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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Anyway we can get some drivable cars? Bikes are great and all but maybe a sedan and an RV as a mobile base?


Shouldn't you first ask for some tow trucks to haul the empty, damaged and destroyed cars and the empty frames, the blocks of cement and the trash bags off the roads first? Oh, yeah, and fix the potholes, the sudden drop-off that appear to go into a very deep pit that suddenly appear as you go over a hill, or the road that runs strait up the side of a cliff.

Reality check. You can't drive a car, truck, RV, dune buggy, or anything that requires more than two wheels on the present roads. Your best bet would be to ask for ATV, dirt-bike, Harley, or other type of motorcycle that can drive on unstable, uneven ground.


Forgot, first you need to find a way for the tow trucks to get the vehicles and trash on the roads so they can clear it so you can drive your car or RV on it.

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Its out on video now? It was "The Little Mermaid" for me. A legacy of my daughters childhood, I can recite the entire movie and sing all the songs by heart. :)


For my kids, it was Little Foot. Yep yep yep, yep yep. My daughter loved Cera, because, of course, her name is Sara. They still have the stuffed animals.

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Can we have sorted chunk loading please? It would make much more sense to prioritize each cube in the chunk based on player distance and view direction rather than the linear approach. It would probably help also vehicles falling thru unloaded areas since the rule would dictate to have always a cube infront of the player first networked/loaded. One could even go further and multiply the direction with velocity and have an approximate on where the player could be in 1 second since everything around the player will be just for visuals.


That is a dream I can only hope comes true.

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That is a dream I can only hope comes true.


Maybe have an attribute on each chunk to indicate if any block has been destroyed. Then load the top blocks first if the chunk has only undamaged blocks. I guess you would need to turn off SI checks unless something was damaged, otherwise desert travel would be... "interesting". :)

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@ ZehMatt

@ Clockwork Orange

@ Aldranon


visitmap -10000 -10000 10000 10000

That will map your entire world. The 4 numbers are coordinates to define a rectangle/square to be mapped. Seems to take about 30 hours to do the whole map on my server. My bike hasn't caused any chunk loading issues since I used this command.


You know/use it ?

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@ ZehMatt

@ Clockwork Orange

@ Aldranon


visitmap -10000 -10000 10000 10000

That will map your entire world. The 4 numbers are coordinates to define a rectangle/square to be mapped. Seems to take about 30 hours to do the whole map on my server. My bike hasn't caused any chunk loading issues since I used this command.


You know/use it ?


That has nothing to do with the way the chunks are saved and loaded, you could have infinitely larger maps if it is loaded around the character. No more hand shakiness or shadow flicker the further you get from 0,0.

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Dropped Features


Behemoth (Path finding issue with big figure. Clipping issue, Stuck in tree, door, etc. Need its own path finding script)

Ziplines Un-needed feature.


Overall I'm really enjoying some of the post TFP/Madmole been posting.

I'm super glade gun part is going away. I always find it silly to see gun part everywhere.

Also really glad they cut some part out. It wasn't needed. Less side project = more resource for main core game.


Any news on New animation?

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I wasn't going to follow up on this, but a lot of people took me upon it, so here it goes.



Never take TWD in any way as realistic !


Its a TV show you can enjoy.


and also


But yeah, it bothers me too when people bring up realism and fictional television in the same breath.


You guys seem to be missed that my problem with TWD is not that it is not realistic, but that IT IS BORING. In my opinion, granted, but that's the only opinion that matters when it comes to what I like, obviously. The unrealistic part is an issue just because the show is boring to begin with. If it wasn't boring, I wouldn't care less about anything else.


you forget, humans have also formed tribes in those instances. they band together yes, but anyone outside of it or from a rival tribe become a non human as far as many are concerned. it becomes an us or them situation. that is also a history lesson


Oh, yes, but at the point people form tribes, then they get to the "safe" part. The whole apocalypse survival thing is a study on what it would be like to be alone when the world is coming to an end, or, at least, that's what it is for me. The *zombie* apocalypse is just a variant that adds an enemy that can actually be fought, as opposed to, say, an ice age. For a literal meaning of to fight, anyway.


It is not the warlord-ism that bothers me, but people backstabbing each other as they fight for their lives.


And, again, as I said at the very beginning, TO EACH ITS OWN. If that's your thing, go for it, and I'm not even going to bitch about it on 7 Days to Die forum. Fun Pimps is entitled to make whatever game they want, within the confines of their kickstarter promises, I suppose, and people are entitled to like it or not. My own _personal_ preference is for stuff like Alas, Babylon, one of the oldest post-apocalyptic books. Or, to go to the zombie theme and recent, Black Tide Rising.

