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Pears? Pears?? Why not Peaches?


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Tinned pears present only their immediate food value - and so does the canned chicken. They are welcomed,  but we can't use either in mid- to late-game recipes. And the pears label looks way too much like the canned peas (which we are able to use in later-game recipes). Coincidence? Or are we meant to carefully examine the label?, because we have to if we want to stockpile peas to be used later.


So why pears? Why didn't the devs choose peaches instead? I've never IRL bought a can of pears, but I have enjoyed many a tin of peaches.


Having peaches in the game would allow for peach pie, peach cobbler, peach brandy, oh this list can go on...


But pears? Pear pie? probably why its not in the game.


Did someone on the team have a bad experience in Atlanta or something?


Give me a yellow labelled tin of peaches, and retire the canned pears. I might be able to craft some value-added items with peaches. Pears ,well not so much.


Chicken pot pie anyone?



Edited by Melange (see edit history)
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I considered carrots, but I can take 'em or leave them. Don't care at all. I like peaches, not pears. Thank the devs for not giving us broccoli or cauliflower. Cabbage I could handle, but then I'd be expecting a kielbasa recipe to go with it. We've got the potatoes, just can't boil them to make a super meal*. I understand, folks would rather have some AI be able to rip their heads off before they went into the kitchen. Cooking is important too. But why do I have to deal with pears?

*Not true. We have other recipes that do just that.  But not enough of them IMO. And none of them need pears or peaches.


@Urban Blackbear suggested chicken and pears. OK, I'd try that army food recipe if it gave some buffs. But the lowly peach has been pushed aside. Ignored even. I still suspect an unpleasant encounter somewhere in Georgia is the reason the Texans have kept peaches out of the game. Pears? Phtt. 🙂



Edited by Melange (see edit history)
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On 8/14/2022 at 7:15 PM, Maharin said:

EDIT: Actually, I'm hoping for wheat to be added and then so many more recipes could be added to include bread, dough, pie crust, etc.

We can improvise with the ground corn. Not the same as wheat, but we could get by. If we had a cooking recipe that supports it. It's after 22:00 hours. I open my food chest to see what I might be able to cook up as a substantial meal since I don't have anything else to do. I'm not hungry, but having a power meal in my inventory is always a good thing. 


Some corn meal

Lots of raw meat

One egg

3 cans of peas

2 tins of those obnoxious pears

4 blueberries

2 pumpkins

5 raw potatatoes (need to plant those in my new garden)

A partial stack of congealed animal fat


SOL for now. Looks like another few grilled meat then.  I used to look forward to a well-grilled steak. Too much of a good thing is not such a good thing after a while.


And not a peach to be found. It's rumored there's a Pop'n Peach somewhere in the wild. My quest continues...


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11 minutes ago, doughphunghus said:

Maybe everyone who was alive, years ago, ate all the good stuff like peaches and looked in the cupboard and went "All I have left is....Pears? some Peas? I guess I'll... die of starvation".


and they did.

Funny you say that. IRL i stayed with a family whom I dearly loved and peas, the fresh ones, were too often a part of dinner. 

I developed a loathing for peas. That was culminated in the day I was asked to come in to the kitchen to help. Help clean a sack full of peas in the pod. 🤢

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On 8/17/2022 at 7:52 AM, Urban Blackbear said:


I see other vegetables in there which technically makes that vegetable....sludge. I actually love peas but hate green beans. I've always been odd.


Ooooo, I like this term.  I got a recipe to combine dog and cat food into something "edible".  But I been calling it meat slurry which didn't feel right.  Meat sludge sounds 100% better.  😁

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12 minutes ago, BFT2020 said:


Ooooo, I like this term.  I got a recipe to combine dog and cat food into something "edible".  But I been calling it meat slurry which didn't feel right.  Meat sludge sounds 100% better.  😁


I was gong to post about what I meant with the Armies pear and chicken salad. It is also akin to sludge or slurry. Southern style chicken salad if anyone is familiar with that.

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3 hours ago, mprojekt said:

I am suddenly craving Chicken ala King, heated in the exhaust vent of an M270 MLRS, with bayonet-crushed "crackers" and Tabasco, and oatmeal "cookie" with "apple" jelly for dessert.

I fell like worm sweat residue. Asking for peaches when the ubiqitous Tabasco has totally been unmentioned.  Can't craft it, no peppers, no vinegar). Oh please, can we loot it ? Duh, copyright issue  (and their lawyers are aggressive) - how about a hot/spicy pepper sauce then? 'A little dap will do ya' (Copyright again, why can't we just have more fun things?).


Don't want to abandon this thread, but some spicy condiment (with both a buff and a debuff)  may open up some possibilites). In a mod anyways. But yeah, hot sauce...I'd throw peaches into the gutter for a bottle of Georgia Peter's Peach Zombie Sauce. Well, maybe. Would have to try it first. 😝

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On 8/19/2022 at 3:34 PM, Melange said:

I fell like worm sweat residue. Asking for peaches when the ubiqitous Tabasco has totally been unmentioned.  Can't craft it, no peppers, no vinegar). Oh please, can we loot it ? Duh, copyright issue  (and their lawyers are aggressive) - how about a hot/spicy pepper sauce then? 'A little dap will do ya' (Copyright again, why can't we just have more fun things?).


Don't want to abandon this thread, but some spicy condiment (with both a buff and a debuff)  may open up some possibilites). In a mod anyways. But yeah, hot sauce...I'd throw peaches into the gutter for a bottle of Georgia Peter's Peach Zombie Sauce. Well, maybe. Would have to try it first. 😝

maybe name the hot condiment...

- Spaceasco <- Spaces, not tabs

- Hot Plops

- Ring of Fire

- NavInsane

- Devil's Throat

- 7 Days on Fire

- Eats Your Face

- Survivor's Guilt

- 5 Ingredients

- Forbidden Dye

- Hot Walker

- Cant Sit Down

- Gut Wrencher

- Blood Flume

- Gibs Glistening Chunks

- Hot Penetrating Slugs

- AFK Forever

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