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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. I have not tested it, but I believe to get the campfire to apply burning, you'll have to have it apply a buff. I looked at other blocks in teh game, and adding buffs to a block is a little different than an item. Try adding this to the campfire block as a test and see if it sets you/zeds on fire when they walk over it: <property name="BuffsWhenWalkedOn" value="buffBurningEnvironment"/> And I'm guessing, but to make the campfire "raise the heat map quicker" you probably want to change this line: <property name="HeatMapStrength" value="5"/> The forge is: <property name="HeatMapStrength" value="6"/> so maybe set it to 10? I'm not sure how fast you want 1 campfire to raise the heat level. There's a console command, in the game, if you put it into debug mode where you can see the heat level, but I'm not sure what level(s) causes screamers to come out.
  2. @CrazyAluminum Give it a shot and let me know if it works as desired: Doughs-UI-Add-2ModSlots Direct download: v0.0.1.zip Check out the docs. Tier 1 and 2 items still have 1,2 slots. !f an item has 0 slots or an odd slot config)in vanilla it will get 0 slots or keep its odd slot config. If an item was modified for 8 slots, the "item tier -> slots available" is: 1,2,3,4,5,6 -> 1,2,4,5,7,8 Here's a screenshot of a tier 6 sniper rifle, with vanilla mods only Let me know if this works like you were imagining/needing or if tweaks are needed! Currently I'm considering it "beta" until I get some user/player feedback as its not a mod I plan on using for my personal games. I've got some stuff I'm trying but it's still failing. If you can find something that works, let me know and I'll add it to the mod. FYI: I have a pipe bomb modlet that one of its' purposes (side effects?) is that you can easy and relatively cheaply (materials wise) craft "plastic" pipe bombs for luring zeds out of houses (they don't do much damage) however, every one blowing up adds 5% to the heat map, so another side effect is you can call screamers with them and not waste bullets or have to have forges nearby.
  3. Ahh. So all I need to do is create a Mod Launcher Configuration File (pointing to all my repos, descriptions, etc) and then I contact you to add the URL to that file to the launcher...database? It seems this would make it easier on you to maintain a URL to 1 thing vs all the URLs to all my mods, and any future ones as mine are all broken up into individual repos.... You mention just pointing the launcher to a single repo and it can "index" all the mods there and I believe that's the "recommended" way of storing mods (many in 1 repo) but is that basically the currently only supported way other than requesting each repo get added to the launcher. I'm not trying to be dense just don't want to create a lot of extra work for anyone, but I also kinda don't want to condense all my repo's into 1 unless its the only option. I wasn't sure of the Mod Launcher Configuration file was something I could make and maintain myself for this (like as a file in a github repo), or if it was something the mod launcher created itself, or if people using the mod launcher generated this file when they used the launcher for other people to load into the launcher so they could all sync up their mods. I'm only on Ubuntu, so I don't (can't) use the launcher today, but I have enough mods out there figured I'd give it a whirl. I'm also considering setting up Windows on my system just for gaming purposes (like trying out some DMT mods, etc) so I could use it eventually
  4. Question: Is there a link/docs that describe what files needs to exist to get a modlet in a "launcher compatible format"? I'm thinking of requesting some be listed in the launcher. Details: I've looked around and I've found several different formats/explanations for launcher compatible mods and I'm not sure what's "current". There's this link How to make a Mod Launcher Configuration File but I've also seen references to people making a "mod.xml" file inside their modlet that has a different format than "ModInfo.xml" (they use both files?) and they don't have a mod launcher configuration file in their repo, and some people seem to be just using "ModInfo.xml"? Note: I have all my modlets in different Github repos, if that changes anything. I make a github "release" for every version that is compatible with the game, so if someone wants to play game version, say, a18.2 they can (in theory) manually clone a specific modlet release for a18.2 if I have one. I feel this setup means I should probably make a repository for just the single mod launcher Configuration File that points to all the modlets I want to list (and in each listing for the modlet, I can put the last supported game version of each modlet?). Do I have to do anything special inside each modlet's folder, like make changes to ModInfo.xml, or have another xml file just for the launcher in each modlet? I feel like I'm making things too complicated, but I also don't want to break anything if people start using my modlets in the launcher and I start making updates to my modlets
