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Ravenhearst Mod


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I saw Mike say he was streaming it and I thought "Oh, it's out already?"


Feel like I just got blue balled. ;) (Yes, I'm totally planning to try out RH4)


I have been hanging around here too much. Next I will demand a Hitler video!


release is VERY close. A write up on changes will be out tomorrow. It will give the basics but won't be too spoilery so as to discover some things on your own.


Thank you to the streamers who caught some last minute bugs. If Encumbrance isn't too punishing you can thank them lol

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Hey Folks,


stumbled upon 7d2d lately and after the vanilla game was played enough I stumbled upon this mod. Have been trying to install it for over 7 hours now but am getting the same problem over and over again. Couldn't find anything on google/reddit and have gone through quite some forum pages here as well.


SDX: Could not find bundle named 'chickenCoop'

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.015 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#chickenCoop?chickenCoopEmptyPrefab' not found on block with id 1994)

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.016 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.017 ERR at BlockShapeModelEntity.Init (.Block _block) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset:

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.527 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Unknown block name 'microwave' in use_action!/ at ItemActionExchangeItem.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000 in <filename unknown>:0 )

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.528 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.528 ERR at ItemActionExchangeItem.ReadFrom (DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Exception: Block with name 'ironSpikesRust' not found in block id 408


If by chance this problem already occured and I missed to find it, just leave me a hint where I might get enlightend.


Happy surviving

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Hey Folks,


stumbled upon 7d2d lately and after the vanilla game was played enough I stumbled upon this mod. Have been trying to install it for over 7 hours now but am getting the same problem over and over again. Couldn't find anything on google/reddit and have gone through quite some forum pages here as well.


SDX: Could not find bundle named 'chickenCoop'

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.015 ERR Loading and parsing 'blocks.xml' (Model '#chickenCoop?chickenCoopEmptyPrefab' not found on block with id 1994)

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.016 ERR Loading of blocks aborted due to errors!

2018-07-08T21:56:48 109.017 ERR at BlockShapeModelEntity.Init (.Block _block) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

SDX: ResourceWrapper - Failed to load asset:

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.527 ERR Loading and parsing items xml file (Unknown block name 'microwave' in use_action!/ at ItemActionExchangeItem.ReadFrom (.DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000 in <filename unknown>:0 )

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.528 ERR Loading of items aborted due to errors!

2018-07-08T21:56:49 109.528 ERR at ItemActionExchangeItem.ReadFrom (DynamicProperties _props) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at ItemClassesFromXml.CreateItems (.XmlFile _xmlFile) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Exception: Block with name 'ironSpikesRust' not found in block id 408


If by chance this problem already occured and I missed to find it, just leave me a hint where I might get enlightend.


Happy surviving


that should be fixed now, delete the install you made of the mod, and go fresh.

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Ravenhearst 4 Will be releasing THIS MONDAY July 9th in the afternoon (US EST time). Please make sure to backup your 3.1.5 saves if you wish to continue them and also make sure you save a copy of 3.1.5. Your installs MAY automatically update. This version requires a complete and total wipe to play. Below are the notes and a Preview




Ravenhearst 4 Preview



Welcome to Ravenhearst 4! A scary new world of mutations and freaks unleashed upon the world of the undead. This time around we have peppered our world with new changes and ideas. We hope to gain feedback on these ideas as we plan our future going forward into Alpha 17! Below are some of the horrific and mind bending changes you can expect in this new world. There are many more to be discovered but this should be enough information to set you out on your course of destruction!




Building and Upgrading

Building your home away from home has completely changed. Now you MUST start with wood frames for ALL shapes. I have added a frame for every piece. There is one upgrade path. From Wood to Steel. So plan accordingly and make every second count as the days rise and the undead begin to take over. You will need innovation to survive!



New Items and Classes

Having a hard time finding that wrench or hammer? The Survivor now starts with the ability to make a stone hammer, which acts as a makeshift wrench and upgrade tool. Clamoring to cook some delicious dishes? The new Cook Class starts you out with the luxuries of a seasoned cook and as a bonus a Bloody Cleaver to slice your way through the undead. All classes have had their rewards tweaked and their steps consolidated to make for a better questing experience!




They are Coming to Get You Barbara

We aren't ignorant. They ARE coming to get you. The world is much more dangerous now. The undead have taken over and with them Hive Zombies have infected the population. Mixed in with the normal undead Hive zombies are here to sneak up on you when you least expect it. Easy to kill but offering little reward it is up to YOU to decide if you want to slaughter them, or allow them to overwhelm you in their massive numbers.




