen other people replay the game with “a self declared challenge” like “no crafting” or “punching only”. additionally: there are a few special built maps that can be fun. Specificallly the “spencer mansion” challenge (where you replay a resident evil location) as well as the “Dishong tower challenge” there are more options involving modding with individual mods, which may be too much work for some people, but the above are the easiest to do and are unique/fun on their own.
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