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Everything posted by doughphunghus

  1. Yeah, I do agree on the “relative ease of use” but I still know people (friends and family) who are just not willing to mess with it. I’ve tried and lost the battle. I was able to get 1 person to switch to an Apple MacBook, which is sort of a “win” and they love it over Windows, but then again they weren’t really doing anything special (no special apps, for work, etc).edit: and they spent a bizillion dollars for it(ha) but I got to have their old laptop as they no longer wanted it. So it sorta kept some old hardware out of a landfill. the other problem I’ve run into is Windows apps that run poorly on Wine. Usually it’s “I have to have this app” like old school Quicken or something where they’ve been using it for years. ao my experiences have been not so great, other than those that have moved to Apple products, none of them have messed with the “normal Linuxy stuff” like the command line or changing their desktop manager or handling backups, file formats changing (using LibreOffice, etc). honestly, for the younger kids I know (relatives) if it’s not on their phones, then it’s for school. And if it’s not for school, it doesn’t exist as a concept. My niece (who can drive) had her Windows laptop break and she asked if I could fix it (sight unseen). I asked her what OS it was as a joke and she looked at me like I just landed and asked to see their leader. And she didn’t really care, as the laptop was for school and not her phone. “I’ll just buy another one” was the answer when I tried to ask any questions. Another niece was shown a raspberry pi with Minecraft on it (her favorite game at the time) and she almost died of boredom within 3 seconds. Probably because it was bulkier than a phone. Smh;) but that’s my general experience.
  2. Warning: Linux Evangelizing in 3..2..1.. For anyone who is/may/eventually/has to buy a new PC and have Windows on it (like if Windows 11 obsoletes your current system and will not work with it), I would like to suggest that you don’t donate/throw away your old system immediately. As soon as you’re “done with your old PC” *and it’s trash to you*, try installing Ubuntu (it’s free) on it and give it a chance. I suggest Ubuntu only because it has a “simple/normal” installer and should just work. I’m sure some other Linux users would disagree with me yes, you’re going to feel like ubuntu sucks because it doesn’t look and act exactly like Windows, but just try it out. Browse the web, check your email, install whatever and try to do your “normal stuff”. Just test the waters of not using Windows. Likely you’ll find that there is something you just have to have that’s only Windows compatible, and that’s good because then you can decide if that’s reason enough you need Windows in some future PC purchase. If nothing else, it might give you reason to keep your old PC and get more life out of it vs throwing it in the trash. if you’re not “a computer person” or don’t have the time or care to mess with it, sure don’t give it a try. It’s not for everyone but it may open your eyes to exactly what you need/use that’s Windows only and it might save you some money in the future should it be useful to you. note: switching away from Windows is not always a walk on the park because “everyone uses Windows”. you will no longer be part of the 98+%? of people (who all use Windows) and are likely going to have issues with something (like finding out steam will install, but not all steam games you bought support Linux) hence only attempting to try it out on a junk PC you’re no longer going to use for *anything*. In my opinion Windows is more “user friendly” and more “user resilient” for certain things (like finding how to fix PC problems on the internet) so it’s a good choice to keep Windows for someone already using Windows who doesn’t want to mess around with or learn about computers. Linux is for people who are willing to learn something new for (insert reason).
  3. @GrimGuardian: Patch to KHelldon-StarterCrate tested (lightly) and patch uploaded to github: 7D2D-Doughs-Khelldons-Mods-a19
  4. @GrimGuardianIt looks like its colliding with the vanilla game new twitch integration and none of the mods you have loaded. I'm going to spend a few minutes looking for an "open" lootcontainer ID and then I'll update the mod, then post again here. Thanks for letting me know!
