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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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Problem with trains (and any large vehicle) is that it's either going to be made out of blocks, which CAN look good but can also look goofy, AND can never be "used" like:


Either way is not a good solution.


Thanks for the feedback!


Yep - I have actually used a couple of the train poi's (the designers are brilliant). And I completely I understand tracks, wheels, etc., are a problem.


But Minecraft does it!


I figure if I keep learning to mod better, someday when I introduce a railroad mod for 7D2D B6, it'll be so good TFP will have to hire me...

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Thanks for the feedback!


Yep - I have actually used a couple of the train poi's (the designers are brilliant). And I completely I understand tracks, wheels, etc., are a problem.


But Minecraft does it!


I figure if I keep learning to mod better, someday when I introduce a railroad mod for 7D2D B6, it'll be so good TFP will have to hire me...


I was messing with trains in Unity, and I found it pretty limited... the problem is Wheel Colliders can't be "shaped", so instead I shaped the tracks (kind of like a roller coaster does) but THEN found out that Wheel Colliders can't be rotated either, so it was far too bumpy to be useful. I have a few other ideas, but I kinda forgot about this project.


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Who even uses a flashlight after day 2 or three finding a mining helmet? Micro managing things like batteries in flashlights or torches that burn out just are more tedious than fun. Flashlights are useful on day one, but after that they pretty much are just junk that piles up.


Maybe they could be added to turrets so they would have working spotlights, but for now flashlights are just scrapable junk to me.


Or maybe they can add batteries to mining helmets too. I think having a everlasting light source in your head in the apocalypse is kinda broken.

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I'd like to see a more modern melee weaponry mechanic, where the speed, duration and swing angle were taken into account when calculating damage.

What do I mean,


Many games already use a similar system and this makes mele weapons really interesting.

Is there something in the plans?


This is my dream. If they add a similar system i will cry out of joy

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


Perhaps making the mining helmet a Battery-Eating-Machine and the Night-vision goggles a legendary hard-to-find item could give a little buff to flashlights.

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I'm thinking a player can equip a shield and have knockback, stun and even ragdoll effects; if you're surrounded, it might be an awesome way to get out of a tough jam... electrical mods (nova shields!) for even more fun. =)


Charging bull will be a strength perk and will knock dudes down in A18. With higher ranks either less cool down or knock more guys down, the specifics are yet to be finalized.

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Have you made any determinations about reintroducing learn as you go perks? Like barter or looting?


There will be no learn by doing of anything. I just don't get the allure to that. All it does is control min maxers destiny and you end up doing artificial or repetitive things you would NEVER do in order to grind it up. Like just last night I found myself in skyrim blocking and letting mudcrabs hit me to level my heavy armor and block, because on harder difficulties and the mods I run, its about impossible to get hit enough to raise your skill to a decent level.


Like loot every nest and trash bag. I don't bother with that mid game, but if my looting ability was tied to grinding I'd be sure to hit every dumb trash sack and nest in the game, despite me not using a bow at all or care about eggs because I have a farm and as a sniper I get tons of meat traveling.


No matter how you design it, it ends up forcing players to grind stuff to improve their abilities and its not fun or good design.

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


My two cents...


The mining helmet and flashlights should have batteries as “fuel” and with that a battery indicator on the HUD.


Then the flashlight scraps/salvages into batteries which can be used to fill the battery indicator in the helmet and flashlights respectively.


Edit: Add it to night vision goggles also.

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I'd like to see a more modern melee weaponry mechanic, where the speed, duration and swing angle were taken into account when calculating damage.

What do I mean,


Many games already use a similar system and this makes mele weapons really interesting.

Is there something in the plans?


1000x this. For this reason I am really following the development of Dead Matter, they are doing a bang up job so far from what I've seen. Also, gotta support the fellow Canadians :D


As someone who has been primarily melee for most of A17, I would love to be able to use the sledgehammer as it was intended, instead of the hit indicator feel like "poking a stick". I should not be aiming on the head of a pin when swinging around 20 pounds of iron.

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My two cents...


The mining helmet and flashlights should have batteries as “fuel” and with that a battery indicator on the HUD.


Then the flashlight scraps/salvages into batteries which can be used to fill the battery indicator in the helmet and flashlights respectively.


Edit: Add it to night vision goggles also.


I was having the same thought; have flashlights (or anything battery related) scrap down to batteries, which in turn be used as a "repair" resource when fixing mining helmets. The helmet takes "damage" for constant use, making the decision to turn it off a tactical choice.

