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Developer Discussions: Alpha 17


Developer Discussions: Alpha 17  

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  1. 1. Developer Discussions: Alpha 17

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The inventory size issue is a necessary evil for gameplay, the pallets in the basement are not. See the difference? Yea as Roland said they may be preppers, but seems like every house? I know it's a small thing but it bugged me so I said so.


I like the new POIs and the addition of pallets. It adds something new to loot. Maybe the preppers robbed Costco before the nukes hit. All of the people were from the same neighborhood and then Duke came around like Neagan and took most of their stuff and they hid it at different stash houses.

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Soviet Womble also played it with like 5k viewers on Twitch. He seemed to enjoy it and commeted that the devs got what made the dayz mod work with the PVE threat. If he makes a Youtube video 'bull♥♥♥♥tery' on 7 days there will be like 2-4 million views. Really hope he does.

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Hello Mad Mole,


When you will place the buggy vehicle for two players, one on the front the driver and another player on the back ?


When you wil place on 7 days the buggy for 2 players with upgraded armour ( armour wil be placable ) with a mini gun on the roof of the buggy ?


When you will place the motocross for two players ?


When you will place the van for 4 players ?


When you will place the swimming suit and don't forget the submarine on the deep lake ?


Please repply asap, Keep up the good work

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Hello Mad Mole,


When you will place the buggy vehicle for two players, one on the front the driver and another player on the back ?


When you wil place on 7 days the buggy for 2 players with upgraded armour ( armour wil be placable ) with a mini gun on the roof of the buggy ?


When you will place the motocross for two players ?


When you will place the van for 4 players ?


When you will place the swimming suit and don't forget the submarine on the deep lake ?


Please repply asap, Keep up the good work


Read around the forum about pimps` goals. and you will find your answers for the future of the game. :)

Its easy to think about what you can add , but in reality is different. Welcome to the forum and keep up with us. :)

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When you will place x5

Sounds like you think these things will come for 100% sure, i dont think so.

And he will give no ETA´s thats sure.


But a Minigun would be cool

6,000 rounds per minute

means 100 rounds per second

50 Rounds if you hit the firebutton

5 Seconds per Stack ammo


I allready can imagine all the cries that the player cant use it the whole Hordenight, and that all corpses disappear^^

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lol, the 300,000 gas was incentive enough for me...but then again I think I was the only one who went there to grab the shale so I pretty much got it all myself. I have never gotten any fertilizer...will have to have a go at that sometime.


heh but you said it yourself. You were the only one, that you know of, that harvested it... thief!!! You hoarded it all!

You.. You.. Robber Barren! Woe to thee, woe to thee... <jk> :playful:

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Just watched Neebs Gaming`s video in their first horde night. Almost 50k views for few hours sounds like lots of new ppl are gonna join this place. Please behave :D


The fact you have to tell us that is sad.


- - - Updated - - -


Sounds like you think these things will come for 100% sure, i dont think so.

And he will give no ETA´s thats sure.


But a Minigun would be cool

6,000 rounds per minute

means 100 rounds per second

50 Rounds if you hit the firebutton

5 Seconds per Stack ammo


I allready can imagine all the cries that the player cant use it the whole Hordenight, and that all corpses disappear^^


Yeah I metioned a minigun just recently

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When it is possible that ? No one until now did not reeply any of my questions :(



Hello Mr. Mad Mole,


When your team will place the buggy for 2 players, with upgradable armour instead the skinny tube chassy origin and the mini gun also placable on the roof ?


When it is possible to place the motocross for 2 players ?


When it is possible to place the Van ( not pickup van ) for 4 players ?


When they release and place the sink sub hidden on the deep river ?


When they release the swimming suit and the player can produce oxigen tanks and produce oxigen for the oxigen tanks ?


When they release the real anti radiation suit attached with the oxigen tanks and also upgradable with perks ?


When they release the casino and also the slot machines ?


When they design the abandoned train station ?


When they release the city sewers ?


When they release the water irrigation sistem and the water deposit that captures water from the rain ?


When they release the dog to help the player ?


When They release the machines for the farmers ?


When they release the new camouflage sistem for players ?


When you release the militar jeep with machine gun attached ?


When you release the three trucks: One from the post office, one from the bank and another like the transformers from the scrap yard ?


When you release the auto caravan ( the mini mobile base) ?


When they release the radio and the comunications eletric stuffs and lots of objects ?


When you release the computer laptop ?


When you release the gas trap ?


When you release the steel and iron spike wich can be activated when triggered by sense or manual to kill zombies ?


When you release the camouflage that the player can obtain by leafs, dirt or clay and the another ? There are at the total 3 minimum camouflages but one or another camouflage will disapear if contact with water ?


When you will release the bus vehicle ?


Sorry to be anoying person, Since 7 days to die alpha 14 I always deeply blinded trusted that they will release the bycicle. I hope I will not be a spoyler alert :D




Keep up the excelent work and thanks all team :)

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Water fix and overhaul

dog to help the player

new camouflage sistem for players

4x4 Armored Vehicle



buggy for 2 players

real anti radiation suit attached with the oxigen tank

casino and also the slot machines

city sewers

auto caravan

radio and the comunications eletric stuffs and lots of objects

computer laptop

gas trap


I think not

motocross for 2 players

sink sub

swimming suit

abandoned train station

machines for the farmers

militar jeep with machine gun attached

bus vehicle

camouflage that the player can obtain by leafs, dirt or clay



buggy for 2 players with upgradable armour and mini gun



Whuut ?

the steel and iron spike wich can be activated when triggered by sense or manual to kill zombies ?