  5. Do you have any other mods loaded? the easiest “fix” for now (since choosing any other loot is may cause collisions with other mods you’re not loading (for other people) is to choose a new loot or for the one using 525. If I know what mods you’re loading I can run it against those and some others I have (about 170 I find can all be loaded at once) and I can do an update with a new loot I’d that might not collide with anyone. The new twitch integration used up a lot of loot id’s and I’m guessing that’s what it’s colliding with
  6. It’s the … wight… thing to do. It’s been so long since he’s had that looked at since the … walker… in clinic botched it. I’ve …. Hoard…. He’s really self conscious about it but Maybe if they stitch him up he’ll be happier and …. Turn …. the other cheek, but it would be quite the … rad…ical change of heart to have him a…green… with humanity and not want to eat them. (I’m sorry. I’ve had a long day. Feels like … 7 days…. All compressed into one.)
  7. Family: “why is there a metal cage on the roof and a big submarine door leading to it? Why is ther just a campfire on the floor in the kitchen with no ventilation even though we have an oven… wait, it’s not hooked up? Why does the 1 bedroom room just have bedrolls with our names on them all over the floor…. And … a box with a crossbow?” You: “yes. This is all built according to a very specific plan. Now put these 125 chunks of meat into that box. No, it won’t go bad. Here’s an axe made from a rock and a tree branch, go mow the lawn with it”
  8. As far as I know there’s no experience of anyone removing it who told me about it. I’ve never tried removing it in an already running game. If you want to try: I can think of 2 options: total removal (risky) and “lightly disable” (probably much safer, but not totally removing everything) first: you should back up your save game files. so you don’t corrupt your save game by attempting to remove the mod (or any mod). I would always work on the assumption that removing or adding any mods mid game could possibly corrupt the game in some fashion and cause possible game loss. Possibility 1 - total removal of mod: if you can, before removing/deleting the mod from your game/ try to have all players “scrap” or “drop” any items you may have on you or in inventory (cheats, etc) first that are related to it.And if you have any quests from it that are active for any players (it has a geocaching map quest) you might want to “fail” or deactivate (or I guess go dig them up and complete them). if you don’t do this I would believe it’s possible for the game to load up with some errors as those items will “no longer be found”. It’s also possible? That if you had them in your personal loot chests and didn’t scrap/drop them that when you open the chest an error might pop up. I would also assume that if any traders had stocked items from the mod, they will still have them, so it’s possible if you visited a trader before they restocked it might cause some errors/weirdness. I would also assume any loot containers anyone visited (opened) and didn’t take out all items related to this mod would still have the items in the container… and it would never naturally refresh the loot container, so it might throw errors when someone eventually openes it up again? These are all guesses, but how I would remove it “completely” and cross my fingers. Possibility 2 - another option, which is probably “safer”, is not to remove it but “lightly disable” parts of it. go into the mod and rename “loot.xml” something like “_loot.xml”. This should stop anyone from finding new items from this mod in loot, without removing any existing items from the game. Then, you might be able to do the same renaming with “recipes.xml” so there will be no more recipe crafting from it (or showing a lot of recipes you can never use in the game). So sure, someone might have some special items left around, but no one will find any more or be able to craft anything new from the mod. !Warning!: these options are both “guesses” by me on how it could be removed/disabled. I’ve never done this and I’m also not looking at the mod now (not at my pc, but I looked at it on GitHub) so not 100% sure, especially for a multiplayer game which I don’t test on/for. I believe the “general rule” is to jot just remove mods in an already running game, and I don’t test or document doing this at all when making my mods! Note: the mod does define special “blocks” like the game boards, so if any are placed anywhere you likely should destroy them. If you cannot delete/destroy all items and blocks from the world/inventory then “lightly disabling” the mod as mentioned above is likely the better option to try.
