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A18 is the BEST Version to Date. Performance is Amazing. Details Are next Level


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Nearly all my past issues are resolved. The FOV is fixed for Ultra wide monitors. Performance is stunning, level of detail, ambient music, please, keep this style up. A18 is hands down my favorite version and I have been here since Alpha 1. You have outdone yourself, and reviewing A18 is NOT enough. people HAVE to try it to understand the difference. The experience is day and night. Below is my copy of what I wrote on Steam.


But a Special thanks to the devs for the amazing hard work on 7d2d. This game has just changed the way I look at sandbox survival(and I do have close to 3k hours on it, so I am not new to the game, I dont gush on game updates, but my god, you have out done yourselves.



Greetings all. It's your neighborhood Ruthless n Toothless Raider.


My review of A 18. 5 stars hands down.


(wait about 30 minutes for rendering and process)


The new ambient sound is so immersive and creepy.

The level of detail is absolutely amazing.


Performance runs like and better than some triple A titles I own. And I run everything at max settings and in ultrawide.



The wait for A18 is more than justified imho, as this game looks, sounds, and runs like a brand new title.


A very special thanks to the devs. They are listening, even if they are not replying, they read our concerns, because nearly all of my issues have been addressed in this version of 7 Days to Die.



We no longer have a starting quest and now we dont know where to go to find a trader. This makes the game 100x more exciting for me.


One of the things I really disliked about 7d2d was how "I wanna hold your hand" through out the game.



Alpha 18 has changed that. Here is how Alpha 18 feels to me now.



Now the survival is real. I am very excited to play 7d2d again. I can go on and on about how amazing it feels. Watching A18 videos do not do justice. You have to actually play and experience these changes.

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I got a starting quest leading to a trader as normal in A18. And 4 skill points as a reward. The only difference was you only need to craft 2 grass items instead of the usual 4 or 5.


Sombody on steam just said that as well. In fairness my game did crash at 1st try, due to anti virus giving a false read. maybe that corrupted my game?


Sad to hear you get that starting direction to the Trader. Hope we can turn that off in the future. I much rather find it by chance. But even then, A18 is just an amazing experience. Reason I couldnt play is my monitor never ran 7d2d right, it would stretch the screen and the game looked bad or ran poor.


Now 21:9 ultrawide looks so natural and performance is great. So happy:fat:

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I can understand you not wanting the Trader location shown to you, but you do want those 4 early points...gut feeling is they have greatly nerfed exp gain. I played 4 hours and only levelled 3 times (which was only 3 more points). Progressions seems to have been slowed WAAAY down.


Game certainly looks fantastic now....everything except the roads which are stranglely low-res texture looking despite the improvement almost everywhere else.


However, I am NOT a fan of having to spend 15 Stamina just to jump up a height of 1 block! wth They seem to have gotten early game Stamina usage right in every area but this one.

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I can understand you not wanting the Trader location shown to you, but you do want those 4 early points...gut feeling is they have greatly nerfed exp gain. I played 4 hours and only levelled 3 times (which was only 3 more points). Progressions seems to have been slowed WAAAY down.


Game certainly looks fantastic now....everything except the roads which are stranglely low-res texture looking despite the improvement almost everywhere else.


However, I am NOT a fan of having to spend 15 Stamina just to jump up a height of 1 block! wth They seem to have gotten early game Stamina usage right in every area but this one.



yes th 4 points Ill take lol, if that means I have to be shown a trader spot, so be it. Overall, A18 is hands down jaw dropping amazing. Even getting 45 to 60 fps on max settings in MP with 40 players on lol, TFP have outdone themselves.

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Sombody on steam just said that as well. In fairness my game did crash at 1st try, due to anti virus giving a false read. maybe that corrupted my game?


Sad to hear you get that starting direction to the Trader. Hope we can turn that off in the future. I much rather find it by chance. But even then, A18 is just an amazing experience. Reason I couldnt play is my monitor never ran 7d2d right, it would stretch the screen and the game looked bad or ran poor.


Now 21:9 ultrawide looks so natural and performance is great. So happy:fat:


I'm glad you like it, thank you so much for the kind words. You can cancel any quest at any time just hit the cancel button.

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yes th 4 points Ill take lol, if that means I have to be shown a trader spot, so be it. Overall, A18 is hands down jaw dropping amazing. Even getting 45 to 60 fps on max settings in MP with 40 players on lol, TFP have outdone themselves.


The 4 points are rewarded at the end of "The basics of Survival" so you can do the tutorial and get the 4 points, then you get a new quest to find the trader, just cancel that one and you get it how you want.

