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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. I have a mod that makes the map not visible. There was a lot that I tried, but this was the only way I could get it to work and not have weird UI issues by just removing the XML section that makes it up. The picture is old at this site, it’s bright white. And you can’t put markers on it either, though there are some creative ways you can use to track things still, other than map coordinates: https://7daystodiemods.com/?s=Remove+map
  2. I am under the impression that prefabs in mods will sync from the server like XML does. I’m not sure when that was introduced, but I think it was pretty recently. I don’t have a server to test that with but that’s what I read somewhere on the forums. im also not sure if you made changes to prefabs that were already set down on a new RNG map, if the changes you made would actually take effect when the chunks those prefabs were in were first uncovered, but I am also under the impression that any existing “discovered” chunks which the prefabs in the before you made changes would not contain the changes.
  3. Actually, given there is a small chance of finding a pistol in the toilet, It makes more sense the pistol would be in the tank and not in the bowl. of course, there’s always gotta be that one guy who stores his pistol in the bowl but then again if you’re searching a toilet and taking water I would guess the tank is the first place you would look and also seems to be the place where “standing water” is less likely to quickly turn yellow/black with mold vs the bowl. Given the amount of toilets, I would also say you would stop even wanting to look in the bowl after a few attempts. if water were less available. Then the “random toilet bowl in a dead strangers house who may have used that toilet and not flushed while they were turning into a zombie” would be a last ditch place to look. But then again there are probably people with this fetish or maybe just inquisitive minded or too intellectual for their own good (“as an artist, I like to catalog the sad reminder of humanities demise by creating this coffee table book of photographs of toilet bowl contents. Why yes, I took them myself! And here is a shelf of jars of different colored toilet water I collected….printing and binding the book was more difficult than I had imagined…”). what we need….no: need to demand! Is TFP make separate lootable blocks for both the bowl and the tank. Problem solved? Yes.
  4. Everything I have heard about this indicates it is a lie. Go to the large red banner at the top of this page for official news about updates. The date on the page is a little old but the information is still correct. Also: have seen several things posted here and other forums of a picture of a “re-released” game for the console on sale. This is a lie/scam to get people to buy an old version of the game, or just to spread lies. everything I have read indicates the new console version will only come out once the game goes “gold”, and not before. The game is not “gold” today, and there have been no news from the developers when it will be “gold”.
  5. I’m not a regex expert, but I come from the Perl world and I know even there CSV parsing is difficult (many reasons, one is that there’s no actual CSV standard, etc) so people are encouraged to use modules to parse it as those modules handle a lot of edge cases and formats. Anyway, I’m not a .Net person (a previous post indicates .Net is needed, I don’t know what language you’re writing your tool in) but it appears there may be a built in CSV parser for it:https://odedcoster.com/blog/2012/03/28/did-you-know-a-net-csv-parser-that-comes-with-visual-studio/
  6. Ha, yeah. I am sympathetic as I have a weird friend who would be like that (though he refuses to buy a pc so we can play games together. He has the money, just refuses out of spite I guess). I can see him now: He would literally demand “we only load ONE mod!” Because he didn’t want to deal with anything like downloading files (even though he works as a developer in IT) or just to make me angry, or also to logically make me do all the evaluation and “pick the absolute best mod”. I have a weird friend, but since I’ve known him for over 30 years I put up with his oddities . If it’s any consolation, If he made these demands I would pick a single super hard overhaul or I would make it blood moon every night, or turn on PvP. Or likely all 3. Then make fun of him dying for “no reason”
  7. This got me thinking….sooo… 1. Telric has “thumper” mod which is like a alien crash landing and zeds come out. It’s fun and can really mess you up if you’re not ready to fight them if they land nearby your base/location. Additionally, you can get parts from thumpers to make your own thumper and then it acts like a zed beacon and you defend it for a bit… 2. There’s gnamod horde mode, which is a “defend the beacon forever” thing, where the zeds really really hate the beacon and attack it, and eventually it will blow up and make a big hole once you fail to defend it enough. for both mods, the “zombie beacon” is essentially “player placed” or “purposefully placed”… taking these “existing things” and smooshing them together may create a mini in game “event” that might shake things up….I present the half baked idea of: make a beacon (of unknown type/duration/health) randomly drop. When the beacon is damaged enough, it leaves a masive crater in the ground, massively damaging all entities and blocks like a bomber zed x10. ”randomly drop”: I imagine the supply plane could drop it, but then it wouldn’t always be “close enough to make you deal with it”, so maybe “randomly drop” could be like a screamer spawn (except beacon spawn) where it crashes down when the heat level is too high (and near your base/location) or maybe a zombie randomly drops a beacon like a loot bag drops. Maybe a bomber zed drops them more often if you kill them before they explode . If you’re “out and about” and one drops: run away if you want to. If it’s near your base: you choose to defend/defuse or deal with the damage. it would be kind of like a “oh crap!” Game moment, even during horde night, and you almost would have to defend the beacon or it wrecks havoc to your base or the land around it until it auto defuses (or you defuse it or maybe just pick it up?), and it would also kinda add a “secret mini boss” to the game.
