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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Heh, neat find, that's one blue spruce... .. As the talk was about if it is found in vanilla, at least your UI is slightly modded; any chance you've used a 3rd party map gen for the game? Also, you already have the looted-counter there, you went and put it back for the screenie? (I know I would have.. )
  2. No crucible in a tree's nest..? Darn. Those seem to happen, very rarely, it's a tree and a bird's nest that somehow spawned into the same spot. The tooltip shows what you're aiming at, the loot table is from the nest. Or something to that effect
  3. Hah, at least it speaks, welcome to the forum. Let's call that first response a captcha. A turing test to follow... I still don't know if you're looking for someone to unban you (look for the support-section if so), or if this was just an introduction of sorts. Anyhoo, welcome! EDIT: Ok, you added some more while I replied.. I dunno if there's a separate Discord-support somewhere, but I hope the forum staff can guide you to the correct section. Check the top bar unless @Roland can guide you somewhere better..
  4. Is this: - a non-standard customer service request - a sub-standard thirst trap (missing at least a cute pic), or - a really awkward bait-and-link?
  5. Different folks.. for me it turned into an arms race of sorts. They were too smart to deal with "just make walls".. they would break a spot and enter from there. Figuring out which spot they'd break was as simple as looking at the damage at first.. plugging that spot just repeats the problem elsewhere. So after a few horde nights, with a little luck, you've accidentally built something that leads them to a "controllable" location. Why Not take that information to your next base? You know the basic one won't work when you're building it, why would you build something that fails predictably? I could make a few guesses, but you didn't want to know..?
  6. Sure; I can probably come up with a counter argument for everything I said, without sounding too schizophrenic. My point was to highlight that there is no proper "why", it's all just bloody complicated.
  7. The robotics are basically a part of the player; they're meant to me a main weapon for the Int build, so they Have to give XP. Otherwise anyone who wants XP would never spec into one. The traps are a lot less significant with regards to XP, at least in the basic design. And since they're "passive", it's both technically difficult and logically unclear to state even how they "should" work. The builder "spec" is made to be a little weaker in combat, and the trap XP is basically there to compensate for the trap-heavy playstyle. With that, it becomes a little more difficult to balance between single- and multi-player. For multi, it could be somewhat assumed that the builder "stays at home" more than the other, missing some shared XP in the process; getting some extra from a horde night shouldn't be a big deal then. And even if TFP agrees that it should be shared the practical reason of why it isn't may well be "because we can't implement it without rewriting everything." Blocks don't have an actual owner, trap kills aren't granted to the player in general (the kill count or the XP, afaik) so they're significantly different from the weapons - and no other type of XP is shared, be it harvesting or selling or completing quests.
  8. Are you sure it's not giving points to anyone in range with the appropriate skill? That's how I think it works, but it's not exactly something I run into often...
  9. I dunno, maybe scroll up and look at the image on top the forum?
  10. I think you're missing a "hidden" damage modifier for iron type blocks, I think it was 50% one way or the other (reduction in stone axe vs iron). But tbh, I'm not entirely sure if it's in the game anymore. Other than that, you're probably quite close with those numbers. The balance is off enough that I tend to skip tier two tools (iron -) in most specs; sometimes with a str build they're an option for a while - once you can make a Q5 and have no stamina issues using them due to S.Rex. Dunno if they've done anything for the balance for A20 (and I'd rather find out while playing... )
  11. Nah, one of their employees invited me back into it for some useless reason...
  12. Yeh, the tourist AI is a little bonkers at the current A19.. aggro one in a building and observe him digging a hole into a nearby wall and just walk around in the newly-made doorway... in some T5 buildings at least.
  13. Is there a "hide this thread"-button somewhere...? You guys do you, but I'd rather not witness the pointlessness...
  14. 1 is pretty rare, but annoying for sure, I wouldn't mind a fix. I guess it is kinda hard, done poorly you could end up duplicating a quest over and over (one person never completes it and just re-shares). They'd have to keep track of who is on what stage of a quest "instance"; not impossible, but maybe a lot of re-work if the system doesn't support it. 2 Yeah, "having to" is kinda fine, but when you forget for half a session... it sucks.. 3 Two variably "hacky" solutions; you can teleport a player to you in debug mode (dm), I can't remember the exacts though. Or alternatively, you can edit the generated world to remove most spawn points in spawnpoints.xml. Just remove the ones you don't want to end up at. The coords are 0,0 at center, positives grow top-right like any graph, so, negatives are south and west. 4 Learning to share is probably the easiest solution, not to mention the most useful... 5 I don't think there's a way for shared ownership, a little annoying, but it's not like you need to move things a whole lot. 6 Would be great, but I find a fix unlikely, but if they end there, they could also fix the normal containers at the same time ...
