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Kinyajuu's Bio


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  • 1 month later...

Very Nice Bio. I think the proof of your passion shows in 7DTD :) . This game always had something special about it and I have been playing games since Pong(41 yrs old) lol.Played 7DTD since A5. Nearly 1000hrs in and look forward to every new update. Your team proves what Early Access on steam should be about.Even being a smaller team I notice when sales are down the steam player stats are always at least in the top 20 games played.I expect the A13 to bump that up again(hopefully along with sales).Your building a hardcore fan base.I like the fact your patience seems to pay off and if customers are patient, I believe 7DTD will continue to pay off for them as well. Can't wait for Alpha 13. Keep up the great work. A12 had issues with my system but hoping to dive hard into it again soon. I can see the utility bill go up from running a server 24/7 again lol. Oh well ,it will keep us warm on the cold winter nights in Maine ;) .Thanks Fun Pimps

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  • 1 month later...

Ahhh the Atari 2600 :nevreness:(I'm getting Misty Eyed now). Bring back fake wood veneer for the next PlayStation !!


Anyhoo before I get all nostalgic (honestly I miss the days before nostalgia) I have a serious request to make of the Dev team. I have tried your business email contact and Twitter but I am not sure how often they are monitored.


I run a small Fan site called `Stories from the Apocalypse` which is a real labor of love. I really enjoy designing and tweaking the different elements. I also like drawing tattoo designs and have done alot of work on IMVU designing avatar clothing.


I would really love to do a Q&A style interview with the team which I could include on my site. I was thinking maybe half a dozen questions via email which hopefully you could all give answers to. I would then transcribe and include it under a new section. Something along the lines of `Pimp Talking` as opposed to `Jive Talking`... I think I am showing my age, now I can't get the Bee Gees out of my head..


Anyway I would appreciate if you could give this some consideration and let me know at your convenience.


Take care and mind the Zeds :)


Monkeydude40/MonkeyEmperor/or just plain old John


Webmaster `Stories from the Apocalypse`http://john-rhys32.wix.com/7daystodie

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  • 1 month later...

Seems like a good place to ask this:


To: Kinyajuu/ Prime/ and all the rest that work on the RG terrain..


Q: Are we going to get more control in placing biomes in the future again? or do you have some slick new system that will blow us away (like usual :))?

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  • 1 month later...
  • 3 months later...
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  • 2 weeks later...

Just wanted to express my thanks to You and All involved, for putting in the new terrain and biome controls. TYVM!!!!!!!!!


Since my key binds don't work for the current A15 experimental test build, I have found something else to keep me occupied. :)

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  • 2 months later...
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  • 5 years later...

I have unarchived this thread for those that wish, may comment with their fond experience or interactions with Robert as well as their appreciation for all that Robert has accomplished with The Fun Pimps.


Any disrespect or spam will result in an immediate ban. Please be kind and thoughtful.

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I recall in A19 there was an announcement about upcoming RWG changes for A20. They were extensive and completely changed the environment allowing for a more compact and seamless urban environment. I was just becoming active in making POIs and I had a great many questions. He answered every one of them and those answers ultimately eased the transition of POIs from A19 to A20.


As I said in another thread on the forums, Kinyajuu will be missed. RWG features has been my most favorite topic to follow. This might sound funny, but he's been number one on my list to talk to if there ever would have been a fan get-together. My thoughts are with his family and with the team.

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I was and still am, as curious as, I was the first time I learned about 7daystodie.


What brought it together, RWG, combined with build-ability, and destruct-ability.


I have played multiple games, and the themes will always have similarities. One thing
that stands out is the potential for a different terrain every time I play. A single
map for me is like reading the same pamphlet over and over. It gets boring and predictable
and set aside. The terrain gen and RWG, can actually be packaged alone, and would make a
difference in lot of games.


You covet that which first you see. I see the terrain before and in combination with all else
So I guess I see the forest, the trees, and the tree. That is what makes the story for me.


My final thought, is symbiosis. TFP needed Robert as much as he needed them. He had a dream as
well as Joel, and Rich, and Jim. But he was an independent, they had a dream but needed a difference,
he helped to provide it.




Two separate entities, with two different paths, and one simple goal. The goal was to make a video game.


The title "A wasted life" is ironic. Because it turned out to be anything but that. Two separate approaches
that when combined helped to evolve this game. That's bucking the odds.


7daystodie is like a book or movie for me. Structures and models are the characters, RWG is the setting.
The two are necessary to make a work that stands out.


Sometimes I wonder what would have happened if they had not found each other. I'm truly glad I didn't have
to find out. Miss you.

Edited by 4sheetzngeegles
added was first line (see edit history)
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Gosh i started in a5 where navezgane was the only one we could play. 

Then a9 came and bam rwg. I have to this day never gone back to navezgane (apart from a quick test of mods etc) But rwg def changed the game hugely. 
A16 was fun and kin was very quick to fix some issues in the rwg that prefabbers were having and was greatly appreciated. 

A20 was a head turner with all the great additions it bought to the game as well. 
A21 finally the unique tag possibility another great addition to the game. 

Rwg will always be Kins Rwg 
game on Kin


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2 hours ago, FramFramson said:


Well, there's certainly a desperate need for some new traders, considering most maps have far more than 5...

I think a unique character would be cool. I have seen "wandering traders" in some mods/servers. I think It would be cool to generate 1 single wandering trader per map (not near the player spawns) with no quests to find him or anything. if you run across him, then you do. What does he sell/carry? Not sure (maybe nothing?) but it could be more of a chance to have some dialogue and maybe unique custom quests where you dont have to bring anything back to that trader. Maybe a single quest that sends you only to dishong tower (like marks it on the map, assuming the tower exists on every map but im not sure if it always does). Also: make the trader "untrappable" (teleports far away if boxed in) as people may try to box him in to keep doing quests?

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He certainly will be missed! I'll always remember him as a super cool guy who would happily spend time with us to explain, answer questions, and interact with us all.


My most recent memory of him was actually just about 2 months ago now, where he went back to a video I made 5 years ago now for A17 (gosh time flies!) and the (then) new buff/effect system. I thought it was so cool and a huge deal for the game and wanted to really highlight the great effort, and while it's such an old  video now apparently Rob must have saved down the video and came back to view and comment on it!


While memories can be painful, they also serve as the joy of remembering the good times, and definitely would like to see something in game as well for one of the heroes we lost along the way.




Tom aka Vedui42







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On 12/26/2023 at 11:19 AM, doughphunghus said:

I think a unique character would be cool. I have seen "wandering traders" in some mods/servers. I think It would be cool to generate 1 single wandering trader per map (not near the player spawns) with no quests to find him or anything. if you run across him, then you do. What does he sell/carry? Not sure (maybe nothing?) but it could be more of a chance to have some dialogue and maybe unique custom quests where you dont have to bring anything back to that trader. Maybe a single quest that sends you only to dishong tower (like marks it on the map, assuming the tower exists on every map but im not sure if it always does). Also: make the trader "untrappable" (teleports far away if boxed in) as people may try to box him in to keep doing quests?

He could simply sell Pieces of a map that reveal areas on your map and can buy many pieces to reveal the whole map. But like 1 or 2 pieces a day and if and when you come across him again. 


This would fit in as he was the rwg god and maybe when he is around he gives you a "buff"


He could also have quests where you gather some gadgets and after gathering them for him and paying dukes he could make a radar thing like we had back in a11 or when ever.

Edited by stallionsden (see edit history)
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