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What a waste of time

Guest Nyteshade12134

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Guest Nyteshade12134

You put in the time and effort to mod this game to the way you like it, and then they come along with a new "improved" update to make all your mods invalid. Its a waste of time modding this game because they always change the game mechanics so what you did wont work anymore. Back to having boring ass huds again. No sense in getting mod packs or prefabs because they wont work soon. The only thing not STABLE with this game is the developers. Make up your damn minds on how you want to do stuff. I'm tired of wasting my time and having all my effort come to nothing.

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You put in the time and effort to mod this game to the way you like it, and then they come along with a new "improved" update to make all your mods invalid. Its a waste of time modding this game because they always change the game mechanics so what you did wont work anymore. Back to having boring ass huds again. No sense in getting mod packs or prefabs because they wont work soon. The only thing not STABLE with this game is the developers. Make up your damn minds on how you want to do stuff. I'm tired of wasting my time and having all my effort come to nothing.

I love those crooked bastards... :)

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You put in the time and effort to mod this game to the way you like it, and then they come along with a new "improved" update to make all your mods invalid. Its a waste of time modding this game because they always change the game mechanics so what you did wont work anymore. Back to having boring ass huds again. No sense in getting mod packs or prefabs because they wont work soon. The only thing not STABLE with this game is the developers. Make up your damn minds on how you want to do stuff. I'm tired of wasting my time and having all my effort come to nothing.


I understand how frustrating it is to put in all the effort into your mods, and feel that it's wasted.


A lot of us modders are very hopeful for Alpha 17. We've all "lost" an immense amount of work, but we don't see or feel that its a loss. We've learned a lot by creating the many mods that players around the world have been playing.


Rather than despair at the loss of the work, try to find some peace with everything you've learned, and imagine what you'll be able to accomplish now with Alpha 17.


Welcome to the community. Should you decide to stay with us as we all explore what Alpha 17 can do, I'm sure we'll be able to learn a lot from each other, and do what we do best: making mods for ourselves, and our players.


It's not an ending. It's a new beginning.

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We Alpha 16 modders had a good run! I mean that sincerely. We had a stable, unchanging build on which to build our mods for over a year. If you want to talk about time, that's a lot of time for people to enjoy our work. Becoming an Alpha 17 modder will likely be an even bigger undertaking, but I'm looking forward to seeing what is possible that wasn't before.

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I understand how frustrating it is to put in all the effort into your mods, and feel that it's wasted.


A lot of us modders are very hopeful for Alpha 17. We've all "lost" an immense amount of work, but we don't see or feel that its a loss. We've learned a lot by creating the many mods that players around the world have been playing.


Rather than despair at the loss of the work, try to find some peace with everything you've learned, and imagine what you'll be able to accomplish now with Alpha 17.


Welcome to the community. Should you decide to stay with us as we all explore what Alpha 17 can do, I'm sure we'll be able to learn a lot from each other, and do what we do best: making mods for ourselves, and our players.


It's not an ending. It's a new beginning.


Yes sir I am very excited as well and I know I have to go back to the drawing board myself. I literally added over 6000+ new Items, 100+ new quests and over 2000+ recipes and used ALL 2047 blocks for my modded server LOL


I may personally have to Modded servers for those that still want to play the Modded A16 and then have a separate A17 Modded server.


One thing I am waiting see is if ANY of the prefabs will still work or if they will have to be updated. Either way I know for one I am very hopeful and ready for the challenge as it gives me something to do after working all day :p

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We Alpha 16 modders had a good run! I mean that sincerely. We had a stable, unchanging build on which to build our mods for over a year. If you want to talk about time, that's a lot of time for people to enjoy our work. Becoming an Alpha 17 modder will likely be an even bigger undertaking, but I'm looking forward to seeing what is possible that wasn't before.


I know personally I am excited to see if the lag issues with crafting and recipes was actually addressed plus all the new features if they made it in or not and what we can now do or not do. I agree with us modders having over a year to play with was a good run and yes it was frustrating too to wait for updates BUT that being said, look how long the game has been around and STILL getting updates? Not many games can even say that, they normally just make a second game for it or DLC or new game altogether. I personally love that it still gets attention even though its taken a while , its still being updated and worked on nevertheless and allowing us to run our own mods is a huge plus in my eyes.

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Guest Nyteshade12134
I understand how frustrating it is to put in all the effort into your mods, and feel that it's wasted.


A lot of us modders are very hopeful for Alpha 17. We've all "lost" an immense amount of work, but we don't see or feel that its a loss. We've learned a lot by creating the many mods that players around the world have been playing.


