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Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!


Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!  

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  1. 1. Alpha 18 Dev Diary!!

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So use gravel? Why is it so important? We could possibly swap gravel for asphalt. I don't think we can add another though, shader limits.


This is not just about about shader limits, the Microsplat you are using dictates what that block can be and only a few blocks (so far only Gravel) can ignore it. There is no xml override to use, any other block placed just takes whatever the splat dictated for that position. Just give us the option to tell a block to override the splat and modders will take it from there. This is severely limiting for anyone wanting even a slightly different world. I am not sure why you are so unwilling to see that your new awesome system destroyed a lot of modding design-space and creative potential..

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This is not just about about shader limits, the Microsplat you are using dictates what that block can be and only a few blocks (so far only Gravel) can ignore it. There is no xml override to use, any other block placed just takes whatever the splat dictated for that position. Just give us the option to tell a block to override the splat and modders will take it from there. This is severely limiting for anyone wanting even a slightly different world. I am not sure why you are so unwilling to see that your new awesome system destroyed a lot of modding design-space and creative potential..




Thank you, that's what I meant

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Two questions.


1. How do you pick up a WorkBench ?

MM said "E", but that just opens it up.


2. Weathersurvival off doesn't work anymore, what is the new command to turn it off ?

It still does not work correctly, I get Heat waves in the middle of the night and can run around most of the day without issue.

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Seriously? I know of nitpicking, but really? This is the one thing you've found to complain about? Of all things? (Which are basically none. You're just wanting something to complain about, and as per usual, you use "nostalgia" as your scapegoat.) The game is better than it has ever been before. My advice: Just stop it. No one cares about the "old man yells at cloud" people. Just saying.


- - - Updated - - -




On it. ;)


In fact, I'll be writing my very own review tonight. :) Too bad multiple [positive] reviews (if one can even do that) would be considered spam, because I would post dozens to hundreds of positive reviews on Steam to potentially [help] drown out the noise of those misfits.


Sadly you cannot write more than 1 review :( I tried to write up another one last night but forgot I had already written a good review a year or two ago.

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Two questions.


1. How do you pick up a WorkBench ?

MM said "E", but that just opens it up.


2. Weathersurvival off doesn't work anymore, what is the new command to turn it off ?

It still does not work correctly, I get Heat waves in the middle of the night and can run around most of the day without issue.


It has to be within your landclaim block radius. You also have to hold "E", not just press it. Thirdly you have to have either bought, or made it yourself (can't be from a poi). Hope this helps.

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These dudes negative reviews are worst than potethic, there is some ameba with 1.2 hours ingame, with like 15 lines of who knows what his brain is thinking.


Kick `em guys, let`s kick their asses and learn them survive.




Steam should make it so that you need a min of X amount of hours in order to write up a review. I hate seeing bad reviews from players that have less than 25 hours in game.

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35,324 In-Game. I just don't want it spoiled by literally 10 butt hurt guys and steams dumb review system.


What's weird is that I updated my review for A18 and it never shows up? Maybe I have to delete it, then make a new one for it to appear on "recent reviews"?


- - - Updated - - -


♥♥♥♥ you, Shotgun Messiah quest. My 4x4 is ready, and I'm coming back with a vengeance. I'll tear that place down to the studs!!


Show em' who's boss.

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Steam should make it so that you need a min of X amount of hours in order to write up a review. I hate seeing bad reviews from players that have less than 25 hours in game.


Results of the active players are speaking enough, this childish feedback is seen from far enough to be ignored from all. They will just sink into the history or whatever Darwin has prepared for them.

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It has to be within your landclaim block radius. You also have to hold "E", not just press it. Thirdly you have to have either bought, or made it yourself (can't be from a poi). Hope this helps.


Ahh, it's at a POI, even though it's in my Landclaim.

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Edit: Btw I love the boat avatar. When you come in an reply to several posts back to back its like your riding in smacking everyone around then sailing off into the sunset with a grin until the next time around lol....


Now I'm waiting for an animated gif of that :)



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Seriously? I know of nitpicking, but really? This is the one thing you've found to complain about? Of all things? (Which are basically none. You're just wanting something to complain about, and as per usual, you use "nostalgia" as your scapegoat.) The game is better than it has ever been before. My advice: Just stop it. No one cares about the "old man yells at cloud" people. Just saying.


