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What Happened To This Game?

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8 hours ago, katarynna said:

So have zombies behave like boars? Sounds like it should be doable.


If not, i am almost positive that you could change the damage they do per hit to 1.


I suspect this might be enabled by 

<property name="IsEnemyEntity" value="false"

in entityclasses.xml.


Another way may be to rob the zombies of their senses. "animalTemplateTimid" has a lot of stealth settings that are higher than usual, they could be copied and turned down to very very low values


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13 hours ago, Treb said:


My question is what do you do in a game where zombies don't attack you unless attacked? Run around, loot and build random buildings?

You do whatever you want, that's the point. Sometimes you want to build something, sometimes you want to clear a POI full of zimbies, sometimes you just want to kill a few zombies, sometimes you just want to dig some treasures. There is a million things you can do when the friggin' zombies are not pushing you around.

Edited by MaxTunnerX (see edit history)
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5 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

You do whatever you want, that's the point. Sometimes you want to build something, sometimes you want to clear a POI full of zimbies, sometimes you just want to kill a few zombies, sometimes you just want to dig some treasures. There is a million things you can do when the friggin' zombies are not pushing you around.

How dare you choose to play the game the way you enjoy most! Degenerate!

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Everybody plays it differently and there is nothing wrong with that.  Play it based on the settings and mods you want, not what you other people play the game.  It is all about your enjoyment, not some "pre-determined" way to play this game.

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2 hours ago, Jeraal said:

How dare you choose to play the game the way you enjoy most! Degenerate!

Yeah I swear everyone on this forum looks at me like I'm some kind of a terrorist that I don't enjoy constant buttrape while playing the game and that I dare to ask for a less buttrape version of the game :D


Don't know what your intentions were @BFT2020 but I'm pretty sure the guy above you was being sarcastic so there's no need to defend.


BTW anyone figured out why setting the enemies to isenemy false didn't work at all?

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Been playing for ages. A15 or 16was probably my fondest memories, but we play on next to max difficulty now. My only complaint is the damn vultures. Their movement is so janky they are harder to hit than anything else, and what the heck is with them turning into Superman when you mount ANYTHING? I have a helicopter (thanks to bdubya for this, it is his work) mod on the server. It goes 25m/s. If I get into it vultures seem to swarm from miles around and hit this giant metal beast so hard it goes out of control. Oh and usually in two hits or so I have infections, bleeding, and all kinds of crap. Same for the jeep, minibike, motorcycle, gyrocopter, or even bicycle. Turn that off! If I am not bleeding a vulture should not attack, nor should it be able to make travelling by vehicle slower than by foot due to constant attacks.


I guess a second problem is that the loot being scaled to gamestage. It makes everything predictable. I miss being on day one and finding that one purple item, be it a gun, tool, or piece of armor. It really made me want to go at it harder. Now you KNOW you can't get anything decent unless you level. I imagine this is a work in progress though and expect it to evolve. The game IS under active development after all, and things will change regularly. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Just give it time.


Beyond the vultures turning into rocket-powered, god-mode hellspawn, I enjoy the game. I wish we could build weapons like in the past (find the internal parts and assemble them), but that may change again too. If it wasn't fun I wouldn't play or participate here.


Oh! One big thing that bugs me is that literally EVERYTHING destroys the terrain! Bullets, arrows, that stupid cow-catcher on the 4x4. I stopped driving my jeep around when I got bdubya's helicopter because I was sick of having to stop, turn almost 90deg, and inch up hills to prevent knocking holes in the roads.

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48 minutes ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Oh! One big thing that bugs me is that literally EVERYTHING destroys the terrain! Bullets, arrows, that stupid cow-catcher on the 4x4. I stopped driving my jeep around when I got bdubya's helicopter because I was sick of having to stop, turn almost 90deg, and inch up hills to prevent knocking holes in the roads.


Make a mini-game out of it destroy everything with your 4x4.  See how long it takes you to bring down an apartment building with it.

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2 hours ago, The_Great_Sephiroth said:

Been playing for ages. A15 or 16was probably my fondest memories, but we play on next to max difficulty now. My only complaint is the damn vultures. Their movement is so janky they are harder to hit than anything else, and what the heck is with them turning into Superman when you mount ANYTHING? I have a helicopter (thanks to bdubya for this, it is his work) mod on the server. It goes 25m/s. If I get into it vultures seem to swarm from miles around and hit this giant metal beast so hard it goes out of control. Oh and usually in two hits or so I have infections, bleeding, and all kinds of crap. Same for the jeep, minibike, motorcycle, gyrocopter, or even bicycle. Turn that off! If I am not bleeding a vulture should not attack, nor should it be able to make travelling by vehicle slower than by foot due to constant attacks.


I guess a second problem is that the loot being scaled to gamestage. It makes everything predictable. I miss being on day one and finding that one purple item, be it a gun, tool, or piece of armor. It really made me want to go at it harder. Now you KNOW you can't get anything decent unless you level. I imagine this is a work in progress though and expect it to evolve. The game IS under active development after all, and things will change regularly. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. Just give it time.


