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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. I see your mouth is capable enough to take on a mountain lion 😁
  2. The field above your base has to be plated in cobblestone or concrete, not just the ceiling of your base. So that a single digger does not create a hole that eventually presents a faster path. Also there needs to be a field of spikes and later turrets to pick off the zombies that go into destroy mode instead of following paths. Headspace may be a problem, even if you can walk down there without hitting your head the pathing of the zombies might see it differently.
  3. I made an empirical test: 1) Sat around somewhere safe measured food use while nothing was happening. It was one food every 2:15 minutes. Lets call it base digestion 2) Jumped on a spike trap then let myself heal by natural healing. It was roughly 10 food to heal 10 health, after deduction of the base digestion 3) Then with Healing Factor 2 did the same. It was again 10 food to heal 10 health after deduction of base digestion. It just happened about twice as fast (5 minutes instead of 11-12)
  4. Usually this means the other players data is borked in the save game. To make sure it isn't the world data itself your friend should move 500m in any direction. If the error still persists it is probably the player data Then you could try this: First let your friend join again so he can write down his level and the books he knows. Then he should put everything he owns and wears into storage While the game is NOT running locate your savegame, go into Players and delete the two files that are named like your friends steam-ID. To be safe your friend meanwhile should delete everything in SavesLocal (which should be located in the same dir his local savegames are). The bad news is that afterwards your friend will start at 0 again. So you have to give your friend admin rights (there is an admin command in the console that should do that, otherwise use serveradmin.xml which is located in the savegame folder as well). He can then get back his levels with the command giveselfxp and use creative menue to get back book knowledge and items.
  5. You said this. So I showed you the lines where it does (presumably, I didn't exactly analyze it, the comment line seemed enough to show its purpose).
  6. There is more in buffs.xml: <effect_group> <!-- set the speed at which crit buffs heal naturally --> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="1"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="LT" value="1"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="1.2"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="Equals" value="1"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="1.4"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="Equals" value="2"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="1.6"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="Equals" value="3"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="1.8"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="Equals" value="4"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="set" value="2"> <requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="perkHealingFactor" operation="Equals" value="5"/></triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfBuffUpdate" action="ModifyCVar" cvar="$critHitNaturalHealingRate" operation="multiply" value="2"> <requirement name="HasBuff" buff="buffDrugHealthBar"/></triggered_effect> </effect_group>
  7. That doesn't say much. It could be a setting some providers use for their routing or traffic control, it could be the internet router brand given out to customers of the provider. In both cases it could happen in any country.
  8. Possibly. In our 4 player co op game it is always the same one player that gets disconnected frequently. One difference is his provider which looks like it could be the reason. Any other hypothesis? We also have locks being forgotten, again he has it all the time but it seems we do too sometimes. Which is something that points more in the direction of a universal bug instead of one induced by FPS or very bad connection or latency
  9. Sorry, but you can't promise that. 😉 Before you had said "Then it just stopped working". But here you say the problem started when you tried to go back to 19.3. If it happened at that time that would be a HUGE pointer to some registry settings for either 7d2d or unity that did change between those versions having a detrimental effect. Since you cleared 7d2d settings and since the culprit seems to be graphics and the unity crash Log crashes I'd say there is a big chance there is some unity registry setting at fault here.
  10. I'm not saying it is a class less system and I think neither is Roland. But you are not locked into a class. Lets assume it was a typical skill-tree. In such a system you would as well either have to choose between knowing one skil branch perfectly at some point or know two branches less perfectly or far. Does that lock you into a branch?
  11. Not from the start, in the early game it costs you nearly nothing to branch out. And it actually costs you the same to make a dual-class without the 5th perk level than to make a single-class with 5th perk level.
  12. If you started in A15 then you have progressed from beginner to expert in that time which changes a lot. Yes. vanilla at default is easy, but vanilla is made that way for beginners and at the same time for people with minimum spec hardware. Experts are supposed to do some of the following things; 1) use mods 2) play on harder difficulites like insane 3) increase zombie numbers if your hardware allows it 4) decrease loot amount ...
  13. Personally I agree, but the description was never changed because people should know they can post in the mod threads themselves and it is not easy to convey that in one simple sentence
  14. Please put questions into "Discussion and Requests". I moved your thread.
  15. Ok. Maybe the creator or warzuk knows a better way but probably this is just part of warzuks being a hardcore mod. If the mod still has coffee and it reduces stamina usage you might just copy the definiton of coffee to a new item coffeeXL in items.xml and boost duration and stamina reduction to the hillt. (If it isn't you could copy the code from vanilla) Since coffeXL won't be in any loot list it won't change anything for players but you can get yourself stacks of it from creative menue
  16. Here is the no-code solution if your character is strictly the admin toon and you don't want to use him for playing: You might just give him loads of xp with giveselfxp and add all the perks that improve stamina usage (sexrex, cardio) or increase mileage from food (Iron gut). Also levels themselves are good as they increase your total stamina pool. Then get a stack of spaghetti from creative menue and you should be set for a long time. (This is for vanilla though, the mod may have some other perks you need. If the mod has learning-by-doing you are probably out of luck)
  17. Agreed. One hope is that they really get the specialization of the traders "right". If one finds Trader Chen first it would mean quite low chances to buy a better axe.
  18. You don't know why they postoned armor. It could be the programmers not having time to add code for it, it could be the UI guy having some other important sutff to do, it could even be that they got a late idea for a new feature with armors that they don't have time for. They also have different priorities than players do and players among them as well. I'm waiting for legendary weapons since plans for them were announced in A17. Why should they implement your armors before my legendary weapons?
  19. Gouki is correct, I moved the thread
  20. Currently the only persons able to pat on your back are in your apartment or building and probably don't even know what a 'Servant Daze 2 Dye' is and why you should be patted on the back for needing thousands of hours to creating a paint with a strange name 😉 (assuming a lockdown in Canada)
  21. If you reduce loot to some tools and weapons you already lost the bigger view because you concentrated on something you as a player should ignore if you want to immerse yourself into the game world. I loot all the time in early game because my prioirites are to feed myself and start getting resources and mods and books. The devs seems to think the current situation isn't optimal as well, AFAIK loot tables are getting a makeover and there definitely will be the choice to raid other biomes for better loot (tables) I consider the current loot tables too strict as well, there should be lottery-ticket type chances to get better stuff for better loot tables. In actual play this won't change anything though, if every 12th player finds an iron tool on day 3 that would be IMHO the optimal balance. It would mean that in 4 player co-op games the miner gets an iron tool in every 3rd game. In fact single players will have a sub-standard chance to find much better stuff when the game has to be balanced for multiplayer as well.
  22. I see one hand raised there in the crowd. Oh, wait, not a hand, just a stump. 😉
  23. Moved to "Discussion and Requests". "Mods" is only for listing and supporting existing mods
  24. You might just inspect the mod you are using to see how it does its magic. You need to learn the syntax of XPATH, but if you want to mod yourself you probably should do that anyway. There is a tutorial about it somewhere in the forum Headshot multiplier should be somehwhere in progression.xml while all weapons and ammo should be in items.xml. Weapons added through a mod would have the definitions in their mod directory defined as XPATH. Note that ammo has the damage and weapons just add a modifier so it might be easier to modify the ammo instead of all the weapons
  25. I urge you to hunt and scientifically experiment on a real zombie to answer all those questions and submit your paper to Scientifc American. I would start the search in Haiti if I were you 😁
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