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What a waste of time

Guest Nyteshade12134

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Guest Nyteshade12134


So you're either bitching that mods will be broke because updates break mods, which is retarded because if you mod a game that's /still being built/, of course mods are going to break in between builds, or you're arguing that a17 is going to be broken and suck, in which case this is the wrong section for your negativity.


Which is it?


If it's the former, um, several major modders just came here to poop on you, because they're ALL excited and can't WAIT for their mods to break because now they get to play with NEW stuff, and if it's the latter, wouldn't it make more sense to check out a17e, or a17 in your case, before making a judgement based on a 3mos old video?


Thread is done.


You know what, you're right. Enough bitching about it. You know it all. I'm done talking about it. Enjoy re-working all your stuff. As for me, I'm done trying. As for not updating... I'm not the one FORCING an update, an update that TAKES away things from the game, and changes things that already work. Apparently I AM the only one who cares about MY wasted time. I wont post anymore. Sorry I offended your sensibilities. I'll just keep my mouth shut and you all can do whatever you want. God forbid a person doesn't want a stable game to be changed. New and improved, yeah, looks it.

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You know what, you're right. Enough bitching about it. You know it all. I'm done talking about it. Enjoy re-working all your stuff. As for me, I'm done trying. As for not updating... I'm not the one FORCING an update, an update that TAKES away things from the game, and changes things that already work. Apparently I AM the only one who cares about MY wasted time. I wont post anymore. Sorry I offended your sensibilities. I'll just keep my mouth shut and you all can do whatever you want. God forbid a person doesn't want a stable game to be changed. New and improved, yeah, looks it.


Forcing an update? seriously? it's in Alpha, it's had multiple updates and game changing mechanics throughout it's life and anyone with common sense will understand that until it goes full release, then more updates and changes will be made. It's not like they suddenly just announced this update a couple of days ago, we've been expecting it for most of this year, so you really need to look at yourself and how you view things.


As for the game being stable and working fine.... i mean if you ignore the glitches, the awful AI, the countless bugs, the poor overall performance in terms of fps when it comes to horde nights and using turrets and blade traps, mini bikes disappearing ect ect... then sure, the game is completely fine and didn't need an almost complete overhaul.... jeez


Also, you're basing your opinion on A17 on a 3 month old video, that was titled very early experimental build.... seriously, i just don't know what you expected from a video like that, and i really think you need to actually try the update, before trying to tell everyone it sucks and is broken. I mean you could actually end up being right, and it could be a complete mess, but you kind of have to wait and actually try it, before making such claims


You're entitled to your opinion and you're free to express them, but when you do it in a public forum like this, then you can't go full snowflake on those that point out the flaws in your opinion. If you can't handle honest feedback and reactions to your opinions, then expressing them in public, is probably never going to end well for you.

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