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Everything posted by BFT2020

  1. I tried that today through a small mod. I got it so the trader would offer a special mission (kill one zombie with fists) and then had the bar brawling books as rewards. It worked, but only offered 2 books to choose from. It is tied to the code that limits rewards to 2 choices (better barter perk that increases those). I think it could be scaled appropriately, say a T5 quest and not an easy task to do
  2. Great! Thanks. I thought that was the case but wanted to verify.
  3. What is the difference between the two? requirement name="!ItemHasTags" requirement name="ItemHasTags" I understand what happens with the bottom example. If the tag was perkSkullCrusher, then the effect would only apply to items that has that tag. Does the top example mean the opposite? Does it mean it applies to everything but perkSkullCrusher? Or is this just a typo I found in the code?
  4. insulting others because of how they play the game is childish
  5. Doubt it was from anyone associated with TFP if you heard April. madmole as far back as February stated no near release and that everyone would see Developer streams when it was getting close to launching From the man himself on February 16 (on a poster saying he heard it was being released in a month or two)
  6. Good point. Here is the range for the hand held turrets (value is the range based on perk) <passive_effect name="JunkTurretActiveRange" operation="base_set" level="0,1,2,3,4,5" value="10,14,15,16,17,18"/>
  7. Should that have stated "successfully" wrenching a mine......
  8. You might be right on the placement, I knew it was only one person that gets the XP.
  9. There was talk about it possibly coming back, but that was around Alpha 16 or so. With the forum migration, it is hard to refresh my memory sometimes. There is a mod that brings it back, gnamod horde mod. It brings back the arcade version of 7D2D. It's been updated for Alpha 19 I have never played it so I can't give any good feedback on it myself.
  10. I am sure that a successful program manager like you always consider scale and resources when comparing development schedules of different games / companies: GTA 5 was in development for 3 years and had 1000 people on the development project. It was developmed by Rockstar. It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release. Skyrim was in development for 3 years by Bethesda and had 100 people on it, it also used the same engine from Fallout 3 so a lot of the work was already done. It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release. Diablo 3 started develoment in 2001 and was released in 2012 by Blizzard. It was not offered at any time to play to the mass public prior to final release. I thought this was appropriate https://imgur.com/a/4rMuNGi I got over 3000 hours playing this game, and just recently started to mod the game myself. If that makes me a fanboy, I will wear that with pride!
  11. Then start up your own gaming company so you can show TFP the error in their ways.
  12. The issue I see is how you check to see if a book has already been found. Does it check the person looting the container or the entire party? Not sure if you could do entire party, and then you have cases where you got Person 1 with all but one shotgun book looting. He might then find copies of the pistol perk books which another member of your team already has (but wasn't looting). Heck, I am not sure how they would be able to do it just with one person. Right now the perk book lootgroup has 133 books in it. Once the game rolls that loot group, then it has 133 options to randomly choose from. Maybe split up the perk books into more groups and then change the bookshelves to have more "picks" in lootgroups. Though that will also increase the number of books you will receive from bookshelves and might unbalance those books. When I play, I try to find as many traders and start looking for perk books on sale there. I tend to finish the series I want in that playthrough that way, but yeah, trying to find that one last book is always a chore (though I probably forget the times I complete the series easily and only remember the ones I struggle with 😉 )
  13. Read page 147 in the Alpha20 Dev Diary. Roland gave an update on the status of Alpha 20 deployment. If they sold a lot of copies and done at least 20 Alphas, they must be doing something right.......
  14. Auto and shotgun turrets will only give XP to the person that crafted them, not to the entire party.
  15. Did anyone answer your question? One thing I noticed (and I am new to this so I just learned myself) is progression file. You might want to do to the following instead <set xpath="/progression/perks/perk[@name='perkGreaseMonkey']/effect_group/passive_effect[@name='RecipeTagUnlocked'][@tags='carBattery,ammoGasCan,vehicleMinibikeChassis,vehicleMinibikeHandlebars']/@tags">carBattery</set> That changes what can be unlocked via perk points. So now if someone buys that perk, the only recipe they unlock is car batteries. Leave the tags in so you can reference them later on. To set requirement on level, I think you need to do it in the recipes file and add the level requirement (not sure on this). <level_requirements level="2"><requirement name="ProgressionLevel" progression_name="attPerception" operation="GTE" value="3" desc_key="reqPerceptionLevel03"/></level_requirements> This is from the procession file and sets a level requirement to unlock specific perks. Progression name might be changed to the perk name and value is the level of the perk (so 2 for minibikes). This is all theory in my head as I haven't tried the set level to craft
  16. Really? Because the whole thing you had was against 7D2D streamers which I don't think you even know much about them. I mean, come on, the whole beef you had was a perceived slight that you had that 7D2D streamers were delaying the game for everyone else. You painted a broad brush against streamers, then try to make it as if you weren't being toxic to them by pointing out that you used things like 95% or most. It's like you went into attack mode against them, then try to act like you are the victim because people are pointing out what you said. Heck, you even went after people that watch streamers at one point.
  17. To do a quick check, remove the lines from the quests file I mentioned and start a new game on the same map. See if it points you to a trader.
  18. That's not crafting hordes though, that's a dance party!
  19. That's not true actually. When the unmodded Find Settlement quest starts, it looks for a trader in the Pines Forest only. This is the code in the quests data file Notice line 2 which states OnlyBiome (filter) and line 3 (Pine forest). If you don't have any traders in the pine forest, it will state that no traders are found. If you were to remove those two lines (or make them into comments), any trader would suffice for the quest. If you comment those two, and uncomment the two below it, any trader not in the wastelands would suffice for the quest.
  20. Or it is a custom map via KingGen/Nitrogen that has a single biome with no pine forest and no modification to the find settlement quest. In vanilla 7D2D, the find trader quest looks for one in the Pine Forest Biome only
  21. If you want to accuse someone of defending, you can accuse me as I am defending Roland not defending horde sizes. okay had to check that made sense to me. 😁 If you look at Roland’s posts, it is clear he was explaining why the developers made the decisions they did on a game in early development. He was not defending it, just providing context. Context is key as it shows the logic and why decisions were made. A good example of defending is actually debates. Each person picks a side and defends or promotes that side, even if they don’t agree with it. They minimize or gloss over the weaknesses and amplify the strengths. If you read Roland’s posts, you can clearly see he was not glossing over the weaknesses of limiting the number of zombies. If you look at the nuances in his posts, you can see the teacher in him giving us, the player base, some knowledge that we may or may not know. I also wonder if people already drank from the poison well, and everything they see associated with TFP as being poison.
  22. white knight is a common phrase in English
  23. You probably have a syntax error on the POI list and causing it to skip this POI. KingSlayer and crew made an outstanding effort to make it work with DF. Can you post your POI code so we can see it to determine why you are not getting her?
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