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Dropped Features


Behemoth (Path finding issue with big figure. Clipping issue, Stuck in tree, door, etc. Need its own path finding script)

Ziplines Un-needed feature.


Overall I'm really enjoying some of the post TFP/Madmole been posting.

I'm super glade gun part is going away. I always find it silly to see gun part everywhere.

Also really glad they cut some part out. It wasn't needed. Less side project = more resource for main core game.


Any news on New animation?


Ziplines unneeded?


Just been playing the forest. They implemented ziplines flawlessly and not only for transporting players but also logs.


7D is supposed to be a survival game. A big part of surviving involves getting away from zombies, like revisiting a poi just to have them on your heels, you on the roof, nowhere to run.


Also ziplines would make great ways to descend sheer drops on cliffs on regular run routes.


They would also make very good base designs and work well with traps letting you safely access a base and bait zombies into a welcome mat made of land mines.


I understand that the game is not going to fail without zips, but as a feature we were told was gonna be in, and how well it fits with general survival in a world like 7D it would be a major enhancement and a very welcome addition.

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Ziplines unneeded?


Just been playing the forest. They implemented ziplines flawlessly and not only for transporting players but also logs.


7D is supposed to be a survival game. A big part of surviving involves getting away from zombies, like revisiting a poi just to have them on your heels, you on the roof, nowhere to run.


Also ziplines would make great ways to descend sheer drops on cliffs on regular run routes.


They would also make very good base designs and work well with traps letting you safely access a base and bait zombies into a welcome mat made of land mines.


I understand that the game is not going to fail without zips, but as a feature we were told was gonna be in, and how well it fits with general survival in a world like 7D it would be a major enhancement and a very welcome addition.


Zip, I'm safe, game over, hahahahaa. Oh wait I'm bored.


We didn't take anything out, it was never really properly planned or implemented. It just doesn't fit into a real hardcore survival game. How many times have guys used zip lines in the walking dead? Ummm not once in what, over 100 episodes now counting FTWD. I'm not saying it will never happen, but we need to solve a lot of BS before we can seriously think about it and its not on the KS goals or gold goals so its just a distraction from finishing the game.


Dont stay up for it.



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That has nothing to do with the way the chunks are saved and loaded, you could have infinitely larger maps if it is loaded around the character. No more hand shakiness or shadow flicker the further you get from 0,0.


This is true to a certain degree but this solution also raises issues.


You'll have to normalise the players position to around 0,0 every 15km or so to prevent the break-down of 32 bit floating point arithmetic as you travel further. Recentralising the player will mean the visible map will have to be regenerated at the new coordinates.


Not only do you have the problem of offsetting everything to the new coordinates but regenerating the map will have a damn near terminal impact on the frame rate. Having the map regenerate when somebody is in the middle of combat may just cause a severe case of rage quit.


With an offset map in place, and assuming you somehow manage to solve the FPS issue, you can then generate around 1,000,000km of fractal terrain before the arithmetic for 64 bit floating point numbers breaks down. You could try and create your own data type and re-write the entire fractal generation library to use it but that's a lot of work and will have a significant impact on the generation speed.


I've actually implemented a system of 1 trillion square kilometres wrap-able terrain using this method... it made my brain hurt :-)

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Ziplines unneeded?


Just been playing the forest. They implemented ziplines flawlessly and not only for transporting players but also logs.


7D is supposed to be a survival game. A big part of surviving involves getting away from zombies, like revisiting a poi just to have them on your heels, you on the roof, nowhere to run.


Also ziplines would make great ways to descend sheer drops on cliffs on regular run routes.


They would also make very good base designs and work well with traps letting you safely access a base and bait zombies into a welcome mat made of land mines.


I understand that the game is not going to fail without zips, but as a feature we were told was gonna be in, and how well it fits with general survival in a world like 7D it would be a major enhancement and a very welcome addition.


I'll just add this comment as I've done before... Simply because I'm adamant that people understand the issues they are coursing:


In this A17 developer diary, Madmole has stopped adding things to come on release.

The reason for this was, that people just cant understand that we are in alpha, and that EVERYTHING even patch notes, are subject to change... All the time...


So when you write your post, with the "feel" that you were "promised" zip-lines when you were NEVER! promised this...

Just know that you are one of the reasons, that we no longer get these patch notes...


Good job haters... Good job....

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