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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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I think of you folks as a behemoth comprised of several bodies grafted into one. Like a fleshy Voltron.


Which is the reason the behemoth isn't going into 7DTD... it would expose your weaknesses.




I think they tried to make it tooooo big. Should have settled for 1 more block in height.

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This escalate quickly from When A17 got release to what FunPimps do after Beta release. Those who are worried, it take at least 2-3 yrs to get out of Beta, not that funpimps are slow, but it is complex software to build with all ears to public criticism.


I don't think they will do 2 years of beta. Beta or 1.0 are just labels you put on software that is in practice NEVER EVER finished. For me A17 isn't beta as they clearly added lots of features and changed a lot but madmole says its beta for him. We are both right because beta isn't really defined but he is more right because he is the official labeler of this software and I'm just an armchair critic :fat:


I say they will release A17 and the process of A17.0 to A17.12 will be the REAL beta and take about the same time as A17. They could release A17.0 as 1.0, but after the experience of A16.0 I honestly can't imagine why that would be a good plan. But we'll see, maybe they do more internal playtesting with A17 or they just found out that A17 shaped up much better than A16. Who knows?


I think of you folks as a behemoth comprised of several bodies grafted into one. Like a fleshy Voltron.


Bound together by ziplines

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In all seriousness, the features have been coming in as promised. MM was definitely joking about it being BETA, and the new AI, Quests and "plethora of other features" just haven't been revealed yet. They may come in a17, they may come in a18, but they're coming. I know this for a fact. =)


It'll be alright, I promise. You just have to remember that you entered in on this early, whereas games that do NOT allow early access have already been in the works for years before you find out they even exist, which is why it seems like the big box brands are faster. When they're not, especially when you consider the team size.


Find me another game that is from a brand new first time developer that's coming along at a faster rate, and I'll show you a game that doesn't have the feature set this one does.


Yeh yeh, fanboi, I know, but if you know anything about my history here, I'm not exactly a strong supporter in 80% of the decisions the pimps make. But on this I am resolute.


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They're not in yet, that is all. But for all we know, everdeen could be bandits.


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There's really not a whole lot of other features that are slated to come in; the train is definitely getting closer to beta-town. Bandits, tameable animals, and that's pretty much it.




"They're not in yet, that is all. But for all we know, everdeen could be bandits."


Bandits confirmed for a17 via Guppy.

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Pretty sure that Joel's comments about Beta were not meant as "A17 is Beta for the 7D2D game", rather "A17 is now beta, meaning no NEW content will be added to A17".


in other words, they are starting to polish A17 so that A17 can be released to the public horde.


But since MM is too busy eating his beard, he can't be bothered to clear this confusion all up.




My advice to the Pimps: Keep your new game development secret. Of course start working on it, but don't release info to the public until this 7D2D game is closer to gold and you are ready to ask for early funding kickstarters for the game. There is a reason a lot of development shops don't release early info on new projects to the public.




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I have an oculous... VR is cool.. but sooooo bad for FPS type games because of how u have to teleport around like your in a sci fi movie


Talk about immersion breaking..


Teleporting is a no go!


Maybe the same way fallout 4 does free movement...

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In response to #113: I'm way ahead of you


I'm not assuming anything. I do know for a fact most new players go for the single player story first, hence why there's almost always such a mode in games.


You're just proving his point. How could you know that for a fact? Show me statistics, point me to publishers memos about their customer research. If you instead think your friends and forum buddies constitute a reliable source, you should look up the term "filter bubble"


The text introducing the trader and the quest leading you to it, actually is the beginning of the main quest. "The White River settlement, it's real and it's safe" yeah... sure Noah, that's until they kick you out at night haha.


Oh sure, the trader is meant to be the start of the main quest. But anything before it, all the other quests, constitute a tutorial. And a simple rewrite of that one sentence you are citing would erase any lingering impression of even the last step of the tutorial being anything else but a tutorial.


There is some text that tells you that you should make a bedroll and place 3 wood frames. Nothing about that is story, it shows the player the first few steps into the game, there is no story-related reason for this. "I'm schizophrenic and a voice in my head ordered me to make a bedroll because when I die I get ressurected" is probably not the story TFP is after.


It also doesn't matter that you could easily create a cursory reason by giving the player a paper with "The bear clan wants you to prove your worth by building a bedroll". My point is that this part could just stay in the game, would be called a tutorial and nobody would critizise it as the beginning of an unfinished story.

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I think there's a thing that causes the misconception you have, and it's not your fault.


Throughout my tenure here there has been an understanding of "in pimps we trust." The problem with this is, 1) you have to be around a very long time through many many alphas to get it, and 2) those of us who DO get it often jump on those that do NOT, causing arguments and whatnot.


It's sort of elitist of us.


But I also don't see any other way to convey "trust in them" without time passing. We can't share our past experiences of having the /exact same fears/, time and again, only to be proved wrong, time and again. No one would believe it if we did. =)


So I say this. Trust in the Pimps. Because really, that's all you can do...


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Minecraft added a story mode as a cash grab. Period.


And then the younguns like I just shake our first and crow "Yeah!" whenever Gup or any of the devs say anything. And I am not entirely sure that Gup doesn't pull in a paycheck for "forum control" or some such noise. Or he and Roland are the same person.

