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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. To be honest, I'd rather not anyone rely on A19 info, since they changed multi-stage blocks quite a bit. For example, a reinforced iron hatch is still three stages, but the first stage shows 3000 health, and breaks to the next stage at 2000. This may mostly be a visual upgrade, but it could have had an impact on the harvesting. Furthermore, I think they changed at least the stages of harvest from a car, I think I saw an engine dropping from the last stage, while earlier it was the middle of the middle stage only. But ok, a simple version from A19: The only things that mattered to your harvest total were the block type (a car, a corpse), tool type (a pick, a knife) and your various buffs (skills, candy, etc). For each swing with a proper tool, the game would count a proportion of the "total harvest", according to the proportion of the damage done (damage done to block / block max HP.) When you went over the max HP of the block, it would only yield as much as a swing with that exact damage would have yielded. And add the "destruction bonus", when applicable. So the design intent seemed to be to give each node an equal amount of resources "however fast" you harvest it, as long as the tool is right. This may have been slightly broken with multi stage blocks, importantly, cars. Doing, say 149 damage, you'd hit through the first stage or a car (300 HP) in three swings, last of the three would do 147 damage to the second stage (the second stage gave a lot more resources, including having a change for an engine at 150/300.) This damage would not yield resources from the 2nd stage, only from the first (and I think it was capped by the hitpoints of the first stage), so you'd essentially lose 147/300 of the gas and parts the second stage was meant to give. I tried avoiding it sometimes by hitting the car with a weapon at suitable times to change the crossover point, but ... It seems the A20 system has changed somewhat, so please check what you're getting for the first few times at least ..
  2. A19 info, but the game doesn't really know the difference. Only the tool type (wrenches vs anything else) counted. As in, you would get the same amount of mats per item regardless of attack type. As for the OP.. well, I could describe A19, but go ahead and test it out, tell us what you found..
  3. You seem to have 96 hanging blocks and 20 supporting faces; 4.8 blocks per face. That should be fine on any single type of the basic building materials. If there's dirt in there, that could cause issues; if there's farm plots - check the numbers, I haven't looked at A20 numbers. Or if there's a combination of different types of blocks, steel weighs a lot for wood to carry etc. To be fair, I haven't looked at ANY of the weight values in A20 yet.
  4. I'm assuming it's one per city, mostly based on watching some tubers. 10k map, plenty of cities?
  5. I think I saw the middle one during the streamer event, so, that's completely uncertain confirmation for all of them...
  6. RNG is Random Number Generator. The sentence it was used in is a bit off for using it like that, but the acronym has taken on a meaning "something to do with randomness"; what they meant to say is in the latter part of the sentence.. "it's luck based". LBD is Learn By Doing .. it's a pretty well trodden argument on these forums, essentially it is what you referred to as "passive skills."
  7. Yeh, ok, that's what I thought - basically you could've built a base wholly out of iron bars in A19 as well, but they were a little on the weak side, now they're steel. It is an advantage for sure, but time will tell if the hordes will suffer for it - it's not like we haven't had the zeds either electrocuted or banging on steel walls or just running loops, with a good line of sight for each case.
  8. Hmm... every day is 1+0, with range of 0. If you have a range of 7, isn't 1+7 = day 8 possible as well? So basically it might've been working just fine? Got nothing on the log lines though, they seem a little funky
  9. Am I missing something if I characterize the issue as "iron bars got a massive upgrade to match the HP of steel"? I'm sure there are some new designs that would've been uglier with the old blocks, but is there a big functional difference hiding somewhere?
