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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Just ran into a possible bug but running a few modlets & about to call it a night...


Zombies don't see Arrow Slit blocks as valid path to walk/run onto.


(block rotated so the flat face is what you/zeds walk on, & only had reinforced concrete ones down, didn't test wood/iron/etc)

(the arrow slit blocks are quite useful in that orientation since you can 'reach' through them to interact with a dart trap flush w the floor that has a trigger plate on top of it)


[trig plat] walking here!


[dart tra] [arr slit]



Thanks danielspoa :) , and good idea, that would be a nice find instead of a water or beer, heh.

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a few days ago play again A15, what impact I did not remember, is the atmosphere achieved in the game, especially sounds, crickets, birds, thunder and especially the steps of the zombies approaching or the noise produced by their mouths .

and visually the bodies of some inhabitants of houses.

I suppose that the set is what gave you an atmosphere of fear in some cases or a real world environment in others.

My question, is if they have contemplated in A18 work in recreating that lost atmosphere?

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You have no real knowledge of life!

Blow with a cudgel and shot from a gun! Three - five club blows or two shots from a drbovik! If you shoot a shotgun, something alive! NOT IN THE MOVIE !! And in real life, you will see a wet place. About the Kalashnikov AK-47, in general, no words, he punches a steel rail, pulls pieces the size of his head out of his body! A terrible weapon. And then ... that with a knife, with a club ..., with AK-47 you shoot, shoot, shoot !!

It is necessary for the military to say why a weapon, we will distribute clubs and bows and go!

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Blunderbuss is simply balance. Make shotguns / firearms more rare early game and players will probably use it.


Hunting rifle is a tier 1 weapon. Rail gun will probably become the T3 sniper weapon, MR10, T2.


No plans for a helicopter right now but maybe in future builds.


Blunderbuss automatically recharges immediately after the shot. The recharge lasts 4 seconds and while recharging is in progress you cannot run fast.


The efficiency of Blunderbuss is maximum at the closest distance, but since reloading starts right after the shot, the zombies have time to catch up with you and bite)


Remove the automatic weapon reload in the game please !!! Only manually, only when I press the button R!!!



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There is a good opportunity to stretch the game!

BUT !! It is necessary that in the early stages I could hide from zombies and they did not find me.

Even on the night of the full moon, they would come here where I hid but did not attack. Not yet found.

And if I didn’t kill anyone, the next night, there will be twice as many zombies, so you still need to kill them.

But I can not slowly, in stealth mode, there will be 2-3 times more playing time than now.

All mods do this. Truth is not all correct. But still!


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Taser baton wip:


Oh my God! I want it, I need it, I want to taze people!!! Please!


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Now that we have Faatal I can imagine maybe getting some more moving parts in.


Can we please please please get a drawbridge that is an odd number wide? 3 or 5? OR a door that is 2 blocks wide ... either would work.

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Meaningful mechanics that are connected and gives the player a goal yes!

But I would be careful with introducing thing like "lore" ore a detailed backstory in a sandbox game.

It can easily overdefine the world, and replaces the free imagination each player personally has about what might have happened in this universe.


So I would not tell a specific reason of why the player-avatar is there, and what was the cause of the apocalypse. (there could be some diffuse hints, but not a long detailed narrative about characters and events that nobody cares about).


It should be up to the imagination of everyone what the story and the world is.


And why we're naked. I really want to know why I'm naked in the middle of nowhere. I mean, I like to think that I have enough sense that if there's a zombie apocalypse i'm not going to run out of the house in my underwear carrying a jar of water and a can of chili. I'd at least have shoes.... And where those air supply drops come from ... obviously there's someone still alive out there who's nice enough to make air drops .... why aren't they coming and picking me up and getting me the heck out of there?

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I don't think it would have widespread appeal. For example there was a lot of negativity when loot was hugely nerfed from killing zombies. With no loot and no xp I think a lot of people wouldn't be very happy. It appeals to some obviously but not for a vanilla experience.


I firmly believe that modding is for creating an alternate experience and not for fixing supposed problems. I'm doing this for my own preferences having fully played and enjoyed the vanilla experience. Even though I personally don't like an xp incentive tempting me to not play organically others really love and enjoy the process of accruing experience.


Are you going to run a server with your mod, Roland? Or will you let us know what it's called or where to find it or whatever? It sounds interesting. I think I'm pretty much borked with the "survive a full day" part ... but then again maybe my chicken tendencies will make me the mega queen of everything :D


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We might remove the xp popout so you can't tie a value very easily to an activity.


maybe make it an option to display or not? I kind of like seeing how my experience goes up ... makes me feel i'm accomplishing something. And, it's also a good indicator when the zombie is dead. The server I play on has the zombie get up time staggered ... so them lying down doesn't mean they're dead ... and I usually run up on them right when they decide to get up and eat my face.

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That would be a waste of a good c4. The original design was they wouldn't do a lot of damage to entities and would be a concentrated blast to take out 1 voxel, and we would consider making one that didn't do much block damage but was nasty to living creatures.


We want to make a meat bomb that is like your go to smart bomb when oh ♥♥♥♥ moments happen. Very hard to craft and expensive to buy, but when your walls are failing and a big horde is going to bust in, toss it on the ground and all the zeds will run to it and try to eat it and it goes boom. That will pretty much fall out of the c4 tech once its done. Another variant idea was a shootable meat bomb (INT guy) who shoots it into a zombie and the zombies tear at the one who was hit with it trying to kill him and then it explodes. These would have a smaller area of influence than the c4 style meat bomb.


