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Snakes should poison


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I wish poison was a thing and snakes seem the perfect enemy to have that ability. However I disagree in that it should slowly tick your health down. Maybe taking vitamins helps lessen the effects? They could introduce anti-venom to the game to be found or crafted as well.


Sadly, with gold coming closer and closer, I don't see anything changing. Mods to the rescue!

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5 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Not something that would cost you hit points over time but something that would slow you down. 


As it is now, bang bang, I've got meat and hides


I approve. The more critical injuries the game can have the better. They should bring back food poisoning as well. Make it so the vomit chance doesn't start until you reach a certain percent of sickness so that there is some time to treat before it might happen.

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20 hours ago, ElCabong said:

Not something that would cost you hit points over time but something that would slow you down. 


As it is now, bang bang, I've got meat and hides


You're effing cruel, dude.   Finding out about this too late while surrounded by a horde would just be gruesome.

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the snake looks like a copperhead to me, and those guys are poisonous. 


the debuff should be like getting progressively more drunk and getting blurry vision and wobbly controls until you pass out/die


time to death dictated by your fortitude stat in game hours. Poison cure should be a trader Jen, only doc visit treatment. No home remedy. Cuz you know, she has to suck the poison out.

Edited by warmer (see edit history)
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Yeah, the snake in game is almost definitely a rattlesnake of some sort. It's Arizona, so a western diamondback I would assume. So it really should have a more serious debuff, even if it isn't something that kills you. That said, I did mod that in that they make you sick and debuff you. TFP have mentioned doing more with animals still, so maybe they will do a pass on them soonish.

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On 5/16/2023 at 6:36 PM, Maharin said:

Snakes should give you a concussion, based on past animal wounding efforts.


You're not supposed to use the snake as a bola. Just. So you know.


Man, I coulda swore that they used to poison. Maybe I imagined that. I'd be okay with this, though, it just makes sense.

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40 minutes ago, rapidfirekitten said:

You're not supposed to use the snake as a bola. Just. So you know.

Omg. We can throw rocks...calculating...we NEED to be able to throw snakes. Poisonous snakes. Or maybe just freeze them in the snow, and use in the crossbow. 

and obviously, chickens and vultures.





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Well, maybe the devs would consider allowing snakes to drop from above - broken ceiling tiles, rafters, etc - Navezgane mambas. With a debuff bite. Warning rattle optional. It would sure as heck scare the dysentary outta me.

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2 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Omg. We can throw rocks...calculating...we NEED to be able to throw snakes. Poisonous snakes. Or maybe just freeze them in the snow, and use in the crossbow. 

and obviously, chickens and vultures.

Wasteland 3 has frozen ferrets for ammo.  ;)

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2 hours ago, doughphunghus said:

Omg. We can throw rocks...calculating...we NEED to be able to throw snakes. Poisonous snakes. Or maybe just freeze them in the snow, and use in the crossbow. 

and obviously, chickens and vultures.






OH MY GOSH I forgot about this. YEAH. Scoring a headshot with a chicken would have to have an achievement. ;)


34 minutes ago, Melange said:

Well, maybe the devs would consider allowing snakes to drop from above - broken ceiling tiles, rafters, etc - Navezgane mambas. With a debuff bite. Warning rattle optional. It would sure as heck scare the dysentary outta me.


It would make a lot of sense for snakes to drop outta the ceiling in abandoned desert towns, as if they aren't creepy and hellish enough. Minding your own business, then suddenly, snakes.


"Suddenly, snakes" doesn't get used nearly enough in horror... hmm.


27 minutes ago, Riamus said:

Wasteland 3 has frozen ferrets for ammo.  ;)


LMAO that is amazing

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