  10. I kinda agree with the sentiment, but in A19 I had couple fences running on day 7 (7x60 min), the gyro was a little more successful hiding to the later parts of game. Then again, the A19 fences were insane if you could set up a place where you could repair them. Basically two poles could keep any horde stunned enough to negate their block damage entirely. If they're a lot weaker now - well, infinitely weaker I guess - having a couple on day 7 might even be the intended design. If they won't make your base immune, then why not @RossLGould, it seems your problem stems pretty purely from the nerfed nature of the fences; I feel for your loss, but the things were stupidly powerful. I guess it is time to figure out how you can repair your walls during a horde .. or something
  11. And there's no need to - the loot looks pretty reasonable to me for the added gamestage; half of it is scrap tier, couple a tier better and then the one steel spear at 6 .. nothing exceptional on an increased loot stage. Don't let the internet under your skin, not even if it's Musk's implants And if anyone has doubts, heading over to the xml:s to check is pretty easy for anyone who owns the game..
  12. I haven't played a lot, but the one horde night I have done this far, was indeed over somewhat after midnight. Nomad, 60 mins, I think 16 max-alive, half a dozen mollies or so. Pretty default everything else.
  13. Heh, I won't disagree, but I've gotten so used to dropping a stash at every POI that I don't really notice an issue. Sure, I'm leaving half the stuff behind, but it's the same useless-for-now bits that I've learned to ditch, now there just seems to be more of them ..
  14. Really? Geez, that's half the game right there ... Hmm, set up a basic fort near the wasteland, make raids from there.. guess I have a theme for my next playthru ..
  15. That's also me; I may be taking double the damage, but I'm taking maybe 25% of the hits thanks to the mobility..
  16. Hah, that's one m***f**r of an emergency..
  17. But I said "you will". Of course I was wrong with that, to some probability If you can rely on the club for 95% and get the heck outta dodge for the remaining 5%, there's zero randomness with the club approach. But yeh, if that's what you've been doing, just testing things out is a perfectly valid reason to change from it ..
  18. Hmm.. start a couple games with 3 Str and 2 Pummel Pete, make a yellow club straight away. Next point for forge and make the bat. The point would be to get great with the melee. Might be a bit painful, but should be fine. You'll get enough glue, pipes and ammo from basically trash piles to make a backup firearm - as long as you use it as a backup, not the main weapon And, I'm sure you meant "tree stumps", but nests don't drop honey.
  19. The pipe baton is a pipe version of the stun baton, not a club, so comparing them like that is a little odd. And if the Pipe Machine Gun is amazing.. I think it's the one that honestly needs a nerf. Good post otherwise
  20. Hmm... does Dead-is-Dead involve a difficulty setting for you? 2-3 club swings sounds a little above default, but not exactly Insane? I was fine with a bone knife for the first week, but I took my difficulty down to Nomad to have a chill start. Nothing there screams "wrong", esp on a lower difficulty, although: You mean "quality", not tier, right? A lot of tactics could be employed on higher difficulties, spikes, tiny towers of about two blocks, blocking doorways and such, but you sound like you're fighting head first?
  21. Struck by lightning... well, that's one way to make the wasteland risky.. Probably not a thing. I'm not aware of anything that should insta-kill you from 170. Maybe mines got a buff, but those are too loud to miss usually. Likely a bug, but good luck on the next run
  22. I take it you're not a dev .. and while the internet might become a quieter place, the devs would lose precious feedback - they Do want to deliver a good experience as the default, but if they won't even know how people are playing it... Already some of the complaints about food turn into "how long days are you using", "are you wearing heavy armor" "were you wounded" ... adding "have you changed this setting" x N isn't going to reduce that. But again, I'd love it if someone implemented "settings as a tool", to exploit the full power of the current xml:s .. kinda like a mod-generator. Should be able to solve a whole lot while taking the burden off of the pimps.
  23. I'm all for settings, but if they're coming, they'll be coming in a beta patch or later. Settings are a development nightmare - it's easy to say "just test with one set and be done with it", but then nothing works properly unless you use a predetermined combination. Or you have to put real effort into balancing the settings. I would love to see an external tool to edit the current xml:s in a proper UI though, that would give people a lot of freedoms with the existing game
  24. Something like Iron gut? (I know it's different than what you suggest, but, it's right there)
  25. Sure, if one chooses to make a clean cut between "crafters" and "looters" and then require an absolute balance of "if they can't have it all, the others can't either." I fail to see either the separation or any need for the absolutism in the current game.
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