  5. sort of I was originally trying to determine a good "spawn rate" for each spawn group that was not "specialized" spawn groups ) like animal group spawns. This is because each spawn group has X number of zeds in it, sometimes with probabilities that are not "1". After messing with it, I said "hmmm, what if I just added it into *every group* and made it a 1 line modlet just to see if it will work well enough, as this is easily maintainable". I commented out all the original code in case I needed to go back and use it. But: Yeah, you can also uncomment it and try out whatever you like! If you do and find some good "numbers" to use, let me know and I'll update my modlet (and possibly use your settings as I have not yet played the modlet in one of my personal games ). Originally I thought just "have a lot of screamers" was the goal but now I find out that the JaWoodle stream had some additional changes to them which I'll probably try to add based on some comments. But I don't really have any idea what settings to use (like spawn rates, etc)
  6. @CrazyAluminum = 8 mod slot, 'initial test"... So, I was able to get 8 slots "there" and I hacked at it until I found a way to get the crossbow string to be a "gun" mod, just to prove it would install and show up in the 7the slot. However, a lot of things are coming to mind and I'm not sure that any? weapons would accept > 6 mods in vanilla with vanilla mods. And would their effects actually work? I don't know...But... to add more mods to the extra slots you'd have to: - Mod the gun/item to have 8 slots. - Make a item_modifier (a mod) that somehow fits into the gun that already has all its "parts" filled. I'm not sure how easy this is, but something like "burning bullets" or better aiming or something might be doable, but I don't think "visually" you'll be able to add a mod to a gun ( so like a handgun has a tripod or 2 lasers or something). But that's just me thinking about vanilla guns only allowing a certain number of items to occupy space on the gun (visually) Anyway, without trying to make it look "good", or even knowing if it works at all, here's what it looks like on screen. Still interested? I might be able to throw together a mod that would just "allow" 8 mod slots (with the wonky pop out on the right for every item? I believe I could only have 6 slots in the top part and it would be ok, just a visual thing (mod 7 + 8 would exist you just couldn't see them), and when you mod the item it would go into the extra slots on the left side), and then leave it up to you/others to make mods to fit into them/test/etc as I'm not sure what mods would/could be made. I don't think there's going to be a good way to get the extra slots to "fit" in the vanilla UI.
  7. Update: @ATLA5has merged the changes in Github so the mod should be working in a19, per original links above. Hopefully I didn't screw something up bump to those asking about it recently: @Gouki @mrjaj @Iirlyaccess
  8. I’ll see if I can. The ui stuff is not easy to mess with, and even if it works it can look “wonky” when trying to get it into the vanilla ui. I put in some requests to TFP a long time ago to make certain ui elements “auto scroll” with a scroll bar like the recipes window and the backpack window if they got full , visually , and I haven’t seen traction on it. Meaning: if a modder added more slots, it would show the vanilla slots but add a scroll bar. If no modder added slots, then there would be no scroll bar. This way vanilla would not change look/feel unless it was modded, and then the icons would be the same size and anyone could easily add any amount of slots they wanted. I feel , before going in and attempting it, that adding more mod slots will be a similar struggle as TFP doesn’t likely already have that to be a scroll like area in the ui. anyway, I’ll give it a shot (a slot?) when I get some time and update here.
  9. @ATLA5 has been contacted and I've pushed my (hopefully) a19 b180 -> a19.2 b4 compatible update to their Github repo for their review/merging of my changes. I performed light testing just to make sure all recipes could be crafted. Note: I noticed that the chem station does not have a "food" icon (only medicine and chemistry), so I added it in as several of these food recipes use the chem station and were not easily findable without it. All the other changes were normal a18 -> a19 updates. Anyway, not sure if that's "good" or "bad" to do, or if the "food" icon was ever in the chem station. The vanilla "beer" and "moldy cornbread" recipes show up under there too
  10. Hello! I have looked into updating this modlet for a19 as it seems it needs only very minor tweaks to remain functional. I've attempted to contact @ATLA5 via these forums (as its been about 1 year since they have updated or posted in these forums under that name) and if I receive no response in awhile I'll post a working fork/version for a19 on my Github page (well, I have not extensively tested, only fixed obvious errors). Should @ATLA5 wish to continue maintaining their modlet, I'll to push my updates back to them instead (should they wish to use any of them). FYI: I don't plan on attempting to maintain/update this unless the original author cannot be contacted after a reasonable amount of time. The graphics/recipes are very nicely done and I wish to play it in my own games and I figure if I can get it working maybe others can continue to enjoy it also Also: Their Discord link above appears to be working/available. I'll also try that to contact them there as well if they do not message me back.