Rather than despair at the loss of the work, try to find some peace with everything you've learned, and imagine what you'll be able to accomplish now with Alpha 17.


Welcome to the community. Should you decide to stay with us as we all explore what Alpha 17 can do, I'm sure we'll be able to learn a lot from each other, and do what we do best: making mods for ourselves, and our players.


It's not an ending. It's a new beginning.


What I have seen on YouTube makes Alpha 17 look VERY buggy and they're touting the graphics while the gameplay is buggy as hell. Whoopee, power attacks. How about having components like a shotgun that actually has a proper texture on it and tooltips that are defined. Wow, another headache that we "modders" can fix for them. I'd rather have Tritox's Origin UI than what they're showing as a UI, and wow, we can have an upgradable backpack (after they take away slots on us)


I am not very hopefull. I hope after they update I can go back to 16.4 after I find out I don't like Alpha 17. What a shame, instead of going with something good, they change the whole damn system.


I hope the current Alpha 16.4 mods, like Starvation, Ravenhearst, ValMod et al. will still have active links. I think that THEY are more of an update than what I've seen of Alpha 17. Only time will tell, Hopefully Alpha 17 isn't as bad as it looks on YouTube. If the Dev's are going to post videos highlighting their stuff, you would think they would post what works, NOT what doesn't.


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Guest Nyteshade12134

Like I said, time will tell. But, its obvious they have changed enough that MOST of the current mods wont work. Personally, I've put in A LOT of time in modding. All wasted of course, because I doubt it will be backwardly compatible. Yeah take away slots in the backpack just so you have to buy perks to open locked slots. How about JUST increase the size of the damn backpack? Nah, that'd be too easy. Zombies that don't drop loot because it clutters up the backpack, so lets make it SMALLER. What a crock. How about fixing ♥♥♥♥ that's current instead of trying to re-invent the wheel. Make it so you don't move backwards as fast, wouldn't want to make it easy, gotta get those hits in. What they can hit while they're down? Lets just make things harder on the players. Even switching the attack and use buttons. What the hell? Why? PLEASE, list some IMPROVEMENTS they have made. Oooh higher resolution graphics. More stupid breaking floors. Washed out zombies. Slower tree chopping. Looks like BIG improvements.

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I don't see it as a waste of time.


Yeah, I'm probably going to have to re-do a LOT of my mod, but some of the stuff I've done should also convert over with no issues (archetypes, as an example assuming UMA zombies can still be a thing).


But the main thing is I learnt a LOT with how the XML links together and how the game works. :)

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This is neither a pick a poke or prod. This is an honest curiosity re: your post.

I can only go by what i have read in this post thus far. There are generalizations,

vague associations, and group attachments, ie. "we the" and "we will" sound more like

cohersive self validations. If you would post some of the mods that you have speant an

inordinate time on. You may find that some of the assumptions regarading the particular

mods that you have worked so hard on, during the passed year, that the other posted

modders, may have input to ease your transition.


Example, I have approx 3 to 4 terabytes

of saved data that started with terraforming, Tin and Alphado pointed me in the correct

direction to reach my personal goal. I then wanted to know more regarding entity ai. Once

again i came to forum and asked how I could attain my goal, GuppyCur pointed to archtypes

and Badco as a start. So i then learned to mod the simplest area. I then gravitated to

a desire for understanding and customizing the graphics. I was invited to Discord, here

I received information and guidance from Dust2Death, and trust me at that time I was

a pain in the "___" but he and the other Modders looked and told me the points i was

missing pointed me to tutorials that i had missed. and i learned to adjust Umaplayer,

created an ambient lighting tutorial that hopefully will work in the future.



Do you see the pattern? Here if you ask someone may help but will at least offer to help

as long as you are willing to do the research. Some things won't work, somethings may work,

some things will work. But it doesnt matter.


As a community the Modders here will always

get it to work. As stated above, what are the major mods that you personally feel that

TFP's changes have nullified. Someoe here may be working on that same idea and may be

willing to collaborate with you. Otherwise the post reads more like a rant against the

videos that was moved from the gelded Developer Discussions: Alpha 17 wrapped in the

subject of how We will be affected.


PS: Alpha 16 and prior will still work, after A17 is on the computer. so your mods will

still work until they can be adjusted for the new environment.

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Um, price you pay modding an unfinished game?


Just a fact.


This pretty much, its still alpha which means alot of stuff can and will change. This doesn't stop people from making some really great stuff though, honestly without the mods, i'd have given up on 7dtd till a17 hits over a year ago. The mods kept it fresh and intersting. So I am thankfull to the modders who took the time to make these mods.


