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Khaine's A19 Modlets! (Bigger backpacks, backpack buttons, HP bars, etc)


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10 hours ago, arramus said:

@KhaineGB Forgive me for being picky. The 96 slots mods contain the ‘Name value’ for the 60 slots mods. Hardly important but had me going for a moment when watching the server output as they were loading.


Love ya stuff and thx for keeping them up to date. 

Ah, I need to edit the modinfo xml. Will do that later.

6 hours ago, Grinch843 said:

Is the lockable inventory supposed to stay set or do you have to re-set every time you log back in?



It doesn't save from what I can tell. So yes, you have to reset it.

4 hours ago, Rascal said:

Hi Khaine, Thanks for modlet.. but i have too many surcharge in my inventory, how can i have inventory without "cluster/congestion?"


Not sure what you mean?

4 hours ago, Nosferato said:

The Hitbox of the unchanged Storage Space Slots compared to the now smaller Inventory Slots (96 Slot BP) is super awkward, nobody else having that problem / any fix for it?

Really well working modlets otherwise, thank you :-).



I'll have a look at this later. Might be easier to make a new control/style sheet for the backpack and then use the default for the storage to fix it.

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Hey Khaine, love your modlets, so usefull, I'm sure most of them will be intregrated into the game at some point.  To my question, I and some of my friends loved your 10 slot toolbelt mod but it seems that it's been left behind, I hope it's not because it's not doable any more, if you can update it to work in the current alpha that would be awesome .... great work .... thnx

Edited by Old Man Gaming
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The backpack slots were too small,  I figured out how to get the size back, but wound up with 1 extra blank column.

(was using your code and the code from steadman420 120 slot backback)


Got the sizes right at least, buttons in the right place and didn't break the save.


I think it's just the size of the backpanel, but I spent long enough trying to get it to work, I just said, "I can live with this for now)


I trimmed out some of the code from your 96 slot, and just copied over the size for the backpack.

adding the lines for the large player storage worked just fine too.


I can shoot it over to you as a PM if you want.


Edit: pm sent.   :)


Edited by canadianbluebeer (see edit history)
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The 96 slot backpack icons are intended to be small to keep the inventory within the confines of the vanilla UI.

So I won't be making any edits to make them bigger. If you want them bigger, feel free to edit it yourself, or use the 60 slot.

Speaking of the 96 slot backpack...

Pushed an update to fix the issue with container slots being a little too "small" in where you need to put the mouse, and also fixed the overlap with the toolbar.

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Hi, Khaine.  First, thanks for creating the mods.  I greatly appreciate it.  I have a question about the inventory lock/slider mod.  Do I have to install your other mod buttons too?  I installed just the slider mod and then ONLY had the slide in my inventory screen, missing all the new vanilla inventory buttons.


I then installed the buttons v2 modlet in addition and lost ALL the buttons including the slider.  Any advice you can provide me is greatly appreciated.


I have the sort button, I'm missing the move inventory buttons and the slider lock buttons are behind the left pane of the inventory/crafting/etc. screen.

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23 minutes ago, KhaineGB said:

Did you check after opening a container?

Cos no buttons just opening your backpack is intended.

Thanks for the quick reply.  I had NOT thought to try with a container.  Duh. 


Still have two issues though.  With both your buttons v2 and the slider/lock modlets installed the slider buttons are behind the left pane of the inventory/character screen and sorting in a vehicle will not sort items into the top left inventory slot.


Thanks again for the help.


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Max zombies should, but War3zuk has a custom main menu, so I make 0 promises that my modlet will work on that since I based it of vanilla UI. You would have to ask him.

Nope. I'm not making a 5 slot.

In case folks didn't guess, i'm not taking requests. I don't mean to be rude, but if there's something you want and don't see here... learn to make it. Like the 5 slot queue could easily be learnt by looking at my 12 slot.

(hint: It's the cols value).

Edited by KhaineGB (see edit history)
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