  11. Recent modlet updates of significance not mentioned in above posts: Modlet: Add more common sounds - Added 39 more sounds. Added a lot of sound pitch changes + variation spread to other sounds. Please let me know if you hear something that sounds a little too weird/off! Updated A fork of KHelldons a17 modlets - Modlet: Khelldon-RebarCrossBowBolts - Small fixes. Should work better in a19+ - Modlet: Khelldon-GetFramed - Small fixes. Should work better in a19+ - Modlet: Khelldon-GetPiggy - Bone and general harvesting now works. Pig sounds broke and were migrated to stag sounds for now. Thanks to @xxx73 for reporting issues! - Modlet: Khelldon-ScreamerBears - Small fixes. Bone harvesting now works. Should work better in a19+ - Modlet: Khelldon-StarterCrate is now working for a19+ Modlet: Remove The Map is now working for a19+
  12. @xxx73 - FYI: I just updated There's a lot of configs to change the "pitch variance" of a lot of sounds (most seem to sound OK. I have not tested them all) and Just added more remixed sounds: Block/Item | Type | Sounds added stone | Destroying | 6 wood | Destroying | 7 metal | Destroying | 2 cloth | Destroying | 3 door(wood) | Opening+Closing | 10 door(metal) | Opening+Closing | 12
  13. Added Modlet: Screamers - Spawn - More Summary: Inspired by JaWoodle's "Silent Hill" series and a post by @Doomofman. Adds screamer zombies to more spawn groups (currently adds to *all* spawn groups!). Note: Lightly tested. Will clean up modlet if I get feedback it's too much/many or doing a modlet this sloppy causes some issue with the game
  14. I'm checking it out I'm working on getting my randomizer to randomize UMA related things. If I can get something to work I'll update it. I've got some other fixes I want to add in, like random Localization, so instead of seeing "DoughsR_3455_ZombieBoe" (or whatever) as the name in game it might say something like "Rotten ZombieBoe" or "Putrid Sarah" or "Buttugly Meat Sack". Then you can also use your own word files if you want to randomly generate whatever names you want I'm going for the old "Garbage Pail Kids" as look/feel to see how it works.
  15. I don't I'll see if I can fix it. I noticed when I tested it spawned, etc that the hit box seemed a little off, but I didn't test it completely. The pig model has been commented out in the vanilla code for awhile so I'm going to guess its something to do with it needing some updated XML. Thanks for the info! @xxx73UPDATE: I updated GetPiggy so now its more up to date with current animal XML. The pig sounds don't work anymore though (in a19.2 b3) so I removed them and they are the default stag sounds, which are .... passable for the time being. I have a sound modlet and when I do some more sounds I'll see if I can fix the pig sounds if the pig model is still in the game. Also: Harvesting bones from GetPiggy and ScreamerBears was not correct so its been fixed as well, and harvesting in general should give more "stuff" that's consistent with the game ( like working with buffs or perks, etc). Tracking may also work a bit better than before. After looking at the GetPIggy modlet, I found some notes for GetPiggy they were "have to harvest from the head or butt". So, anyway, if you don't want to update, this harvest method should work (I also tested it and the old version does work if you hit them just right in these areas) The direct github download for my fork of the Khelldon modlets with the new GetPIggy fixes is here (v2.0.6)
  16. This is a cool idea. It could open up quite a bit of new stuff for super late game. I really want some more “electrical stuff” to be added to make and this would be perfect way to gate some crafting tech.
  17. Thanks! Yeah, I heard someone else mention the high number of crawlers in that generation, and I've noticed it too. Its kinda nice but can be weird when you have like 10 crawlers all hopping around. I have some ideas on how to do some more balancing that I plan to add to the next version that might help this
  18. This seems a little more complicated than I thought...but interests me as: - It would be cool/useful if UMA hangs around for awhile - I haven't targeted any other "class types" and Bandits/etc (Used in Creature packs, others) are a class type that will likely come into the game. - The randomizer script currently only targets a single "property" in a class/entity definition per "randomness setting". This stuff looks like it would be more complicated BUT if something could be done to add it might be done generically enough to allow targeting of other things that are more complicated than basic properties. I'll have to think about it for a bit. I want to make the randomizer as configurable and "useful" as possible, but I also want to make it generic and as simple as possible to make the code easier to maintain as TFP changes things before going "gold". Even in its current state it a little bloated, but perhaps simpler to maintain than if I tried to condense it down to some level of neatness. Being able to change even something as simple as hair/skin color would be nice though.
