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The Offtopic, A17 thread.

Royal Deluxe

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i spent NO money on this game if we are going to be honest here, i was running a pirate version for a while and enjoyed it and a friend on steam purchased my legal version for me as a gift. I am not complaining about the sale of the product, i am complaining that they are advertising a new release and keep making excuses as to why they will not release it. they NEVER should have mentioned any timeframe what so ever to a17 (much less a17e) until they were ready to release something. further, barring the alpha/beta conventions *IF* they were intending on dropping an a17-e they should just release it, its Experimental.. it is bound to fail.. why are you in-house bug-checking?!? release the experimental and let users report the bugs, collect the data and work with it (as SHOULD be done with Beta) the publishers are so afraid to lose interest they are grasping at anything to keep people interested.. want to keep people interested? allow them to actively report bugs and identify them when you fi said bugs


Maybe if you HAD spent money on the game then you would not have the millennial sense of entitlement that oozes from your posts.


I'm sure you are a big hit at the antifa rallies but you make no sense here.


When I signed up for Early Access I took the time to read what it meant, and I accepted those terms and conditions. You skipped past that. That's on you, not the developers of the game.

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I'm not a writer, not even a native english speaker, but that one sometimes grinds my gears too. Generally, people who misspell words, while the very same words were spelled correctly 10000 times before in plain sight, piss me off on some level. Not enough to start correcting everyone, but enough to chime in when someone else does. :D


While you're at it: Could you also give the users of this forum a lecture on the correct use of the apostrophe? Specifically how it's NOT used for plurals of the vast majority of nouns. That seems to have become a rather pointless trend over the last years or so and it's happening here too.


And if you still have energy, there's always "there"/"their", "your"/"you're" situations, but those just seem to be a lost cause.


As Gaz has already so eloquently demonstrated, it's actually a "there/their/they're" scenario. The jerk. :-)

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I held off as long as I could but here's mine:


Lose: 1) To not win a game. To finish second or worse. 2) To misplace something


Loose: 1) Not tight fitting or slightly detached. 2) To set free


Loser: Someone who fails


Looser: Someone who untightens or sets something free.



Guys, seriously, you cannot loose 7 Days to Die unless you think that by uninstalling it you are setting it free into the digitalverse.


People who log out right before bloodmoon are not loosers unless you think that by them doing so they are breaking in their keyboard so the keys aren't so tight.


TFP release dates are loose and people who believe they are promises are losers. They might lose their tempers here on the forums and become so toxic that I will have to act as a looser and set them free.

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I held off as long as I could but here's mine:


Lose: 1) To not win a game. To finish second or worse. 2) To misplace something


Loose: 1) Not tight fitting or slightly detached. 2) To set free


Loser: Someone who fails


Looser: Someone who untightens or sets something free.



Guys, seriously, you cannot loose 7 Days to Die unless you think that by uninstalling it you are setting it free into the digitalverse.


People who log out right before bloodmoon are not loosers unless you think that by them doing so they are breaking in their keyboard so the keys aren't so tight.


TFP release dates are loose and people who believe they are promises are losers. They might lose their tempers here on the forums and become so toxic that I will have to act as a looser and set them free.


Well if i can may give my 2 pennys too this im speaking for myself here i just wish we could after 4 weeks of no respons from TFP hear a bit about whats going on about a17 now beside a tiny post that the end of telltale games will not have any harm on a17 but where is it whats going on people are allready talking about the game is dying you saw it roland you commend under this specific video just give us some news its been what 15 months now we just wanne play it just release it allready :D

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Looser: Someone who untightens or sets something free.



Sounds made up :p


I would have went with loosener.





noun: loosener; plural noun: looseners


  • a person or thing that loosens something.

    • informal
      a relatively undemanding challenge early in a game or competition, before the participants are fully settled or warmed up.

    Any idea on how many people will say the informal version describes players who live underground...:D

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