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Which is the more important main feature of the game VIII


Which is the more important main feature of the game VIII  

63 members have voted

  1. 1. Which is the more important main feature of the game VIII

    • Fortitude
    • Agility
    • Strength
    • Perception
    • Intellect

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This time we are going into speculative territory. The developers want us to be able to define our characters into classes based on the five attributes being introduced into A17. As of today the details are a bit sketchy on what each attribute will control exactly but lets have some guesses and thoughts about what you think they might control and also which one attribute you think you would enjoy pumping up as the primary attribute to define your character.


It will be interesting to see what the developers actually do with these attributes and what aspects of the game they will affect and how accurate some of your guesses may be. Sadly I will not participate in the speculation because....heheh....I know. :devilish:


Here is what YOU know (I've decided to help out a bit by revealing a bit of info so each has one known effect but each attribute does affect several aspects of the game beyond the first one revealed...):


Fortitude: Health, ??????

Agility: Stamina, ??????

Strength: Melee Combat, ??????

Perception: Scavenging, ??????

Intellect: Social Interactions, ??????


So make your best guess on what these attributes will affect and let us know which one you like the best (or at least which one you will focus on first on your very first playthrough of A17) and why.

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Are you sure the original list is correct? Using standards RPG tropes it comes out more like this...


Fortitude: Health, Stamina, ??????

Agility: Move speed and jump, ?????? (possibly ranged combat, if so, perception is then scavenging as you say)

Strength: Melee Combat, ??????

Perception: Ranged Combat, ??????

Intellect: Social Interactions, Scavenging, ??????

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Agility. Being slow sucks in every game ever.


EDIT: It is very rare for "Intelligence" to be well implemented in a game system. If the primary use in this game system for "Intellect" is social interactions, nobody will use it at all.


I never said it was the primary. I just picked one of the features that intelligence affects. There are others and believe me, when you all read the full list of what each one enhances you will want to be able to put points into all of them but Gazz is sure to make it a very difficult choice for us.


I can also say that starting over and playing with a different attribute focus will change the game in significant ways.


I plan to run this same poll a couple months after A17 hits and see whether it turns out the same.

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Are you sure the original list is correct? Using standards RPG tropes it comes out more like this...


Fortitude: Health, Stamina, ??????

Agility: Move speed and jump, ?????? (possibly ranged combat, if so, perception is then scavenging as you say)

Strength: Melee Combat, ??????

Perception: Ranged Combat, ??????

Intellect: Social Interactions, Scavenging, ??????


Unless they make changes to the current spreadsheet, the way I put it is correct. 7DtD attributes : standard tropes :: 7DtD zombies : standard tropes.....

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Well, I probably will be optimizing stealth and I assume perception might have something to do with that. So I voted perception.


Which could be completely wrong, because perception already has scavening aka looting on it and I guess Gazz will distribute class abilities so that you can't just pump up one attribute.


Also Int or Agility might influence stealth, so I probably will have to to get the 2 or 3 of them to acceptable levels.

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This time we are going into speculative territory. The developers want us to be able to define our characters into classes based on the five attributes being introduced into A17. As of today the details are a bit sketchy on what each attribute will control exactly but lets have some guesses and thoughts about what you think they might control and also which one attribute you think you would enjoy pumping up as the primary attribute to define your character.


It will be interesting to see what the developers actually do with these attributes and what aspects of the game they will affect and how accurate some of your guesses may be. Sadly I will not participate in the speculation because....heheh....I know. :devilish:


Here is what YOU know (I've decided to help out a bit by revealing a bit of info so each has one known effect but each attribute does affect several aspects of the game beyond the first one revealed...):


Fortitude: Health, ??????

Agility: Stamina, ??????

Strength: Melee Combat, ??????

Perception: Scavenging, ??????

Intellect: Social Interactions, ??????


So make your best guess on what these attributes will affect and let us know which one you like the best (or at least which one you will focus on first on your very first playthrough of A17) and why.


As for the poll - looking at it from 'the players' POV - I noted Strength. Strength to mine, strength for damage.