Beyond the vultures turning into rocket-powered, god-mode hellspawn, I enjoy the game. I wish we could build weapons like in the past (find the internal parts and assemble them), but that may change again too. If it wasn't fun I wouldn't play or participate here.


Oh! One big thing that bugs me is that literally EVERYTHING destroys the terrain! Bullets, arrows, that stupid cow-catcher on the 4x4. I stopped driving my jeep around when I got bdubya's helicopter because I was sick of having to stop, turn almost 90deg, and inch up hills to prevent knocking holes in the roads.

As far as vultures go, you can see the previous page on how to deal with them right now. I think turning them into chickens is a fitting revenge. Then you just wait for devs to fix them. I somewhat agree with the guns. I really liked it when there were molds in the game and you just crafted the parts and then crafted the weapons or just found the parts and stuff. Nowadays guns are more frequent than friggin' antibiotics and funnily enough, than ammo. Makes no sense there are more guns than ammo. Not only it doesn't make sense (compared to real life) but it straight enrages me when games do this to me. I have like a million pistols and no bullets to shoot. Total absurdity. Thank god for the creative menu where I can spawn my ammo.


As for 4x4 I have used it once and then never after, because it's super slow, basically like a bicycle, so why bother. Haven't really noticed any terrain deformations other than street signs and stuff, but I surely heard the sounds when I crashed into something. Anyway I'm just using bicycle and gyrocopter and I'm happy as can be.

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On 7/17/2021 at 6:15 AM, MaxTunnerX said:

Well I changed the true to false in the zombies, zombie male class, but zombies regardless of sex attacked me still.


I don't have time to accept another challenge right now, but my guess is you need to tinker with these two AI tasks in the zombie template:


    <property name="AITask-5" value="ApproachAndAttackTarget" data="class=EntityNPC,0,EntityEnemyAnimal,0,EntityPlayer,0"/> <!-- class,maxChaseTime (return home) -->
    <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) -->


My first guess would be to remove the parts in orange.

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5 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

As far as vultures go, you can see the previous page on how to deal with them right now. I think turning them into chickens is a fitting revenge. Then you just wait for devs to fix them.


Why do you think the devs will just follow your ideas for the game? I don't know if the vultures will eventually be changed or not, but they were made that way on purpose. Just saying.



7 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Yeah I swear everyone on this forum looks at me like I'm some kind of a terrorist that I don't enjoy constant buttrape while playing the game and that I dare to ask for a less buttrape version of the game :D


Don't know what your intentions were @BFT2020 but I'm pretty sure the guy above you was being sarcastic so there's no need to defend.


BTW anyone figured out why setting the enemies to isenemy false didn't work at all?


I found a comment on one of the lines that "IsEnemyEntity" is used to flag the entities that will be removed when you select to turn off all enemies in the options. So sadly a red herring. But I like Boidsters suggestion,sounds promising


Edited by meganoth (see edit history)
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10 hours ago, Jeraal said:

How dare you choose to play the game the way you enjoy most! Degenerate!


7 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Yeah I swear everyone on this forum looks at me like I'm some kind of a terrorist that I don't enjoy constant buttrape while playing the game and that I dare to ask for a less buttrape version of the game :D


Don't know what your intentions were @BFT2020 but I'm pretty sure the guy above you was being sarcastic so there's no need to defend.


BTW anyone figured out why setting the enemies to isenemy false didn't work at all?



I was just curious and trying to understand.


I don't get the appeal, but you have the right to play the game however you want.

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something that I had though about is the lack of traps that are available to use. grenades, explosive arrows and other powerful equipment is cool and all but it becomes stale if I can't change what I have to defend my base on hordes. smg turrets and robotic turret and useful but the shotgun turret is just ok, dart traps are just boring; I often just spam spike around my base to defend. There needs to be more traps; maybe a flamethrower turret that uses gasoline or maybe a flamethrower in general, it would be nice to have more to work with so that I'm not just reusing the same formula.

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6 hours ago, Boidster said:


I don't have time to accept another challenge right now, but my guess is you need to tinker with these two AI tasks in the zombie template:


    <property name="AITask-5" value="ApproachAndAttackTarget" data="class=EntityNPC,0,EntityEnemyAnimal,0,EntityPlayer,0"/> <!-- class,maxChaseTime (return home) -->
    <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) -->


My first guess would be to remove the parts in orange.


Seems to work - sort of. This Arlene completely ignored my advances. Just walked away from me. But she also didn't fight back if I attacked. So need to fine-tune if we want them to behave like boars.





Edit: okay figured it out. You just need to do this one:


    <property name="AITarget-4" value="SetNearestEntityAsTarget" data="class=EntityPlayer,0,0,EntityNPC,0,0"/> <!-- class, hear distance, see dist (checked left to right, 0 dist uses entity default) -->


Delete the part in orange and zombies won't auto-target you when you're around, but if you shoot them then they'll fight back. Dunno if this has any effect at all on BMH night, but I assume a casual player would just turn that off anyhow.

