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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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10 minute days.

First attempt, died after 10 secs.

Second atttempt, died on 2 horde night, so 20 minuts in?

And that makes the average time for surviving with those setting 10 minuts.


Pretty much.


- - - Updated - - -






Someone beat me to it, I'll do further testing.


Good to know, thanks.

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Check the network connection. Your ping is shown in the group tab of the game. Another problem could be if lots of network packets get dropped, either because of faulty equipment (network chip, router) or because your provider and the servers provider have a congestion point inbetween.


One of our players in co-op gets thrown out of the game once every two hours on average. He is the only one using the local cable-TV provider for internet access so we suspect that provider is the problem here.


Yes, those are valid thoughts, but my connection is VDSL 100MBit, and I have no issues in other games at all. Heck, my friend even only has a 25MBit line, and he has no problems whatsoever.

Furthermore, if it's a network / lag issue, I could reside at a chunk's edge using a vehicle and just wait for the adjacent chunk to load (you can tell the edge by a different water colour and less vegetation ahead), but as mentioned, this simply does not happen as long as I'm driving / operating the vehicle. Once I exit the vehicle, *poof*, the new chunk is loaded instantly (even happens when the vehicle doesn't move and I just exit it).

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Yes, those are valid thoughts, but my connection is VDSL 100MBit, and I have no issues in other games at all. Heck, my friend even only has a 25MBit line, and he has no problems whatsoever.

Furthermore, if it's a network / lag issue, I could reside at a chunk's edge using a vehicle and just wait for the adjacent chunk to load (you can tell the edge by a different water colour and less vegetation ahead), but as mentioned, this simply does not happen as long as I'm driving / operating the vehicle. Once I exit the vehicle, *poof*, the new chunk is loaded instantly (even happens when the vehicle doesn't move and I just exit it).


Networking is really finicky. Some games handle dropped packets better than others, sometimes your route to a particular server has problems, sometimes your ISP has issues on routes, sometimes your NIC/Modem is dropping enough packets to where one node on your route to a server sucks and doesn't handle errors, lots of stuff. For example, about a year and a half ago, I used to play SWTOR sometimes randomly. Unplayable disconnections and/or huuuuuge lag spikes (5 - 10 seconds long). No other game was affected. CSGO, 5-10 MS ping. I played on an EU server on 7 Days with no issue. However, after analytics, I discovered I was dropping about 25 - 35% of my packets at leaving my modem, leaving a 99% dropped packet at the end to the SWTOR server. CSGO (example of handing packets) I was dropping insane amounts of packets.


Replacing my coaxial cable helped. Use pingplotter (free trial works) and trace the route/hops/nodes to the dedicated server for a good 15 mins (let it run for a bit) and see if you're having issues. If you cant make heads or tails of the report, take a screenshot of it and post it here.

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Tried a shotgun run but blunderbuss and double barrel just aren't viable clearing poi's especially on higher difficulties/nightmare. Easy to miss headshots, slow reload, switch to body shots zombies not getting knocked down. The slow fire rate and close range makes them situational on horde night too. This is with 4 points put in shotgun perk.


Pump does ok but you need bandoleer and drum and maxing out the perk asap for the reload speed. Apart from the sledge Strength builds are looking over at Brawlers....fists, healing, heavy armor, ak47 + drum mod + silencer + scope + rad remover?.....m60?!?!? Did I miss anything?


And sure any attribute can wear heavy armor but if you're not watching your mobility speed and stamina you ain't gonna last long on higher settings.


So as a shotgun build I tried out a quality 3 M60 with no perk points in automatics, and honestly? It still felt better and stronger than my fully modded high damage roll Q6 Pump with 5 ranks.

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Death Penalty idea, with books extension.

Books have permanent perks like now.

Books have additional "Life Perks" that apply only to your current character's life.

If you die, you keep the standard permanent book perks, but you lose ALL Life Perks. You can gain them back by finding all the books and reading them again.


Just an idea... for vanilla or mods if anybody wants it.

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I think, it would be a good idea that zombies affected by bleeding through cuts would visually show it. Maybe by spilling blood or clothes being soaked by blood. So you could change your target and let time do its work. More effective combat :cocksure:


You have to listen for their pains right now. It needs some polish for sure, like spraying blood.

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Well,it seems we cannot craft cupboards(cabinets) any longer.This was a very disappointed decision.....the same when they took away our possibility to craft refrigerators,ovens or other kitchen items...Why do this?


Maybe check the "Wooden Storage" and press R. I seem to recall cupboards there. But also that limited storage space... just build a box and paint it.

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Hats take away head armor though so probably better to stick with other articles of clothing. First thought was a jock strap and have it add a bit more damage reduction, then I realized it would only work for half the characters...so maybe something like a mouthguard instead might cover all the bases while also making you choose between + STR and + FORT kinda like you gotta do with the eyewear


I ended up writing a bunch of legendary designs today, hats will boost a perk, like Chef hat is +1 to master chef.


Pants/shirts/coats will have legendary +1 bonuses allowing up to +3 combined and attributes will get bonuses extended beyond 10. Bear in mind stuff changes from design in implementation a bit.


OP weapons will have a negative to offset them. Like a Waster's weapon will do 2x headshot damage but reduces ammo capacity by 25%.


The Unforgiven Deals 20% extra damage to anyone who has inflicted damage upon its wielder. So you need to get hit by that enemy before its extra damage kicks in.


Names will be applied, like Waster's shotgun, The Unforgiven Pistol, etc.


This stuff could get nuked for a better idea, but I'm just writing down possible ideas on how to implement it and some possible effects. It would be proceduraral and add a hidden mod that changes the name of a base item and adds the multipliers so we can edit the base items without editing every legendary to calculate balance changes.