  8. I tried writing something up but it’s really hard to explain in text, and some mods are a lot more complicated than others…. assuming the mods load well together (no warnings/errors), then all the resource and icon file names should be unique, as well as all “objects” in bothe mods (block, entity, and item names, etc). Also assuming there are not DMT mods. The only “hard part” is manually opening up each XML file in mod 1 and copying all of the information to the same names XML file in mod 2, and doing this inside the first “nearing level” of the xml file. Another part is just manually copying all icons and assets (if any) from mod 1 to mod 2. These are custom vehicles so there’s likely asset files (unity.3D is the file extension) then appending the localization.txt (if there is one) from mod 1 to mod 2. And double checking the localization headers are the same in both mods (so the columns in both mods are the same. It’s a mini text database so the columns have to be the same) the manually editing the “ModInfo.xml” file to contain the information about the new mod (so the name and all information in between the XML tags is correct) Then loading up the merged mod into a new game (I personally choose the NaveGane map and turn on “creative mode”) and as the game loads hit “F1” to watch for any warnings or errors that will hopefully tell you where you made a mistake copy and pasting. Then manually testing it by spawning items from the mod, visually checking recipes, maybe drive the vehicles a little, etc. how much testing you do here is all personal taste, but I always check all items to me sure they look good. that’s about it it. There’s al sorts of “gotchas”, but that’s part of modding. You’re not trying to make or tweak things/settings so it’s not super bad once you get it working once.
  9. Police cars are in the vehicle madness mod pack: https://7daystodiemods.com/vehicle-madness/ the site I sent makes searching for mods easy, and should direct you to where you can download the mod, or find more information, which usually points back to a modders page/thread on these forums.
  10. These are 2 separate “vehicles”. What do you mean by “combine”? If you just want to have both of them in the game, you just have to add both of them to the game. To me “combine” means to somehow either merge both vehicles into 1 (like a UMA vehicle) or to “make a single mod package out of 2 mod packages”. I feel like #2 is what you’re asking, meaning “I want to be able to make a single mod out of other mods” and these mods are just examples to work with? If so, what you’re asking is basically “how to make mods” which is not a super easy thing to document, though I might be able to give you some links in these forums which might help. I will say just merging multiple mods into 1 isn’t so bad as it’s all XML, but actually creating new vehicles/blocks/sounds will require you to use Unity, which is not so eaay.
  11. Edit: ha! I was posting right as @Jugginatorposted. So…. Do what he said This YouTube series may help. The specific link I’m posting is placing POIs into an active game, but you might want to first export/save your POI and make a backup of the files. Then wait until a20 comes out and see if you need to run some sort of special tool or do some process on the POI in case a20 messes with the block types (if blocks your POi is using are changed)
  12. I agree. There’s several great UMA “zed packs” (all server side safe ones too!) and I personally feel Without this ability to easily mod in different looking zeds using pure XML, the game takes quite a hit for long term enjoyment/replay. I’m all for the vanilla game having nice zed/entity models (and I will forever continue to grump about not having enough vanilla entity variability) but to require the same level of (non UMA type) effort to add new zeds from modders modding in their spare time is really going to hurt the fans of the game IMHO. Leave the UMA in! I thought I did see some post about TFP making their own UMA (whatever that means). If it acts/works the same, then great!
