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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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What weapon is Alpha 17 being hit with?

Is it legendary?

It must be some sort of melee weapon if your building up a power attack.


Speaking of which, were legendary weapons confirmed for Alpha 17? I think I remember Madmole mentioning them in one of the videos, but I don't see a reference to them in the first post.

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It’s still a WIP. My screenshots were just to show that they ARE planning to provide tools for world building and for prefab creation. This has always been their goal. I can’t say whether it will be fully featured in time for A17 but there is a good start to it.


From the very beginning and for the longest time “World Building” appeared on the main menu but it always said “coming later” when you clicked on it. Then it disappeared completely and now it’s back and it is being worked on.


I know this is maybe a shot in the dark or a long shot but, I'm curious about the world building thing on the concept of basically taking a RL topographical map and using that as an overlay for world generation. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one wondering this.

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how about plug in real lat long coordinates and it looks up google earth and makes a map the same...

that would take some clever programming


Because the game has complete different Sizes than reality.

If you take a real area how would you place houses and streets on the generated map ?

Thats not only clever programming, thats a really huge task that need a new Worldgenerator completly made from scratch.

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No. This is currently doable. It's how height maps work. Right now it takes a mod, but if they implement height maps in vanilla (which MM said they were discussing) then you won't even need a mod. Nav was built with one. And you can find height maps online for real places.

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Guest Rassilon
It’s still a WIP. My screenshots were just to show that they ARE planning to provide tools for world building and for prefab creation. This has always been their goal. I can’t say whether it will be fully featured in time for A17 but there is a good start to it.


From the very beginning and for the longest time “World Building” appeared on the main menu but it always said “coming later” when you clicked on it. Then it disappeared completely and now it’s back and it is being worked on.


Thanks for the update and insight. Its good to hear some details about WIP, even if they maybe not make it into A17.

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So...bandits on seadoos is your wet dream now?


Hehehe.. That. Plus building offshore drilling platforms.


- - - Updated - - -


I saw nowhere in his post that he was expecting it in A17. But those kinds of settings are pretty standard in games that generate random worlds and, since they are just xml settings, not particularly hard to code. If I just want a map with more wasteland but otherwise vanilla settings, there is no reason I should have to wait til a modder decides to create a mod with just that in it.


^ This.


Yeah I would not have the faintest idea how to modify the XML files to generate a higher percentage of a certain biome.

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How's this for hope?










The Fun Pimps are 100% committed to the longevity of this game being accomplished through user made content.


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Damn, the office-server I'm using now is blocking these images, so I can't see them.. :( What are they??


Never mind. Solved it.


Awesome Roland! You tha man!

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How's this for hope?










The Fun Pimps are 100% committed to the longevity of this game being accomplished through user made content.


In Pimps We Trust


Yeah!!! Please make the game more moddale so we will have more things to do while waiting for one-per-year update.

Unturned has a really cool world building editor + of course Steam Workshop. I hope this game won't be worse than a f2p game made by 16 year old, lol.

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Can anyone tell me if there will be gyrocopter in A17? It was shown on madmole video7, but it is not listed on A17 feature list, can anyone tell me why?


MM says in the gyrocopter video that it most likely will not make it in A17 and most likely A18 but he just wanted to show it off.

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No. This is currently doable. It's how height maps work. Right now it takes a mod, but if they implement height maps in vanilla (which MM said they were discussing) then you won't even need a mod. Nav was built with one. And you can find height maps online for real places.


If you speak only about the highmap thats no problem, but if you want it visual similar to the real world i cant imagine how the world generator would do this this way it works currently.

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If you speak only about the highmap thats no problem, but if you want it visual similar to the real world i cant imagine how the world generator would do this this way it works currently.


Right now Nav is set up to use a height map for the terrain generation, a color map for biomes, a prefab.xml for building placement, and random spread for trees/rocks/etc (from biomes.xml). The only thing I can't see is roads, but I've got my suspicions...


So no, you're not going to get your house at x.y.z coordinates, but you can certainly get a prefab at that location, and if you build your house into a prefab, then you're golden. =)



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Any plans to fix gear so we can actusally use it beyond half durability? once it hits half the effectiveness of the item drops sharply. Meaning we end up having to repair it alot sooner than we should. Its always bugged me that its like this.

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