I'm super excited to be working on this. I've already designed four complete book sets, and vehicle mods.

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An Indiana Jones fedora mod maybe so it can be slotted into another helmet to change its appearance?


We're not adding any new character art until we can decide what to do with UMA. I have some plans that would salvage it for character base meshes, then use skinned parts so we can add new content easily and have the textures stream.

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Almost 40,000 people online this weekend. TFP have been completely redeemed from valid whiners.

Is the game imperfect and in need of more options for the largest players base possible? Sure. But they are on the right track for sure, as well.


Dora from Neebs Gaming was having a blast on their first playthrough of A18 and from him, being happy is high praise. :)


Very well said and I agree 100%. I cannot think of anything to add to your comment. *thumbs up*


- - - Updated - - -


And that is one reason people have the perception that the shotgun sucks...😁


Shotgun is still my favorite weapon of choice. :) Plus don't you just feel like a bad ass when holding a shotgun and blowing zombies brains out with it, it just feels right. :p:)

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@MM - I have not been in the forums because I am enjoying A18 a lot!


I like the idea that you are going to address the head slots, need reasons to wear something like Cigar, or College Jacket, or performance Running shoes and nerdy glasses. absolutely love those! a hat with some bonus to crafting might be cool as well.


the game - the books and schematics are a hit, there are 10-30 of us on a server and there is a whole economy around trading books/schematics and recipes.


questing is still a big deal for players, especially since getting Steel Tool parts is super rare in A18, those few steel tools you get from trader quest are uber items.


Random stats - awesome albeit frustrating when you get a level 1 bow that is better then the level 3 but you need the slots :)


the terrain with the new ground textures are really nice! also loving the skulls.


being a miner the nodes are a nice feature.


a nice surprise was the forget elixir - being able to restart your perks once you have the cash is nice.


I am left 38 and have speck into Dual Turrets and added mods, they rock, on horde night we get 4 of us and all with turrets and it is a lot of fun.


so A18 is best by a long shot.



-- bigger maps beyond 8192 - we are playing on a 12144 and it is really 2.5 islands of the same map flipped around.

-- more ways to get Steel Tool Parts

-- head slot options like Cigar/Glasses/ offer.

-- loving the food - maybe more recipes that are seasonal like Chicken pot pie



so back to the game!

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Its machinery that has a chance for error, it is not 100% accurate. Rabbits are so small and move fast so I think that is expected behavior. Mine got the job done before, but it is random. I don't bother with rabbits ever unless I can run them over driving.


Confirmed Madmole runs over cute little critters....there must be so much road kill lining the sides of roads in your game. lol :p

#RoadRage #Death2FluffyBunnies

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I don't disagree, but I also don't recall the double-barrel prior to 18. I'm saying that - in my personal opinion - you should've gone with a mag-fed semi-auto for Tier 3 instead of inserting the double-barrel between the blunderbuss and the pump gun. Being stuck with a double-barrel as your only "ranged" option for Strength is painful - it's really not got much range (or at least it doesn't feel like it).


Its just a temporary arrangement. We'll probably add another tier, delete the blunderbuss. If you put a choke mod I or use slugs you can have a tighter spread or a nice ranged attack.

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Cool stuff, are you playing longer days or did you pull that all off in 10 hours real time?


90 min days nomad level, 20 alive

tradepost with all working stations. several of the houses under construction so lots of cement and cobblestone. and a nearby iron vein. my weapons tho suck. bought the bow and generator. and mostly straight intel build. a point here and there in other stats, but only intel has been bought. no crucible yet.


edit: moved it to 90 minutes at day 8. felt like exploring more. can really work your but off when a town is mostly small houses under construction

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Well...It depends on how much time has passed after the nuclear fallout, after 40-50 years the world would be full of flora (It's just an estimate) Maybe that guy who worked with radiated material could help us know better (I don't remember if it was ZombieSurvivor? idk)


Not I but I know who you are talking about.... cannot remember his name.

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90 min days nomad level, 20 alive

tradepost with all working stations. several of the houses under construction so lots of cement and cobblestone. and a nearby iron vein. my weapons tho suck. bought the bow and generator. and mostly straight intel build. a point here and there in other stats, but only intel has been bought. no crucible yet.


edit: moved it to 90 minutes at day 8. felt like exploring more. can really work your but off when a town is mostly small houses under construction


Ah yeah I can see building that under those conditions.

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I have very little experience with the shotgun so I can't give any opinion. I've brought it up to gazz and he argues vehemently that the shotgun is OP already, dealing the most DPS, devastating cripple/knockdown and has full ranged abilities with slugs.


I had a good shotgun build going (only had a db) and had to restart so now I'm on fortitude again, but I will drink the elixer once I find a decent shotgun and see how it compares to a fresh fort build.


Gazz only says it's OP because he's just looking at the raw numbers and not thinking abstractly about it. Ya each shell is more powerful then a single 7.62 but you have to take into account some of these things:


1. Range

2. Pellet Spread

3. Shots per minute

4. Ammo capacity/Reloads per minute

5. Accuracy <--> Effectiveness

6. AOE/Lack thereof

7. Tier placement comparisons

8. Ammo/Weapon viability against stronger/armored enemies

7. Ammo/Weapon viability against Hordes of all levels

8. Role of a shotgun (right now it's a single shot / single enemy weapon, should be a powerful short range AOE devastator)

9. Does its design full fill a fantasy or is too similar to other Ranged/Melee weapons


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Well we decided rare ore is so rare no one will miss it. We moved asphalt to that slot so you can make asphalt roads now. We could do a 3d rare ore if we had to, it is so rare it wouldn't kill performance. Another way to handle it is just make it look like gravel and its still there but suddenly you are mining $$$$$.

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