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Alpha 20.4 Stable


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20 minutes ago, STiM_Desario said:



"...so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time." 



...and the point of that is?

No point what so ever. It will only further destabilize an already shaky game. Fill the drive C:\ even more for no good reason. Limiting your gaming experience because now you will not be able to have multiple instances each with it's own set of mods. Tying the hands of modmakers.

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4 hours ago, kdthehun said:

There you done it! Officially messed the game up for a whole load of people! Moving the Mods folder was THE greatest lamest stupidest thing to do. You don't realize that MOST people don't have much space on drive C:\ . Especially for Modpacks that are 2-9 GB in size. Yes there ARE modpacks that are that huge. The other thing is, what now we have to go and mess about with the folders there every time we want to play a different modpack? You know, some of us are playing a different modpack every several hours a day or different one every other day of the week. So we had 1-2 Terrabyte space on secondary drives, but barely 15GB on drive c:\ and windows and stuff need 10+ GB free or it starts freaking out because Microsoft, so now you come along and mess with the delicate balance some of us have to juggle with. You know some of us had up to 8 different copies of the game on secondary drive each with a different set of Mods/Modpacks/Mods in the making and now all that going to be f-ed with. You do realize that MANY people buy your game because of the great Modding support it had till now and you just tossed the mother of all wrenches into those delicate clockwork? Also, the server searching thing you guys made sux. BIG time! This update first felt like a late April's Fool's joke. But then I realized you are not Blizzard... No, you guys are seriously think that this is something good.... THIS is the update that SHOULD NOT have been. I'm sure you'll see many many many many more comments like this... Some may be worded more nicely, some may not be worded as nicely. But there will be plenty more from loads of people.... I would hate to leave this game. I have nearly 5500 hours in this game. I have spent many many hours creating modlets for this game. I have genuine love for this game.... I would really hate to loose it because you felt like moving the Mods folder out of the game folder was a good idea..... You are cutting off support for mods....

Well it sounds like they are gonna make some people either get larger C drives or raid drives together....


I get it is a bit stupid to move mod folder to the user folder. I'm on the fence about this update

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4 minutes ago, GuberX said:

Well it sounds like they are gonna make some people either get larger C drives or raid drives together....


I get it is a bit stupid to move mod folder to the user folder. I'm on the fence about this update

Yeah, trouble with that is some people just can't do that. I use external SATA (eSATA) drive as secondary and Drive C:\ is a 128 GB inbuilt SSD. Swapping that means no more warranty on the quite expensive machine. (Quite expensive for my income. I know some people here could dish out that money easy and have a laugh but not all of us have such income)

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1 hour ago, kdthehun said:

Yeah, trouble with that is some people just can't do that. I use external SATA (eSATA) drive as secondary and Drive C:\ is a 128 GB inbuilt SSD. Swapping that means no more warranty on the quite expensive machine. (Quite expensive for my income. I know some people here could dish out that money easy and have a laugh but not all of us have such income)

You guys know that windows NT (I think from 4.0 but it has been a while all the way up to windows 10 allows you to mount a partition as a folder)?

Not sure if we ever got proper symbolic linking, but the partition thing is an option.

Its a hacky workaround, I know, but it's totally doable if you don't mind managing your disks (and know what you're doing, if you lose your data, don't blame me).

Edit: mklink /D from the command prompt might allow you to do this with folders. I'm not sure it would work in this case - it seems less complete than the *nix versions, but it should be safer to use than messing with Disk Manager.

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Could we please make this have a custom option as well. Let us choose a directory, as long as it is not from the game directory ? Some of us have specific setups on partitions, for optimization. I don't want mods loading out of my operating system partition either. That's reserved for windows and swap file. 


  • Launcher on Windows now stores log files in %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/logs folder
  • Screenshots are stored in <UserDataFolder>/Screenshots (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Screenshots) 
  • Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time. 
  • Reduced sleeper volume attack target time 
  • Changed SkyManager to explicitly set shadowCustomResolution for the moon and sun lights based on the ingame "Shadow Distance" setting: 1k for Low/Medium, 2k for High, and 4k for Ultra/Ultra+. This gives more consistent results in terms of performance and fidelity when changing the setting, regardless of the user's output screen resolution. 


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Values must be one of the following:
NorthAmericaEast, NorthAmericaWest, CentralAmerica, SouthAmerica, Europe, Russia, Asia, MiddleEast, Africa, Oceania

You need to add Moon too.




Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time. 

Highly against that change !!

