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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I moved this post to the right section, "General Support". You need to post some more information, especially the logfile:
  2. So where did you get a hummer from? There is no such vehicle in the classic aka vanilla game
  3. Partly agree, but it is a not so subtle difference if you have two mods for the spear you want to use.
  4. Right, there is no need for a GUI. That actually would increase the chance for this option greatly I would assume. Doubling is the upper limit, just 1 more is the lower. I also don't think devs want to add unsupported configurations even if they technically can wash their hands of it. Players tend to ignore such details when they complain. In what way do unit tests help in writing the code? And unit tests have to be written as well. And considering the state of actual software development who knows whether TFP uses unit tests at all.
  5. It isn't only about the potential 10 minutes it costs to add such a switch into the game even though it is more like a few hours of work: 1) The dev needs to add the option flag to the code, 2) then add the option to serverconfig.xml, 2a) and make sure the parser for serverconfig.xml recognizes the option 3) then add the option to the GUI (with all the problems of formatting and moving stuff around so it looks good again) 3a) and add the boiler plate code that handles the new GUI option 4) then add a few lines of code that let the timer run on if that flag is set (this step is probably the smallest part in it). 5) Then test that setup, potentially correcting any bugs (which are bound to crop up because with so many steps in so many different parts of the total code base a mistake or omission is very likely) It is also about the GUI real estate that the option occupies. Most developers want single-page non-scrolling options and not too many tabs. This option potentially competes with lots of other sensible options people were asking for that want to be on that option page It is also that any option that gets added adds at least one new test case and one mode of operation the devs and testers of the game have to check upon and support. If we look at permutation of options, it even doubles that number. It is one of the most common misconceptions of non-programmers to underestimate the work necessary to support options.
  6. I said it a few times to TFP: Make the open and closed book have a different color. But they seem to think it is impossible to miss this, contrary to the evidence of people asking about it from time to time. Maybe they forget that some people play this game on tiny laptop-displays or have problems with eye-sight.
  7. Buying a second copy just for this is not a sensible suggestion, no question about that. But the reason above has no foundation. While there may be slightly less FPS on average on linux and there are sometimes graphical bugs because of GPU driver differences, support for linux has been exemplary on the whole. I have been playing since A15, on linux, and never needed to skip a day playing the vanilla game. Mods sometimes create problems, but never vanilla. Developers are very hesistant to add options. The chance that this option will be added because of your problem is pretty slim as creative mode is easily able to simulate this: Make a writable storage box and write "forge" on it. Whenever you need forged iron, take a stack of scrap iron out of it and drop it on the floor. Add a corresponding stack of forged iron from cm. Voila, the instant forge. By the way, the forge seems to get an overhaul in A20 or A21, with the smelting phase being removed. It could make modding of the production times easier.
  8. Are you a Console player? If not, you are in the wrong forum part. If yes, there will not be any new features coming to the console version because the publisher folded.
  9. The "Mods" section is for listing actual mods. Please use "Discussion and Requests" for modding questions.
  10. Not trolling, but I can get on peoples nerves šŸ˜‰ My point was that, whether they are dead or infected or whatever else, I call them zombies and I call "28 days later" a zombie movie. Many other people do too. It is fine if you don't want to call them zombies, but then you probably should not view the things running around in 7D2D as zombies. Because that makes you infer "facts" that don't seem to be true in the game. No, didn't think so. I was just saying that as a historical context. At least since the remake "Day of the Dawn" movie came out the name "zombie" was used more and more loosely for everything that had enough in common with a zombie to be called a zombie by the general public. EDIT: Ooops, it was "Dawn of the Dead", not "Day of the Dawn".
  11. Expectations come from lore and other games but no game designer is forced to adhere to them. Romero purists may differ but they have lost the war long ago. Did you expect the zombies to be killed always with one headshot? Were you shocked when they ran? Where is the previous lore for the blood moon and exploding cops ? Why are the innards of an exploded cop red? If the theory doesn't fit the facts you have to change the theory, not the facts. You say they don't regenerate? In 7D2D that may be true for their skin, but a lot of them regenerate health quite drastically. How does that fit your theory? The theory where you selected some rule from other movies or games and presented that as fact for this game ("they died and for some reason, woke up"). When you say "28 days later" zombies are not zombies to you, then I suspect that neither the 7D2d zombies are really zombies by your definition. Case in point, they bleed šŸ˜
  12. Your picture link doesn't work. You can upload pictures into this forum and show them, read the editor hints below the edit window If your question is why nobody wants your models, well, there is a trust issue. There are scammers who try to trick people into using their stuff (using a fake identiy) and then accuse them of stealing and then ask for compensation. Trust can only be built up over time. If your question is a technical one you really should add more information. What you were doing, the xml code you used, what files you changed, the error messages you get... The more details you provide the better.