Don't Go In There

The Hive zombies must have a place to call home. And if you happen to find these homes you will be overrun by the sheer terror of their presence. Dotted around cities are Hive Houses. They appear to be normal houses but inside are dozens of hive zombies waiting to eat your flesh. Make it through the horde to find the special Emergency Supply crate for a chance at some much needed survival supplies.



The Horde Is Coming

Horde Nights are more dangerous and starting out you will see a slight increase in what you are normally used to. Gamestages will increase more quickly and dying...well it wont lower your stage at ALL. So plan accordingly. Oh wait....those footsteps. Is that...Rath? Beware Rath, he packs quite a "Punch"



What Have They DONE To This Place

Along with the other changes you are going to notice things work a lot differently around here now. Scavenging is gone. Now it passively levels. Engines need to be built, tires made from Rubber you find on the streets and normal 100 level skills can no longer be bought but must be earned through good old fashioned work. There are some new stations like the Carpenters Bench and the Appliance Table. And some older ones are now gone too, consolidated into bigger benches.(edited)



I Knew I Saw That Wrench Somewhere

Take caution as you work with your tools and weapons. When they degrade they now BREAK. Make sure to repair them often, and with the new repair kits system. Each class of tool and weapon have their own special repair kits you can craft or find.



The Weight of the World Is On ME

Encumbrance makes its debut in 7 Days to Die. Carry what you like, but mind the weight. Larger heavier items can weigh you down if you carry too many like engines. Guns and weapons are mid level. Special care has been taken to ensure building wont be TOO impacted by this, but it wouldn't be a world of living anguish if there was not SOME penalty for carrying 5000 cement around now would it. The Minibike is now your best friend.



The Infection is KILLING Me

The buffs system has been entirely rebuilt. It now means something to get infected, dirty or bitten. Hygiene is also very important in the Apocalypse and could lead to infected wounds. Snake Bites can be a death sentence and you must also now rest every night in a bed or chair to ensure you don't start to imagine that this is a world where everything is out to kill you.... even though they are!



Please Dont Kill Me Bro

Dying in Ravenhearst now comes with "special" rewards. Your food and water will diminish to 25 percent on respawn and your wellness... well it still goes down by 10. But now the minimum it can go is to 50!



The Best Cracker In The Business

Lockpicking can now be used to crack open safes and pick doors. You will need to become better at this skill by first starting out opening doors. As you progress you can move on to safes around the world. Safes are also now VERY hard to break open so Lockpicking will be the most efficient way of getting those firearms.



Board Up The Windows

You will notice that now you can pull boards off boxes and doors. When you do you will receive the boards that can be used to place on doors and windows. These boards have higher health and can be very useful to quickly seal up a building. Prying the boards from doors and boxes also allows you to silently access boxes and houses. Using a hammer or crowbar in your hand and pressing E reduces the time it takes to pry the boards off.



Research Pays Off

You will now need to research before you can make and use a Research Desk and its recipes. Knowledge Points can now be read like a quest in order to gain Experience in Researching. As you level it you will unlock more recipes. The Research Desk is now more useful as well, not only allowing you to craft classes but recipes, quests and more!(edited)



Where is My FOOD

Beginning is going to be harder. Early stage food is scarce and you will need to rely on whatever you can find, including insects! As you progress you will find recipes for other types of foods with benefits but snacking can come at a cost!




The Fallout Zone has spread! Beware where you step! Medics will now be the sole learner of the Trioxin, and its requirements have been lowered. Antibiotics and other medical items now require compounds and mixtures. Hazmat suits can be found or rewarded one piece for each weapon class you complete in full.



Folsom Prison Blues

Make your way carefully around the world. Prisoners and Bandits are scattered and while they may get distracted by the normal zombies, eventually they will turn to you! They are quite juiced up on heroin and Blue Ice so be careful! If anything perhaps the cannibalistic Ghouls will take care of them for you?



Dig You Son of a

Mining has been slightly tweaked. Now you can find deposits of Rock Salt and Limestone and Carbon which will aid you in creating cement, salt, steel and more.