  9. Ha! I’ve settled on 40 min days as well, but mainly because playing “1 full day” is about as much time as I spend playing in a “normal” game session (unless it’s a weekend and I have more time). I originally did it to make time pass faster so I’d be under more pressure and less prepared for horde nights. I die a lot, but I like the “ambiance” of not having enough time to do everything and having to fight horde night unprepared. It also seems to make me have to dedicate a “day” to do 1 activity like “loot” or “mine” or “work on base” as if I try to do more in a day and just lollygagging around I tend to have a really hard time, resource wise. And I usually do this because “I feel ive mined enough…. Err, let’s go loot that house before nightfall!” And it turns out I didn’t mine enough
  10. Maybe? This mod has some remove and appending commands in it. Mods load in alphabetical order by mod folder name and “d” comes before “e”. Maybe try renaming this mod ao it alphabetically comes “first” in name when sorting all the mod folders from a-z. Restart your game and see if it fixes the zombie spawns
  11. I agree it would be nice to have “cooking“ workstation upgrades. I’ve seen some mods that do it, but I think having “electric” would be nice for the large oven and the microwave. Make them heavy electric users. Electricity needs more uses to burn resources (burn? I meant “choose usage wisely”) and having recipes “gated” by workstation type would be nice for the higher foods. And it makes your base feel more “like a base” vs “here’s my day 200 base! yeah I can build working auto turrets and dart traps and automation to open the drawbridge so I can drive my hand built gyrocopter into a covered garage… but ya know what? I still like to cook over the campfire on the floor over in the corner. Like the good ol days” I’ve played some mods with “workstation upgrade/gating and it helps spread out the game stages, gives you more goals to accomplish and is fun IMHO.
  12. There’s a YouTube called jawoodle who, in some old YouTube videos (maybe 2020?) was making zombie launcher cannons to see how high and how many could be launched. He added hatches and some power/switches/automation to “load the grenades”. I can *almost* see a competition here where you launch them at targets or something. Or like the old “artillery duel” games where you launched at an opponents base and tried to hit a specific spot. Or maybe like clay pigeon shooting…. Hmmmm.
  13. Can confirm how pleasing it is to be fighting several zeds all at once and then send one of these flying off a building with a power hit like “NOT TODAY $&!#-r!”
  14. If you're messing with the forge stack size, do not go over 30k!
  15. I wrote up a post kinda guessing the same thing in the game XML they have it capped at 30k, which I guess is because its a nice round number. My personal *belief* is that the game *allows* larger stacks while running, but when the game is saved ?some? things are signed short int in the save file/format. "Once you go over that it loops to -32,768. No idea what that would do.": in my tests, it gave negative forge contents, and caused weirdness like "forge deleted when reentering game", etc.
  16. I'm running this mod and all the "base" creaturepacks (that start with "0-") and several other zed adding mods and its not causing me any issues. I did not create a new character for this game, just a new RNG map.
  17. I concur. I decommed the "MeanCloud__ForgesHold1M" forge mod I was maintaining that allowed > 30k forge items per forge item slot as it could caused various game corruption issues. I didn't see this specifically but it caused all sorts of issues. Multiple people complained about "it broke my game" and I finally was able to reproduce when someone gave me more info as it was not easy to reproduce corruption. Interesting. I was not aware other "mods that caused stacking over 30k" had issues!
  18. I would assume so. Twitch doesn’t really define what they would consider “nudity” but I’m betting that if anyone flagged a stream for it a human would check. They don’t seem to have a problem with allowing girls wearing bikinis in inflatable pools, as well as the girls painting themselves (and it’s not full on nudity) so I imagine any cover up of “the obvious” is ok for Twitch. I don’t know how YouTube handles it.
  19. @Aramus +1 thanks for the non windows fix suggestions. I’m on Ubuntu (not running a shared server) and yeah it’s nice to not have to fix the case on the files/folders. It’s not a major pain for me but I always load the game with the console open to watch for mod errors as this happens with several mods , usually when someone makes a “Modinfo.xml” and not “ModInfo.xml” @errornull one other suggestion is that you make a note which zeds (by name in the xml., or just a comment in the xml) are the “naked ones”. “Naked” being the generic US definition of “female with no top on” as I don’t also see any zeds without some form of pants. I say this because streamers will likely want to edit these out because even though you can mark your stream as “mature” if there’s “nudity” then you can still get your channel/stream banned. And who knows who is judging what “nudity” counts as in a game but If it’s not easy for people to comment/edit out then it may get less usage/exposure on Twitch/YouTube/etc. im not saying remove/change them, just maybe make it easier for people who are not modders to identify/edit them out of their publicly streamed games or just to point out there’s some topless looking zeds.
