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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Most games are bottlenecked by the GPU in typical PCs, very few (like 7D2D) are bottlenecked by the CPU. Also I suspect another bottleneck somewhere on the memory bus or in caches as 7D2D seems to shift a lot more information (the voxel data) between CPU, GPU, RAM and SSD/harddisk. Bottlenecked CPU means: Every cycle the GPU is finished with its task to display a frame looong before the CPU gives it a new frame to display for the next cycle. Which is why it doesn't matter anymore how fast the GPU is, as it would just have to wait longer.
  2. McCarthy would say that knowing the c-word already makes you suspicious and denying it is almost a confession 😁
  3. I know there are no easy leads, but like Sherlock Holmes said: Holmes: β€œTo the curious incident of the dog in the night-time.” Gregory: β€œThe dog did nothing in the night-time.” Holmes: β€œThat was the curious incident.”
  4. Likewise, I'm sure the devs value your feedback. (Although they tend to just skim longer opinion pieces, it is better to concentrate on few most important points). (Note, I do not speak for them though, I'm just a normal player with moderator rights) Sure, but your opinion was that melee weapons are useless, which would amount to an overhaul if they were of the same opinion. By the way, you are pretty alone with that opinion in this forum at least, lots of people use melee extensively to save on ammo. That you have too much ammo at the moment so you don't need to save any is because a) the game isn't fully balanced and b) you are an experienced player playing vanilla. Mods are in an early-alpha state as well πŸ˜‰. They have to adapt to a changing vanilla every time a new alpha comes out which takes time. Generally mods will trail vanilla in polishedness for quite some time because modders are more interested in features than polish and because they don't have the sources and need to work with the interfaces exposed. So they are quite limited in some things. Don't expect them to code a new AI any time soon for example πŸ˜‰. Since alphas don't change as much of the low-level stuff the quality of mods has improved though. I don't like all the changes that Darkness Falls does but in terms of polish it made a big leap in the last year. Can't speak about other mods yet, this is the first one my group tried in A19. The installation system will improve but only near release of the game, TFP plans to use steam workshop Players using intentional death happened with all versions of death penalty TFP tried. At the same time it can't be too punishing so it doesn't lead to death loops happening that would happen to new players. So the death penalty is a compromise like a lot of stuff in the game They try to hit blocks in their way. IF the player is lower than them they will hit the ground as well. AI is very difficult in a voxel world. I too hope they add a value function to blocks nearer to the player but it is not sure if the 2 programmers involved in AI ever get the time for it as they have the difficult task to make bandits act well. Which is a task that will probably occupy them for a long time. In previous alphas people would farm zombies for loot, i.e. intentionally let zombies spawn (through screamers) to get easy loot. The devs said "We don't want a loot delivery service" and removed that. I'm pretty sure it won't come back. Except in mods, some of them increase loot bag frequency. Not likely to get changed in my opinion. I expect that would be just too many low-level changes necessary to improve this. Modders don't have to respect min spec PCs, they increase vehicle speed quite often. Sorry, but it very much looks like you have to swallow the turd of installing mods πŸ˜‰
  5. Generally you should know that a) the game is already half in a beta state, there is still the important feature "bandits" missing, but in general this is the game that will be published, so for example there won't be another big overhaul of skills and perks. And b) that vanilla is considered the game for new players, the intro. Players that have played the base game enough to get bored are expexted to use difficulty settings and especially mods. If you want more difficulty, just test a few overhaul mods, most of them ramped up difficulty. Some comments to your points: 3) Lots of death penalties were already tried in previous alphas, I see no indication they want to change the death penalty again (but hey, who knows, changes like these can happen out of the blue, just not likely) 4) Some zombies not following the path is already in the game, a few always go into destroy mode. 9) Occasionally you can find stuff on zombies (a yellow backpack). But stuff on every zombie was already tested in a previous alpha and removed because it was endless looting work after a horde night 12) vehicle speed is limited by minimum PC speccs, as well as concurrent zombies spawned for example. A low end PC has to load world data fast enough so the bike isn't stopped on section borders 14) AFAIK there will be more special zombies, but the tank is already in, it is the demolisher.