No Place Like...Home

Over a dozen new POIs, dozens more returning favorites and many more tweaked for loot, zombies and more offers you a world like never before seen. Tweaked RWG by Makabriel brings you populated cities spread far out, close knit neighborhoods ripe for the picking and wilderness POIs like you have never seen before! Traders no longer offer protection and their buildings can be destroyed! There is always something to find, right down to ultra rare super sized POIs.




Keep in mind some of these ideas are more of a test to see what works and doesn't for 17. Also PLEASE note this mod slants to hardcore. We will NOT make adjustments based on ease of gameplay. We invite any and all feedback but going in please be aware this mod is NOT designed for new players AT ALL.

Edited by JaxTeller718 (see edit history)
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Refresh those Launchers because Version 4 has Now Fully Released!


Download, beat it up, die and come on back here and leave your feedback and help shape 17 Ravenhearst! Thank you to all who have supported us and keep our dream alive. We love every one of you. To 17 and BEYOND!

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Can anyone help me out?


Sorry if this isn't the right place for this but it seemed like a good spot to stick it. I'm having trouble with textures and sound. I'm not sure if the 2 are linked so I'll explain both. Texture-wise, I'm getting so far across the map when the trees and grass etc just stop rendering in and when I try to walk across it, i just fall through the map. Secondly, I get about 5-10 minutes of gameplay before my sound cuts out. I can't hear my footsteps, I can't open boxes and the zombies start running on the spot. I've removed all files from my PC inc vanilla, all Ravenhearst files, literally all 7DTD files and fresh installed everything, twice, but it's still doing it. Here are my PC specs - https://imgur.com/a/h17Dh3w - Can anyone help? Thanks in advance :) (This was before the launcher update)

Edited by Manpie (see edit history)
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Sorry if this isn't the right place for this but it seemed like a good spot to stick it. I'm having trouble with textures and sound. I'm not sure if the 2 are linked so I'll explain both. Texture-wise, I'm getting so far across the map when the trees and grass etc just stop rendering in and when I try to walk across it, i just fall through the map. Secondly, I get about 5-10 minutes of gameplay before my sound cuts out. I can't hear my footsteps, I can't open boxes and the zombies start running on the spot. I've removed all files from my PC inc vanilla, all Ravenhearst files, literally all 7DTD files and fresh installed everything, twice, but it's still doing it. Here are my PC specs - https://imgur.com/a/h17Dh3w - Can anyone help? Thanks in advance :) (This was before the launcher update)


what version are you playing?

would need to see the contents of your output_log.txt

you can paste the contents to pastebin.com, and then post the link here.

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what version are you playing?

would need to see the contents of your output_log.txt

you can paste the contents to pastebin.com, and then post the link here.


It's the most up to date one through the launcher. I'll look for that file in the morning.

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You're gonna have fun with this one... had to force-close the game via task manager.




NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object

at RewardSkill.SetupReward () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BaseReward.get_Icon () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_QuestRewardEntry.GetBindingValue (System.String& value, .BindingItem binding) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BindingItem.GetValue (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at BindingInfo.RefreshValue (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.RefreshBindings (Boolean forceAll) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_QuestRewardEntry.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_QuestRewardList.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiController.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUiC_QuestWindowGroup.Update (Single _dt) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at XUi.OnUpdateDeltaTime (Single updateDeltaTime) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at A.ME.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.JQ () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at GameManager.Update () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

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You're gonna have fun with this one... had to force-close the game via task manager.




Trying to upload a screenshot now but imgur is being a pain in the balls.


A fix is in place, Khaine. You'll need to resynch and, unfortunately, start a new game

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Don't use the mod launcher :p


So what you mean is "I'll have to redownload." And if fixing a quest error causes people to need a new game, then you may need to have a look at how you're assigning quest rewards in the first place.


Hint, stage=aftercomplete.

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Don't use the mod launcher :p


So what you mean is "I'll have to redownload." And if fixing a quest error causes people to need a new game, then you may need to have a look at how you're assigning quest rewards in the first place.


Hint, stage=aftercomplete.


Thanks for your advise. The problem is due to the old file which Git mistakenly replaced having quest rewards that are no longer in the game. If the quest is already received, there's no way to change it in your character file except to abandon the quest and take a new one.

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There is in single player games.


removequest quest_id


So if you let me know which quests are causing the issue, I can just boot up the game and remove them then reassign once fixed ;)


Its been fixed now. the issues was in progressions.xml. The git decided to take the OLDER file and sync it to my working folder so it committed improperly. its now all working.

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