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Batteries are in use to charge/recharge an item, repairing it with battery sounds wierd. Stuff can be repaired with materials, not power supplies.


Don`t get me wrong, I am +1 for small batteries for items such as flashlights or nailguns and whathever.

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It bothers me that flashlights are rather useless. Perhaps you can use flashlights to repair your mining hat instead of forged iron.


Why not just use the polymers as the repair item for the mining helmet?


Why not just change the flashlight icon to a head-strap with a light on it and remove the old handheld flashlight?


Why not just have the mining helmet have a mod slot, and use a "head-strap light" as the mod item for it to light up?

Durability of the helmet gets depleted: removes and destroys the mod item.


HD Icon: change the 12v battery icon and rename it's item name to "Batteries".

Make the 12V Battery Icon with a couple few D, C, AA, 9v added to it like a display.


Head-strap Light: has 1 slot. requires batteries to make it work.


Just thoughts.

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Cant really say I've enjoyed the last few pages of suggestions.


We're moving more and more towards the RPG barter/items stuff, and away from a real feeling of progression.


Sure, spam crafting stone axes was no fun. But things like club smashing made a lot of sense.


Now let me just go shoot a 100 zombies in A17, and then I'm magically a master of clubs. Or science or what ever else I choose ;)

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Since the new RWG is on the horizon, I thought to make my own version of it for people to play around until then with random world generation.


(in the Tools section)




At the same time I would like to request some more customization options for the new RWG.

Especially what landscapes should be emphasized, and how densely populated the world should be with POIs.

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Just thoughts2:


RiotShield: held in Two hands out in front.


<left-click> does small push that deals 1/2 damage of a club, takes twice the stamina as a club.

<right-click> does small push that knocks down zeds, uses 25 stamina.

Buffs the player with an increased "noise/ light level" ( "light level" not to be confused with an actual light source), so the zombies can hear/see the player who has it better.


Doesn't need to be a one handed item imo.

You sacrifice better damage and stealth for defense.

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There will be no learn by doing of anything. I just don't get the allure to that. All it does is control min maxers destiny and you end up doing artificial or repetitive things you would NEVER do in order to grind it up. Like just last night I found myself in skyrim blocking and letting mudcrabs hit me to level my heavy armor and block, because on harder difficulties and the mods I run, its about impossible to get hit enough to raise your skill to a decent level.


Like loot every nest and trash bag. I don't bother with that mid game, but if my looting ability was tied to grinding I'd be sure to hit every dumb trash sack and nest in the game, despite me not using a bow at all or care about eggs because I have a farm and as a sniper I get tons of meat traveling.


No matter how you design it, it ends up forcing players to grind stuff to improve their abilities and its not fun or good design.

Actually i played A16 a few days ago by recommendation and honestly i had fun, i like the skill and perk progression system because no skill will be skipped it will level up as you doing it and has more freedom. In A17 had fun too but honestly the skill and perk system is Frustrating and comfusing. Im playing SP and its hard to choose perk that you need, its kind of forcing you to choose. Im a new player so i choose the INT so ican craft better items but it is weak to melee attack, ranged attack, stamina and health the result is easy death even have armor.


I suggest that the skill and perks has more freedom so is not comfusing or frustrating choosing a perk and i can speacialized to other skill and perks just like in A16.



BTW, Thanks for considering my little request really looking forward to it and the new weapon is awesome!



Thanks im looking forward to your mods. Cant wait.


Keep up the good work!

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@madmole would you consider adding more functionality to the storage pocket mod so it can increase player inventory even after one maxes out Pack Mule or being able to modify a vehicle with it to add more inventory space.


I'm pretty much a pack rat... er pack weazel when it comes down to looting POIs. I pretty much strip them of anything that can be harvested and obviously I understand that early game, one should focus on the loot first. But I like getting any and every resource possible.


- - - Updated - - -


So will A18 be delivered in the first half of 2019 and will the Behemoth be delivered with it? I’m fine with a response to one of these questions.


A18 should be in sometime the first half of 2019, per the first page and first post by Madmole. As for the Behemoth, I believe it was dropped. One of the previous threads should have that info. Or pokes @Roland, he could say.

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There is not enough danger or chances for food in the water areas. I would LOVE to see zombie gators in the water and on the edge of lakes. And maybe some fish in the water for food...


Also, might be nice to see swampy biomes also. Maybe some water moccasin snakes also, that require meds to get rid of poison.

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