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  1. So I am working on a mod whereby the zombies only drop casinoCoins and you use those coins to purchase items from the trader. I have the following in my loot.xml: <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']/item[@group='cannedfood' or @name='drinkJarBeer' or @name='drinkJarBoiledWater' or @group='booksAllScaled' or @group='brassResource' or @name='resourceForgedIron' or @name='resourceForgedSteel' or @group='groupToolsTiered' or @group='groupRareToolsTiered' or @group='groupArmorScaled' or @name='armorMiningHelmet' or @group='groupApparelClothes' or @group='warmClothes' or @group='groupAmmoRegular' or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled' or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles' or @name='oldCash' or @name='drugHerbalAntibiotics' or @group='rareMedicine' or @name='drugPainkillers' or @name='drugVitamins' or @group='groupTreasureMaps' or @group='groupQuestChallenge' or @name='casinoCoin'] "/> <!-- Bikers --> <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='71']/item[@group='cannedfood' or @name='drinkJarBeer' or @name='drinkJarBoiledWater' or @group='booksAllScaled' or @group='brassResource' or @name='resourceForgedIron' or @name='resourceForgedSteel' or @group='groupToolsTiered' or @group='groupRareToolsTiered' or @group='groupArmorScaled' or @name='armorMiningHelmet' or @group='groupApparelClothes' or @group='warmClothes' or @group='groupAmmoRegular' or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled' or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles' or @name='oldCash' or @name='drugHerbalAntibiotics' or @group='rareMedicine' or @name='drugPainkillers' or @name='drugVitamins' or @group='groupTreasureMaps' or @group='groupQuestChallenge' or @name='resourceMilitaryFiber' or @name='armorSwatHelmet' or @group='groupApparelHazmat' or @group='groupModAllScaled' or @group='vehiclePartsTiered' or @name='casinoCoin'] "/> <!-- Demolitions Zombie --> <remove xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='73']/item[@group='booksRareOnlyScaled' or @name='resourceForgedSteel' or @group='groupRareToolsTiered' or @group='groupArmorScaled' or @name='armorSwatHelmet' or @group='groupApparelHazmat' or @group='groupAmmoRegular' or @group='groupWeaponsAllScaled' or @name='apparelNightvisionGoggles' or @name='oldCash' or @group='rareMedicine' or @name='drugVitamins' or @name='drugSteroids' or @group='groupTreasureMaps' or @group='groupQuestChallenge' or @group='groupModAllScaled' or @group='vehiclePartsTiered'] "/> <!-- Add casinoCoin to Demolitions Zombie with low drop rate--> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='73']"> <item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/> </append> <!-- Add casinoCoin to Other Zombies with low drop rate--> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']"> <item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/> </append> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='71']"> <item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/> </append> However it doesnt seem to matter what night or how high a level the player is the amount of coins never changes. I would like it that the game progresses the zombies drop a higher value of coins. Sorry if this is obvious this is my first attempt at modding
  2. I dont think this is possible, however let me ask anyway I am working on a mod with a custom map. The map is completely featureless, no towns, tree's, roads, POI's etc except for 1 trader. I would to ensure the player spawn near the trader or if thats not possible, if there someway of creating an item that would allow them to teleport to the trader, but a one time use only?
  3. never mind, I worked it out there is no xpath in localizations.txt, you create one in your mode and copy the sections from the original and put in your own text.
  4. I want to replace the Welcome text in the game when you first start so I can put something about how my mod works, I cant seem to find it in the XML's though? Or do I just change it in the localisations text?
  5. Thanks @Cpt Krunch - I have managed to get it done with a whole load of this in biomes.xml: <set xpath="/worldgeneration/biomes/biome[@name='desert']/decorations/decoration[@type='prefab' and @name='deco_iron_vein']/@prob">0</set> for each resource type in my biome and I now have the most features, flat and boring terrain possible!!! - Perfect
  6. Thanks I have taken a look, but dont think that helps you set default settings, just changes the options available but I am guessing the options changed since that mod was released I did wonder that seeing as you could add yourself to server admins, change server password etc, but wasnt sure if certain things like day/night length and difficulty were possible. thanks for the reply though
  7. I am working on a mod that will require certain server settings put a certain way for it to be played correctly. For example: <set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='DayNightLength']/@value">30</set> <set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='LootAbundance']/@value">1</set> <set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='DayNightLength']/@value">30</set> <set xpath="ServerSettings\property[@name='BloodMoonFrequency']/@value">1</set> I have tried adding a serverconfig.xml in to the config folder in my mod, but it is ignored. Is this possible?