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10 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Yeah I swear everyone on this forum looks at me like I'm some kind of a terrorist that I don't enjoy constant buttrape while playing the game and that I dare to ask for a less buttrape version of the game :D


I could have sworn this thread has been full of people trying to help you get to the type of game you want to play rather than a bunch of people mocking you for wanting a different experience. I was very pleasantly surprised by the positivity and helpfulness shown and yet you still feel persecuted. Interesting...

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45 minutes ago, Roland said:


I could have sworn this thread has been full of people trying to help you get to the type of game you want to play rather than a bunch of people mocking you for wanting a different experience. I was very pleasantly surprised by the positivity and helpfulness shown and yet you still feel persecuted. Interesting...


We could start insulting him now... no sense wasting good paranoia.

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Oh come on, last week I started a thread in the forum asking for game changes and people were like "fk off get mods or get out of this game. Absolutely unheard of to change game to how YOU like it, the game must be the way WE like it or how MM wants it". This thread has some helpful people in it but I bet most of posters here disagree with the game having a casual mode in the future or getting easier (via server settings), which is what I'm rooting for. Without mods. I'm only modding because there is no other way yet. And it's logical that there are more dislikes than likes on this topic too, because people who agree with me usually stopped playing this game some time ago and they don't even go to the forums anymore.


@Boidster Thanks for the effort boidster, although from the picture and the text above ti it seems you were trying to molest Arlene :D. In any case, did you change that property specifically on Arlene or it applies to all zombies?

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1 hour ago, MaxTunnerX said:

This thread has some helpful people in it but I bet most of posters here disagree with the game having a casual mode in the future or getting easier (via server settings), which is what I'm rooting for. Without mods. I'm only modding because there is no other way yet.


The more extremely divergent the gameplay you desire is from the designed intended gameplay the developers are creating, the less likely that there will be an official mode to support that fringe way of playing. However, the devs have provided the means through xml editing for people to get the extreme results they want. You purchased a game advertising itself as an open world survival vs zombies game. In the store description of the game by the developers it reads in part: "players must explore the open world alone or with friends to build tools, weapons and shelter against the dangers of the reanimated dead".


The game you want is extremely divergent from what the devs are creating so if I were you, I would stop wasting time rooting for an official mode for the level of casual gameplay you are desiring or thinking that there will ever be a way to go as far as you want without modding. Modding is going to be the key to your type of fun. Period. 


This is a good thing and something to be grateful for because a lot of games cannot be altered in such extreme ways.


I don't say this to bust your balls for wanting to play the game casual. I'm glad that it is possible that you can. But you should recognize that you have an extreme view and while anything is possible in the multiverse, I just don't see the devs spending resources making an official mode that is going to go as far as you want. There may end up being a few more options like what we have now that can be selected but you should plan on always in the future for as long as this game holds your interest-- needing to mod it to the level you are rooting for.


It would be the same for someone who hates zombie games but bought this one anyway hoping and rooting for the devs to replace zombies with alien pirates someday. That is just not going to happen. Now, a modder who felt the same way might be able to go in and replace all the zombie models with alien pirate models and then it could be a reality but the developers aren't going to spend time and resources changing their own game into something completely different than they planned.


Sorry if that is disappointing. I get it. I like playing without any indicators on the screen. No toolbelt, compass, time, messages, status icons, no HUD at all-- just the world. Madmole called that an extreme way of playing and flat out said they wouldn't spend any time creating an option for invisible HUDS-- but that that type of gameplay falls in the realm of modding. Would I love for a simple menu option to make all the screen indicators invisible and still be able to interact (F7 doesn't function fully all you smartypants)? Absolutely. But the only way that is going to happen is through mods and I think the way you want to play the game is even more divergent than mine, tbh.


Thank goodness for modding!


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On 7/13/2021 at 1:00 PM, Roland said:

Proof that the game is still complex and challenging despite what you often hear from players on this forum with 1000's of hours under their belt who want it to continually evolve into even more complexity and a tougher challenge.


I can't add 2 plus 2.  Does that mean addition is hard?

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7 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

In any case, did you change that property specifically on Arlene or it applies to all zombies?


Change it in the zombieTemplateMale. Should apply to all zombies, though I did not do an exhaustive check to see if any of them have special AI tasks.

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2 hours ago, Boidster said:


Change it in the zombieTemplateMale. Should apply to all zombies, though I did not do an exhaustive check to see if any of them have special AI tasks.

Cool. Thanks. That's some strange coding if zombieMale refers to female zombies as well, but whatever, I'll do it and see how well it works.


EDIT: So far so good. Of course they don't attack back for now, but I can already feel the peace.

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23 hours ago, MaxTunnerX said:

Nowadays guns are more frequent than friggin' antibiotics and funnily enough, than ammo

What do you think would happen IRL if you closed up all the ammo manufacturing plants for a few years? Still think there would be more ammo than guns? In game makes perfect sense in that regard. Tell me how many people are gonna be able to reproduce primers for casings?

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