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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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It’s not just commas but hyphens that are important. Right now, it just looks like he is content with a certain type of garage where he can park his thing, and it doesn’t even have to be a good one!


I-m E,S,L,


I don-t actually have a first language,


But i_m purdy gud with ma punction*!*

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Fallout 76 is going to fail. It goes against the core fan base of the series.


Whether or not it fails is pretty irrelevant. It's gonna soak up at least the first 3 weeks of November. 2 weeks of beta and release on the 15th, a week of hype and then the dust will settle and make room for others in the genre as people quit or stop playing and start looking for something else. That's why end of November would be great for an A17E release IMHO

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I'm just gonna post this video here, of one of the streamers who is on the stream-team list. He's quite.. critical ^^



You're late, NeferPitou, the guy that got banned recently, already posted it yesterday or two days ago in the thread and it was commented on. Plus Roland already addressed it in its comments a month ago :p

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You're late, NeferPitou, the guy that got banned recently, already posted it yesterday or two days ago in the thread and it was commented on. Plus Roland already addressed it in its comments a month ago :p


Ah cool. I missed most of that conversation :p

Hopefully not many more of the streamers are of his opinion.

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Ah cool. I missed most of that conversation :p

Hopefully not many more of the streamers are of his opinion.


Well yes, some streamers are raging mad (skippy0330 for example; comments on Steam are awful), and some others are just disappointed, but staying calm and telling their community to stay positive with their comments, and to be patient.


To me, the second option is the winner; the first is just the whiners! :)

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Well yes, some streamers are raging mad (skippy0330 for example; comments on Steam are awful), and some others are just disappointed, but staying calm and telling their community to stay positive with their comments, and to be patient.


To me, the second option is the winner; the first is just the whiners! :)


What a wonderful representation of the community they are then. These streamers are VERY self important and it wouldn't hurt THEM to perhaps be a bit kinder and relay information in a more professional manner. They are basically being brought in for PR and to hype the release are they not? Some of these streaming fans can be hive minded and repeat just what they are told and that can do irreparable damage.


Anyone actually going on a campaign to trash the game or the dev team should quite frankly be cut from receiving the publicity and the money they will eventually make when 17E drops for them and all of a sudden their tune changes.


There is nothing wrong with criticism but I know of quite a few whose comments are way out of line and way past the point of professionalism.

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sigh seriously how much longer for this update? lately I noticed their latest news update is just some HD textures stuff but like I rather just have the game already and then the HD stuff as little patch updates or something, especially considering as my 980 and 1600x was barely able to handle A16 at medium settings at a reasonable fps so all that HD stuff will just make it worse


I believe they've said before that art isn't holding back the build; bugs are. In other words HD textures are a good use of their artists' time while others, especially programmers, have a full plate fixing bugs. Also, the game's bottleneck historically has been the CPU, so in general there's room to 'lean' more on the GPU with things like HD textures without hurting performance.

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What a wonderful representation of the community they are then. These streamers are VERY self important and it wouldn't hurt THEM to perhaps be a bit kinder and relay information in a more professional manner. They are basically being brought in for PR and to hype the release are they not? Some of these streaming fans can be hive minded and repeat just what they are told and that can do irreparable damage.


Anyone actually going on a campaign to trash the game or the dev team should quite frankly be cut from receiving the publicity and the money they will eventually make when 17E drops for them and all of a sudden their tune changes.


There is nothing wrong with criticism but I know of quite a few whose comments are way out of line and way past the point of professionalism.


Don't know man. Did you mean that some streamers should not get the early A17e version? I don't think cutting out the streamers with negative opinions about the game will do good in the long term. Since PR isn't TFP's strong suite, to put it that way. Or did I misinterpret what you meant?


And even though they are critical, I think they represent part of the community pretty decently, given that part of the community is highly critical. Whether that's good for TFP is questionable, of course.

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Funny thing is: it would take max 2 hours to make a video to keep community calm but i started to Think that they like all of this Salt xD

That way of thinking leads to what people I've worked with call "Demo Hell." It might take two hours, if they have a showable build. Before that, though, you have two options.


  1. Spend all day having conversations like this.
    "Hey, I want to do a video on skills & perks but none of the text on the stats pages will render."
    [half hour later]
    "Ayup, found it. That bug was logged last month and assigned to Larry as a low priority task."
    "Fix it now please."
    "But I'm neck-deep in shader code right now!"
    "Fix it now please."
    [hour later]
    "Okay, I found the problem and uploaded a fix. Update and the text will render."
    [half hour later]
    "Thanks. I tried your update and text can render now, but it's pulling in the wrong strings."
    "You again? I've never touched that part of the code. I wouldn't know where to begin."
    "But viiiideooooo!"
    "Do you want Alpha 17 to have shaders or not? Ask someone else."
    [hour later]
    "Hey I want to do a video TODAY but..."
  2. Press on regardless of the state of the build, and get approximately this.
    As you can imagine, B isn't good at keeping the community calm.

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That way of thinking leads to what people I've worked with call "Demo Hell." It might take two hours, if they have a showable build. Before that, though, you have two options.


  1. Spend all day having conversations like this.
    "Hey, I want to do a video on skills & perks but none of the text on the stats pages will render."
    [half hour later]
    "Ayup, found it. That bug was logged last month and assigned to Larry as a low priority task."
    "Fix it now please."
    "But I'm neck-deep in shader code right now!"
    "Fix it now please."
    [hour later]
    "Okay, I found the problem and uploaded a fix. Update and the text will render."
    [half hour later]
    "Thanks. I tried your update and text can render now, but it's pulling in the wrong strings."
    "You again? I've never touched that part of the code. I wouldn't know where to begin."
    "But viiiideooooo!"
    "Do you want Alpha 17 to have shaders or not? Ask someone else."
    [hour later]
    "Hey I want to do a video TODAY but..."
  2. Press on regardless of the state of the build, and get approximately this.
    As you can imagine, B isn't good at keeping the community calm.

Don't care at all, i'm not the developer, i'm they buyer and i only want to see the state of the game

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Don't know man. Did you mean that some streamers should not get the early A17e version? I don't think cutting out the streamers with negative opinions about the game will do good in the long term. Since PR isn't TFP's strong suite, to put it that way. Or did I misinterpret what you meant?


And even though they are critical, I think they represent part of the community pretty decently, given that part of the community is highly critical. Whether that's good for TFP is questionable, of course.


That is absolutely what I meant. As I am not the developer or anyone who makes these decisions I can play armchair dev too, like so many people here love to do on a daily basis.


The streamers are supposed to help spread word of mouth on the upcoming product. That was the initial design. PR they kept saying, its a great way to spread the word and hype people. When those people begin to actively release content that hurts your public image they absolutely WOULD be cut off of being part of the early streamer weekend.


If their role is PR and they hurt the image of the brand then they are no longer PR, so why should they reap the benefits of a preview weekend, bring in subs to their channels and make money? If i ♥♥♥♥ talked my employer publicly Id be out on my ass. And since streamers are being used to promote A17 on that weekend, the same rule would apply.


Streamers are being allotted way too much power in the industry today. Companies need to remember these guys are just regular people playing a video game. For every 10 great streamers there's 100 just waiting to catch a break.

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How could end June/Mid July become luckily november? Every month since july Ive been creating a server to play with my brother, but we cant stand no more for a week playing on it, cos we think alpha will be out next week, which never happens :(


I can empathize, however Alpha 17's release should not impact your current game(s) if you don't want it to. You should be able to use the betas tab in the game's properties to stay on Alpha 16.4 before, during, and after the A17 rollout.

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