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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. If you're playing SP, nothing wrong in going fly/no-clip to retrieve one either. F1, dm, esc-menu > couple tickboxes will give you the ability to fly thru things. Using god mode is "easier" but it will also fix you up to full health, hunger and such, so only use that if you're ok with a little cheated-in help.
  2. I tend to leave sledges unattended for long times, since they don't need reloading.. that makes it look like I'm having issues mostly with them, as sometimes coming back to the base one has dug itself to terrain layer or some such. If I left the shooters out as much, I'd likely see just as much issues with them. No point in avoiding them all together, but don't leave them out in the open. They get scared alone..
  3. theFlu


    Yeh, it feels weird. Cant say I understand why, I'm assuming it's simply not entirely thought through. But shh, don't go telling them, the next thing you know they'll nerf stone yields.
  4. That's a strong "maybe" ... Don't see why they wouldn't, but I don't have 5 people to have test that..
  5. See, Roland promised that 50+ servers will be officially supported in a year!
  6. Your "a day" vs his "per play session" or "night", which I assume is several hours of real time. Several stacks is a lot, put it's plausible given long enough sessions and maybe using it to heal as well.
  7. I dunno, I think I'm more lost with understanding that Subquake ad than I was before; are we talking about the drum'n'bass event from Netherlands... or did Undead Legacy have something to do with something here? No worries thou, I don't to need to understand..
  8. I'm in no way disagreeing with entropy and the inevitable heat death of the universe, but "ice repelling heat upwards" is a theory pretty suitable for zombie fan fiction... It's not a magnet!
  9. The drink buff counts down reeal slow for the last 20 "seconds", giving a couple minutes of extra duration and keeping you at full drink. I think the eating buff does the same. For the water you also get the stamina regen buff for the extended duration, so overdrinking plain water for day-to-day sprinting or combat is a decent idea.
  10. I'm not going to pretend that an internet translator can do any justice to what you may or may not have said. As in, I won't try, and as such, I'm just as unable to help as before. But good night ..
  11. But since the event happened; maybe the lower quality zed meshes don't update properly or don't have a headless state in the first place?
  12. That reminds me, I need to get some good yogging shoes, I think it might improve my downward sprinting dogs and cow-cat-walks a lot. And as a mod you should know, pink thirst is just not something to joke about on these forums...
  13. As far as I understand, the colors for the highlight are related to structural support; purple is a warning that there is no proper support at that location. With plants, some of the aiming and support things are a bit off so it may well show a wrong color for the highlights as well. Plants do care if they light or not, but that afaik is a fairly simple distance calculation to the nearest free-up-to-the-skybox block, I don't think that is shown at planting time.
  14. That is such a bureaucrat solution thou.. "Sir, we have an issue. Farming is a boring one-man job" "Well, the solution is clear, my dear. Make it a two-man job with a layer of logistic in between, and add some wasted time. Maybe add an overseer and a pre-planner to boot." "Most excellent, sir, I shall draft the appropriate proposal immediately!"
  15. I'd have to agree with Vik here, deterministic is better, but it could well have a "realistic" random element to it. The way I read "there's a random fail-check at entry to a volume" is basically just a 5% chance of "ok, they're all coming at me for no reason again." That feels bugged whenever it happens. If you were to actually have a per-sleeper random level of detection, and no mechanic to aggro the full volume once you wake up one, you would at least see that not everyone wakes up and it would feel more natural. Plus it could even be useful for luring out some and not all at once. I think these elements are in the game already, watching some tubers occasionally wake up only some; but for my personal experience, it feels really binary whether a volume wakes up or not. Maybe it's just really out of balance at the moment.
  16. I wrote three separate things in response, but I think I'll keep my head down...
  17. Come on man, it's clear as day! It's "random"! It does.. the thing! I mean, I have no idea..
  18. It sounds interesting, but it suffers from the exact issue stealth does; balancing. If it works "well", it negates all the zombie traps TFP has carefully sprayed all over the POIs. If it works "poorly", it's not worth the stone (nevermind the toolbar slot). If you find a "decent" balance, you'll end up stealthing past your targets in those Clears again. Would be fun to clear rooms with a stone-wait-mollie, but it would be a little OP..
  19. They really need to upgrade their RWG, that winter biome border is blocky AF.
  20. A Clear isn't really a stealthy operation by nature; you'll be making your presence known to everything, so, the incompatibility doesn't really bother me. The fact that you actually can 'clear' the kitchen with a shotgun and then step over to the oblivious living room and "sneak" that part is lot weirder. The closets themselves seem to get worse every iteration; they're annoying enough at the moment that I'd be happier if the game just honestly spawned zeds behind me instead. We've had zeds sitting on roof tiles that can't carry their weight, as evidenced by the moment they activate; they fall. Now we have zeds "wallpapered" in to structurally ridiculous shelves above staircases and "wallpapered" within brick walls. These make the world feel like one massive gimmick-fest. I'm just waiting 'til the poi designers figure out you can flip a pressure plate mine around, paint it as carpet, and replace a floor block... hey, at least it would be more realistic. One way to make 'clearing' more compatible would be to handle the POI sections like an actual clear operation would. Make the quest actually have you check all the corners and cupboards and ceilings, leaving no room for missed spawns. I don't like the idea, since it would become a hand-holding icon hunt instead of anything resembling a world, but it would "work" better.
  21. Indeed, and you referred to "motor [parts]" as end game for "most people"; I did assume that means you agree. I described how a lot of those are linked to said motorized phase of the game, and steel parts being a gating item, as in not-exactly-basic either.
  22. I know nothing; I'll refrain from voting. I can guess that when the changes drop, I won't really like it at first, then I'll get used to it, and sometime after that I will be in a position to vote on this. My biggest fear is that I may end up feeling constrained to a specific set of gear... which is completely silly because I will happily wear a full set of Padded for entire playthroughs, for about 9/10 of my playthroughs...
  23. That's a necessary addition; I was trying to avoid the math for @ElCabong, since it didn't seem to land. But my "at 10 seeds" seems quite intimidating in comparison to "spare 3 crops" .. even those small spares will (likely) have a great effect in the stability. 10 was just random from me, darnit..
  24. The simulation is likely correct; the conclusion from it is Not "nah, it'll be fine." You plant three and are limited to two new seeds the moment you harvest no seeds.. this means you aren't keeping any spares. You'll need to. How many spares? There's no perfect amount, but 10 of a kind will be pretty hard to fail. Then again, if you have 10 seeds, why not plant them? There's two main ways out from the risk a 3-seed farm poses at LotL 1 .. spend more skill points, or get more spare seeds. You'll just need to pick one
  25. That's basically the first point of lotl; you Can crash, but restarting requires exactly that one seed. Get to 3 seeds per plant and you're pretty safe with minimum points.
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