  8. Thank you!! Another question is it possible to remove all resources from the map, so no tree's materials etc?
  9. I am trying to create the most featureless flat map I can. All flat, no cities, 1 trader new town, all grassland, 4k However when I click generate world I get running generation thread deactivate noise deactivate noise creating output directory: NitroGenMap D:\Games Monkeys\NitroGen_WorldGenerator\output\NitroGenMap output directory created ... running terrain generation ... exporting (1/3) exporting (2/3) exporting (3/3) ... terrain generation ... DONE ... Total time taken: 0 min 5 sec and then nothing If I check the output folder I have the folder, 3 png's (biomes, genhm, radiation) and an empty preview folder. machine is not struggling for RAM or cpu 64 bit Java installed, but lost now Screenshot of settings: https://imgur.com/a/zoCogfx Edit: Just tried it with default settings and it works fine, some bug with the settings I have selected?
  10. I am wanting to add some items and amend some items in the loot.xml and cant seem to crack it. I think it's because of my xpath structures. For example I add this to make the demolition Zombies: <!-- Add casinoCoin to Demolitions Zombie --> <append xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='73']"> <item name="casinoCoin" count="1,20" prob="1"/> </append> This works fine However when I try to amend the casinoCoin drop rate for the other Zombies it doesnt work with this: <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer/item[@name='casinoCoin']" name="count">1,20</set> The drop rate of the coins still seems in the hundreds. I was hoping the above would affect all other zombies (id's 70 and 71) as I didnt specify it, but I did also try <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='70']/item[@name='casinoCoin']" name="count">1,20</set> <set xpath="/lootcontainers/lootcontainer[@id='71']/item[@name='casinoCoin']" name="count">1,20</set> but it didnt work For example when I kill the Demolition Zombie he will drop a very small amount (30ish or so), but any other zombies drop up to 1200 coins Essentially what I would like to achieve is that they drop a small amount of casino coins, which increases as the players lvl/gamestage increase.
  11. Thank you so much, I think I have it cracked: <append xpath="/traders/trader_item_groups/trader_item_group[@name='traderAlways']"> <item name="resourceForgedIron" count="100" prob="1" /> <item name="resourceForgedSteel" count="100" prob="1" /> <item group="cannedfood" count="100" prob="1" /> <item name="forge" count="4" prob="1" /> <item name="workbench" count="4" prob="1" /> <item name="cementMixer" count="4" prob="1" /> <item name="chemistryStation" count="4" prob="1" /> </append> Seems to be making everything appear always, which is perfect
  12. Thanks for the reply, I was just editing the main XML's however I am now reworking it with a proper mod setup. I have no idea how to do the xpath thing for this however. This is as far as I have gotten: <setattribute xpath="//trader_info[@id='1']/trader_items[@group='generalResources']" name=" If you can give me any pointers at all I would be eternally grateful, or if you could give me an example for the concreteBlock I could work out the rest thanks
  13. Hi all, first post here, so forgive any common errors. I am just getting in to messing with the game files and am wondering if it's possible to define what traders have for sale and how much they cost. For example if I want the trader to sell things like concrete blocks and frames, is this possible? I have been in to the Traders.xml and tried adding: <item name="pouredConcreteBlock" count="1,3" prob="20"/> to the all traders section and specifically to trader Joel I then realised the the concrete block probably doesnt have a value set to it so added this to the items.xml <item name="resourceConcreteMix"> <property name="HoldType" value="45"/> <property name="Meshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sackPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="DropMeshfile" value="#Other/Items?Misc/sack_droppedPrefab.prefab"/> <property name="Material" value="MresourceConcreteMix"/> <property name="Weight" value="20"/> <property name="Stacknumber" value="1000"/> <!-- STK resource --> <property name="EconomicValue" value="125"/> <property name="EconomicBundleSize" value="50"/> <property name="Group" value="Resources"/> </item> But no dice. Am I missing something or is it just not possible?
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