Fort - Health - disease resistance

Agility - Stanima - bow accuracy/damage

Strength - Melee Combat - Sheer Mining ability

Perception - Scavenging - Stealth Ability (ability to follow ore veins?)

Intellect - Social Interactions (?) - Advanced Items (Electronics, etc.).


To transfer from a D&D/RPG type setup it would be:








But a lot of games throughout history has either combined or changed or even bypassed them to fit their game. Its more complicated than it seems. How to integrate this into this game is a toughy especially since I just woke up! lol I've only had a few sips of coffee!!!


On initial glance it definitely can work. But lest us not forget that balancing loot drops is definitely something that needs to be either redone - or balanced. I would say they should be rebalanced in accordance to some of the skills to a degree. Because about 7 or 8 times out of the about 50 or more games I've played I've gotten extremely lucky. An auger and chainsaw at about level 10?!? Sure - the percentage that its happened is rare - but it should be extremely rare - maybe 2 if not 1 percent. Or obtaining a +400 quality item in the first few days. Not sure how many times that's happened but "its in my head" and it feels that its not as rare as it should be. All of that in Vanilla. In my last vanilla game at day 13 I was level 50... In mods it gets worse! In the latest game I'm playing with War of the Walkers Mod its only day 10 and I'm level 64... From my point of view this needs to be fixed. There are probabilities that something may drop but there is no level requirement that I see or maybe in this case a 'skill requirement.' Needs more looking into at least. Because when a mod is made - the loot pool is expanded and greatly in many cases - but there is no 'adjustment' as to what can drop that I know of - albeit I haven't looked it all over and all of this is just from a 'playing POV.'


Let us not forget the cars that are coming and the gyro too. How is the 'drop' going to be handled with them? I donno... There should be a small (%25) chance that a working car is on the road and only needs gas... Unless TFP will make it craftable only because of 'the time that car has spent out there' "everything" needs to be looked at 'overhauled.'


I just talked with 'our group' and they say that "I am an above average game player" since I can twitch and other things... And they're probably right albeit from my POV I just play! In our group of 10 only one other can almost keep up no matter what game we play...

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On initial glance it definitely can work. But lest us not forget that balancing loot drops is definitely something that needs to be either redone - or balanced.


In my last vanilla game at day 13 I was level 50... In mods it gets worse! In the latest game I'm playing with War of the Walkers Mod its only day 10 and I'm level 64... From my point of view this needs to be fixed.


Vanilla is for new players, you are advanced. At a miminum you need loot drop probability dailed down to 25% or 50% and/or a mod with a slower progression. AND that means definitely not WotW which is just a loot bonanza.


If you still want to play with the group you would need to find some compromise. Maybe just wait a bit and educate them, then start something like valmod.

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It will be interesting to see what the developers actually do with these attributes and what aspects of the game they will affect and how accurate some of your guesses may be. Sadly I will not participate in the speculation because....heheh....I know. :devilish:


UNFAIR!!! I need to know now!!

I've been waiting to get some kind of news about attributes... and all we get is troland :)


I went with agility. I'm pretty agile IRL and i don't like to play characters that feel sluggish and restricted.


I hope it's not too focused on stamina (like without picking it you would be out of stamina all the time). I mostly use melee but i'd much rather be agile and have some tricks up my sleeve then be slow and heavy hitting. I'm thinking agility goes with stealth...

I also hope there are some cool movement perks in it for me. Like some kind of climbing or special moves. (...eventually)

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Anybody with Autism can tell you Intellect =/= social interactions.


Also, perception is clearly the most important in a world with quiet, sneaky zombies.

I agree. They had to that because IMHO they "forgot" to add Charisma (which should be the dedicated attribute for all social interactions).

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I never said it was the primary. I just picked one of the features that intelligence affects. There are others and believe me, when you all read the full list of what each one enhances you will want to be able to put points into all of them but Gazz is sure to make it a very difficult choice for us.


I can also say that starting over and playing with a different attribute focus will change the game in significant ways.


I plan to run this same poll a couple months after A17 hits and see whether it turns out the same.


Fair enough...still, nobody is going to choose Intellect for this poll since "social interactions" is all we have to go on.

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