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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. I would guess otherwise; your list is using count=10 on one row, BFT's is count=all for six rows. Looks to me like each row is built into a "unique item" first and repeats of a row are then duplicates of that exact item. EDIT-add: not exactly "item", but "the random rolls deciding the item", I may have simplified it too far ..
  2. Pretty easy with the current basics as well; doors/hatches can be placed so that zombies will path across them when they're closed, but not when they're open. Add a trigger a couple blocks before the door to open it. Doesn't work too well with the randomness of the zeds, but it wouldn't improve much with new forms of control.
  3. Any pillar base, some people tend not to trust the sand and thus they build flooring - add a couple cops? The base of the pillars will erode over time as you can't repair them. That's the complaint anyway. I sometimes have a lip around my base just from filling in some cop booms, or to protect from them. Or to run electronics underground. There's plenty of designs and plenty of explosions in the game... at least the way I play it And it's also a physics complaint "this block is just as protected as that block but it gets damaged." It looks entirely covered, but the damage leaks in from the corner - I don't really mind it, I usually have bigger holes in my walls as is, but I can see how it is a complaint ..
  4. Shure, the XP is wonky. Spraying it all over isn't exactly a fix though, that's just equity. I'd rather they just remove XP from mining / building and call it a day, XP = zeds. Mining / building = a functional base, resources to fight said zeds. Or implement that Rol/Boid's 0XP from above or, h, go back to LBD.
  5. Lies, you're just trying to lure me in. Fret not, I got my mask on.. Hmm, fishing might be nice even if it was mostly a waste of time. It's a waste of time with a purpose IRL. I might be a tad jaded, but I doubt vanilla is going to see it. I seem to remember some mod having added fishing in, but tbh, I might be mixing games. At least fish traps should be perfectly moddable though.
  6. You actually can. You can aim at the corner and repair/upgrade the block that is 'hidden'. Then again, for any self-built structure, use a strategic not-exactly-full block there, halves used to be fine, there's thicker versions of those now. And a thousand other shapes 50 blocks away with a rocket launcher? Doesn't really change the problem, many a base with a flooring outside will have a hidden wall block.
  7. Paintbrush, paint, just as before. The Writable Storage Box probably won't still take paint, use the Storage Box. (20.1 b5)
  8. That would be the point though, to speed up the early to mid game. Level 9 in a group with rads wouldn't really happen because of that, that would require the others not to do anything at all, which would be .. well, weird. Then again, I'm currently sitting in wasteland making a swimming-corridor-base for a penetrator build... weird might be what I do.
  9. Yeh, it's also a bit self defeating; farming can be removed from that list as it's not that big of an investment or XP source, but assuming one guy is mining and building, trying to have them also loot all the big stuff is going to be difficult.
  10. Hmm... I wonder how many of those groups would change their approach the moment they realize they'll get bigger hordes and better loot by levelling one guy above the rest...
  11. <They always have; astronauts> I don't know which youtuber caused it, but it's for some reason become an error done by tons of people at once. The simulation is getting really borked. That thing they removed in.. A19? Is it back?
  12. The reason you're glad is the exact reason it exists; without shared kill XP, questing in groups would turn into silly round robin games of sharing kills. Or a competition on killing blows, or both. I don't think TFP ideally want any type of XP sharing, but for group killing, it's kind of a must. For the other things like mining, it's a lot less weird not to share. But since one form of sharing is in, the other forms are becoming an issue; at least they're not really well in balance; miner/builder will make a ton of extra. Sharing it all is a solution, but it will kinda feel really stupid for my friend to be levelling up on top of my mine during a night, doing nothing...
  13. If you want some thumbnail-sized help, go into the /GeneratedWorlds/(world name), there's a biomes.png image there. The thumb will spoil the biomes only, buut, it is spoiling anyway.
  14. To return to the exact situation, sure. But just to avoid restarting the whole thing, you could just re-spawn the latest wave based on how far you were in when you logged out, that could be done on just the number of spawns. You wouldn't really know the difference because the zeds will start moving while you're still loading in. The bags are saved already, you don't lose them on logout.
  15. For a really simple but functional version, you'll save night-number, steamID (or ID-of-player-record which can then get away with being a byte) and number_of_spawned ... so that's three bytes per player.
  16. Been the case for ages; seems intentional, probably to give people disconnecting from a server something to do when they manage to get back online. Or for a plethora of other server thingies.
  17. Goes for all buffs I think, coffee at least. It is supposed to, but iirc in A19 it was capped to max of two items or so. Not sure if there's a bug.
  18. It's the basic idea of a fully functional* horde base, "the hatch base" or whatever. Two high doorway, a hatch blocking the lower half, your club blocking the upper half, no easier way in. *degree of success may vary with individual preferences, additional use of traps, buff consumable selection, character level, and skill point distribution. No warranties given, implied or otherwise.
  19. Since we're still in @POCKET951 's thread; Applying that formula to the OP: min (63 + 13.5) * (1 - 0.15 + 0.4) = 95.625 max (63 + 13.5) * (1 + 0.15 + 0.4) = 118.575 Soo, yup, you should be close to the max roll on that. But that would not be showing the effect of skill points then; maybe it isn't? Let's see what BFT figures out about that ...
  20. Yup, that tightened it up real nicely. A bit surprising - I tried a couple combinations, but didn't think variation wouldn't multiply with quality ...
  21. I wasn't sure if I'm just being nitpicky, or if there "must" be something at play here, so I thought about it a bit.. Your predicted range with Q6-Steel is 65.22 - 88.23. That is 23.01 'wide'. Your results land between 69.7 and 84.1. This is 14.4 wide. 14.4 / 23.01 = 0.6258 The area where your 144 samples land, only cover 63% of the prediction. The likelihood for that sounds.. quite low.
  22. Started anew in 20.1.. Yup. First quest cafe had a straight up usable flat roof. Yup On day 4 I did happen to wonder how bad the screamer hordes are, so I built a little farm setup on the dead-end road next to that roof. Farming went fine. => Hmm, so ... now I actually have a horde base. Likelyhood of me bothering to move on..? Rapidly approaching zero Maybe toss some walls around the cafe roof at some point ...
  23. The sample size seems good, and the equation is definitely in the usable range; but.. (sorry ) It looks your prediction might "overvalue" quality somewhat, like 0.5 points per quality. In both directions. In your quality 1 you have samples landing spot on on the prediction, but the higher the quality, the further the samples "miss" the limits. This may well be just a rounding issue somewhere in the programming, or just bad luck with the sample - but I can't spot any "as exact" hits in the higher qualities as the first, I'd assume at least _one_ closer hit.
  24. Mollies do give XP, that's how I know when the wandering hordes die off. Traps give some XP when you have specced into it; I think Advanced Engineering 3+. Combination; the mollies do so much more damage that you should get most of the XP when zeds are stunned by an Electric Fence. The killing damage counts, so technically you might have them all killed by the fence, but that should be unlikely.
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