  19. nice I'll look into this setting when I do another round of modlet writing/enhancing. I'm not sure but I would assume making this a "longer lasting transfer effect" would be a nicer effect than what happens now when you transfer between "outside" and "inside", which is this weird "its really dark, then it lets up in like 2 seconds, then may fade back in again". I had a lot of difficulty messing with the "darkness settings" so I kept my darkness mods super simple just to get something useful, and I was hoping someone (TFP hopefully) would put some documentation in the XML explaining what the other settings were and what the values could be.
  20. It looks like it's not server side friendly, and will require a client side install as well. Details: I decided to do some searching first, before trying to stand up a server and test as I believe it will not be (because of the specialized skin) and I found this which says "Any mod that has ANY folder other than /config will require a client install to work correctly." I haven't looked at it in awhile, but the "Rabbit Of Caerbannog" has 2 folders outside of /Config, which are /Resources and /UIAtlases for the white rabbit texture, and the "Holy Hand Grenade" item icons/item models. I know there's bees some recent work by TFP to make more things in mods transfer to the client (most recently I believe in a18-a19 have been mod included prefabs and *finally!* Localization.txt) but the item icons I know don't transfer to clients (as I have made a mod "You've got Mail" specifically not with new icons because of this). Thanks! I've been playing a game with all my mods (and darkness falls, and some other mods as well) to see if there's anything to change in them (as I see it) and I appreciate the feedback! I'll probably make some more changes to the random entity one and make some more "pre generated modlets" that are a little more tuned, and I'm trying to think of a way to pre-generate them to target the Creature packs, and Sorcery, etc. so you can just load several pre-generated ones to target your specifically loaded zombie packs. It might not work well as it ideally is something you'd generate on your end after you have loaded/tested all the packs you wanted to load THEN you'd generate a custom "random entity" modlet...but... it might be do-able on my end a little. the issue is that other peoples packs can change at any time and it might be difficult to properly generate them on my side and keep up with everyone's changes... we'll see how it works out ;). I wish I didn't have to use perl as the randomizer script language (I would have rather used python as it's turning out to be the flavor of the decade) but it's the only one I know well enough to support (and write fast).
  21. Just clarifying as I'm not completely sure what an "archetype" is in the game: Do you mean "could you randomize a non zed, non animal?". Probably, if I made some additions to the script. If I look at "archetype" in the current a19.1 XML (inside entityclases.xml) I see a lot of commented out things like: Anyway... .... for testing this, it appears the "Creature Entities Pack prefabs as Z's like the bandits and survivors" is what you're looking for, and I can look into these. Are there other mods with archetypes you're thinking of I can also test against? Side note: I took over some of Khelldon's mods and the UMA Zeds stuff looked....like a lot of hard work ... so I never tried updating them since we have the creature packs . I also heard UMA was possibly not going to be a thing in future releases so that also killed it for me, if true.
  22. I haven’t tested it on a server, so I don’t know at this moment. I have read that anything with “custom zeds” or “custom icons” or “unity.3D” files is not server friendly. This mod has custom icons and unity.3D files. There was an incompatibility with a19 (a spawn group it was using was removed) but I believe I fixed that, and it was not an NRE error. I’ll fire up a vanilla server and test it out this weekend, just to see if there’s anything I can do to fix it. I thought about requesting this be put in the creature packs but I didn’t build it all myself so I don’t have the source files for the rabbit skin, which I can probably get though as another modder on these forums made it who is very active. Without the source I can’t easily maintain it, which is a requirement for getting it added the creature packs, and is likely the best bet for keeping it maintained.
