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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. I've made a few maps, none of them have been unplayable. If you have specific demands for a map, you're going to have to check, but you should be perfectly fine with any. And if something does go horribly wrong, you'll see it within the first week of playing.
  2. Umm, yeah, a bit, although I made a little mistake in my units there.. 36k was supposed to be 36M, which would've been an entire 6k x 6k map. Cheeky way of saying, "I don't really think of the POI as my farm, the plots will do absolutely fine wherever I don't know which triggers me more, the flowerpot aesthetic forced by the farm plots or the fact you didn't just plant those shrooms on a wall somewhere. A nice haul nonetheless
  3. Time flies, this was three weeks ago..? Anyway, I ended up doing a bit of themed playthru with an axe, figured I'd share some of it. Overall it's all right, but can't really compete with any of the non-spear weapons in the game. Warrior difficulty, feral sense always, pretty much default otherwise - so, pretty chill all around. Made myself a Q5 Iron axe on day 3, ended up using that as my main weapon up to day 25. Mostly because I didn't really get transportation before that, I just chose not to build any. That meant that the loot levels were tied to my origin base in the forest and thus no Steel tools until post-motorbike. Once I got a Steel Axe (q4, looted in a snowy SM factory), I also got a Steel Sledgehammer (q6, quest reward). I gave them both a shake for the sake of comparison, the sledge without skill points wins hands down; similar speed, double the damage and thus a lot more control and whatnot. Armored Radiateds were not a pleasant fight even 1v1 on flat terrain. Doable, but pretty much guaranteed taking of heavy damage. Timing is key, but even landed blows won't always give you enough room to dodge the next attack. Bunkered down in a book-house, made some holes in the garage walls to fight hordes out of; couldn't really keep up with the damage output with the axes. The first horde, maybe, but ended up using mostly boomers and some AR:s for the rest, with a little help from a robo turret. Overall, for questing and such, it's fine; you might have to cheese at doorways a little more compared to actual weapons, and the difference is significant enough to sacrifice that single toolbelt slot. But if you really really want to get into mining ASAP at the cost of everything else, it's definitely usable until you gather enough extra skill points for a good Baseball bat.
  4. Hmm.. depending a little on your settings, most POIs have between 36k and 100k 36M and 100M viable farming block positions around them. If that's not enough, you can always make underground extensions with suitable light shafts, easily 4-10 layers of plants before bedrock. After that, you're going to have to start building upwards. EDIT: numptied the units
  5. Doesn't have to be a number, words work fine too.. also, sticky:
  6. That's a peculiar approach.. you doing a school project or something? Searchable trees, ye, bug. Mostly related to messing up versions of the game and/or mods. Other bugs? There's plenty; there's even a public listing of known bugs on this very forum. For, you know, bug reporting purposes on an early access title.
  7. With the amount of entertainment IP in Microsoft hands, I'm starting to wonder when Disney decides to branch into IT...
  8. Well, there you have: x-bow q5: 13.5 * 1.4 +/- 15% = 16.07 to 21.74 steel bolts with 4/5 arch: 63*1.4 = 88.2 the sum doesn't fit yet: 104.3 to 109.9 Giving the range of of the bow a benefit from archery would; ((13.5 * 1.4 +/- 15%)+63)*1.4 would give a range of 110.7 to 118.6 That only goes against my recollection of the old test; could well be the case, this would make more sense. Assuming you're using steel bolts.
  9. So, an "inverted" turret would only fire when it doesn't receive power? Inverted blade trap the same? Turn off the generator and your traps start running? Basically, all the electronics are working on a really simple logic, which doesn't really allow for a "not". Would make more sense for doors than traps, but it kinda is what it is. You can technically overload a generator to turn "something" off when powering up something else, but that's such a hassle I wouldn't try. Even if you get it right at a point For just functionality, you could make the bridge-door be open by default and only close upon spotting a threat by using cameras to detect zeds, but that's not the point of course, doesn't feel half as nice. It would keep you safe, but just always be open - and you would need a secondary entrance or some fancy setup to open it manually. For that, a camera that detects you opening hatches that block the cameras that spotted the zeds might work, but talk about complicated ...
  10. "Some of you may die, but it's a sacrifice I'm willing to make. For Science, you know!"
  11. Ah bummer, I'm using the old default of 30 days, my world isn't even that old yet ...
  12. Your first edit was better; the description for SRex only states "melee and tool" and I can't see anything obvious limiting its application in the xml.. ?
  13. Huh, the things you don't notice. I just took a quick visit to couple nearby houses that should've had their 5 days of rest next to my base. Didn't find anyone in either.