  13. New Mod Added: Modlet: Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse-ClientIcons - Adds client side custom icons to Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse. Is this mod server side safe?: No, it contains custom icons The purpose is to "beautify" Doughs-Food-SousChefOfTheApocalypse, which is a server side safe mod while keeping it a server safe mod. It is also to prepare/package the graphics (crosses fingers) for the day when mod icons are sent from the server to the client, and at tat time the graphics will be merged into the parent mod.
  14. I use bricks, but I also almost always make my base in a concrete building, usually a stairwell. Bricks are “craft while doing something else” and I don’t need a lot. It’s basically “base 1.0” until I have a better plan for where I’m at or want to be. I consider wood blocks to be the most useless (protection wise, though cheap to make) unless you want to build a base “from scratch” and not take over a POI (early game). I do think the block “system” in gnamod is superior to the vanilla game (in terms of gameplay, maybe not fun potential) There’s no “upgrading” a block to a higher tier material, but you can “upgrade” once to a higher grade/hardness of the same material. And most blocks require a drying time like concrete today. So when you put blocks down, if you want to upgrade them, you have to rip them out. This makes you plan things out more and early game more chaotic as you don’t have materials to do what you want and have to improvise. additionally: it uses “blueprints” for every block type in the place of frames. Imagine frames you can’t stand on, you just walk through. This is neat so you can plan things out… and nerdpoling is much more work, and you can’t put down a blueprint, jump up/down, and pull it up behind you to escape zeds. one more thing: I have some mods that add materials to make blocks. One adds nails to have to “nail frames together” so you can’t build a large structure from wood frames, another adds mortar to have to make cobblestones. These seem (to me) to balance out the block crafting difficulty so you’re not swimming in cheap/durable blocks. I would welcome these changes to the vanilla game. I think concrete needs to be harder to craft if there’s not an upgrade to steel. also: seems like there should be a “sandstone” and “Adobe” blocks in the game… no?
  15. I don’t know the answer, but I’m guessing it does occur when in solo, just doesn’t pop up while in game but pops up when the game loads? my guess is that if you posted your solo game log file the error would be in there, but an option would be to Try starting up your solo game with the mods. As soon as you choose the game and “start” it, where you get the screen where it’s giving you game tips while it loads, hit F1 and the console will pop up. You might see the same error in red or yellow occur.
  16. These aren’t icons in my Sous Chef mod as it doesn’t add new icons, it just reuses existing ones. It looks like another food mod I have helped update though in the past (it looks like it’s this one: https://7daystodiemods.com/more-vanilla-foods-drinks/). The only way that the icons would be missing (normally, assuming that mod has not been broken) is: are you playing single player or joining a game? If you are joining a game that has this mod you also need to have that mod loaded on your system, as the icons from a joined game are not sent to the clients/joining systems. if you have loaded this mod (I linked above) and the icons are still missing, then maybe it’s a version mismatch or there’s actually an issue the mod authors is unaware of. The authors mod post is here: if you’re unable to get it working let me know as I can do some testing and validate if there is an issue or not with the mod or something else. Sometimes these things take a bit of work to nail down what’s causing it
  17. There’s this: https://7daystodiemods.com/enzombies-more-zombie-variations/ additionally, some of the creature packs have animals or humans. You don’t have to load them all (the robots, etc): https://7daystodiemods.com/creature-packs-a-community-entity-project/