1. i hate it when application leave overall their traces. When you uninstall them, they are leftover.

2. when i play a modded game, i want maybe seperated mods each seasson. Sure you can solve that with comand argument's to change the loading. And when you didn't  allready add an argument the change the mod's loading you will need to add that.


I want all relevant data back to the program folder, stop the spread over !

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17 hours ago, Hated said:

Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time


This will localize Mods now to one location right? What about people (Content Creators/or just people in general playing w/friends) that have a modded play through in one game save and one mostly vanilla with a few select mods in another? That will be virtually impossible to do after moving the mods folder now unless I misunderstand this move. I'm not talking servers, I mean playing through Steam solo or with Friends.

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  • Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time.

What is the reason for this decision? It is very controversial. It is a bad idea to fill the system disk with user data.
Mods can take 10 or more gigabytes.
Unlike "Documents", "Music", "Videos" and other user folders, the "User Name" folder cannot be transferred to another drive.
Maybe it makes sense to move 7 DTD files from Appdata to "Documents"?

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8 hours ago, kdthehun said:

Yeah, trouble with that is some people just can't do that. I use external SATA (eSATA) drive as secondary and Drive C:\ is a 128 GB inbuilt SSD. Swapping that means no more warranty on the quite expensive machine. (Quite expensive for my income. I know some people here could dish out that money easy and have a laugh but not all of us have such income)

Didn't the Supreme Court smack that down a few years ago?  I'm relatively certain that they have to honor the warranty regardless of whether or not you open the computer.  And I'm pretty sure swapping a hard drive falls under that.  There is nothing proprietary regarding 1 SSD or another, and swapping a hard drive is not considered dangerous to the system by any stretch of the imagination.

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10 hours ago, kdthehun said:

...and the point of that is?

No point what so ever. It will only further destabilize an already shaky game. Fill the drive C:\ even more for no good reason. Limiting your gaming experience because now you will not be able to have multiple instances each with it's own set of mods. Tying the hands of modmakers.


It´s a rule of the MS game store. They want to be in there and MS doesn´t allow games that require the actual game folder to be touched when using mods.


The new server search is a horrible mess. I don´t know the region or the IP of the servers i joined because it simply wasn´t neccessary. My history is deleted, i have absolutly no clue how to find them again.


And even after beeing on my own server and the game showing me the number 1 besides the history icon on the top, i do get an empty list if i click on it now. I filled out the name of the server in the search and it showed me a 1 besides the dedictated servers icon but i also get an empty list when i click on it.  


So even if i manage to somehow find the other servers i used to play on (wich is VERY unlikely unless i am superlucky), i do need to write down their IP´s now so that i can join using the join via IP button. Worst tool ever.


I mean there is games that are even worse than the new filter when it comes to server search, but none of them had a well functioning system and changed it to a useless one. That´s a whole new level of making things even worse.



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There has gotta be a guy who moves from company to company selling this great way to optimize server searching/listing and that guy has ruined every game he has gotten his horrible hands on over the last 20 years.

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1 hour ago, pApA^LeGBa said:


It´s a rule of the MS game store. They want to be in there and MS doesn´t allow games that require the actual game folder to be touched when using mods.


The new server search is a horrible mess. I don´t know the region or the IP of the servers i joined because it simply wasn´t neccessary. My history is deleted, i have absolutly no clue how to find them again.


And even after beeing on my own server and the game showing me the number 1 besides the history icon on the top, i do get an empty list if i click on it now. I filled out the name of the server in the search and it showed me a 1 besides the dedictated servers icon but i also get an empty list when i click on it.  


So even if i manage to somehow find the other servers i used to play on (wich is VERY unlikely unless i am superlucky), i do need to write down their IP´s now so that i can join using the join via IP button. Worst tool ever.


I mean there is games that are even worse than the new filter when it comes to server search, but none of them had a well functioning system and changed it to a useless one. That´s a whole new level of making things even worse.



Not sure if this helps but if you go to the servers in steam I think all your favs and history should still be in there. Pain in butt to have to write down the ips but you may be able at least to get back on your servers.

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How about a screen shot where its add'd stead of " you just add plz... come on fun pimps.. just telling us we need to add is a bit vague, personaly i find the region and language thing not needed. but since its there, so Screen shot plz cuz i cant find one to know EXACTLY where its need'd to be add'd

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3 hours ago, vasti said:

Didn't the Supreme Court smack that down a few years ago?  I'm relatively certain that they have to honor the warranty regardless of whether or not you open the computer.  And I'm pretty sure swapping a hard drive falls under that.  There is nothing proprietary regarding 1 SSD or another, and swapping a hard drive is not considered dangerous to the system by any stretch of the imagination.