- - - Updated - - -


I don't see it as a waste of time.


Yeah, I'm probably going to have to re-do a LOT of my mod, but some of the stuff I've done should also convert over with no issues (archetypes, as an example assuming UMA zombies can still be a thing).


But the main thing is I learnt a LOT with how the XML links together and how the game works. :)


I can't wait for a updated ver of your mod myself, its one of my personal most played. Valmod being another one.

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This is neither a pick a poke or prod. This is an honest curiosity re: your post.

I can only go by what i have read in this post thus far. There are generalizations,

vague associations, and group attachments, ie. "we the" and "we will" sound more like

cohersive self validations. If you would post some of the mods that you have speant an

inordinate time on. You may find that some of the assumptions regarading the particular

mods that you have worked so hard on, during the passed year, that the other posted

modders, may have input to ease your transition.


Example, I have approx 3 to 4 terabytes

of saved data that started with terraforming, Tin and Alphado pointed me in the correct

direction to reach my personal goal. I then wanted to know more regarding entity ai. Once

again i came to forum and asked how I could attain my goal, GuppyCur pointed to archtypes

and Badco as a start. So i then learned to mod the simplest area. I then gravitated to

a desire for understanding and customizing the graphics. I was invited to Discord, here

I received information and guidance from Dust2Death, and trust me at that time I was

a pain in the "___" but he and the other Modders looked and told me the points i was

missing pointed me to tutorials that i had missed. and i learned to adjust Umaplayer,

created an ambient lighting tutorial that hopefully will work in the future.



Do you see the pattern? Here if you ask someone may help but will at least offer to help

as long as you are willing to do the research. Some things won't work, somethings may work,

some things will work. But it doesnt matter.


As a community the Modders here will always

get it to work. As stated above, what are the major mods that you personally feel that

TFP's changes have nullified. Someoe here may be working on that same idea and may be

willing to collaborate with you. Otherwise the post reads more like a rant against the

videos that was moved from the gelded Developer Discussions: Alpha 17 wrapped in the

subject of how We will be affected.


PS: Alpha 16 and prior will still work, after A17 is on the computer. so your mods will

still work until they can be adjusted for the new environment.


I agree, i have gotten tons of help on here and learned a lot thru trial and error and also received information directly from different modders here on Discord as well as PM's. it is a great community and its nice to see TFP are actually involved vs other games I have seen. Nevertheless we all are excited to see what changes are made and what doesn't work that's half the fun of being a modder. The challenge we accepted when we started to mod to bring our ideas of what we wanted to see in the game and actually have "most" of the power to get it to work and if we can't on our own, we have our fellow modders willing to assist.


Example Manux and I have been working together as well and so has DUST2DEATH on his Custom Vehicles Mod where DUST did a lot and I have been testing with my brothers on the Multi-Player aspect for a dedicated server making sure that works. Without those 2 personally involved we wouldn't have their great Mod that they brought to the game. Sure A17 is promising New Vehicles and Off-Roading and possible flying but Manux and DUST got it in A16 before that. I for one was extremely excited and tested that right away. Reported Errors and issues and they fixed it. They are not TFP but it just shows everyone Modders Help Modders AND everyone else. :)

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So you're either bitching that mods will be broke because updates break mods, which is retarded because if you mod a game that's /still being built/, of course mods are going to break in between builds, or you're arguing that a17 is going to be broken and suck, in which case this is the wrong section for your negativity.


Which is it?


If it's the former, um, several major modders just came here to poop on you, because they're ALL excited and can't WAIT for their mods to break because now they get to play with NEW stuff, and if it's the latter, wouldn't it make more sense to check out a17e, or a17 in your case, before making a judgement based on a 3mos old video?


Thread is done.

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@ the OP


We've had this build for a year.

You're complaining that's not long enough?

You might literally be the only one.


Then you complained that A17 will be buggy..

[And post a OLD video MM made to show new things BEFORE THEY WERE READY.]


Here's a thought.






No one is forcing you to update to A17.

Play A16.4 until A17 has a stable release.


Then you'll have nothing to complain about and this whole thread will be a giant waste of time.

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Moaning about a game getting updates, because it means your mods no longer work? really?


If you mod an unfinished game, that you know will get updates, then it's your own fault, no one forced you to do it, so to complain about having your time wasted is almost laughable, and the only person you should be blaming or moaning at, is yourself.


A17 is even heavily delayed, so you've had over a year of A16 to play on for your mod, seriously, stop blaming other people for your own unforced decisions and for not being able to understand that a game in Alpha is going to change and get updated.

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