  18. my guess: First, some statements: 1. I believe a fish was once spotted in the water in a previous version of the game. Of course, this might be BS and just a joke/fake someone posted once. 2. There IS a shark model in the game Based on the above, my complete and total guess is: TFP put the shark in as a "test model" OR as some odd way to keep people from from hiding in the water to keep zombies away from you... or maybe to make swimming 'dangerous'... much like using the gyrocopter (you're mostly safe) and having vultures (you can be attacked in the air if you're close to the ground). In the current game zeds can swim so you're not safe in the water (under most conditions). So: I'm guessing TFP considered putting things in the water to attack you, and the "possible spotting of a fish" in the water may be part of this (or not) BUT from a technical perspective, and how the game has been progressing, I'm guessing there are no visible swimming fish because: - You cannot normally see into the water unless you are in it - The fish would just be burning up "animal counts" and causing resources to be used for something you'll likely never see - TFP has not added "fishing" to the game yet, and it seems (based on this forum) they don't intend to HOWEVER: - There are some fishing mods, but all of them are "cast into the water and catch a fish". There are no actual fish in the water though: https://7daystodiemods.com/?s=fish - There is this "A Better Life" mod that adds fish and butterflies, etc but I don't think you can "fish" for them. and its for a18 and I don't believe works in a19?:
  19. I know this has kinda turned into a "is this really an issue or not" but, I'll throw in some data for anyone who is legitimately trying to play the game on an old sprouted potato of a PC: I had a non gaming windows laptop (very old and flimsy/sad) that would not play 7D2D (literally crashed after a few minutes at 1 FPS or lower, on lowest graphics settings I could do) but it would play Factorio.... so it was just a "my laptop is way underpowered" issue for 7D2D. I reinstalled windows one day (figured I'd clean house but still needed Windows for 2 apps I use rarely, and Steam;) ) and magically I could play 7D2D on lowest settings! and by "play" I mean: barely..but not *nearly* as bad as before. But the graphics were so bad vs my "gaming PC" its still not worth playing on this system. So the game was likely hampered quite a bit by the terrible specs of my PC but also by: - Bloat on the PC from years of apps being installed, that load their own services and use up CPU/memory, etc. - A driver/graphics thing or something obscure that just needed resetting.
  20. Summary: My best guess is this: If you have loaded any of the mods below I have looked at/guessed at, then its likely your son has found and read the book "Art of Mining Vol 1" and you have not. Once you find and read this book, you will likely be able to find brass when mining the same boulders. If you do not have this book already read for your character, and your son has this would make some sense. If you want to prove this is what is happening with whatever mods you have loaded, and wanted to cheat a little vs finding/buying the book, you can go into the games cheat menu and give yourself the book and read it. I don't believe you can "take it back" though so once its read its read forever for your character. Details: I can't load the mod launcher because I'm not using windows... and all the mods I'm finding indicate "18.4" game compatibility, but some other things indicate a19 compatibility, so maybe the mod author(s)/maintainers are not updating the ModInfo.xml data for a19? It *looks* like the mod name is "Harvestable Brass". Here's a link to it: https://7daystodiemods.com/harvestable-brass/ which says its for "alpha 18" of the game. BUT! this leads to this forum here: Which then leads to here; https://gitlab.com/army.bratt44/mods which then says "Unforgiven and tonys Brass From bolders"...which may be a different mod...but says the game version is "18.4" even though the gitlab "commit notes" indicate alpha 19 compatibility ANYWAY: It you look at the mod, its 1 blocks.xml file, which has this in it: <blocks> <append xpath="/blocks/block [@name='terrOreIron']"> <drop event="Harvest" name="resourceScrapBrass" prob="1.07" count="50" tag="artOfMiningLuckyStrikeHarvest" /> </append> </blocks> which seems to indicate that the "brass harvestability" from iron boulders is linked to the "Art of Mining" perk trees, "Lucky StrikeHarvest" which appears to be given to you when reading the book "Art of Mining Vol 1" HOWEVER! I found another mod called "Brass from Biomes" that has the same author(s) but is different, internally. It also says "18.4" compatible but has more "in the mod" so its likely a newer mod? anyway, it has similar logic in it except the "brass from ore" icon looks like a goldish/brassy ore blob (the kind you can only smelt in the forge to then get the brass as a crafting item), whereas the other mod uses the standard 'brass" in the vanilla game...