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If we only get a part of the main quest (which we already did with the first objective in A15: finding the trader) before the game is released that does sound incomplete. An RPG going gold without even having the main quest in it doesn't sound like a game that only needs polishing (in beta phase).


I played hundreads of hours ever since A14 and it still feels like the same game basically. Same AI, same graphics except for some new textures here and there, same quests (except for the first part of the main quest as I mentioned). Of course there's some interesting features added with every new alphas, but it still plays the same for the most part.


Not at all: I'm well aware that beta means feature locked. Meaning that all main features (including the main storyline) are already in the game. We're not talking about bug fixing and polishing here, but broken AI that makes the game a (seriously fun and addictive) mess.


The game needs much more than some fine tuning. It's as if you told me DayZ and H1Z1 were going to move to beta soon. Both broken games that doesn't seem nearly ready for beta either.


People keep talking about some features like bandits and whatnot that may well be DLC, but I'm talking about some new NPCs (that has custom models, like the new traders) and some solid questing here, which is VITAL to an RPG. Navezgane looks pretty empty without any NPCs to interact with and objectives to follow.


I may not be a game developer, but I've done enough reading to know what alpha and beta means, thank you. And yet again, I don't see the game lacking so many important features going into beta anytime soon.


"I played hundreads of hours ever since A14 and it still feels like the same game basically. Same AI, same graphics except for some new textures here and there, same quests (except for the first part of the main quest as I mentioned). Of course there's some interesting features added with every new alphas, but it still plays the same for the most part."


I only have about seventeen hundred hours invested, so I may not have your experience, but my take from the past few alphas is:

Not the same AI at all. AI got broken unfortunately. Not the same graphics, we got a huge rehaul. From blocks to mobs, all new graphics. Quests? Umm, they swapped bedroll and stone axe in the order. No biggie.

Now, aside from the three things you mentioned that is the same game, what I noticed was....

New zombies. Oh the new zombies. Wonderful. Now every mob can heal and be feral. New animals. Whoo boy, find them wolves on day two or three and you know something. New blocks. Who would've thunk that bulletproof glass would be so fun? Or that now we get to do advanced rotation on most blocks, I thought that would be as fun as painting and.......

PAINTING! Dude, we finally have a use for cotton, goldenrod, and chrys. I mean, I only farmed chrys for the red wooden blocks, and now my stainless steel can be red! The whole base customization thing is so much better, could only be better if we had.....

Electricity! Man oh man alive, now we have several different means of lighting! Different colors, different lights, sound systems, motion sensor lights. If only we could keep this wonderful base safe with....

Turrets and spinning blade traps! Indianna Jones style darts with electric fences! It could only be better if....


And I'm going to stop right here. I'm a troll, not a complete jerk. Dude, from a15 to a16 is a completely new game. If you only played a few hundred hours over the course of three alphas (about 1000 hours of mine is 15, about five or six hundred 16, and the rest 14) you never got to endgame on a day 1000 server. You would miss what most of us immediately realized. So no, it doesn't look, feel, or play anything like it used to. Alpha 1 was literally Minecraft. Alpha 17 will be a whole new critter.

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And then the younguns like I just shake our first and crow "Yeah!" whenever Gup or any of the devs say anything. And I am not entirely sure that Gup doesn't pull in a paycheck for "forum control" or some such noise. Or he and Roland are the same person.


There's literally no way that someone could post as much as Guppy and ANYone else put together much less Trolland

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We have an HTC Vive at home and a room dedicated to it. my son loaded one outdoor VR app and I swear to god I was in 7DTD forest. it was amazing and I kept looking for zombies.


I know, man! That stuff is so awesome! I was mesmerized the first time I tried VR.

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How could you know that for a fact? Show me statistics, point me to publishers memos about their customer research. If you instead think your friends and forum buddies constitute a reliable source, you should look up the term "filter bubble"


My point is that this part could just stay in the game, would be called a tutorial and nobody would critizise it as the beginning of an unfinished story.


It's simple experience. I gather that from years of playing multiple genres of games, including online games and what players are chatting about (speaking of unfiltered worldchat here) reading forums, and yes, watching YouTube videos that are rarely from the same channels. Sorry to burst your bubble here (pun most definitely intended).


An NPC leading you to a location in the game is not a tutorial. Noah said go there, then what? That's the begining of a storyline.

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And then the younguns like I just shake our first and crow "Yeah!" whenever Gup or any of the devs say anything. And I am not entirely sure that Gup doesn't pull in a paycheck for "forum control" or some such noise. Or he and Roland are the same person.


Pfft, that's amateur hour.. I'm roland, madmole, AND doc hussey. With a twist of alloc.

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It's simple experience. I gather that from years of playing multiple genres of games, including online games and what players are chatting about (speaking of unfiltered worldchat here) reading forums, and yes, watching YouTube videos that are rarely from the same channels. Sorry to burst your bubble here (pun most definitely intended).


An NPC leading you to a location in the game is not a tutorial. Noah said go there, then what? That's the begining of a storyline.


You think because you have played a couple dozen games and read a few forums you know for a FACT what most users want out of a game? You need to look up the word fact. Because I don't think it means what you think it means.

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Let me just stop you right there. Thousands of games is more like it, on most gaming platforms out there. You obviously have no idea of how much experience I was talking about here.

So why don't we just disable posting rights for everyone but you? That would totally make sense!

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