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heh but you said it yourself. You were the only one, that you know of, that harvested it... thief!!! You hoarded it all!

You.. You.. Robber Barren! Woe to thee, woe to thee... <jk> :playful:


hahaha, true, but in my defense, no one else bothered to go up that way...and the biome was a huge one...would be like russia on a world map...plus the others had over 400,000 gas...but they had multiple players and I was all alone... :sorrow:

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We have random loot containers in random locations.


Unless I'm missing something, or you're referring to new stuff in A17... then only sort of.


Random locations implies the containers aren't in the same locations every time. In Alpha 16 anyway, the only randomization I know of are the helper blocks. The level designer places a helper block in a PoI prefab, and at runtime the game turns it into one of these things.



<!-- Replace the lootHouse with one of the following -->
<placeholder name="lootHouseHelper">
	<block name="cntTrashPile01"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile02"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile03"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile04"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile05"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile06"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile07"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile08"/>
	<block name="cntTrashPile09"/>
	<block name="cntChest01"/>
	<block name="cntCardboardBox"/>
	<block name="cntBin"/>
	<block name="cntSuitcase"/>
	<block name="cntBackpack01"/>
	<block name="cntBackpack02"/>
	<block name="cntBackpack03"/>
	<block name="cntDuffle01"/>
	<block name="cntSportsBag01"/>
	<block name="cntSportsBag02"/>
	<block name="cntPurse01"/>


Trash piles in the wilderness spawn at random locations, but that doesn't help randomize PoIs. Again, we may already have the needed functionality to do this, if air blocks were added to the list, and level designers accounted for not every helper block turning into something when populating PoIs.


The next generation of this system would be to group a number of blocks together. Then you could randomly mix and match so that sometimes the wall of path-blocking prepper/hoarder junk is there, and sometimes the room is barren/abandoned.

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Who cares about why they have pallets in the basement. I am honestly glad THe fun pimps are updating their old pois its something most devs wouldn't do. Go though the house the intended way. That's what I'm gonna do when this comes to console.


I think that is where you are missing the point. It is just a way to go in not really intended. If it was intended to go in the way he did in the video then why have a front door you can bust down. When he jumped out the hole on the 2nd floor and went around why have a door you can bust down that leads to the same spot. It is just an option something to add to the game if you wish to do so but doesn't mean you have to or need to force people to do so. This game is about playing as you wish to a degree. Well on pc you pretty much can play as you wish.


The other thing I wanna point out is and before I say it I play both pc and console so this isn't some kind of put console down or anything like that but no guarantee that this will come to console. Console is limited to what it can do as it is and sure I love to see everything from pc to console but not everything will make it. If they are able to get everything on console then great and I will be really surprised but I wouldn't get hopes up on anything until they release it.

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Sounds like you think these things will come for 100% sure, i dont think so.

And he will give no ETA´s thats sure.


But a Minigun would be cool

6,000 rounds per minute

means 100 rounds per second

50 Rounds if you hit the firebutton

5 Seconds per Stack ammo


I allready can imagine all the cries that the player cant use it the whole Hordenight, and that all corpses disappear^^


Maybe they'll add the minigun to the supply plane. It makes sense those guys on board would shoot at anything that moves.

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So people are complaining about pallets in the basement now? This is why Madmole is reluctant to share videos these days. There is nothing wrong with having pallets in your basement. I had them in my garage. They help keep things dry in the event of minor flooding. The new houses looked great. I hope they make it to random gen.


And the ones in the attic are for minor flooding as well? And the ones that are stacked two pallets high in the basement? Say what ya want, they make zero sense in those spots. What you call complaining I call helpful advice to move the game in a positive direction. Yes there are things that break immersion. Yes some are necessary. However, others are not and can easily be avoided or fixed.

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Desert = Yucca, Aloe, Oil Shale,Sand and fast Digging (good for large Bases)

Snow Biome = Lumberjack Zombies, Snow, easy to find Bird nests, realy nice athmosphere

Green Biomes = Clay


Thats all i have in mind this moment.

No reason to visit the rest^^


Wasteland = Easy iron everywhere, dozens of cars, electricity poles (wrench for steel), nitrate potassium as main ore vein underground

Burnt Forest = Coal on every wood source, shale, nitrate and coal open sky ores, diggable fertilized soil, the easiest zombies

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As much as I love it oil shale in the desert needs to be nerfed... It is pretty easy to get hundreds of barrels made from it. On the main server I play on I have about 1.5k barrels...


DON'T NERF IT! Not my fault you only use shale for gas, but have you seen how much shale you need for asphalt? And it's not like you use asphalt on 10x10 bases. No, you use it on 250x10 bridges.

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mmm prefabs with hidden trigger plates and shotgun turrets

Having at least some New looking textures would also be nice..It would be wonderful if we had access to our own texture map and could add in some player-created textures.

I can get on board with these and the 1 block ingress of old.




I go into the burned biome for the free fertilizer early on. plus fast wrench finding

Wasteland = Easy iron everywhere, dozens of cars, electricity poles (wrench for steel)

I get fertilizer from there also. I'll look out for those wrenches and electricity pole steel. Thanks for the tips.

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