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7 yards to hit you


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''7 yards to hit you''


It's my suggestion I give for a most precise title for the game since that's the range zombies reach you when they swing a hit then still hit you even though you ran away before they touch you and although you saw the hit did not reach you at all on your screen. Gives you the feeling they got 7 yards to hit you on melee. Right?


Please fix this annoying game mechanic :)

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The reach isn't terrible on SP, but on a friends hosted game, yeah, no. And I only mean that gameplay-wise, "realistically" they're far off the mark.


From the game mechanics perspective, you don't need to get hit outside of unlucky enrages in SP, even with knives / fists. Usually. Some additional glitches make it worse.. hit boxes seeming to be "off" occasionally and such.


From animation and POV-camera perspective, yeah, 7 yards is pretty close, esp on MP .. :)

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I've started making melee bases where I make half block walls to let zombies into easy melee range. I can hit them, they can't and won't hit me. I can't lean on the half block without getting beaten, but it gives a little more reach if something staggers out of reach etc. Club/sledge/fist/knife, all seem to work for it - as long as they're not really moving towards me.


Some of it may be that they're targeting the wall, but not all - they'll swipe at me whenever I venture too close.

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- - - Updated - - -




Yea but that's the point. OP is asking for a change to the "game mechanic" of long zombie arms when in fact their arms are shorter than ours. The game can't fix server ping.


Better net code could help. My friends and I can play ANY other multiplayer game and it doesn’t feel like this happens. I honestly think it’s a cop out to blame servers when there is another issue that can be making it worse than it should be.


Yes it’s a sever, yes it’s never gonna be perfect, yes all games have MP lag, It just feels much worse in this game.

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I kid u not.


This one time I was on top Dishong pretending I'm batman. Out of nowhere I got hit, so I pulled out my ak looking for the vulture. There was no vulture. I looked down on the ground, a biker zombie was laughing at me giving me the bird. Cheatin sown b****.

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The hitboxes are still crappy. Every other 1st person role playing game does that better, even those 30 years back.


Given the fact, that the funpimps don't see it as possible to correct the game mechanics for hits in fights in foreseeable time, and given the fact that the same applies to server lags, it would be the most simple workaround to shorten the enemies' reach or to lengthen that of the players. As long as no real solution is provided.


That way a lot of frustration would be taken out of the air. (I do not know of any lets player on youtube who did NOT criticize the fighting hitboxes problem.)


Of course, we are able to modify the xml's ourselves. But why not implementing such a trivial workaround by default?

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It's about 2/3 the reach of a sledgehammer, you can test it pretty easily with a zombie in a doorway stuck behind a frame. Not sure with the club since I never use one, I imagine the spear has greater reach if you're having problems with wandering into the zombie's hitbox on you.

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