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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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Here is a concept of the new Trader Bobs!






That... looks AWESOME! Now that thar's a post apocalyptic trader facility. One part junk yard, one part defenses.


With Turret Blocks in the game, I'd think, as deco only, they really should get mounted up on all the traders. Would be cool if they fired at some point, but still. From a game immersion perspective and visual perspective, the bedrock indestructible traders always seemed kinda silly. Now, with turrets, it wouldn't really matter as much. The walls would effectively be actively defended, even if only by decoration. So would make more sense why they traders never seemed to have to worry about blood moon and such.

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Really nice drawing. But what i see is

* Busses (hulks)

* Caravan (look functional)

* stackable cars or stacks of cars

* Blue Barrels

(what i hope get implemented)


And blocks that are placed in non 90 degree and not even 45 degree steps

and there my hope ends


But if we get the items i hope i would be really excited.

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Wasn't it already grown out before? I can't imagine how big it is now lol.


Around 50x50 meters if you take the cars as scale

(The actuall are around 35x35 meters)


Btw 1x4 long panels for roofs would be cool, means only 1 Block High difference on 4 Blocks would allow much flatter shacks (a small shack made of Plates look awful with the actual massive roof)

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The plan for that is 3x3 meter sections or whatever size works out, a back, a middle you can extend as much as needed and a front. Maybe a smashed variant, we'll see. It would be a dev block but still it should help. We're doing crushed cars too that Bob uses for his walls.


Looks amazing!


Funny timing... I was just thinking the other day that with a model for a 3x1 block of an axel and tires that a whole variety of flatbeds and truck trailers could be made using existing blocks. Even without the cab at the front I think it'd at another degree of realism to commercial and industrial areas, and the odd one to be found on highways. Maybe this'd be viable with the same sort of chunking you're using for the bus?


The part I'd really love to see is the fun to be had by placing a sleeper behind a stack of cardboard boxes at the back of a trailer. Heh heh heh.

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The answer comes ab it late but i found this video tonight



Japanese sword making is unlike any other crafting of a weapon. The secret is in the forging of the metal. Working with it at two different temperatures.


It is probably the most complex way to build a sword but dam it is effective.


Then look this, very informative

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The plan for that is 3x3 meter sections or whatever size works out, a back, a middle you can extend as much as needed and a front. Maybe a smashed variant, we'll see. It would be a dev block but still it should help. We're doing crushed cars too that Bob uses for his walls.

sounds awesome

but i cant resist to ask:

Could we harvest cars with a sledgehammer for crushed car blocks? ^^

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In the concept art i see 2 Cats and i cant tell if one has a wrecking ball equipped or i am just imagining things and its just a metal wall.


But they could have a wrecking ball or jack hammer fitted.


Distant future vehicles for bandits to attack ground bases's with?


Helicopters with wrecking balls flown by bandits attacking your elevated base.


Jack hammer equipped cats to attack your underground base.

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Said Michonne never...


Well If You could make a zombie powerless [Decapitate arms, lower jaw, and detooth him] it would make a neat early warning system that live animals or players are nearby. You just sit on Your scrap porch sippin on grain booze and Your pet Gambie the Zambie starts a' rustlin' in his cage - Time to reach for the cowboy repeater.

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We desperately need functional cars or that RV or the options for those caravans.


That single piece of concept art is mind blowing compared to what we have now. But vehicles vehicles vehicles! I would love the opportunity to rebuild cars. It would make great use of any of the electronic components, the forge and anvil, the fact we already have batteries and engines, and a functional car would also solve some of the storage issues that people bring up.


A mobile storage unit that you are able to carry enough decent material with would also promote a semi-nomadic lifestyle and encourage people to do something me and my friend rarely do - explore the map.


That isn't to say we don't look around for other towns, but for long haul travel , walking vast distances makes going back to any previous stronghold tedious and quite frankly boring. Since the current car wheels are in great shape, and we can already find car tyres on the road, we have petrol and engines, batteries and electronics, as well as access to forged iron and steel, it seems to me not only are functional cars an option, but reinforced ones.


If cars took damage like minibikes, we could forge upgrades for them - like spiked front mounted defences, or reinforced doors and roofing, perhaps even a roof rack for extended mobile storage - or dare I say it.. a turret xD


Being able to tow a caravan would just be epic too. A nice, but wornout single/double bunk spawn area, with fixed spaces to place up to 2 bedrolls.


I think the gyrocopter is a great idea, albeit ambitious and a bit over the top. I can't fathom a post apocalyptic world where a foot-pedal man-powered helicopter is more believable than using your toolkit and forge, collection of scrapped and salvaged objects and just doing up a car. Cars offer safer travel, some protection, as well as storage.


In my opinion, while gyrocopters are nice, wont they just render blood moons useless? Zombies coming? No probs, hop in Gyro 3000 and just ascend beyond the range of Officer Large Arse and his vile bile bomb, dodge some vultures and you're good.


Bus, truck, car, or RV for mobile base/storage and faster travel would make this game SO much more enjoyable, and really add to that exploration factor.


And when I saw the letters RV, my eyes nearly came out of my skull. ♥♥♥♥, could you imagine it? Being able to rewire the circuitry in an RV found in an old city, filling up the tank, replacing a wheel or two, then having yourself a mobile home until blood moon - that thought makes me foam at the mouth.


I must admit 7 Days feels very dated at present, not only graphically but it seems very limited in its scope. These updates would help a lot and I would even consider buying extra copies and passing them around to friends.


