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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Note for people who have played 7d2d less than 3 hours and might not know: Just pick up the vehicle and set it down again. This makes it YOUR vehicle.
  2. In A19 I don't have this problem anymore because of the yellow direction icon being directly on the vehicle.
  3. The way armor is calculated in this game +10 armor can be a massive difference. Lets assume you had armor 80 before getting the set bonus. This means you would get 20 damage if a zombie hit you for 100. Now with +10 you are at armor 90 and only 10 damage would get through. In other words this would half the damage you receive.
  4. Having helicopter blades sticking in your brain may be detrimental to your health
  5. The answer is obviously that it doesn't work like in diablo. Otherwise you would have to explain how the farmer set bonus can be distributed (no encumbrance for seeds)
  6. It seems if you turn on SI debug overlay, green means structural integrity still holds up 😉
  7. They are trying something new and will release A21 before A20. They found out backtracking is a lot easier. Seriously, MM already said A20 would have more features and the time till end-of-year too short. Look at the feature list and you wouldn't believe him anyway if he said they were targetting December 😉
  8. Then give a penny to Arma Rex and be done with it
  9. Got it, was thinking about savage country pois, not Savage Country pois. Farmer and nerd outfit seem to indicate that clothes will have quality too. We will have to see but that might mean that you can get a full set early in the game, but need a lot of looting before your set is also at a good quality
  10. It seems a bit railroad-y. each set seems tailored to one attribute. And the really good set bonus makes sure we don't deviate, at least when we have all items in a set. I would have prefered something more orthogonal to the attributes. It could also lead to much clothes-swapping. If someone has to mine a bit, he would want to don whatever he has of the miner clothes, the bonus of each is just too good to ignore. Don't get me wrong, the general direction of giving lots of bonuses to clothes is great, and naturally this critique is premature without having played it.
  11. No. It could also be 5% chance per second of hitting.
  12. The xml says the chance is 5%, but it is not said of what it is 5%
  13. "Recently" is not the right word here as it was more than a year ago now (if I'm not totally mistaken). If you haven't already, read the blog post that is linked above in bright red. The situation is still exactly the same: Their plan is to finish the PC version and THEN make plans for console. In your case it means you would need to switch unless you want to wait another 2-3 years.
  14. I think you are completely right. Chickens are birthed in hot oil, live in card board boxes and have a crust. They can't lay eggs. But you can order an egg salad with the chicken, though the eggs were never touched by that chicken in any way. Chickens also can't fly, otherwise we would call them vultures.
  15. Not my native language, but I thought "chicken" is the zoological term for the whole race, including (female) hens! Is that wrong?
  16. All the looters must be throwing pitchforks at TFP because there is always a delay when opening a box. We are sooo not playing the game all the time we loot a kitchen. Lowering yield is exactly what you would be doing if you were using the lower-tier tool that fits your stamina regen. With a stone axe your yield may not be great but you can easily mine without pause. Naturally as a player you know from previous sessions how it feels to stomp through earth with a steel axe and then a stone axe feels just whimpy and inadequate.
  17. Current balance is for early game to not have any iron or steel tools. Why would you need blackstrap if you only have a stone axe? In mid game you just need sexrex 2 and normal coffee (which is nicely doable for everyone without specializing in strength) to hack away for minutes before your stamina runs out. If you absolutely can't have that (some people think their inflexibility is OCD), go a little deeper and get sexrex 3. Unless you are really specializing in strength, don't use steel tools.
  18. Explanation could be that there is no path to him. When you stand on a big block of concrete they probably all go into destroy mode.
  19. Boring. I built a short round race track (partly through a house, partly with turrets and electric wire and partly underground). Didn't test it on horde night yet, but it probably will be "one of those interesting times" your enemies wish you to live in.
  20. post in english. Only the english language guards you from Corona 😉. And it's in the rules.
  21. So you listed multiple zombie abilities added and called it removing choice. You complain about vanilla being too easy and at the same time complain about the easiest cop outs of horde night made difficult or impossible. You could ask DFs KhaineGB sometime if he would have allowed easy horde night evasion in his mod if TFP hadn't closed that hole already. You complain about vanilla as if it is vanillas job to keep experienced players occupied indefinitely, while most players by now know that thats the job of mods. Vanilla is the entry level.
  22. I dream of the following scenario: The map is split by a mountain range. On one side is a big lake on a higher elevation, you start on the other half. Through some event or quest in mid game a dam breaks and slowly (over say 2 weeks) the half you are in is flooded with water. In the 2 weeks you have to find a place on the other side emerging out of the water to build your new base in and transfer your most precious stuff to it. While all the usual stuff like horde nights happens in between and your old base slowly sinks.
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