  15. I think half the issue is that the generators are just way too low maintenance.. you drop by once a month to pour some fuel in. There isn't really a reason to use anything else. If they were a lot less reliable (somehow, maybe just turning off randomly once a day), there would be a reason to chain a battery bank and eventually upgrade to solar.
  16. Hmm. There's two things that seem odd to me in that story: 1) why did they stop at the halfway through the ladder? 2) why didn't they dig down once above you? For 2 I can guess it was maybe a matter of timing; they were going to dig, but you had the morning interrupt their feral senses and either proceeded to clear them fast enough, or they just gave up soon after - after losing "legitimate" aggro on you. For 1) though.. the zeds are really reluctant to attack terrain. (My info may be from a18, I'm not sure when I've last tested this) They'll attempt pretty much any path before they touch dirt (or stone). Are you sure you didn't force them to dig by breaking the path to you some other way; even as simple as standing on a two-block high terrain "ledge" will make the path to you Require hitting dirt, at that point, they'll behave pretty randomly. For an easy example, if you dig a two-deep hole in your tunnel floor, they won't see that as a path anymore and will try something else instead.
  17. That depends highly on the weights, even at 5x as meganoth suggests, it's still only something like 5:50 to get your second point aimed at the perk your first point was spent on. When there's two different perks allocated, we're at 5:55 to land on either. So it's pretty random still. And nothing is saying that the first two were actually useful... Some random thoughts; - have the player choose every 3rd point, might make it less annoying. Or have it random two perks of which you pick one. - start with a random preset 20 points (and maybe one of those DMT Potions to allow for a single random reroll at start) - the above, but pre-built instead or entirely random (start with a random selection specialising 2 points to a gun or a melee) - increase the gamestage at start (skip the stone age since everything is identical there, and get some ferals to compete with fast)
  18. Hmm, completely random? Probably not; it would end up wasting so many points that you might as well not spend any at all. You'll have an INT of 5 and nothing selected there, one point in all of the things, two max, and nothing actually powerful. Selectively random, as in 50% of taking points from Tree1, 30% from Tree2, 20% for all others, with some weight for preferring weapon skills sanely etc? Ehh, probably not, it would "force" the selection of my weapon, but I already know I can play with any of them. Doesn't sound like an impossible idea, but it would suit a faster-paced game better (or a fast-paced mod overhaul); getting to a point where you start feeling the horribleness of your build takes ages...
  19. I ended up spending way too much time messing with my mouse; a Corsair Scimitar. I'll describe my situation since it might be relevant to OP (I still have no idea what the actual issue is though... ) The mouse can be set up to 16000 DPI, but the in-game sensitivity settings aren't able to support that; the lowest sensitivity is still way too fast. At around 3000 DPI, the lowest Look sensitivity becomes playable. Aim sensitivity seems to be settable even at 6k, but since the Look sensitivity is useless at that point, it makes no difference. There may be a level of user error on my part, but at least my OS settings (Ubuntu) didn't seem to have an effect. So, if I'd want to see an improvement, it would be to high-DPI situations being handled better. But again, user error is quite possible.
  20. Hmm, "shaky." Might mean a lot of things. The only reason I know there's a setting for aim is because I had to figure out an issue that plagued my aiming.. After a patch, the aiming seemed really clunky. I was having to aim in front of zeds and wait for them to wobble to the cursor. A little further testing, and I realized I couldn't aim at a cactus at about 30 blocks away, only to the left or right of it - the cursor would move in increments of, I don't know, 10 pixels? I could feel my mouse moving, but not the crosshair, until the crosshair jumped too far. That seems to have been a sensitivity issue thru and thru, and one which could be called "shaky", in a little too few words.
  21. You didn't check, there's a separate sensitivity for aiming.
  22. Check settings, aim sensitivity is there.
  23. I've played a few rounds of Valheim, so I'm not exactly an expert in it, but I don't think the main barrier in it is the LBD. To be honest, it is one of the rare games where the skill system doesn't seem to encourage me to level up anything.. I just don't care of the values, they don't seem to provide tangible benefits - not over damage types and the general progression. I do try not to die, but if I do, the skill point loss doesn't even factor in emotionally. The biggest issue for me with a new play of Valheim is its entirely linear progression. Even the entire second round felt like "All right, next I'll have to grind 200 of <this thing> to progress." There's no reason or purpose to do anything differently, base design is mainly just aesthetics due to the combat being what it is, and so on.. Don't get me wrong, Valheim is a nice game, but the replay issues are in its utter linearity.
  24. They should still give you a new set of quests every day. Tier ones if you haven't done any, higher tiers the more you've done. There are some admin options for traders, try if they help (dm, talk to the trader)
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