  21. I also have this error/issue in my single player game that's causing the exact same issues a LOT, so my game is essentially unplayable. I'm loading way too many mods (I know the dangers and I accept them) but it seems this issue appears to have a fix of "1 Corrupeted Custom Prefab, remove 1 prefab !!!" and maybe some other "fix /repair the map" commands... I'm totally ignorant in how to do these steps"of "remove prefab and delete chunk map part from server saved folder".. 1. find the corrupted POI(s)... maybe I just assume/guess its the one I'm standing in when it occurs (yes, also my horde base). I believe this is a vanilla POI, but maybe its not as I have compopack loaded, so maybe someone took a vanilla POI and modded it... 2. Remove the POI somehow 3. Do whatever else is needed ("delete chunk map part from server saved folder", etc). how does one determine the chunk? Can someone link to the commands(s) or steps I need to try to run these fixes? If I lose my game, I'm fine with that I really just wanted to try to fix it if I could and possibly identify the "bad POI's" and manually remove them, regen another map, start over, etc if I have to. Also my assumption: If the POI is my horde base, I should probably get all my stuff out of it and move elsewhere before blowing away map chunks. what's "hilarious" is I have 2 bases that are in identical POI's (kismet I guess? )... so I guess I have to blow away both my bases!
  22. NOOoOoooooooOoooooooo…… I love that stupid blunderbuss. Mostly. Sometimes. mostly because it’s big and chunky and goes “BOOOOM arf arf” when your shoot it. sometimes because I usually have to go “oh good gawd I forgot to load the blunderbuss! zombies, you just wait up for a minute and let me get ready!” I “vote” it (any removed weapons?) should be a special item like the Taza axe and found super rarely. I mean, if we’re always cutting things down to a minimum why not “chop” the special axe and special loot chest only it is found in? /s #FindingBlunderbussesButOnlySometimesFanClub
  23. Also: just glancing at your log file, there are also errors and warnings there. Some examples refer to DMT issues (these may be DMT mods that may need DMT. I can’t help with this as I never use DMT stuff (my system cannot use them). other examples are multiple lines referring to ERR block …posters as well as paintings . To me this likely is because you have added multiple mods that have posters and painting blocks (like for decor) and they are both using the same block names. So also try removing some/one as well. The log doesn’t say which mods they come from also seeing some colliding/duplicate loot ids, which means 2 (or more?) mods made a loot container and used the same ID. I don’t think the log nor the console output shows how to fix this. The only way I know how to do it is to do a file level search of the loot id and find all of the “loot.xml” files that have it then either : remove the mod(s)you want to remove with the loot ids that were in that loot.xml file, leaving only 1 of those mods or literally try to modify the loot ids (and their references). I don’t recommend the latter option unless you just personally do not want to remove a colliding mod.
  24. I looked at your mod list and nothing jumped out as an “ah ha!” that was incompatible with something I’m aware of. I was mostly looking for an overhaul mod being loaded, and I don’t see any. I’ve run games with over 100 mods and it’s true that this is asking for trouble. Usually I have to make changes to some of the mods if I really want them, or I remove ones with lots of issues. I have a small piece of advice: when loading any mods, when the game first starts up (like when it’s doing the “tips” loading screen) hit F1 and the console will pop up and you can watch the game load. It’s all guesses and experience from here, but if you see a lot of red or yellow go by and it looks like it’s all from 1 mod, remove that mod first and then shut down the game (all the way to steam) and start over. Basically this will weed out the “worst offenders” of either not being compatible with your game version, or that is having issues with other mods. It doesn’t mean that mod is bad, just it had errors when loaded with some other mods. Also: not all yellow/red lines in the console output are bad, and with a lot of mods it will happen. also: as I understand it, the reason mods can have issues with each other (and the game) is because there is no mechanism in the mods for a mod (or mod author) to restrict the mod to only load in a game that it is compatible with, not is there a way to be able to make a list of mods not compatible with it, and have the game use that. And most mod authors (I believe) don’t test if their mods are compatible with “everything”, they just write the mod and put it out there. So even if a mod has issues, it may be because it was only written for a certain version of the game (and not updated) or it simply modded a small thing that another mod also tried to mod.
  25. First: please post your games error log (everyone asks for it when there are game issues, and it will also show all the mods you loaded) Second: my guess for the loot Id errors is that some of the mods are colliding with each other, and the game is trying to populate the loot ids and they no longer exist (because of mods). Not all mods are compatible with each other. im not familiar with KingGen and how it handles mods that have content (like prefabs, etc) that would require a new world generation to be placed, but maybe that’s the map issue and the loot id error issue is separate. Hard to tell at this point.
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