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The 4 points are rewarded at the end of "The basics of Survival" so you can do the tutorial and get the 4 points, then you get a new quest to find the trader, just cancel that one and you get it how you want.



Awesome to hear. Hope you enjoy a few days rest before you get back to work. You deserve it.:fat:

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Bought the game 10th Oct 2016 . Need 40 hours to make 3000 hours, dont quite think I will manage that before my 3 rd year anniversary. :smile-new:

I have to say this is the best start to an Alpha yet.


Game looks really good and plays really well, some interesting new twists.

Definitely much slower progress in levels but that doesnt seem much of a problem, havent reached a horde night yet!


Currently playing on a 4 year old laptop, GPU is straining a bit but looking forward to try it on my desktop by the weekend

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Wish I could say the same. My frame rate is kinda tanking......a lot. Can't find settings to get over 30 fps and dips as low as 5 at times. Ran pretty consistent 50 fps in 17. Settings the same with occlusion on, texture streaming on and v sync on. Didn't use v sync last time. And don't change texture quality while in game. Crashed straight to desk top twice when doing that.

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A18 is hands down my favorite version and I have been here since Alpha 1. You have outdone yourself, and reviewing A18 is NOT enough. people HAVE to try it to understand the difference. The experience is day and night.


Best game play experience since A6 when I started, minus a game breaking bug in RWG for Radeon cards. I am sure that will get fixed pronto. The inability to make worlds without never ending ditches in some terrain really took the wind out of my sails on boot up. Fell to my death multiple times. After 8 tries I read it was Radeon cards and to use the Premade worlds. Worked great for the purposes of seeing the game play.


Once I was into the game I found myself REALLY liking the modifactions to game play balance. Especially the way XP is acquired now. The spears feel fantastic. The new icons are superb! The shading is smooth and sexy. A major upgrade on every level minus the Radeon RGW. Once that is fixed, I'll be back at it. Until then I'll wait.

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My early impressions of A18 would be also that it unseats A16.4, A10.4, and A11.3, which were previously my three favourites.


The book hunting being back is a really big boon, and I'm enjoying that a lot and all the other mechanics in the game seem to be gelling together much more positively now as well.

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Wish I could say the same. My frame rate is kinda tanking......a lot. Can't find settings to get over 30 fps and dips as low as 5 at times. Ran pretty consistent 50 fps in 17. Settings the same with occlusion on, texture streaming on and v sync on. Didn't use v sync last time. And don't change texture quality while in game. Crashed straight to desk top twice when doing that.


The two biggest things that helped my rig were lowering the resolution and setting texture quality down a bit. I actually prefer a slightly less sharp overall image with better overall textures. (Looking forward to when the graphics code is fully optimized though; this version is gorgeous. I'm impressed how far you're pushing the engine.)

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  • 7 months later...

This is supposed to be a joke right? My RTX 2080 gets 70 FPS! Let that sink in, my $1000 card gets 70FPS!


Before I sold my soul for an expensive PC. I'd have to rent a damn server just to remove constant stuttering. Stop defending the horrible performance it just damages the game.

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On 10/8/2019 at 5:48 AM, Mephistopheles said:

How much are they paying for astroturfing and shilling? I'll pretend like everything is fine for the right price.

3 funs per post. up to 5 if it's a good one.

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14 hours ago, xOmegax117 said:

This is supposed to be a joke right? My RTX 2080 gets 70 FPS! Let that sink in, my $1000 card gets 70FPS!

Huh, my GTX 1080 gets 85FPS. I think with the detailed information you and I both provided we can conclude that your system is a potato.

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28 minutes ago, Boidster said:

Huh, my GTX 1080 gets 85FPS. I think with the detailed information you and I both provided we can conclude that your system is a potato.

To be quite fair I just upgraded from an RX480 to a RX 5600XT which is a decent step up, and while the game definitely runs better, there ARE moments where the game literally gets unplayable for a while (sometimes 30 seconds, sometimes a bit longer). It's not location-specific and not weather-specific either, since it happens during the day, dawn, dusk, sunny and rainy. The game runs on a dedi and my girlfriend playing right next to me also has the issue but we never have it at the same time.


Something under the hood is still far from optimized or I'm missing something.

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Oh, I get ya. I don't even have a GTX 1080. I play on a laptop potato. My point was that without knowing resolution, game settings, RAM, CPU, driver version, operating system, # players if hosting, etc. it's pointless to say "My $1000 card only gets X FPS!" There are valid complaints to make about performance, for sure. But they aren't credible without enough context to troubleshoot. That's not pointed at you, either - you didn't come in here ranting that it's "a joke" to claim A18 is the best so far.

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