  13. I usually build a central pillar 3x1 with a staircase winding around it to reach resources at any height. And keep a ceiling of >5 blocks height, so blotches of sand in there are supported by blotches of resource and stone. Except for a small entrance on a side. I might add smaller pillars sometimes, but on the whole I never had a cave-in of the ceiling with often just this one central pillar. 3x1 because this makes it easy to dig under one block of the pillar and fill it up with wood again without momentarily loosing stability, even if I remove one block too much.
  14. Technically and logically they are not at all dead as they are still moving around and reacting to the world. Technically and logically they can't exist so you don't even need weapons and armor in this game. Just try it, those zombies must be illusions šŸ˜‰. Maybe your character in the game ate some halluzinatory drug and has a fever dream now šŸ˜ Unless you present me with a convincing theory of what exactly they are and how their muscles work without blood etc. (which I'm pretty sure you can't) anything is possible. Your theory and any theory ever posted on these forums is pure nonsense deduced from nonsense facts.
  15. Everything points to your player files on the server being damaged. The only other small potential problem flags I have seen are a 12k world and that you had to connect with SteamNetworking which tends to be a common thing whenever people report network problems. Could you ask the server admin to make a copy of and delete your player files again on the server. Since you only mention the ttp files, please tell him to also remove the .map file for your character and edit players.xml to remove the part with your player id. And you should, at the same time, delete your local cache stuff in Appdata/SavesLocal. Then connect to the server. If the problem happens again, let the server admin send you the newly created player files so you can publish them on the forum. I think a TFP tester should then be able to find out what is wrong with your character data and get a lead on this bug. If the problem goes away, I would want to know the lines deleted from players.xml at least, maybe they give a hint to the cause.
  16. When was the last time you asked for a zombie old man / pensioner ? It is logical
  17. It would be a security hole to be able to change serverconfig.xml. I don't think this will ever be made possible for xml-only mods.
  18. In the middle ages viruses, epidemics and even chance was explained by the supernatural, witches, the devil, religion... Because the scientific explanation was far out of reach The times they are a changing and science and the supernatural has switched places Nowadays science is the explanation for everything and no scientist or journalist in his right senses would attribute Covid to a witch. Any supernatural epidemic would be explained by a scientific theory, missing pieces relegated to further research. Naturally the zombie plague must have been caused by a virus or radioactive mutation, whatever theory fits the facts better at the moment. šŸ˜‰
  19. I'm all for wacky. But what you suggested in your post were a "Spike rifle or a Junk rifle" and now flamethrower. Sorry to say this, but none of those weapons are really wacky. In actual handling a spike/junk rifle would be just a normal rifle, only ammo production would be slightly different. A hub cap mine launcher on the other hand would be a welcome addition to the INT line of weapons. I like that INT plays so differently and people have to actually find out that they have to use guns from other attributes to get the most out of INT. The fallout system is so free you play it once until you have every skill maxed or until you played your favourite combo to death, then you have done everything the system offers. TFPs is an open class system that invites replays with a different perk focus. I don't want a fallout clone personally. Even though I liked fallout 3, I only played it once. Fallout 3's strong points are the quests, whithout them you get the desaster that was fallout 76.
  20. Sure. But voice recording can happen at any time parallel to any work done on RWG, different people are involved in those tasks. And for TFP there is no immediate pressure to fix a new bug if it isn't critical. So it may get fixed eventually but I would rather bet on winning the lottery than on this bug being already fixed in A20 šŸ˜‰.
  21. Well, but that is an omission in the character menue already because there is no option to select transgender there. Whatever you think your toon is really male. But there is a secret recipe in the game to chemically change your toon. You can find it if you wrench up a few mines.
  22. While some people get triggered by any mention of other sexes nowadays, addressing a toon wrongly is a simple bug just like the wrong spelling of an ingame item or calling all guns pistols in the perk menue would be. Would that be possible without making the sentences sound wrong? I didn't look up which sentences need treatment so I don't know. You can make bug reports by using the link in green on top of the forum page. Then follow the instructions there, except you don't need to add logfiles or be all too specific about your hardware. But probably a list of all critical sentences you noticed might be helpful.
  23. If you want you can make a bug report so they don't forget it. Whether it will get fixed probably depends on whether they can hire the same speakers to add new lines.
  24. Furthermore you can get new vehicles by doing quests with cars in front of them.
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