  23. Looking for feedback I figured I'd post this here in case it interests anyone. Its not a "great tool"...but it gets enough of the job done someone here may want to use it... I put together a small terrible tool I call "7D2D-EntityRandomizer". Its still very early in development, but it works...so far. I have not tested it extensively, so I'd advise against using it in a "serious game" until you've tested it out a bit. Note: This is not a "true" entity randomizer! It makes "clones" of existing entities and then randomizes only the clones (so the"vanilla" zeds/animals are not modified). It then generates a modlet with the cloned entities in it. You load/install the generated modlet like any other modlet. Anyway, here's some links to it. If anyone wants to try out the "pre generated modlets" and provide feedback that would be cool :). If anyone wants to go the "custom build" and install perl and build your own modlets and provide feedback (features needed/wanted/etc) I'd be happy to take any input you have! I have built and tested ONLY on Ubuntu, it may need fixes for windows My Mods Page (Where the current status of this will be maintained) Github Repo (Where current code will live, and any documentation/examples) Note: My "configuration" files for this on github tend to be set up to make clones that are harder/faster/meaner/etc. than the vanilla zeds. Like the speed settings are set so you cannot run away (sometimes) if they are generated at max speeds. Pros: - Its an XML only cloner (no DMT needed, no special graphics, etc). So it should work on a server. I have NOT tested this. - You can randomize a lot of properties beyond "walk type" and size. In theory you could randomize any property, but the most common ones that made sense I set up first. - It has a config file! No "script editing" needed! If you wanted you can generate separate config files to generate a mod with only the animals, then another for only the zeds, etc. or even generate 2 separate modlets with different settings (like make 2 clones that are super hard, then 5 clones in another that are easier). - There are some "helper" methods for special things like WalkType and making changes to size. - You should be able to (if you generate a custom modlet for your own game) generate clones against any other entity modlet you've loaded. Meaning: if you load custom/extra zeds/animals/etc, you can make clones of these. It takes a little work to do this though, and you may have to make a few runs and tweak the configuration to make it work. Some zombies/entities just don't clone +randomize all properties well. I've had some success doing this, so it kinda works. - Fully open source! Fork and modify to your hearts content. I apologize in advance for the coding mess I have created Cons: - I have built and tested ONLY on Ubuntu. It should work on Windows, but its possible that there will be path/file naming issues. To minimize this, only use forward slashes in path names in the config file! e.g. C://test/test/test... - Its a script, and I take no responsibility for what happens to your system if you use or modify it - To make it work well (meaning it feels like game entities are random), you have to generate a "lot" of clones. Currently I generate 5 extra clones of every entity in the game. I'm not sure what kind of impact this has (its playable in my solo games). - The config file is not super clean. Its JSON so you can't easily put comments in it to self document. Stupid JSON! - I haven't written much documentation really explaining how to use it yet. I do have 2 example config files that might get you going. - "random" is mostly that. Meaning: if you randomize Walk Type and it randomly makes 4 out of 5 zeds walk the same, then that just happens. There's not a good tuning mechanism yet to "always add in some extremes" so you always have a crawler of every type of clone, or there's always a zed that runs as fast/slow as the config allowed, etc. - Every time you run it you get a different modlet (entity names are always ..randomish) and settings are random. It could cause issues if you played with a generated modlet, then generated another (and didn't make changes!) and added both to an existing game. - It requires some custom perl modules to be installed. So if you have perl installed on your system (mostly Unix/mac systems) you may want to be careful and use something like perlbrew to make a "virtual perl" installed just for your account and not mess with the system level perl. I can probably give some guidance on how to install perl and the modules, but I am not a OS/perl guru and if you blow up your OS ... now you know another way to accomplish that. - If you give the script really bad data from the config file (like put in negative numbers when it doesn't make sense, it will likely generate a modlet that is unplayable/loadable/throws a lot of errors. In fact, it might just make a bad modlet anyway. I lightly test the modlet it generates only against vanilla entities (no errors on load, etc), as TFP releases new game versions. - Probably 20 other things I'm not seeing
  24. mem: 16 gb cpu : Intel® Core™ i5-6600 CPU @ 3.30GHz × 4 graphics: NVIDIA Corporation GP108 [GeForce GT 1030] os: Ubuntu + Pop!_OS 20.04 LTS I have experienced this too, i think multiplayer but i know it happens in single player. I've noticed it occurs for me when I play a fresh new game (random gen for me, vanilla rand gen only, no nitrogen) and are optimistic and have graphic settings up too high and get really low stuttering FPS (<15-20 FPS avg). I then adjust the graphics settings lower (like all the settings). Suddenly, the issue occurs. I have not toubleshot this much, i usually just start a new game with the existing lower graphics settings and it does not return.
  25. Oh crap! I’ll take a look at it tonight and see what happened. When I’ve made the “punishing weather...” mods and overrides I usually copy one and make changes to it to make the new ones. Thanks! Update: Those 2 mods should now be properly referencing themselves Thanks @PaddoPaulus!
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