  6. Strangely our "problem magnet" player had that problem for previous alphas even. It might mean his and your problem are not from the same cause, or the bug has multiple or complicated conditions to activate. I would say you should make a bug report, but I can't give you much hope this bug will be found soon, it seems difficult to replicate. But someone has to start the bug hunt. The more people report the bug the easier it is to find a link between them
  7. I voted yes, because I like to see immediately what type of zombie I have in front of me. That allows a bit of tactical decision, who to target first, who needs less hits, who should not be underestimated in melee fights ...
  8. What you are asking for is usually called "learning by doing" or LBD around here. There are some mods which have enabled it again, for example Darkness Falls, but those mods usually have increased difficulty as well compared to vanilla
  9. While "Maybe someday" really means: "I once read a book about an utopia written by a mental patient while he was high on euphoria-inducing drugs. I could imagine being there and getting it done. 😁
  10. How is the CPU doing, is it heating up the case by chance? Normally 7D2D is cpu-bound. Since you compare 7d2d with Wolfenstein how about posting Wolfensteins TechPowerUp data as well. If that shows less GPU chip power draw, we know the additional heat really comes from the GPU, if not the heat must come from other parts.
  11. I cite your previous statement, do you still stand by it? If yes, replace step 3 (which is also step 3 in your detailed example if I understand that correctly) with for each item { result=0; while (abundance>100%) { result=result+1; abundance=abundance-100% } if ( rnd(abundance)==1 ) { result=result+1 } // rnd(k) returns 1 with a probability of k, otherwise 0. This is just the easy to understand pseudocode for single items. This can be easily generalized to stacks of items, so there is no need to do that calculation for every single bullet of a stack of bullets. Note that this algorithm makes sure that at 100% nothing would change. And at 200% exactly 2 items instead of 1 would drop. And at 150% there still would be the one item guaranteed, but another item would drop with 50% chance. For a value of 25% abundance each item that would drop at 100% would now have only a 25% chance to drop. Exactly what you would expect from such a setting
  12. Wrong. The 75 eggs would automatically happen if any egg found would only be found with a chance of 75%. In other words a system like you described above but instead of rounding a percentage chance is used for determining if something is found in loot or not
  13. We need the full log and as unholyjoe already said, it is best to put the log into an online service like pastebin and just post the link to it here. This is explained in the Pinned thread on How to Report an Issue you don't seem to have read.
  14. There already seems to be a routine in there that handles fractions of loot results. If you are right and rounding is used there the fix would be to simply change that to use that routine instead.
  15. This is an english language forum only. Please translate your posts, if neccesarry with an online translator like https://www.deepl.com/translator
  16. I think a dev once explained that a 50% loot chance would be handled correctly in that an internal dice roll would decide if an item drops or not. Whether that is true, false or bugged only a test can show
  17. You are correct. It was just an idea he mentioned.
  18. Isn't smelting on the way out already? You are beating a horse that will be dead in A20
  19. With the added difficulty that it glitches through walls sometimes 😎
  20. So what? It makes the game more difficult. Now increase zombie spawn like in most mods and zombies get harder. I listed 4 things to do, do it all and you will find yourself challenged. Or start A16 again and feel as bored as you are now. I know, I have visited the hub city in A15 when I had more experience with the game and it was much less dangerous than when I had been a newbie.
  21. Reply from a tester, they are aware of the problem:
  22. This is the difficulty mulitiplier. It depended on difficulty setting in earlier alphas but in recent alphas is just fixed at 1.2 PS: Made a bug report. Probably won't help you in your game, except if they fix it fast and backport it to A19.
  23. This is a consequence of capped player level (at 300) and dayssurvived capped at player level. Therefore maximum gamestage at the moment is (300+300)x1.2 = 720.
  24. BlockPenetrationFactor is also mentioned 4 times in items.xml ----------- Hint: Get yourself an utility to search for strings in lots of files, makes looking for stuff like this much easier. Or it might be possible to activate Unix-support in windows and simply type grep "searchstring" * after changing to that dir in the shell to get a nice list of every occurence of that string
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