I don't live in the US. Not everyone does.

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23 hours ago, Hated said:
  • Mods are now loaded from <UserDataFolder>/Mods (i.e. the folder that also stores saves, e.g. on Windows %APPDATA%/7DaysToDie/Mods) in addition to <game folder>/Mods. In a future build this will change to only load from that new location so no data is written/changed in the program folder at any time. 


I'm normally not the type of person that just registers to a forum for complaining. But this was a VERY bad decision. My personal hardware configuration (and I reckon that I'm not the only one with a similar setup): a small SSD with 100 GB for Windows and some essential tools, a big SSD with 1 TB for all the rest. That's my ideal configuration for backups, working, playing since years. And I'm not eager to change it (and spend extra money for another  SSD) just because of one silly developers decision that doesn't change ANYTHING regarding gameplay, bugfixing, performance.  


Why isn't it just possible to customize a specific MODS folder in the game options itself, and the game searches this folder for files when starting? At least it better should be an option in the near future. Otherwise 7 Days To Die is dead for me! 

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17 hours ago, kdthehun said:

Moving the Mods folder was THE greatest lamest stupidest thing to do. You don't realize that MOST people don't have much space on drive C:\ . Especially for Modpacks that are 2-9 GB in size. Yes there ARE modpacks that are that huge. The other thing is, what now we have to go and mess about with the folders there every time we want to play a different modpack? 

Can you not just make a symbolic link to the MODS folder on your larger drive?

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4 minutes ago, pApA^LeGBa said:

@jetta_pt For now you can still use the old location. Both are working right now, though it will be only the new on in the future.



I put this question because it could be different for the server...

at this moment all the mods that the server has give me an error

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Well, shouldn´t have changed either i think. At least not that i could see anything in the change log about it.


@Gamida Yeah, thx. Figured that out too, but that´s just a pretty bad workaround sadly. Even if i get them all in my history list, i have to change the location everytime i want to go to another server. So i need to write that down or remember that too. It sucks. Bigtime.


@Hated My server region is europe. It´s a standard setting that has been there before in my command center. Why on earth do we need to set it again manually in the config file?


Another change that makes it kinda hard for many people. You guys try to get rid of computer noobs (sorry no offense) really hard with the changes lately.


And i really need to do a new search if i wanna switch servers, just because one is in europe and the other one is in NA? Why? Why can´t my history list not just be there with all my visited servers no matter what i searched for? And why do i even need to use the search if i just want to go to my history list? Apply the search after we got on the server list. Not as a must before.

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18 hours ago, kdthehun said:

There you done it! Officially messed the game up for a whole load of people! Moving the Mods folder was THE greatest lamest stupidest thing to do. You don't realize that MOST people don't have much space on drive C:\ . Especially for Modpacks that are 2-9 GB in size. Yes there ARE modpacks that are that huge. The other thing is, what now we have to go and mess about with the folders there every time we want to play a different modpack? You know, some of us are playing a different modpack every several hours a day or different one every other day of the week. So we had 1-2 Terrabyte space on secondary drives, but barely 15GB on drive c:\ and windows and stuff need 10+ GB free or it starts freaking out because Microsoft, so now you come along and mess with the delicate balance some of us have to juggle with. You know some of us had up to 8 different copies of the game on secondary drive each with a different set of Mods/Modpacks/Mods in the making and now all that going to be f-ed with. You do realize that MANY people buy your game because of the great Modding support it had till now and you just tossed the mother of all wrenches into those delicate clockwork? Also, the server searching thing you guys made sux. BIG time! This update first felt like a late April's Fool's joke. But then I realized you are not Blizzard... No, you guys are seriously think that this is something good.... THIS is the update that SHOULD NOT have been. I'm sure you'll see many many many many more comments like this... Some may be worded more nicely, some may not be worded as nicely. But there will be plenty more from loads of people.... I would hate to leave this game. I have nearly 5500 hours in this game. I have spent many many hours creating modlets for this game. I have genuine love for this game.... I would really hate to loose it because you felt like moving the Mods folder out of the game folder was a good idea..... You are cutting off support for mods....

I Strongly agree...Modding community keeping this game afloat (imo). For the FP to move all the Read/Write to the C drive, while it is a plus to performance it will shorten the life of those of us with SSD's. I for myself, I will NOT be updating to this version. RIP 7DtD.

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