Some more suggestions other than my desperate desire for four wheel transport:


- More weapons and blocks. Perhaps consider having not only kitchen cupboards, but drawers, where we could pick up an old rusted kitchen knife as a weapon.


Wardrobes would also be a nice place to loot ourselves more believable weapons such as baseball bats/ rarer steel bats, hockey sticks etc.


Sharepened broom sticks would also do as makeshift spears.


- Water storage. Maybe consider a 2 x 2 x 4 water storage tank that we can fill using buckets for longer term storage to stop the need for endless trips to the lakes.


- Better fences and/or centered brick walls. This would be like the normal fencing, aesthetic and offer a little protection. It would add to the creative potential of both devs, and players, and make the place look a little more normal. Just like the fences in navezgane that separate houses, just not made from old wood AND metal panels, that looks ridiculous.


- I know it's been said but we really need more animals. Perhaps consider horses in the future, we could ride them and add bags. Also horses could get scared and run, or be butchered and eaten by zombies, or more to the point, us, as soon as our car is fixed up xD


- More food. I know this has already been mentioned and I came across a video showing pork meat and venison? It's nice to have alternative meats for different dishes, it makes the cooking aspect of the game a lot more appealing.


Consider multiplayer, you have people role playing miners for materials, loggers for wood, smithys and crafters of armour and clothes, builders putting up base defences, looters for alt scrap, defenders protecting the base, and of course the cooks that provide drinks and food for the group.


This game has such incredible potential, I would love to see all of the above incorporated, or at least, considered.


I see the bearded Mole lurking about. Maybe he can give this post a glance :p

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Maybe airdrops wouldn't start falling until you do some kind of action at a cell tower or radio dish. Something to let whoever is dropping supplies know you're alive.


I thought from the beginning that the sedans would be repairable/drive-able, I hope that comes to pass.


I'd really like to see boats, canoe/row/motor, make their way into the game, especially as some maps seem to have silly huge lakes in them.


I'm all for larger backpacks, but at what point does it get silly? We've already got 40 spaces(?) that can each hold 6000 pieces of wood, or small rocks, or pieces of scrap iron, or a forge each, or a full rifle/shotgun, or a stack of turrets or 3x3 blade traps. Maybe working in mass/encumbrance would be an easier fix since the blocks have a mass already.

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Guest Rassilon

I'm all for larger backpacks, but at what point does it get silly? We've already got 40 spaces(?) that can each hold 6000 pieces of wood, or small rocks, or pieces of scrap iron, or a forge each, or a full rifle/shotgun, or a stack of turrets or 3x3 blade traps. Maybe working in mass/encumbrance would be an easier fix since the blocks have a mass already.


It will takes some work, but how about we enlarge the Backpack up to 20 % and reduce Stack Sizes drastically?


This way we could take more different things, usefull at loottours, but the total amount would ca. stay the same ( Meaning reducing Wood Stack to 1000, Concrete from 1000 to 100, Steel from 500 to 100... etc, you get the idea )


Like some other fellow said, the number of slots in your backpack keeps the same, but the devs add more and more items that we want to carry around .. :)

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It will takes some work, but how about we enlarge the Backpack up to 20 % and reduce Stack Sizes drastically?


This way we could take more different things, usefull at loottours, but the total amount would ca. stay the same ( Meaning reducing Wood Stack to 1000, Concrete from 1000 to 100, Steel from 500 to 100... etc, you get the idea )


Like some other fellow said, the number of slots in your backpack keeps the same, but the devs add more and more items that we want to carry around .. :)


IMO it takes out the survival/scavenging experience. Why don't we grow a snailshell on our backs while we are at it?


I love the decisive process behind inventory management - "do I take this or that, what are the benefits of this now or later."

Having limited backpacks makes You think and plan trips to the wasteland. I usually set out from my base with a list of items in mind. If I play with friends it makes us communicate about available carry space and stacking. If I do stumble upon something I can't currently carry I mark it on my map and scoop it on next planned/unplanned loot runs. This game is all about that sweet exploration/scavenging - let's not give portable black hole generators to everyone.


The minibike already IS a large backpack with added mobility - is it not easy enough?

If not the backpack should be decreased initially forcing You to craft/find/marauder a better one in the ever expanding wasteland.

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Guest Rassilon


This game is all about that sweet exploration/scavenging - let's not give portable black hole generators to everyone.

a) every person has its other approach in this Game. Basebuilders, Scavengers, Survivalists and so on

b) "Black Hole Generators".. I just asked for a compensation to the heavingly increased amounts of different Items made available from the devs. In Return i offered the drastic reduction of Stack Sizes for a balanced approach.


The minibike already IS a large backpack with added mobility - is it not easy enough?

Try using the Minibike on a server with 20+ Players. Lags, Rubberbanding, random "getting stuck under the Map". No Thank you

If not the backpack should be decreased initially forcing You to craft/find/marauder a better one in the ever expanding wasteland.

I can live with this. A bigger Backpack that is craft or buyable. I know different Genre, but "Star Dew Valley" made a good approach in this"



I know this might be an never ending Story^^

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You know, what I mentioned about repairing cars and having them as mobile storage means no need for the backpack expansion and on top of that, a nice goal to work towards. Maybe later game, gated, but well worth it when your items start to stack


Jut reminding people. It would stop the issues and it would make me very happy haha :p


*Sidenote, I actually liked the proposition too of being able to upgrade your backpack, and also I'm fond of the idea above, reducing stack sizes.

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