Why must you discredit him that much? His complaint is valid. You're the one that's just complaining for the sake of complaining. Let people voice their issues and concerns without downplaying them. If you read Haidrgna's post you'll see that it's perfectly legitimate.


The way he opened with his first post was completely uncalled for, I guess it was a fit of rage, but that doesn't make his point moot.

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My friends and I have decided to play version 17.4 again. Since in 18.0 the creative menue was partially destroyed. No structure has been assigned to the soil types so that they look the same except for 2 exceptions.

After 6 years = ♥♥♥♥, worst update


Please evacuate the premises Oldman.

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Why must you discredit him that much? His complaint is valid. You're the one that's just complaining for the sake of complaining. Let people voice their issues and concerns without downplaying them. If you read Haidrgna's post you'll see that it's perfectly legitimate.


The way he opened with his first post was completely uncalled for, I guess it was a fit of rage, but that doesn't make his point moot.


It's all just misunderstandings on both ends I'm sure. When I first read the concern my first internal reaction was "wtf, of all the things." Especially with the comment about switching back to an older version.

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What is up with screamers?? Out of control! Keep coming and I have no Forge or Workbench, couple torches. I cooked some stuff - not much. Then she sees me when she "can't" see me!! Then calls zombies and another screamer - pretty soon it's like all hell broke loose.


I would expect that if I had like a wall of Forges and Mixers running. Are torches calling screamers?? Does Heat follow me from the Forge running at the Trader far away?? Is code borked?? Am I just really unlucky?

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It's all just misunderstandings on both ends I'm sure. When I first read the concern my first internal reaction was "wtf, of all the things." Especially with the comment about switching back to an older version.


That's exactly what it was, to be honest. I suppose I overreacted a bit because I could legit see some people complaining about such trivial matters. :p


- - - Updated - - -


What is up with screamers?? Out of control! Keep coming and I have no Forge or Workbench, couple torches. I cooked some stuff - not much. Then she sees me when she "can't" see me!! Then calls zombies and another screamer - pretty soon it's like all hell broke loose.


I would expect that if I had like a wall of Forges and Mixers running. Are torches calling screamers?? Does Heat follow me from the Forge running at the Trader far away?? Is code borked?? Am I just really unlucky?


It's a current bug. It will be dealt with soon. (: (Yes, Screamers are out of control, for now. Happy farming!)

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So I played some more on my bow guy. It was pretty rough until level 31, when I finally had enough parts to craft an iron crossbow and a workbench lel. It is pretty fun now with a T5 crossbow, but before that the bows and stuff were terrible and I used a 9mm a lot of the time.


The bow stuff seems a little off. The better bows are gated by rare bow parts, a workbench AND a book.


Although the real problem is that it looks like the required bow parts goes up as you are able to craft better bows... is this intended?


T1 bows and stuff are like 5 bow parts... when you can craft T5 bows it requires like 12-15 bow parts, which took forever to find to craft my first iron crossbow lel. Seems a little extreme.

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It's all just misunderstandings on both ends I'm sure. When I first read the concern my first internal reaction was "wtf, of all the things." Especially with the comment about switching back to an older version.

Some players are clearly very attached to the 3 or 4 dirt blocks. /shrug



The bow stuff seems a little off. The better bows are gated by rare bow parts, a workbench AND a book.

First, you cannot tell me that the workbench is a gate at the time you would be crafting a T5 item.


Are you saying that the iron crossbow that you crafted was gated by a book? If so, that's a bug.

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It annoys the hell out of me that there are 10 or so pissed off guys out there who camp at steam and thumbs up (making helpful) every bad review they can find. This makes the tiny amount of bad reviews there actually is parked on top of the first default review page you see. If you guys have some ♥♥♥♥s to give, you could go there and click thumbs up the positive reviews so we can drown out these 10 guys who are probably mad they got Banned and are marking every bad review helpful.


Steams system is stupid. No one review is more helpful than the next, and haters can skew the perception. Lets fight hate with love and give the positive reviews some love guys, thanks.


These kids should be far more annoyed about the new Steam UI and therefore distracted from bashing 7DTD...

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