I LOVE that! I've thought all along we should be able to craft zombie bait and throw it during one of those Oh **** moments ... and the zombies chase the bait so you can run away. But I like the idea of blowing them up even better.

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I am almost always doing the keto diet as I am a major carnivore as it is...I really only eat carbs and cheat if we go somewhere like Knotts Berry Farm , Disneyland or Northwoods Inn in California...normal fast food , sodas and fries? pffft , do not waste my time and not worth the carbs...has to be something special! otherwise , I do 24g or less of carbs a day


Imma go hug my potatoes ... Imma go to the grocery store and hug ALL the potatoes. You can take the rest of the carbs but come after my potatoes and I'll stab you with a fork.

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it's hard to discuss ideas when posts are not even taken seriously. Guess we can only wait.


hope I get to play the same game testers are playing tho, because so far no one seems to experience the same as them.


I believe he gave you a serious answer to your post. He was quite correct, Mining, Harvesting Resources, Farming ... all give GOOD experience now. Killing zombies isn't the only way to get experience any more. No, you don't get 600 xp for killing a single stone ... but you can kill a lot more rocks and plants in a short time than you can kill zombies, especially in early game.


No, you're not going to get experience just from walking from point A to point B ... but if you loot containers and chop down trees or rocks while you're walking from point A to point B you'll get much needed resources AND experience.


The point of this is that people don't HAVE to just kill zombies to be able to progress ... if that's what you LIKE to do ... then go for it. But they've given a viable alternative to support players. And I'll be completely honest ... it takes a bit of time, but once I get my garden up, and get a few ranks of the farming perk ... I make MORE experience harvesting than I ever did from killing zombies. I've made 200 levels doing almost nothing but farming and mining and building. And I **LOVE*** that.


I'm sorry you're not able to find the balance you want from the game. Maybe you're just not giving it enough of a chance?

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there are bots that do that.


Drop on floor, friend picks up.

By far the fastest... And faster than any player2player trade system could hope to be.


Or drop a chest... Its dead cheap in wood.


I'm not saying this wouldn't be a nice QOL, but really... So many things in the game desperately needs attention, and this is what is asked for?


It boggles the mind.

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Let me try to help.




As a player, I want to be able to trade items directly to another player, so that in dire situations we can switch items between eachother with relative speed and ease without dying.


I’m not against a person to person trade interface but your usecase is funny. In dire circumstances it seems intuitive to you to open up a UI window? People die all the time because they were in their own inventory alone while zombies were too near. I can’t imagine that a shared inventory screen being navigated by two people in dire circumstances would end well. :).


Drop drop pickup pickup is pretty fast and keeps you present in what is happening in the environment during dire circumstances.

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And where those air supply drops come from ... obviously there's someone still alive out there who's nice enough to make air drops .... why aren't they coming and picking me up and getting me the heck out of there?


True. As much as I like the drops, they make absolutely no sense. "hey, although there was an apocalypse, aviation is still good. I'll drop you some gear every 4 days, but don't you think we will pick you up!" :)

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True. As much as I like the drops, they make absolutely no sense. "hey, although there was an apocalypse, aviation is still good. I'll drop you some gear every 4 days, but don't you think we will pick you up!" :)


The air drop people are the same people who dropped the character off naked in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps there is some sort of experiment going on to test the feasibility of restoring humanity.

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Hey Fun Pimps, I was wondering if there is going to be an updated character customization system. Character customization in this version only allows you to customize size of body/face without changing eye types, nose types, mouth types, etc. Thanks for all the hard work and dedication to make this game what it is now.

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I remember back in A15 and A16, on the multiplayer server I played on. There was a chance when doing a treasure map quest, the chest would spawn in a lake. Mind you the lakes back then were pretty deep.


Or airdrops. They used to spawn in the middle of oceans all the time. I got pretty good at tunneling to them because they were to damn deep to get any other way and there was no way I was letting a prize go unclaimed.

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The air drop people are the same people who dropped the character off naked in the middle of nowhere. Perhaps there is some sort of experiment going on to test the feasibility of restoring humanity.


Interesting idea, the underlying project, but wouldnt be surveillance drones much better than random airdrops? Do you need a rocket launcher to show ure worth it?

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It was a side effect of the new farming system. I see it as a good thing, getting free loot from traders was BS.


Meh, I don't really care that I cant take the traders farm. I really do not like the punch mechanic though because it is far too easy to target seeds rather than the plant you want to take. It just creates random annoyance without any gains.


I would be happy if seeds had to be picked up like crafting stations though. Hold e to 'dig' your plant back up.


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You could name a faction in the game The Texas T-Baggers, as an homage.


Btw can we get a little more exp for upgrading blacks? I guess gathering resources and building is how most people do it but I usually have other people gather resources while I build. Unless you thing it's too OP?


Racist :D


I kid I kid. Made me do a double take.

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I would love to see more sleepers in buildings, more outside zombies and more types of dungeon buildings full of sleepers. Empty buildings with no zombies are, well, boring. This is a zombie game where the focus should be on all things zombies. Those who don’t like sleepers protecting valuable loot in poi’s can just turn zombies off, please do not castrate the game for those of us who love all things zombie. I currently push the limit of my rented server with 90 max alive zombies & 16 blood moon count. I would turn it up higher except the server can’t handle it nor can my rig handle 32 on blood moon. So I’m hoping the coming optimizations allow me to crank the zombie counts. More zombies please!!

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