  14. I read it through, it's not a bad draft for A loot system, but it opens up a pile of questions. Biggest of them is, what is the issue you're trying to solve? The system you describe is pretty well replicated by the current one, with the exception that the current one uses a player's level as a "base level" to all loot, with your staging modifiers working as multipliers to that; I fail to see a significant difference. Other than being able to run into wasteland to loot guaranteed quality 1 chainsaws and augers on day 1?
  15. Assuming I got the range for the weapon right earlier, going with steel bolts and 5/5 archery, and my fuzzy recollection of that test; I could suggest the bolt damage simply being 63*1.5 = 94.5 From 117.5 backwards that would give 117.5 - 94.5 = 23 damage for the crossbow itself, which is two points above the range of a quality 5... something is adding something extra there. If it is the (50%) archery skill applied to the bow as well, the total 117.5 would be below the range which makes equally little sense .. Some 10% night time buff or some such? I don't think these would show up on the UI, but who knows..
  16. Hah, we even did basically the same edit
  17. Hmm... items.xml should give the answers, but the damage setting is spread between the weapon and the ammo types, and not exactly knowing how they interact isn't going to let me give a great answer. The 'basic' bolts have damages 50, 59, 63 (stone, iron, steel). The comp crossbow (items.xml:5428 gunBowT3CompoundCrossbow ) has a damage of..: <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="base_add" value="13.5" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- damage offset --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value="-.15,.15" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- random EntityDmg --> <passive_effect name="EntityDamage" operation="perc_add" value=".1,.5" tier="2,6" tags="perkArchery"/> <!-- tier bonus --> So supposedly, 13.5 * 1.5 +/- 15% for a quality 6. That's 17.21 to 23.28 damage for the bow. If you're sporting steel arrows, adding 63 wouldn't get us past 86 .. so there's some way to calculate all that, but you'll need to test quite a bit to come up with the actual formula. You can probably see why I just want to shrug now ... EDIT: I seem to recall some testing that lead me to believe that the effect of skills was shown on the tooltip, but the effect only altered the damage of the ammo (was testing guns, but it looks like bolts are set up similarly).
  18. I haven't checked Fort Bites ever, but I did some testing on Pain Tolerance a few alphas back. Things may have changed, but this is how it was: PT was implemented as a "heal after a damage event." So at PT 1/5 (5% reduction), you would take 20 damage, and quickly thereafter heal 1 point. This would stack fine with armor, even at 90%. EDIT-add: The armor would reduce the damage first, and PT would work on the reduced number; at 50% armor reduction, you'd have to take a hit for 40 => reduce it to 20 by armor => get healed for 1 by PT. At 90% you would need to take a hit for 200 => 20 => 1. If you were to take less than 20 damage in a single event, 1/5 PT did nothing - the rounding would negate any amount below 1. Also, if you took 100 damage at 100 health, you would die before the heal took effect. I might end up rechecking this at some point, but that's what I'm going by for now (and never spending a point in PT if not going 10/10 fort... )
  19. "Too" low? Nah. I ain't judging. "Absolutely mind-bogglingly" low? Yes .. I ran some numbers based on A19 xp (assuming no change for A20); You'd need ~150k XP for level 11 Only getting XP from normie zombies, that's ~380 kills That's 7 kills a day. Or, 1 kill every 10 minutes of playtime. (60 min default days) That's a pretty chill way of approaching the game; I had to boot up for comparison, I'm running a chill playthrough playing with an Axe as a main weapon; in that, I'm on day 27, with 2123 kills. That's 78 kills per day, or 1.2 per minute. This is my "chill" game, so you can somewhat imagine my surprise at 10x slower pace...
  20. Is it me who's tripping, or why did this thread take a trip to the console side? It's not nice to tease this/that side of the forum by talking about multiple Alphas..? (the swap ate my useful reply, but others got it mostly covered...)
  21. Just don't block yourself inside with a misplacement...
  22. Whaat? You don't long for the days when your character would randomly roll an ankle walking down a hill?
  23. For the high difficulties, you might have to change how you dig. I propose digging just vertical shafts in essentially chess knight-patterns. The advantage is, you'll have your feet at ground level at all times, plus it might actually require less digging to cover an area (depends a bit on depth). Assuming you can only see the NSWE sides of a shaft, you'll cover 5 blocks per: (X = shaft, S = seen) OSO SXS OSO Since the shape is what it is, you'll need to "misaling" the shafts (X, x = shafts, S,s = their respective seens): OSOOO SXSsO OSsxs OOOxs I used to do this in around A16 just to reduce the effort. Just plug the holes as you go, less surprises.. Now the box may be too deep to find from the surface, try ladders in the hole, maybe. They're pickable now.
  24. Not to mention the 20% sta regen buff from "overhydrated"
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