  20. I usually load the creature packs to “get more zed variety” , and Snufkins for “something to get killed by or run away from” but this fills a really nice spot. I’m going to load it immediately;) thanks for the mod!
  21. Suggestion: if you’re going to do a few tests by making changes to the vanilla XML files, try to make the changes you want to implement small and “well Documented” for yourself, just to prove to yourself this is possible/workable. Then make a modlet out of it, then do all future XML modification work to flush it out inside the modlet. I say this because if you make a lot of changes to the vanilla XML and don’t remember everything you did, it can be really hard to reverse engineer it into a modlet, and if you accidentally update the game the vanilla XML gets updated and you lose all your work (unless you have a backup). usually I’ll try a few ideas using the vanilla XML as figuring out the modlet syntax takes a little bit of work, but I’ve been bitten by the “did too much in the vanilla XML” issue myself
  22. I was curious if there were a way to spawn an entity “in game” without using the debug menu span commands or DMT modding. As an example: could the player throw something and (hits the ground and breaks) and have an entity spawn in? Like “a genie in a bottle” where you throw or break something and a zed is spawned?
  23. edit: this is a good old link to explain how to extract and repackage sounds for the game: Not sure if I can help here, but I’ve messed with the game sounds: I have several Sounds I made that sound “loud” in audacity but when put into the game they sound muddled/low. The sounds that I have ripped from the game and modified and put back into the game sound “good”, volume wise. My guesses as to what may be causing the volume issue is: - the game may be doing some sound processing on sounds. - from what I’ve heard, a lot of vanilla sounds sound really loud when extracted and played outside of the game. given these two, it’s likely a sound just needs to have some “general high sound db level” to sound good in the game. Maybe the devs are working off of some “max volume” setting or something, so all sounds are recorded at max volume and then they lower it for distance, volume sliders, etc because if you made a sound “louder” than it was recorded it might cause clipping or distort it? I also believe some sounds are attached to “things” (like zeds, blocks) and some things are in your head. For both of these, it makes sense to record them “as loud as needed” and then have them naturally get quieter as the “thing” moves away. For “in head sounds” maybe the max volume is set different than the sounds attached to things as the distance (in your head) never changes so it’s a known volume to record/playback at? Just thinking about this as maybe there are 2 “max volume levels” one might find if you extracted sounds for these types of things. annother theory, based on another person having similar issues and some discussion. Still a theory! Maybe the game is also manipulating the sound not in volume, but in “range”, like a graphic equalizer. So if a sound has a lot of bass or treble but not a lot of midrange, it might sound muffled? Just a theory, but you might want to look at the source sound profile to make sure all the “volume” isn’t at the far end of the high or low spectrum. I doubt this is the case but unless a dev explicitly says it’s not or says how they handle sounds (or what they do to record new ones) all theories are valid. I doubt though that this is a major contributor unless your sounds are really only high/low.
  24. I think I ran into this some time ago (this year, months ago) and if it’s restricted still then it’s likely that way on purpose? I host all my stuff on GitHub so all I have to do is put a link up and not upload to the forums. if you do end up having to put it “somewhere else”, my thoughts: - GitHub: Relatively easy to use ... once you get used to it. You might want to use a desktop GitHub app if it’s new to you so you can just drag and drop the files there. I use the command line mostly to interact with it, so I’m not too familiar with the easier ways. Bonus: the 7daystodiemods.com website (if they are aware of your mods) can auto scan GitHub and keep their site updated. This site provides a nice search and “organization” of your mods. - Nexusmods.com: I don’t use it, but it provides a very nice “search and showcase” of your mods. I feel it’s a bit of a pain if you have a lot of mods to get them all loaded in as they ask a lot of questions to get each mod set up. - Dropbox/etc: I don’t like these as I feel it’s very hard for other people to find your mods here, especially if they’re only listed on these forums with just a link to a Dropbox. But if you’re already using something like this then it’s probably a decent choice. If you do this I would highly suggest adding the forum threads for your mods to this forums “mod list” to make it easier for people to find:
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